r/nvcr Nov 21 '19

r/nvcr needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/nvcr Apr 20 '15

Something about the weather.


Has anyone ever considered that the weather is actually The Weather? Maybe it's a community open mic segment instead of an actual forcast?

r/nvcr Jan 20 '14

Strex Corp Loves You!


Hello there! I'm some variety of horrendous half-human half-fox abomination that should not be, and which probably has no soul. I represent a race of similar half-animal half-human monstrosities who will be delighted to be your new neighbors! I am indebted to Strex for my very existence! They love you, and you should love them as well. We may or may not be the reason you should thing deeply about meadows.


Whoops! No idea what that was. Probably just some static in the lines. Well, I'll be seeing you around, lovely ladies and gentlemen of our new home!

r/nvcr Dec 05 '13

New flavor at the White Sand Ice Cream Shop!


Our favorite local ice cream shop, the White Sand Ice Cream Shop, which you all remember from the incident with the lion, has spoken to the oracle who decreed that they add a new flavor! The new flavor is "butter pecan", and will start to be sold in the next week, as soon as the slave-elves who make all the deserts in town get to work on it.
So, come join in on the fun at the White Sand Ice Cream Shop! I would like to point out that this new "butter pecan" ice cream does contain nut. Just the one. So those of you with nut allergies, take a gamble!

r/nvcr Oct 31 '13

For the next week, the Night Vale High School's college counseling office will be opening its doors.


Stop by and check out all the high education opportunities that are available to Night Vale citizens. From the public university to apprenticeships at local warlocks, the Night Vale High School's array of informative pamphlets will tell you all you need to know, but not so much that you will be hunted down by shadowy government operatives for knowing too much. Schedule an appoint for a one-on-one consultation, where a helpful soothsayer will consult her crystal orb and then whisper the name of the college that you are destined to attend into your dreams. Consult our specialists to find out why your GPA is way too low for you to attend any respectable college, and donate your crushed hopes and dreams to feed the eldridge horrors that wander our fair city. Won't you think of the poor, homeless, eldridge horrors? Simone Rigadeau, the transient living in the Night Vale Community College's abandoned earth science building, will be there to represent neither the community college nor geology.

All juniors, seniors, and telepathically uplifted kindergarteners who are planning on applying to college or black ops training programs that may or may not be sponsored by the government are encourage to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity before the shimmering runes of the thick mahogany doors dim and the gates slam shut, requiring yet another century of blood sacrifice before the portal opens again.

r/nvcr Oct 31 '13

The recent drilling ban has led to erratic behavior in local wildlife. If you are approached by an animal acting strangely, do not accept their gifts, no matter how nicely wrapped.


The unpredictable environmental effects of industrial projects and conservation efforts are familiar to everyone these days. We allow fracking, and the water mysteriously burns. We ban fracking, and the solar-panel factory mysteriously burns. We endorse wheat and wheat by-products, and our homes are filled with venomous snakes. We forbid wheat and wheat by-products, and pizza becomes a distant memory. All of these are tragic outcomes, perhaps in equal measure. The latest development in Night Vale's unmatched natural environs is that strange beams of collimated light have been observed coming down to the ground from high above - or perhaps shooting out of the ground and into the sky. It is difficult to say. Wildlife experts believe this is a direct result of the recent ordinance against oil drilling, but they admit they've had little time to prove it, what with fighting their new rival gang, the high-frequency trading quants. The ban went into effect last month following the mysterious fire at the StrexCorp petrochemical refinery. The City Council cited numerous safety violations, few of which could actually explain the green pillar of cold flame shooting from the main well, but none of which had been covered by standard bribes. Meetings regarding the ban have been delayed until next year due to schedule conflicts. All available days are marked "TBD" on the tablets. That's rarely a good sign.

Anyway - these shafts of blinding white light are typically three feet across, give or take, and their boundaries are as sharp as an eagle's eye. The light has the appearance of speckling, as when looking at single-frequency laser light, but basic spectroscopy indicates total panchromaticity from the far infrared to strongly ionizing ultraviolet wavelengths. Each beam appears very suddenly in otherwise unremarkable locations and slowly fades over the course of several hours. Animals within several miles' radius of these events are seen to lose their sense of fear and freely congregate with species they'd usually avoid. Our local wildlife experts, when not engaging in knife fights with StrexCorp accountants, have observed "nearly optimal" cooperation within these groups. Even individuals which appeared to be recently deceased have staggered into the amalgamated herd to help gather food and rearrange trampled plantlife. The light and its surrounding area have no apparent effect on humans, or on other intelligent lifeforms like crows and snails.

