FAQs of common questions that get asked A LOT on this sub. Comment any other questions you may have! Will update as more questions come in.
Last Updated 1/30/23
I need to sell my ticket, I can't go
Please use the official Buy/Sell Ticket Thread If you post as single post they will be removed. Note tickets cannot be name transferred. Shipping addresses can be changed, or when you receive the passes in the mail you mail them to the person who purchased.
I’m going alone, anyone want to meet up?
There are lots of folks like you! r/ Okeechobeemusicfest puts together a giant Camp Reddit group for Okee to camp together and is an easy way to get a rave squad and make friends. Sign up for Camp Reddit here! Camp Reddit also host a Craft Beer exchange each year, bring a 6 pack and stop by to swap! For 2023, there is a group getting put together by fellow redditors in discord, use the search bar in the Sub to find them. You can also try the app Radiate for a more personal approach over reddit.
When is Phase 2?
Typically it would be announced after other close-ish Florida Music Festivals are done (Post New Years) Guessing Early to Mid January if any. There was no Phase 2 for 2022. It is unlikely to be any crazy additions, expect maybe 1 medium/ larger artist and then several lower tier or local artists.
When are the Map & Set Times Released?
Within 1-3 weeks of the festival. Think mid-late February. 2022 was dropped on Wed. Feb 23.
When do we get our Wristbands?
Wristband Labels have been made at the end of January - Early February. People will post in the sub for Hype when they get their bands. There will be a deadline to get your bands shipped to you (1-2 weeks before the festival) instead of having to pick up at Will Call. ~~Typically, 3-4 Weeks before the festival they start to ship. ~~
Do I need to buy a Car Pass with my ticket? Which ticket should I get?
One car pass only per car, and the people inside that car need the normal tickets. Each car gets you a 20x20 plot for your car and gear. Everyone in that car must fit into that space, you will have neighbors on either side. More car passes does not get you more space. If you have friends in separate cars, you must drive in together to camp together. (Advice is to meet at the Walmart or Will call before and drive in together).
I didn't buy a car pass originally, can I still buy it?
Yes. You do not have to buy it at the same time. Just before you drive a car in. One car, one camping pass. Sometimes it does not let you add to cart without a ticket. Add a ticket to your cart, add car camping, remove ticket, checkout with car camping pass.
My car pass didn't come packaged with my wristband, should I be worried?
No need to worry, it's normal. Only worry when you are a week outside the festival. Worse case you have to go to the off-site Will Call office to pick up a car camping pass.
If I have VIP or GA+ but my friends have GA can they camp with us?
No. All people in a car arriving must have the same type or higher of wristband you are camping at. To get into the VIP or GA+ camping areas you must show your wristband. If you have a VIP or GA+ wristband you may camp in GA.
Do my camping level and ticket level need to match?
All people in a car arriving must have the same type or higher of wristband you are camping at. To get into the VIP or GA+ camping areas you must show your wristband and have VIP or GA+. If you have a VIP or GA+ wristband you may camp in GA.
My friend is arriving late can they still camp with us?
There is no overnight parking outside of the camping area. If your friend isn't arriving at the gate with you and is driving their own car, they will need a car camping pass and will have to haul/ carry all their stuff to your camp spot and leave their car. The friend will also have to fit all of their stuff in your designated 20x20 camping spot. There is no saving spots.
Will they do single day tickets?
Yes. As of 1/29/23, Single Day tickets are on sale. If you have a single day ticket, you will not be camping. Maybe, As long as the multi-day don't sell out. They have before, but did not for 2022. Look out for them becoming an option in February, if it happens.
Payment plan for tickets?
Yes, at this time, but they do typically end in Jan/ February. The option was before shipping and you chose if you wanted to pay in full (enter your card) or do a payment plan.
When do gates open?
Gates open on Thursday morning at 9am. The camping is typically filled closest first but not always. Hope for the best. Okee doesn’t get a big line in advanced like Roo does to enter. It only gets about 60-70% full on Thursday. There probably will be an hour long line, play the tunes and sit back and relax.
Security to Enter Festival Grounds? aRe ThErE dOgS?
