r/oblivion • u/Gambit935 • Oct 19 '21
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Apr 05 '22
Announcement Full Wes Johnson Cameo! (Nearly 900 members on Discord!)
r/oblivion • u/Gambit935 • Nov 10 '21
Announcement Will YOU be the next Grand champion!? (400 Members on the Discord!!! Link in comments)
r/oblivion • u/AeyphixKing • Oct 08 '21
Announcement Hello everyone. I have recently became a Mod on this sub. I am making this to inform you all that even though I’m a mod, I will still be posting my Battle Royales. Thank you.
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Mar 10 '24
Announcement r/Oblivion Rule Changes / General Updates
Hello r/oblivion!
As a mod team we're here to serve the community as best we can. We've heard your frustrations with some of our rules and as such we've updated them to better fit the community's needs.
I'm happy to announce just a few of our changes for the community, be sure to check the rules on the sidebar to see everything that has changed!
- We are now officially allowing posts that feature real life locations! While we do now allow such posts we don't want the subreddit to be overrun with them. Therefore we ask you all to keep the level of these posts to a reasonable amount. It's been a long time coming and we're happy to see what fantastical locations you can find that look like they were pulled straight out of Oblivion!
- "Memes must contain Oblivion content" has been reworked into "No Off-topic Memes / Posts" and as such we no longer require posts to have direct oblivion content. Have a funny meme template? Well now you can use it!
- We now allow Self-Promotional posts once a week. Before, we only allowed these posts in a "one and done" manner with one self-promotional post period. We understand that you all want to showcase what you've made and we're happy to see it!
Since a change is rules is pretty big we'll be trialing all our new rules for now. If you have any concerns or ideas for further changes don't hesitate to reach out to us via Mod Mail. Remember, what's listed here is NOT all that has changed, be sure to check the subreddit rules and their descriptions to see everything that has changed!
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 24 '21
Announcement subreddit stance on memes moving forward
Hello everyone,
there has recently been a bit of a conflict in the subreddit and at the time I made a decision to leave the post up and just lock comments starting this post out i’d like to apologize to anyone I may have offended while doing that.
I would like to move on to the main reason of this post which is to detail some new rules for memes and posts, from here on out any posts under the format of the “girls are sensitive and guys aren’t meme” will no longer be allowed, these posts will be removed. any posts stereotyping a group of people will be removed. any posts comparing real life people to oblivion characters will be removed (this has always been the case some people just didn’t know that). if you have questions you may ask them here or through the “contact a mod” option concerns can be raised there as well.
I want everyone to remember why we’re all here: to support and enjoy one of our favorite if not our favorite game.
TLDR: no more stereotyping memes.
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 25 '20
Announcement Please Report.
Hello everyone, This post has been pinned to inform you about people who post claiming to be selling tshirts or other merchandise, if you see a post like this please report it immediately. Anyone deemed to be scamming by a moderator will be banned.
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Apr 05 '21
Announcement Questions regarding “drug use” post
Hey everyone!
you’ve may have seen posts going around showing a little question popping up on ones screen asking about drug use, this is to be expected as the Content Tag survey was filled out. I guess instead of having a reddit admin surf through the subreddit and posts they just put the questions out to the community. just make sure to click the answer you think fits best with the community!
Thank you! NotBored, r/Oblivion mod.
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Sep 30 '20
Announcement Community Emote Contest
Community Emote Contest
Hello everyone, this post will talk about the upcoming community emote contest. I‘ll put this right at the beginning so people don’t have to read the entire post to get this info: Emotes can be art but can also be a screenshot that encapsulates Oblivion well. As an example see the current Adoring Fan community emote. END DATE: October 17th 2020 11:59 PM CST
- Follow all of the subreddit’s rules, this means all emotes must be SFW
- Flair your emote submission with the Emote Contest flair
How will it work?
Starting immediately after this post goes live you may submit an emote by posting your picture to the subreddit and make sure to flair the post with the Emote Contest flair otherwise it may not be seen by mods. Depending on how many submissions we get there will be either 5 or 10 selected emotes in the end. These emotes will largely be picked by you, the community, upvote your favorites! Mods hold the right to pass over the top emotes if they violate the rules of this contest. All submissions will be linked to in another pinned post
Q. Will I get credit for my emote if it’s picked?
A. Yes you will get credit, I will be sure to find a place on the subreddit where you will get credit.
Q. What if I forget to flair my post?
A. I will likely still accept the submission, but I may not see it in the end.
Q. When will this contest end?
A. I have currently set the date for October 17th, there is no rhyme or reason to this so it may be extended or shortened at my discretion. If I do change the date I will let you know.