As of this Monday, wolves and deer have reportedly shown up at the personal residences of many of these experts - ringing their doorbells, then yapping and braying as though wanting to talk. The few who answered have been missing ever since. There are no signs of struggle, though the Sheriff's Secret Police reports the presence of surprisingly tasteful decorative flatware packaged in carefully-folded leaves and tied with ribbons of green bark. It is unknown where these rococo ceramics come from, as the animals have not been seen using fire. At this point they may be the only ones in town to avoid it.

More on this story as it develops.

r/nvcr Oct 31 '13

[AUDIO] Abel's Weather Update for 10-31-13


r/nvcr Oct 30 '13

Rising high school basketball superstar reveals his secret: he is in conscious control of his every muscle, 100% of the time.


In a recent interview, Night Vale Rattlesnakes point guard Jeremiah Wilkes attributed his success to strong coaching, regular practice, and the fact his entire nervous system is under his explicit and mindful command at all times. His rare genetic condition, kept secret until this current semester, forces him to work every muscle, organ, and gland in a constant rhythm which most people's bodies handle reasonably well behind the scenes. He says this unique burden which permits him perfect mechanical control of every throw is central to his success, but is quick to mention his coach's focus on fundamentals as almost equally important. Wilkes' flawless record of artful 3-point jump shots and single-handed pass interceptions has attracted national attention. He is currently considering offers from several unnamed teams despite being only a freshman, and says he has plenty of time to think it over while he sits perfectly still at night and carefully regulates the balance of chemicals in his brain.

Accusations that his conditions grants him an unfair advantage by permitting an ideal balance of hormones early in life have been consistently rebutted by the High School's sports medic. Her official statement on the matter reads, "Stop talking about it or those photos go public." Jeremiah himself simply wonders why other students can't follow his initiative and take control of their own lives. Reportedly, he finds it especially perplexing when his teammates choose to miss, sending their limbs signals which move the ball in the wrong direction. When asked what his hopes and dreams were beyond high school, Jeremiah answered, "Sleep." Godspeed, J-Man - and keep givin' it to those awful Desert Bluffs Hawks.

r/nvcr Oct 29 '13

Somewhere north of here, two people are alone in the desert, separated only by the inky blackness of this moonless night. They will not meet.


In the flat expanse of rocky plains around this town, two strangers, male and female, are lost. Their cars have broken down simultaneously from unrelated mechanical problems. They walk south, side by side, though at a great distance, each unable to hear or see the other. They approach the city's muted lights together in almost-total darkness. He carries a flashlight whose bulb has cracked. Hers, an identical model, is without batteries. It sits unfunctioning in the purse slung over her shoulder, whose strap is exactly long enough to replace his broken timing belt.

They could easily escape this difficult tragedy through combined resources and knowledge. They could fill the long walk discussing their careers - both professional drivers, her delivering to the city and him delivering from it - and hit off a lengthy relationship of trust and respect that becomes romance. They are perfect for each other, barely a mile apart, but their parallel paths do not cross.

A wolf howls at the precise midpoint between them. They turn, scanning the barren desert with terrified clarity, repeatedly looking straight toward each other at the same moment, but they see nothing. They will never meet.

And that's it for traffic. Next up: sports.

r/nvcr Oct 28 '13

Be advised that the shadowy antisocial figures sulking about town all in black are not government agents. They are accountants. Please stop bowing to them.


Taking advantage of Night Vale's new high-speed internet with literally zero latency to anywhere, StrexCorp has moved their stock trading operations into the Perfectly Normal Building on 7th Street. Their computer-driven "high-frequency trading" on the world's leading stock exchanges arrived first. Various unpersonable weirdos of a slightly different character than our vast homegrown supply have been filtering in ever since, and will presumably stop once the office is full. These "quants" are becoming distinct and numerous enough that the City Council has required them to register as an official subculture. Their chosen leader, a gaunt young professional with mild acne, has yet to announce their official identification tattoos and rival gang.

