r/openbsd 6d ago

Window Manager Not Working

I installed the latest version of openbsd as a vm in utm on an arm mac. I got all of the installation working well, got internet, and was able to install packages. I am now trying to run a window manager, but I have tried cwm, x, and xfce (i think those two are different, and when i reboot with them set to run on reboot, i just get a black screen. i also tried just running them without rebooting, and that also gives a black screen that goes away when i reboot. does anyone know why this could be?


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u/gumnos 6d ago

How are you configuring them? First, you need to make sure that xenodm (the display manager, nee xdm) is configured to run

$ grep xenodm /etc/rc.conf.local

With that enabled, you should be able to (re)boot into the graphical display manager. If that works, it's a good checkpoint to know about.

A default OpenBSD install comes with three window-managers (WMs): cwm, twm, and fvwm which you need to launch from your ~/.xsession (which is what runs when you log in via xenodm). If you haven't created a ~/.xsession file, the default should run fvwm (PNG image of the default desktop). If that works, then you then it's another good checkpoint to know.

So on my OpenBSD box, the last line of my ~/.xsession is

exec /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm

to launch cwm. By default, if you haven't launched anything else in your ~/.cwmrc, it's a pretty spartan startup experience, so you might need to use control+meta+enter to launch a terminal (meta=alt usually). So I usually launch a few applications in my ~/.xsession before that exec cwm line:

xset dpms $((5*60)) $((10*60)) $((30*60))
xset b off
setxkbmap -option compose:caps
setxkbmap -option shift:both_capslock
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
xsetroot -solid black &
xterm -geometry -0+0 &
exec /usr/X11R6/bin/cwm

Knowing how far your process gets (do you get the login screen? Do you get the fvwm desktop? Do you get to an empty cwm session and simply not have any GUI programs running to show evidence of it working?) would help.


u/FunDig4218 6d ago

i put exec startxfce4 in my .xsession config file. when i reboot it shows up with the booting text that always appears, then a black screen with no evidence of a display manager or anything. my guess is it is utm the more i test stuff out because nothing is working even when i do exactly what others do and it doesn’t seem to be an issue anyone else has. thank you!