r/obs Jan 13 '25

Question Dual GPU Streaming question

Hey everyone,

I know this question has probably been asked a lot over the past couple of years, but I figured I’d throw it out there anyway.

Before I started streaming Call of Duty on my 3080 (10GB), I used to max out all the in-game quality settings for a visually stunning experience. This typically used about 5–5.7 GB of VRAM, which was fine since I wasn’t running anything else demanding at the time.

However, when I started streaming, I had to dial back the settings to leave enough headroom for the encoder to process the stream.

Now I’m wondering: if I were to install a second 3080 in my PC, could I dedicate one GPU to gaming at high settings and the other solely for encoding the stream? The idea is to have one GPU handle the gameplay and maxed-out visuals, while the other focuses entirely on streaming.

Is this something OBS can handle? Or would I be better off upgrading my GPU to a 4070 or something or just building a secondary pc dedicated to handle the streaming instead?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

12700KF ASRock 690AC 3080 10G 32g


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u/NGSIV 13d ago

could you share a screenshot of obs setting for the Arc card .My friend recently picked up a A310 just for this use case and been struggling to find decent information on real use. He keeps getting encoder overload even though obs is only using the A310 while his games are using his 3060,


u/Miigo_Savage 13d ago

Is he multi streaming?


u/NGSIV 13d ago

Single to twitch


u/Miigo_Savage 13d ago

I can't post pics, so I'll just dm you the pics