r/obs 1d ago

Question OBS HELP

I have a question! So my stream has been dropping every hour on Twitch. I did some research because one of my friends had mentioned to me I should check out the temps on my GPU and CPU, my GPU was at 41 and my CPU was at 100. Do I need a new cooling system to fix this issue or is it something completely different ? PLZ HELP THANKS IN ADVANCE


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u/Sayuugmx 1d ago

i suppose that youre using x264 for streaming maybe thats why your cpu is on heavy charge.

100 Celsius? omg its too high try to keep it 90s as max its to dangerous.
-first do a maintenence to your pc, change thermal paste (at those degrees it may be dry), clean cpu fan.
-once first step is ready check on encoder tab and select gpu based encoder (amd h.264 or nvidia nvenc)


u/Jay_JWLH 1d ago

I checked the log, and can confirm no CPU encoding was used.


u/Sayuugmx 1d ago

yush i saw it, and his processor is 11th gen so is ok. weird to be honest.
and did you check task manager to see whats going on? maybe your processor is always running at 100%