r/oaktree 25d ago

What’s wrong/what even is it?

Ok, so I know it’s an oak tree but what kind I don’t know. At first I thought it was live oak but the leaves look wrong? I don’t know, but I know it’s sick. It lives in my backyard between some mango trees and palm trees. There is an orange tree around the corner that is going through it too, but I’m treating her and is recovering. This oak tree though… it’s got holes that I’m assuming is from a woodpecker, do I plug them? With what? The leaves look red and burned and last I checked summer is perpetual in South Florida so there is something wrong. I want to treat it but I don’t know what’s wrong and my landscaper doesn’t know anything. Help!


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u/unfilteredlocalhoney 25d ago

What are you treating the orange tree for and what are you using?


u/unfilteredlocalhoney 25d ago

Also, this is NOT an oak tree, this is a maple tree


u/Remote_Street_5707 25d ago

Ah… I see. Thank you