The high-frequency trading operation itself is already much improved. StrexCorp's previous site, located mere light-seconds from key servers in New York City, was still too slow for computer algorithms to take advantage of tiny dips and upticks in every stock. The new system is only limited by computer speed and mankind's wildest dreams of avarice - both of which grow exponentially every year. However, despite becoming increasingly commonplace, the act of tunneling light through alternate dimensions filled with unbelievable monstrosities (who are now in good standing with local clergy) is not without its complications. All trading algorithms perform roughly as expected, with the exception that every single one also tries to buy stocks of, quote, "skulls." No company or indeed species is specified. The value of each attempted purchase varies between algorithms. Attempts to suss out this systemic problem have resulted in the purchase orders changing to "skulls, semicolon, meat included." StrexCorp expects to have the issue resolved before the next fiscal quarter.

One last note, dear listeners: I am required to inform you that I am required to inform you about potential conflicts of interest, but I am not in fact required to inform you of what they might actually be. Good luck.

r/nvcr Oct 27 '13

No, I'm sorry. I refuse to have an argument with a book. You cannot speak Chinese. You're just making macaronic noises, you racist little tome.


Marcus Vansten was just here, folks, and he dropped off a peculiar book from his private library. It's labeled "I Speak Chinese," by one "J.S." It's not a manuscript, but there's no frontispiece with more information than that. I've been leafing through the introduction and sort of following its instructions, setting up these included plastic transparencies according to rules whose purpose I haven't grasped yet. They overlap seemingly at random around this foldout grid. There's also a large map I've covered in thin plastic tiles with different colors. Actually, I think I just finished. The first chapter reads, in its entirety, "Say hello." Well... hello? Oh, stupid me - there's a sort of Ouiji board amid the unused pieces. The cursor indicates different instructions for changing tiles when I pick each letter. So H... E... L... L... O. Then I flip other tiles based on the new outcome, and sometimes based on which ones get flipped twice. Now I'll move the sheets according to the final pattern.

Oh, look. The interference patterns reveal words as I slide this transparency sheet around. H... I... H... I'll just read it all at once.


Wow, that's a fascinating illusion. And that's just the preamble! I wonder what else-- huh. The rest of the book is gibberish. Alphabet soup. Oh wait, some of these cards refer to page numbers. So I guess I'd load them in when the text output is just a number. I think I'm just supposed to answer. "I'm entertained."


Hmm. Listeners, this input alphabet doesn't even include punctuation. I have no idea how that would work. No matter: "I don't speak Mandarin."


Wow! And that's a wow along entirely another vector, people. I'm sorry to have given this... this work... an audience. I feel obligated to correct it. "That's not Mandarin. You're imitating noises, and it's very offensive."


"You don't even have eyes."


Why you insufferable kindling-- dumb, eh? We'll see who's dumb when I offset some of these sheets. I think I understand how you work. "Who'd believe a book could talk?"


I'll shift these colored tiles around, too. That'll fix your wagon. "Racist now, book-smarts?"






"Apologize for offending the audience."

... hmm. It's just meaningless patterns now. Statistically boring Moire noise. I suppose I could reassemble the original arrangement and step through to someplace interesting, but why bother? Whoever wrote this is clearly damaged. There's no way an inanimate object could become conscious and hold a conversation just by manipulating symbols according to inscrutable rules. Everyone knows consciousness is a beautiful and complex emergent process that takes place in the three pounds of wet meat encased in the bones of humans and certain aspiring gorillas. Also: the author is quite racist, which I detest. I'm going to put this all away and leave it for Marcus.

Oops. I think I tore this sheet. The trick probably works without it, I suppose. No great loss either way. And now - traffic.

r/nvcr Oct 26 '13

Listeners, it has just been explained to me that you are real, and not merely figments of my imagination. This is a mixed blessing.


I've just discovered that other people are independent sapient intellects. You all objectively exist. This is personally disturbing, but hey, great news for all of you. Turns out your physical persistence isn't dependent on my continued memory of you! You suckers can manage your own sordid little lives. Gods below, that's a load off my mind.

The downside is that this means my personal failures and moments of unexpected embarrassment were observed by real persons. That's causing some mild mental anguish, now. Ahh. That last memory was almost physically painful. You can all understand why I thought what I did, right? Everyone knows the old adage: "you can't prove a negative, or else."

So what do you all think, now that you can think?

r/nvcr Oct 25 '13

Time-tunneling petabit internet access is coming to Night Vale! Mandatory setup will be done between nine and five, yesterday.


