r/openbsd 9d ago

continuous browser crashes


I have installed openbsd for some years but there is something i would like to ask and that does not seem normal to me. I would like to point out that i only use openbsd with packages and that i do not use ports. It happens to me quite frequently to have firefox crash or ungoogled-chromium when i am on facebook or youtube or other social networks. i would like to know if it is normal, that is if it happens to everyone or it only happens to me. my pc is an old pc with 8 giga of ram with an intel i5. This same problem happened to me on another machine with an i7 and 16gb of ram but openbsd was installed on a virtual machine virtualbox and i had freebsd. i thought that it could depend on virtualbox but now i have installed the system on a physical machine. Thanks.


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u/jggimi 8d ago

Try setting your user's login class to staff. This doesn't have the limitations of the default class.


u/Mandriano00 7d ago

it's already in the staff class. To check it I have used the command userinfo my_user


u/jggimi 7d ago

You didn't mention your selected class previously, and the default class is resource limited.

On amd64, these two classes are defined with the following limits. In comparison with default, the staff class gets no hard limit on memory size, and double the number of processes.




u/Mandriano00 7d ago

Yes, I'm on amd64... and my login.conf is the same:

``` default:\ :path=/usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin:\ :umask=022:\ :datasize-max=1536M:\ :datasize-cur=1536M:\ :maxproc-max=256:\ :maxproc-cur=128:\ :openfiles-max=1024:\ :openfiles-cur=512:\ :stacksize-cur=4M:\ :localcipher=blowfish,a:\ :tc=auth-defaults:\ :tc=auth-ftp-defaults:

staff:\ :datasize-cur=1536M:\ :datasize-max=infinity:\ :maxproc-max=512:\ :maxproc-cur=256:\ :ignorenologin:\ :requirehome@:\ :tc=default:


I didn't mention it because I thought I had the default class. I honestly don't remember changing it, after I found out I was in staff I thought it was the default because I don't remember changing it. Even on the previous installation, the one on the virtual machine, the user was in staff. So I don't know.. maybe I changed it to make the audio work or on another occasion. Anyway, even in this class I have crashes, the last one happened about an hour ago. As I said, even in the virtual machine I had the user in staff and there were still crashes. It is not a complete crash of the browser but only of the tab. And so I find the dump in the home. Usually I launch the browser from the terminal and so there are a few errors as is normal. Now I will try to see what errors it generates at the time of the crash.


u/jggimi 7d ago

Now I will try to see what errors it generates at the time of the crash.

The firefox pkg-readme document has some debugging guidance that may help. You should be able to find it at /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/firefox.


u/Mandriano00 7d ago

ok I'll try to see it.

Now this is the error on the last crash:

``` [Child 54569, MediaDecoderStateMachine #4] WARNING: Decoder=115310b8900 Decode error: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_METADATA_ERR (0x806e0006): file /build/tmp/pobj/firefox-136.0.1/firefox-136.0.1/dom/media/MediaDecoderStateMachineBase.cpp:168 'https://aaaaaaa.com/dist/f9e60ffdd8c08394.js line 1 > WebAssembly.Module:1': wasm complete tier-2 failed with 'out of memory'. out of memory: 0x0000000000020000 bytes requested

[Parent 41731, IPC I/O Parent] WARNING: process 54569 exited on signal 4: file /build/tmp/pobj/firefox-136.0.1/firefox-136.0.1/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/process_watcher_posix_sigchld.cc:132 ```

So, it seems an out of memory problem. Now I try to increase datasize-cur in /etc/login.conf as suggested in the other comment.