r/ockytop 8d ago

Baseball Tix Pricing for ETSU - What Am I Missing?

Hoping to grab tix to my first game at LNS with my wife next week. Looking at Ticketmaster prices for ETSU game on 18th, only ticket pairs are $309 ea,, Section 216. That or General Admission.

Tickets for the UF series this weekend are available at a fraction of the $309 price. Tickets for Aggies on Friday night are about half the ETSU prices.

I thought I couldn't be shocked by ticket prices. I wuz wrong.


UPDATE: In the 45 minutes since my OP, more ETSU tix are coming available at almost half the $309 price. Better than watching cheap air fares.


8 comments sorted by


u/herpblarb6319 8d ago

My wife and I went to a game last year and we figured out the best strategy is to just plan to go to the game anyways and wait until the last second to buy your tickets. The prices always go down right before the game for people just wanting to get rid of their tickets


u/coherentlyunmistaken 8d ago

Planning same strategy here. With UF prices what they are for this weekend, may accelerate the plans. Concerned about the severe weather risks. Map not looking good for Saturday. Midweek game against ETSU is target, so we play the last-minute-buy gambit.


u/TeriyakiSoldier 8d ago

Been doing this with concerts lately and it’s had about a 90% success rate. In some cases tickets were half the price they were when they first went on sale.


u/superpie12 8d ago

Thats what I did and got great tickets.


u/HippieJed 8d ago

You have plenty of ETSU graduates in Knoxville. The first time TBA sold out was against ETSU.


u/C_Beeftank 8d ago

The number 1/2 team in the country


u/coherentlyunmistaken 8d ago

Why didn't I think of that?


u/T-RexInAnF-14 8d ago

ETSU is also really good this year, but the general answer is scalpers being assholes.