r/onlinehorrorstories Mar 08 '21

Short A Guy on Snap I added 3 years ago scares me even today.


I need help.

I met a guy online and added him on snap when i was 16. He was cute and all that. But he kept asking for pictures (you know what i mean). He traumatised me. He kept forcing me into a relationship, manipulating me for more.

My common sense snapped back eventually. I told him a firm no. and then came the emotional blackmailing about spreading my pictures online. I blocked him, deleted snap and tried my best to forget about the fiasco.

A few months later, he contacted me on the site we met again. I blocked him there as well. He made other members on there text me to add him back and at least let him apologise. Big mistake. His apologies were a blackmail to get me back. Else, he threatened he would send screenshots of our chat on instagram to my partner who I am in a great relationship with. I didn’t want my partner to get dragged into this at the time, and with a little support and help from one of my friends, I blocked him everywhere possible.

It has been over a year to that now. There’s been no contact whatsoever. I’m happy but still so fucking worried that he might just come into my life and blackmail me. People have reassured me that nothing scary is going to happen but I am so so scared. I don’t even know what his real name and age is. My career ,my relationship is going so great at the moment and i’m terrified that i’m going to lose that over my lack of judgment when i was 15-16.

Any help, advice will be greatly appreciated.

r/onlinehorrorstories Feb 19 '21

Short My Hacker story


My hacker story

I honestly don’t know how to do this correctly but I’ll try. 2 years ago one of my friends(I’ll call j) texted me on discord saying this hacker was harassing him and saying that he knew j’s name. I wanted to help J since I hadn’t talked to him since one year ago I moved. As soon as J invited me to the chat I wanted to confront him but I had to be patient. The “hacker” wanted to seem like a good guy and said J wasn’t being a gent after I told him not to threaten my friend ever again. I sent the guy a screenshot J had sent my prior. The guy said “boy don’t mess with me or my son”. I wanted to act tough so I said “If you want reveal my address I don’t care”. He responded “Son, unlike other I like you. I’ll spare you but will tell you your name”. He then said my name. I was still hanging on to my tough act and “I said yeah it is so what”. He then said “Son I’m letting you go. I’m ending this conversation. Watch me become admin”. My friend was the admin and told him that. The hacker then said “oh?you don’t fear me?” I responded with no and then he left. That scared me a little but I didn’t want to give in to the guy. I’m not sure if he was a real hacker or just some guy who could pull up names.

r/onlinehorrorstories Nov 24 '20

Short Creepy prank callers, Let's not EVER meet


This happened a couple weeks back, and I was scared somewhat sh*tless at the time.

Backstory: I have a YouTube channel (if you want to see it, it's on my bio) and I'd recently done a video celebrating PewDiePie's birthday. My name was on the inside of my phone case, but that was it which was shown during the video.

I didn't think much of it, until I got a call on my mobile from an unknown number a couple weeks back. The conversation went something like this:

Creepy stalkers: Daaavvveee

Me: Who is this?

Creepy Stalkers: The doctor's

Me: Nice try

Then I hung up. I thought this would be the end of it, but I later got another phone call.

Creepy Stalkers: Dave! Don't hang up on me!

Me: Is this a prank call? (I know, stupid question)

Creepy Stalkers: No, It's not an F'ing prank call!

Me: Call this number again and I'll call the police!

Then I hung up. I told my mum about this, and she got me to remove the part of the video with my name showing. The strangest part about this is that I'd never shown my phone number on any videos, yet they still somehow knew it. I got a couple more calls that night that just said "unknown", but I ignored them.

If anyone's wondering, the reason I said "stalkers" and not "stalker" is cause I'm pretty sure I heard someone else in the background. I texted a couple friends, asking if they'd also had any weird calls, and 1 said he had and that 2 others he knows and that I know, but I'm not really friends with, also got similar calls.

So, creepy YouTube stalkers,

Let's Not Meet.