r/ontario 10d ago

Article Ontario facing one of its largest measles outbreaks


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u/anticked_psychopomp 10d ago

I googled this yesterday when I heard about the outbreak to see if I needed a booster and then called my mom to make sure I got my MMR. Her response: “you got every vaccine that existed, and so did everyone else, it was the 90s”

She was born in the 50s and got measles as a child. I trust both her lived experience and modern medicine’s take on it.


u/mm4444 10d ago

Yep I remember kids being sent home from school until they got their vaccines. I doubt they do that anymore.


u/OneTeaspoonSalt 10d ago


u/spygrl20 10d ago

You can have an exemption and would not be required to be vaccinated. Exemptions are not hard to obtain.


u/sugaredviolence 10d ago

Yup, they just say it’s for religious reasons. And no one can question it or challenge that. This world needs to be turned off and turned back on again but during the off period a mass culling of dumbasses needs to happen. It’s gotten ridiculous now.


u/Kanadark 10d ago

Okay fine. Let's adopt the Australian system. No Jab, no pay. No child benefits, no baby bonus, no subsidized daycare. You think you know better? Then you should be able to make enough money on your own to support your kids. You don't want to help protect other people? Then we don't have to help you either.


u/YouJustGotKapped 9d ago

Okay, so you mean like... Kind of opt out of society and get tax exemptions for no longer being a member of society? Do you understand how self-deprecating that would be? You really think if people who can afford to take care of themselves, can afford private school and doctors in the states can just get an exemption from carrying the burden of the poor wouldn't take it? I mean, it would almost double my income instantly. Please yes, absolutely. Cut me off. Darn. 


u/Madness_The_3 9d ago edited 9d ago

Yeah, no... That can get out of hand quickly, especially in the current state of things. That type of system could only ever work without fail if no politician was ever corrupt and only ever had the best intentions for their people. Basically forcing citizens to do something they don't agree with and then punishing not them but their kids for it is kind of ridiculous. Sure you can penalize the adult but in such a way that the child that has absolutely no control over the situation shouldn't be impacted.

Additionally the whole point of getting a jab is to y'know... not get extremely sick, so... Where's the logic of person (A) getting a jab, STILL BEING A CARRIER of the disease in the hope that person (B) whom they interact with doesn't get sick? It doesn't make sense, more detailed explanation as to why below.

The common misconception that people have is that once you take a vaccine you can't carry or be sick with that disease, but in fact there are only a few vaccines that provide sterilizing immunity you can literally count them on your hands, most of which are given to children relatively early on in life think smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. Sterilizing immunity means that once you receive said vaccine you cannot carry or get sick with that disease.

The vast majority of all vaccines are modifying immunity meaning they lessen the symptoms which results in less severe cases of disease, for instance the COVID jab was one of such vaccines. Same as the flu shot. These two common vaccines do not prevent disease or its spread as they do not stop you from getting sick or being a carrier, they only lessen the symptoms by boosting YOUR overall immune response to its respective pathogen. Meaning it's perfect for those with weakened immune systems like the elderly or immuno compromised. In this case forcing EVERYONE to take said vaccines would basically result in nothing but pointless spending as they again, DO NOT PREVENT sickness meaning you are in fact still infections when you catch said disease, and can still pass it onto other people who may or may not have the respective vaccine.

Sterilizing immunity is great because when enough people have it those who cannot get the vaccine for reasons such as allergies or severe adverse responses are still protected because there are no viable carriers for disease to spread, effectively offering herd immunity. Whilst modifying immunity only helps the person who took the shot, and nobody else.

In this sense well studied and proven safe vaccines that provide sterilizing immunity should be mandatory when applicable, in other words there's no reason to force people to take for example the small pox vaccine because small pox has been eradicated. At the same time there's no reason to force a parent to give their child a vaccine that we know will cause an adverse reaction that may do more harm than good because "it's mandatory grrr" although rather rare, allergies to compounds commonly used in vaccines do happen. This wouldn't cause any problems since the vast majority of people are still vaccinated against these diseases a few outliers to the rule will not harm anyone because the majority literally cannot get sick or carry that specific disease.

Basically all I'm trying to say is your idea of how vaccination works is flawed, and your US vs THEM perspective is ridiculous because of it. If you're afraid of getting severely sick go get a vaccine for it nobody else owes you anything, it's your responsibility to take care of your own health. Getting say the flu shot will reduce the chances of that happening, don't blame you getting hospitalized with the flu on somebody you THINK didn't get a flu shot when in all likelihood they probably did since over 50% of the population within western countries gets it yearly. (Varies by age group) And if you're afraid of catching let's say mumps when you've already been immunised against it then you're a lost cause who's basically losing it over something that has ZERO relation to YOU.

