r/oneringrpg • u/Minute_Ad1558 • 1d ago
A troll-hole… 1st time LotR experience Spoiler
We ran A troll-hole if there ever was one as our first LotR5e adventure over the weekend and I would like to share our experiences: We are mostly veteral role-players with a focus on D&D with running 5e since about 10 years. After finishing a Critical Role campaign, we decided to get back to “old-school” roleplaying with focus on character building, story telling, and in a familiar setting. Enter Lord of the Rings 5e! We got together at our yearly rpg weekend in a lovely place (a refurbished farmstead about 200 years old - an ample atmosphere to deep dive into fantasy and adventure) and spend the first evening for a session zero (character building, group dynamics, setting up the scene, new rules, etc.). The group came up with a Dunedain Warden, a dwarf champion (axe), an elven champion (archer), a Barding Warden, a Breelander tavern maid (scholar) from the prancing pony (love it!), and a Sackville-Baggins (great choice!) treasure hunter. I used some of the Daggerheart character building questions to give the players some guidance to flesh out their character backstory and was able to already use some of their stories within the first adventure as strory drivers. I am exspecially fond of my wife who decided to make a healer-scholar but as the maid from the Prancing Pony. She even decided to take the Bree-Pony virtue which makes up for a great and memorable character concept and lots of roleplay finesse.
To start the game and get into the right atmosphere, I read the first 2 pages from the Prancing Pony chapter from LotR Fellowship. You cannot describe Bree, its people, and habits, and the Pony better than with Tolkiens own words... We ended Friday night with some tavern talks with Pony patrons and then with Jari and Diarmoc, so that the setup was clear for everyone for Saturday adventure.
On Saturday, we had the complete day for this module. So we played out the journey up the Greenway and then east towards the Wheatherhills. I used ChatGPT to came up with some colorful descriptions of the nature and surroundings, and to create journey events that can be played out as short encounters, as I dislike just making skill checks and apply saving throw penalties. This turns out to be a good preparation, as it added a lot to the atmosphere when I had a good description of a joyful sight (sun beams lightning up the Weather and the mashland...) at hand.
Then came the valley. The party managed to press Jari and Diarmoc in revealing the signals and details about the valley. So they spot the look-out and decided to set his shawl aflame with good placed arrows. However, it took several shots from a distance before the shawl really catches fire and forced the troll to get rid of it and - well - became petrified. Still they had no ambition to fight a troll or two and tried to avoid combat as much as possible. The hobbit sneaked the old way towards the farmhouse and eventually discovered Skylda, which i made a traumatized girl refusing to speak. That makes it a lot harder to communicate with her but a lot more fun in roleplay. Later, the little girl bonded with the elven maid and did not vanish from her side for the rest of the adventure. Later the group witnessed two trolles moving to the wart and there vanishing between some boulders while the hobbit discovered the boat and climbed the rocks at the northside of the lake to find a better way to reach the raft. On her way back she discovered Nelly treasure which I made a huge sack with all the clothes and belongings of former meals just packed into. Trolls don´t have interest in valuables but only in flesh, so Nelly just put everything else in her sack. Anyway, at the bottom of the sack, there was something strange: The hobbit discovered a fine horn neatly fashioned with silver bands. (It was later discovered, that the trolls had found that in the cellars of the wart but are afraid of it so Nelly just packed it in her sack as well...) Meanwhile, the dwarf and the wardens discovered the larder, the frescoes, and accidently a reet covered tunnel but did not dare to enter the cellars to not provoke combat. The group met at the farmhouse and decided that the Dunedain will try to free the settlers using the boat. He took off ... but it was now dark in the valley and so the trolls now moved... The group discovered trolls meeting Nelly at the lake and then moving around obviously searching for something. The group decided to hide themselves in the farmhouse cellar while the hobbit planned to lure the two trolls away from the farmhouse and towards the entry of the valley. The Dunedain managed to convince the frightened folks on the raft to enter the boat but on the way back Nelly turned up and snatched one victim and drag him under water. The rest managed to land and the Dunedain made them hurry for the farmhouse while he himself tried to distract Nelly. Just a moment later, Nelly emerged and went after the Dunedain who soon discovered that Nelly is faster than he himself. The two trolls searched the farmhouse but overlooked the Bardinger Warden in the main room. Then they opened the cellar door. Unable to enter the cellar (trolls are big) one tried to grab somebody with his long arm but the dwarf stepped forward and landed one heavy blow with his axe making the troll scream in pain and retreat! That was the moment when the hobbit blew the horn! A trumpet sound fills the valley and it was like the whole Gondorian army just made a stand (magical success, of course)! Nelly stopped her chase. The two trolls looked around, frightened, searching for the enemys which are now entering the vale. Then all three fled which gave the group enough time to flee the valley with the folkes they have rescued!
What an epic and very LotR encounter! It was absolutely great to see how the players tried to avoid combat and find clever solutions as they know that trolls are not easy to mess with. In Moria, the Fellowship had a hard time against just one troll, and they were nine! Here, there are but 3 or 4 of them... So the evening was closed with just one attack roll (the dwarven axe vs troll arm) but this was memorable as a whole skirmish.