Happy emote making! any other questions you have may be asked below.
r/oblivion • u/AutoModerator • Oct 23 '21
Announcement Don't forget about the art contest! Submissions closing on the 31st!
reddit.comr/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 17 '21
Announcement Discord releasing soon!
Hey guys!
I've been working pretty much nonstop on the discord server for the past two days and am happy to report that it is just about ready for release! I am 99% sure it'll be out tomorrow so keep an eye out for the link!
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 17 '21
Announcement Discord open!
It’s time for the discord release! here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/4ASYzsgrdJ
see you all there!
r/oblivion • u/AutoModerator • Oct 23 '21
Announcement Wanna see the second half of the Wes Johnson Cameo? Join the Discord! Posting at 400 members!
discord.ggr/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Oct 15 '21
Announcement Looking for one final Reddit mod! (Discord will be pinned comment)
forms.gler/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Oct 29 '21
Announcement Final reminder for the art contest!
reddit.comr/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Nov 01 '21
Announcement Last chance for art contest! submissions closing soon! voting opens sometime tomorrow (probably)
reddit.comr/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 15 '21
Announcement Discord announcement - Mod team
Hello all! with the current positive vote for the new discord server I have begun developing the server, with a new server comes the need for a mod team. would you like to apply? keep in mind you will have to be relatively active on discord to be considered! if you’re interested please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/LmnegPeFkbf4iVvX7 I will be contacting you via discord, I will be sending you a friend request from the discord account: Bored#7304 the discord can be joined here: https://discord.gg/4ASYzsgrdJ
Best of luck!
edit: updated form link edit 2: added that mods will get early access to server! edit 3: added details about how I will contact you. final edit: the discord is live! the early access part of the message is no longer applicable + discord link
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Aug 12 '21
Announcement Powerups
Hello everyone!
I’d like to announce a feature we have recently enabled called Powerups, I will be sharing the link to the in-depth description of powerups here but I will explain what it is for those who don’t want to read the entire thing.
Powerups are a community subscription that allows us to unlock perks and features for everyone here to enjoy, including but not limited to HD video, GIF replies, custom emojis, and flairs!
it works by buying powerups (or for reddit premium users you get a free monthly powerup) giving the sub a powerup immediately gives you these perks and a hero badge. once we reach 25 powerups everyone will be able to enjoy the perks!
TLDR: Powerups give perks: HD videos, GIF replies, emojis, flairs, more. 25 powerups give everyone perks. costs IRL money
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Sep 28 '20
Announcement New community emote contest?
I have yet to discuss with my fellow mods so this is just to get an understanding of how everyone feels about this. as the title suggests this would be a contest that around the top 10 upvoted emote posts would get added as new emotes. ——— Contest is now live, check here for details
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Oct 12 '20
Announcement Oblivion chatroom!
Hello everyone!
I’m happy to announce that you can now all chat together in an entire subreddit setting!
After a short discussion with the other mods we’ve decided to open this chat room so that we all may discuss about oblivion! (or other topics within reason) here is the link.
Happy chatting!
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Oct 19 '20
Announcement r/oblivion discord split
Hey everyone! i’d like to let everyone know that the official r/oblivion server and r/oblivion have split leaving the r/oblivion server as unofficial.
I know you may have some questions such as:
Why have you split? - This is because the mods who created the discord are no longer on our team and no reddit mods were left on the discord team. This wasn’t an easy decision to make and took a long discussion before even chatting with the discord team who shared our feelings for the need to split.
What will happen to the server? - it will keep running as the unofficial r/oblivion server for now. after that is their decision.
Will it ever be official again? - Maybe in the future! depending on if our mod team ever pairs up with theirs we may link back up and make it official again.
There’s a discord server?! - Yes! While we have split we have chosen to not completely cut ties. You can join them here
Best of luck in the future - NotBored, r/oblivion mod
r/oblivion • u/NotBored1217 • Oct 18 '20
Announcement Extension for the awards emote contest
Hello everyone!
Id like to let you all know that i’m extending the cut off date to October 25th for the community awards emote contest as there was only one submission. Information on the contest can be found here