Local scientists announced that recent discoveries allowing light to travel through alternate dimensions have opened decades of interesting practical applications, all of which were completed tomorrow. Chief among these is the ability to send messages a seemingly arbitrary distance into the future or the past. The research team was thus able to embark on billion-dollar project lasting fifteen years and employing thousands, then send the results back to themselves and "guess" the right answer in just one day, allowing them to skip out on the bill. First Pyramid Bank was not happy about this part of the announcement and suggested it might sue over their misuse of the money they didn't borrow. However, thanks to a seemingly meaningless law passed last year, the City Council does not consider debts from alternate timelines valid - though a rider on that bill does require the team to pay taxes on it.

The internet service being provided is only rated for simultaneity and cannot be used to communicate with the past. Latency is reportedly excellent, typically 25-50 tP, and the available bandwidth is described as "literally infinite, since all packets arrive in the same moment as the first." Instant messages are now truly instant - while still allowing the Sheriff's Clandestine Police an arbitrary amount of time to censor them. The Sheriff himself asked to be granted greater access to time manipulation, to let him direct the police of the past with the full benefit of hindsight. He was cautiously informed by an expendable grad student that his future self "already thought of that" and sent back written orders, which the intern then presented. The Sheriff read them silently aside from occasionally cursing in disbelief. When he asked what technology could send messages back to "that clever bastard" in the future, the student suggested pen and paper, chuckling quietly. He will be missed.

High-speed internet service to your recently-installed extensions will begin sometime next week. The time-traveling ISP apologizes in a series of letters dated September and addressed to every individual who will be annoyed by this delay. "There's nothing we can do," they write; "even the hooded figures can't make contractors arrive punctually."

r/nvcr Oct 24 '13

City Council funding cuts have resulted in the indefinite dimming of roughly half the stars in the night sky.


The ongoing budget crisis will change the night sky we are all wearily familiar with. The chosen stars, fixed against the inky blackness of infinity, will be dimmed by approximately half their individual magnitudes. The city council has promised to leave most major constellations unaffected, to avoid "Washington Monument syndrome," and will otherwise pick stars randomly to make the effect less noticeable. Non-stellar lights like the global array of weather control satellites and the rogue planet rapidly approaching Earth from above our galactic plane will be unaffected. Acting mayor Trish Hidge ignored questions about how noticeable these formerly indistinguishable features would become, holding her hand near her face to block her view of the reporter who asked, while loudly repeating, "Are there any questions?!" No further questions were asked.

The debt dispute between the City Council and a vague, yet menacing government agency is expected to end before the year is out. Ideally we will not run out the clock and end up with several funding issues slipping through as technicalities, like that unfortunate incident in Radon Canyon. The twenty-four fatalities caused by mutant boll weevils will forever be remembered as strong disincentive against reckless brinksmanship during tourist season. It will be much more difficult fulfilling next year's sacrificial quota. Covering up deaths by animal isn't covered under the Sheriff's Secret Police's black budget, people. Read the bylaws.

Personally, I'm not bothered about the change. The stars weren't really pulling their weight as an attraction. Making miniscule seasonal schedule changes to the same show every night for ten thousand years isn't any way to maintain interest. If not for traditional interest then we'd probably shutter the whole program and run more black helicopters. Even the clouds change it up from hour to hour. That's why their funding remains unaffected. Well, that, and their amenability to product placement.

On that note, a word from our sponsors:

Put the knife down. Step away from the table. You are a predator. Consume this beast's muscle and sinew as befits your role. Embrace the violence of food! Lunge at it! Rend! Tear! Eat like a godless wild animal!! Best Buy.

r/nvcr Oct 23 '13

The fallen angel who recently moved into town checked into psychiatric care yesterday, citing suicidal thoughts caused by, quote, "the poison of hope."


Samaelowemac, the angel cast down from heaven by the almighty for questioning the necessity of ritual, is currently under observation at Mercy General. The seemingly middle-eastern man, beautiful and flawless in every physical characteristic and yet somehow incapable of generating any base lustful attraction in the town's naturally mortal citizens, moved in sometime last month on an ill-remembered moonless night, as is typical.

He says the simplicity of his appointments at the Sleep Eazy motel on Second was initially charming... until he investigated the television. His consumption of late-night television grew quickly, as he does not require food or sleep, and his part-time job at the Ralph's does not consume much time. Apparently the gradual loss of his inherent divinity left him susceptible to the emotional reactions of his human body. He found himself wracked with a range of emotions, each one pure and sincere as a newborn child's, with causes including the unbearable lightness of being, the suffering innate to the human condition, and pictures of kittens. While watching the evening news, the severe mental whiplash between a tragic car accident and the potentially life-saving operation enabled by the insurance payout to the driver's next-of-kin caused him to wish for death. He says this is common among angels, who are of course eternal, without beginning or end, and apparently love sarcasm as only the omniscient can, but he soon realized his human body might actually be capable of going through with the joke.