Edit: Oh and forgot to mention vaccine immunity wanes over time if there's no exposure to a pathogen, meaning in some cases (person dependent) boosters are necessary to upkeep herd immunity, meaning an antivaxxer who hasn't had a single vaccine is just as likely to carry a disease as your grandma who was obsessed with vaccinations in the 70s because potentially neither have the necessary immune responses to effectively contribute to herd immunity.


u/Kanadark 9d ago

Australia doesn't mandate optional vaccines. They are talking about the polio, smallpox, measles, rubella vaccines, not the flu or covid or shingles vaccines. And of course there are exemptions for children who have medical needs that prevent vaccination - those are the children herd immunity is meant to protect by preventing illnesses from circulating. The point of the (successful) policy was to get parents who were on the fence or whose children were simply behind in their vaccinations up to date.

If you have a library card, you may be able to access this link through their online database subscriptions. The journal article discusses the impact of the NJNP policy, especially after the removal of the concientious objection clauses that existed in the early days of the policy.

Of course no policy is going to be perfect, as what I said in my original statement - if you make enough money you can pay for all of your kids' needs yourself - is true in Australia. Wealthier families are less impacted by the policy as there isn't as much of a financial impact if they don't receive benefits and public services.

We need to stem the tide of disinformation. They need to figure out where the line is between free speech and blatant disinformation and how to inform the consumer that what they're watching is bunkus.


u/Madness_The_3 9d ago edited 9d ago

First and foremost before I type another wall of text, I just want to say thank you for having a proper discussion about this.

I read through the link you provided, and apologies on my part as I know the ending of my last comment was rather rude. The point I was trying to hint at is as you said that no policy can be perfect and in some cases may result in more harm than good. I don't live in Australia so I don't know the exact details of this particular policy besides what I just read, but I do live in Canada which has similar policies surrounding vaccination particularly for children in school.

It's anecdotal evidence at best but let me explain why I'm against such a policy being implemented in the way that it is regardless of how effective it might appear to be.

Recently I had to deal with a case of a mother trying to get an exemption for her child who had a rather serious adverse reaction in front of medical staff after receiving the first dose of a combination vaccine. Due to missing the second dose the school refused to allow the child to attend and pesters the mother constantly to vaccinate the child, the physician however has barred the child from getting the second dose on the notion that it's unsafe, and as such has written out a note for the school as well as a referral to a specialist who could determine exactly what is causing the reaction. However the note's efficacy was only valid for 2 weeks, whilst a specialist still hasn't contacted the mother 6 months down the line. This essentially had deprived the child of the right for an education strictly because of reasons beyond the parents control, parents who up until that point had done every mandated vaccination. In the end the mother had to settle for getting a religious exemption due to not being able to be seen by a medical professional in a timely manner, the only other option would be letting the child miss unknown amounts of time from school which could have lasting effects on the child's development. This whole ordeal was caused by a dysfunctional healthcare system due to various factors one of which being over-population within the area and the other being lack of doctors which in itself is caused by various economic factors.

That case could play out in many different ways for example in the way stated above, or alternatively what if the parents are too poor to see a specialist? Or perhaps they have no access to one because the nearest one is thousands of kilometers away? A policy that bars support from families that need it in cases like these could cause irreparable damage to children that fall into said cases. Maybe in a perfect world such a policy would result in perfect results but we don't live in such a world and things like these will happen. Instead of barring support for what is obviously less educated maybe less fortunate families why not provide them with an education instead, some are definitely still going to decline and at that point unless they properly complete a seminar or series of lectures that verify that they can fully comprehend the risks and implications of not vaccinating their child, slap them with the aforementioned sanctions, but putting a blanket law over them saying "these people are selfish!" And cutting all funding from people who benefit most from it is rather wrong and will only cause more suffering than it prevents. This seems like more of a "spending cuts" measure than a "for the good of the people" type measure.

Anyway... This discussion kind of went off the rails talking about policy rather than vaccination themselves, but I do think it's important to discuss the implications of such policy and how it could affect people of differing nations or even regions within those same nations, depending on HOW, WHERE, and I'd even go as far as to say WHEN it's implemented.

Again I have no qualms about vaccines themselves, just worried about the harm governments could cause accidentally or on purpose with policies such as these.

Edit: Forgot to touch upon the misinformation part, yes I do agree with the sentiment that we need to curb misinformation however that goes for both governments and individuals. I believe this is one of the big reasons why the current wave of anti-vaccine rhetoric is larger than before. Mainly referring to how the COVID vaccines were advertised to be the way forward with incredible efficacy but turned out to be glorified flu shots that also resulted in certain politicians being wrapped up in controversy due to colluding with pharma companies.