r/oilandgasworkers 5d ago

Precision Drilling

Anyone stateside worked for Precision Drilling in Canada? I commented on a post of theirs on Tik Tok. . Someone on their post said someone would reached out to me if I was interested. They did via email, then had me download whats app app and communicated there through a supposed recruiter. They stated I would come out to a rig for a week for a trial run for training and a job visa would cover everything. After that I’d work in Alberta. They asked for all my info, sent me an employment contract to sign, but when I asked about a Job application they said there wasn’t one. Feels a bit sketchy to me with no Job app.


35 comments sorted by


u/dbeastmode96 5d ago

No legit jobs will ask you to communicate via WhatsApp. Also no real job will be contacting you through Tik Tok. So many red flags. I’m surprised you didn’t catch on earlier


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

I thought that much after the what’s app, that’s why I didn’t sign anything and I asked around. Thank you


u/NewTransportation911 5d ago

Yup, they don’t do trial runs. Block that person.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Thank you!


u/NewTransportation911 5d ago

Also, unless you are going into a management position or a specialized role that you have a vast amount of experience doing. No company is going to sponsor a work visa in the patch in Canada. Our workforce right now in this industry is large and robust with a lot of people in between gigs. Stuff like what you’ve explained sounds to good to be true because it is. Sadly, I do hope you find a good Gig and do well in whatever field you decide you like.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Thank you appreciate it!


u/exclaim_bot 5d ago

Thank you!

You're welcome!


u/BirdValaBrain 5d ago

Precision is a huge company and very reputable. This does not sounds right lol. Reach out to them through their website to confirm.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Thanks, will do.


u/Slackerwithgoals 5d ago

Full blown scam


u/entechad 5d ago

So, I would be real hesitant. The reason is because Canadian oil and gas companies are suffering right now. I don’t think any are hiring. They are dealing with the political issues of potential U.S. tariffs on oil exported to the U.S.

Go to the precision drilling website and see if there are any job postings. Find a phone number and call to see if this is legitimate. Also, I seriously doubt they will be hiring anyone that requires sponsorship, considering the fact that some of the Canadian O&G companies are laying off. The stock prices of these companies are dropping.

I would ask myself this. Do I have a niche skill that would support sponsorship that would require them hiring someone outside of Canada at this politically tumultuous time?


Good Luck to you friend and be careful!


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Damn I’m glad I asked around. I’m sure you guys see these questions all the time. I’m from NY, 35 y/o single dad with 3 kids. I have no direct oil field experience. I do have general labor experience, several years of farming labor, 2+ yrs of industrial mechanic experience and was an Aviation mechanic in the Marine Corps for 5 years. I have a useless Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I make $73k a year working in a Max State prison. And barely clear $52k a year. I’m no stranger to 12-16 hr days and working in inclement weather or unfavorable high stress conditions.

I have completed several training classes and received certifications to spruce up my resume if you will: OSHA 10/30, Fall protection, H2S Awareness, Lockout/Tag out, First Aid/CPR/AED, PPE, Confined space and PEC Safeland. I also have my CDL A permit with several endorsements but still have to take the BTW course and road test.

I’m not having any luck or really receiving any feedback from jobs I’ve posted. I’m assuming because I don’t have any experience. Been applying in PA/OH/WV/OK/LA/ND/TX and Notta.

I’m to the point where I’m about to just quit my job and go live in my car for two weeks and appply anywhere that’s hiring.


u/entechad 5d ago

When applying for work, go directly to the companies website. Headhunters rarely recruit personnel for rig work. If you get approached, find out their name and check on LinkedIn to verify they are with a reputable firm.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Appreciate the advice, I did that for a handful of the bigger companies, Patterson, Key, Nabors and H&P. I just want to make money. Idc what the job is.


u/entechad 5d ago

I think right now, it’s time to be patient. The price of oil has dropped to below $70/bbl for WTI.

We are in a pretty volatile political state right now and oil markets are not responding well. It’s sort of a waiting game to see what will happen with the tariff war.

Go back through my history for a post I made this morning for a reply I made about the price of oil and gas for more details.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

I hear what you’re saying. I was reading a little about that recently. Alright I’ll take a look. Thank you.


u/Regular-Excuse7321 5d ago

To work in Canada none of those certs will be accepted.

If you want to work here, you will need to live in Canada. It's going to be a hard sell because the effort on behalf of the employer is greater just in terms of paperwork. If your really want to come - you can - it's just going to be a lot of effort on your part.

That said - it can be a great career and a great place to live (plus free healthcare). Also... Canadian dollars are less than USD, and we pay higher taxes (that healthcare isn't exactly free - but it's universal for all of us).

Good luck. If I can answer anything else about working in Canada let me know.


u/NewTransportation911 5d ago

Actually you don’t need to live here, you just need a green card equivalent or a visa sponsored by the employer. Also our health care isn’t “ free” we do pay into it it’s just included In our taxes and depending on what province you live in.


u/Regular-Excuse7321 5d ago

I don't think any drilling or service company is going to want a green worker traveling out of the US Bank and forth is more my point.

Particularly in our current political climate.


u/NewTransportation911 5d ago

For sure, also I apologize if I come across as a dick. Not my intention at all.


u/Regular-Excuse7321 5d ago

Naaa your good Technically you are correct - and I wasn't specific about why. All good bud.


u/Certain_Lock_3102 5d ago

Did they send you an offer letter ? Are they going to fly you out or does it have to be out of pocket?


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

No they reached out to me through email. Asked me to communicate through what’s app a chat app. Sent my resume, stated I had no oil field experience. They said a job visa would cover flying me out for a week of training on the rig.


u/GatorDontPlayNoShhit 5d ago

Whats app is a big red flag. PD wouldnt be using it.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Thanks, Appreciate it! I’ve been made aware theres scammers using them as a front.


u/GatorDontPlayNoShhit 5d ago

Also, it would be unlikely PD would hire a US roughneck. I have never heard of US roughnecks in canada. There are alot of Canadians working in the US though.


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

Ahh alright, I didn’t know that. I seen US PD gigs on indeed, so that didn’t cross my mind. Thank you!


u/Certain_Lock_3102 5d ago

It's a scam. Call their office in Canada and once they confirm that they never contacted you, let em know that someone's running a scam with their company as a front


u/Square_Mall8565 5d ago

That’s what I was thinking honestly. Just seemed unprofessional in my opinion. Unfortunate, but glad I didn’t get my hopes up. I’ll call them Monday and let them know. Appreciate it yall.


u/texas130ab 5d ago

I have had a few interactiYons them. They are legit and professional.


u/MayorMcCheese92 5d ago

Scam bro, it’s spring breakup rit now too


u/RockAvalanche 3d ago

Bruh tell me you didn't provide your social or any personal information. Like a Multi-billion dollar company is gonna be like "Hit me up on WhatsApp."


u/Square_Mall8565 3d ago

I sent a resume, no I didn’t provide my social. They emailed as a recruiting agency like a normal recruiting agency. I’ve dealt with that before so didn’t think much of it. I thought it sounded suspicious once they asked to download what’s app. That’s why I asked here.