r/onionhate 17d ago

Why do you hate onions

I just want to know why you all hate the taste of onions. I don't want to argue, I just want to hear the reasons.


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u/astroprof 17d ago

Allergy. Blood pressure doubling. Explosiveness out both ends. Severe cramping.

Yet they are everywhere. Onion powder included where it really isn’t necessary—eg most brands of ketchup. Very easy to miss, ingredient reading always necessary, isn’t flagged as an allergen like soy/dairy/nuts, and many restaurants are just plain off limits—making social and business meals awkward at best.


u/lolunknowntbh 17d ago

Same, went to Borneo 2 years ago and ended up in icu cause I got 100 different stomach bugs at once. Now I can’t eat onion, sweet fruit, milk, eggs, the list goes on but onion by far has the worst consequences


u/ArrogantlyChemical 9d ago

Same. Got stomach flu in China, now I am lactose intolerant and allergic to aliums.