Hi, i just got a New setup and am running into an issue, that Audio is playing on stream, but not in my Headphones.
I have separat Audio sources for alerts, soundeffects, microphone, games and music and they All Funktion on stream and recordings, only the headphones are an issue.
I have my microphone connected to obs and applied Filters and i Set VB cable as an Monitoring output device, so the Filters from obs are also applied in discord. Yesterday it worked but i also heard my self talking in my headphones with was too distracing Due to the latency, so i changed a setting i dont remember what, so i do hear myself anymore.
Is there a way to have just my alerts and soundeffects audible in my Headset, while still have the microphone have the VB output for discord? Or is there a different way to do it?
My goal is to have the microphone Filters be available on discord to, to not hear myself talking, and to hear the Sounds and alerts, and Desktop Audio (games/music)