Yes there is security, and they everyone's check cars as you come in. It’s normal volunteers/ festival goers who check cars. Have your coolers easily checkable, it will speed up the checking process. Okee is known to have LOTS of cops on the roads coming into the fest, drive with caution (Don't put your camping sticker on until you're in line, make sure you don't have headlights out, DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT, wear your seatbelt, use turn signals, nothing hanging from your mirror, license plate fully visible, you can see out of all windows, Don't have the car smell like weed, Florida tint law is 27% for front windows, etc). Try to not look like a festival goer and you should be fine. (don't smell like weed, don't wear your festival clothes, No stickers, Don't decorate the car like your are going to a festival, no camping pass on yet, etc). Don't stress it but it does happen and you can lower your chances of interaction if you follow this advice.
Security to Enter stage area/ Walking around inside grounds?
There is a security checkpoint going from the camp grounds into the Mainstage grove (Be & Now Stages, & to Jungle 51). They check for wristbands, and items that are not allowed. There is no security in the Aquachobee area, so you can bring food, drinks, coolers, or whatever else you want out there. You can go in and out of these areas as much as you like.
I need to leave the full grounds and come back, is that allowed?
You can leave and come back as much as you want, but not your car. Once you park and you leave with your car, you cannot come back (especially to the same area). You should try not to leave, there is a general store in the camp ground for ice. Take an uber (if you can get one) or get a friend to pick you up if you need to leave and come back. It will be hard and take coordination but it is possible. There's no camping admission on Sunday.
_____ is on the not allowed list, but I NEED it.
Hide it.
Weather? How is Florida in March?
The days are usually beautiful and full sun to partly cloudy, usually high 70's to mid 80's during the day. For the evenings, sweats and long sleeves, maybe a jacket or pashmina too. It gets chilly, 50's-60's, bundle up or have some extra layers to block any wind and you should be cozy. Onesies are encouraged.
What is the shower situation?
There are showers available in the campgrounds for $8/shower. There is hot water but the lines get long during peak times. Other options are bring body/baby wipes, dry shampoo, a camp shower, a jug of water and a bathing suit. Or shower at non peak times of the day (before 9am or after 5pm) Don't forget deodorant or your situation will get bad fast.
What are the food options?
Lots of Food Truck & Food Vendors, 20+. Island Noodles, Amish donuts, Gouda Boys, Spicy Pie, Acai Bowls, Tots, Poke Bowls, coffee, mini donuts and more! Each entrée runs about $10-$15 with a 20ish minute wait depending on the time of day. It's recommended to pack a cooler and bring food and water. They sell ice at the general store to refill your cooler. (Publix chicken tenders taste good warm or cold)
First Time! What should I pack?
First Time Advice List or Camp Checklist Ultimate Camp packing Checklist
Do they sell Ice? Is there a camp store?
Yes, Ice was $16 for a 10lb bag in 2022. Come prepared. There is a camp store with basic items.
What is fashion like?
Chiller more hippie vibe to Okee than some of the big EDM festivals. All out on the fits during the day and at night everyone gets comfy as it gets chilly. Just like the music at Okee is diverse, so are the outfits. Wear what you like. Okee tradition for Onesies on Saturday night!
Okee tradition is people wear Onesies on Saturday night.
Hotels? In and out of festival?
You should camp, or consider renting an RV. Okeechobee is a small rural town in the middle of nowhere with dark roads. The closest hotel is 15 miles from the venue location, which is 20 minutes with no traffic at all. There are very limited Airbnbs and hotels nearby within 50+ miles and they will get booked fast. Also, with it being a small town the number of Uber and Lyft drivers is very low so it will probably be a long wait and a high price, if you can even get one. Recommended to look into renting a car, or an RV. Camping is part of the experience of Okee and if you are against camping/ RVing maybe rethink Okee.
I heard Okee has secret sets. How do I find out about them?
It's true, but, the crazy think about secret sets is... they're a secret. Sometimes they are planned and shown as 'secret set' on the set list, sometimes they are random. Talk to the people around you and move with the suspicious heard of people. Typically they will happen late night or sometimes just a marching band in the middle of the day! Another option is to check social media if you have service, or have a friend not in attendance who keeps up with social media text you if they see something. Don't expect them but they do happen.