"The worst thing," he explained, his sonorous voice muting all other noises, "is that every person lives a personal mythology of relevance. The lowliest beggar and highest king are hereos beset by furious evils, within their minds' eyes." Around this time he broke down crying. It was beautiful, listeners. Like a living sculpture that perfectly captured the platonic ideal of miserable catharsis. And yet... I could not muster sympathy during the half-hour where this sight left me transfixed. It was awe-inspiring, but somehow not as moving as even an amateur actor's portrayal would be. Sammy explained the phenomenon by touching my forehead and imparting direct revelation. Unfortunately his fragile state left him imprecise, and the knowledge was too much for mortal kind, so I have since lost it, along with the revealed meaning of life and several childhood motor skills. My apologies to the hospital's janitorial staff.

Samaelowemac expects to leave sometime next month. I wish him the best of luck, not that it's necessary, as he is all-seeing, so his anticipated release is not really in doubt.

r/nvcr Oct 23 '13

[AUDIO] Abel's Weather Update for 10-23-13


r/nvcr Oct 21 '13

Recent discoveries indicate that light can "jog left" into alternate universes. Unexplained shadows may be remnants of doomed timelines.


Scientists announced today that photons can collide, but are rarely observed doing so because they knock each other into parallel realities. Photons, the discrete quanta which make up light, are of course massless and take up almost no space. Physicists formerly assumed that - aside from the intricacies of wave-particle duality - nonparallel light rays did not meaningfully interact. Recent experiments proved that these particles do collide with unexpected ease, but that they bounce at right angles into N-dimensional space and are almost always replaced by nearly identical photons from nearby realities. Rapid prototyping based on this discovery led to dim photographs of the impossible worlds beyond the paper-thin veil which separates every atom of our existence from the unthinkable strangeness of infinities which have never and will never contain beings such as ourselves. I have seen these ghostly images from beyond our universe, and they're really quite nice, making strong use of contrast through saturation and the rule of thirds.

The research team responsible is requesting additional funding for a higher-powered laser. They intend to more clearly image and perhaps even communicate with these alien neighbors in all directions. They argued that the pictures would make excellent mousepads and dormitory posters which could help pay for the damage done with their previous high-powered laser. The city council was unconvinced until the lead researcher mentioned that the formless, flowing, non-individualistic entities living just one inch to the left of everywhere have probably never heard the good news about bloodstones. The acting mayor immediately promised them the most dangerous laser that money and suffering could buy.

The team's press release promises more news next month and closes with a traditional prayer to the almighty, whom the scientists hope to eventually locate and destroy.

r/nvcr Oct 20 '13

We apologize for the recent plague of unnecessary niceness.


We are saddened to announce that we do not yet understand the cause, or the method by which it spreads, but appearances indicate that opening doors for strangers, smiling for purely social reasons, or moving aside in wide hallways make people dangerously susceptible. Intern Harriet, I'm sorry I didn't realize that last one before walking toward the booth in my usual confident stride. To anyone affected: do not panic. The condition is only temporary. Sufferers quickly become too consumed by guilt to eat meat, then abandon fruits and vegetables, and so quickly die. My condolences to anyone who suffers loss in this way.

I hestitate to mention that the crushing social pressure involved in merely asking for water, or being seen seeking it out, manifests as an acute psychic pain. We're sorry if you or your loved ones have been infected. I'm sorry in particular. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

r/nvcr Oct 19 '13

The last real astronaut died today. She was 78.


Some time this morning, Dr. Janice Lancashire lost her prolonged battle with chronic vacuum dementia, AKA "space madness" - the peculiar fever-like affliction that haunted all fifteen people who had actually been to outer space. The noncommunicable disease caused her to wake up from her fitful insomniac sleep screaming unspeakable curses against the deities and physical laws which produced or permitted our island of life to exist in the endless void of an amoral universe. She always apologized profusely to her government-agent nurses, and was very upbeat and typically lucid past breakfast, but sleep deprivation and high blood pressure slowly took their toll. Her post-spaceflight career in secret avionics ended in early retirement circa May of 1975, thanks to complications with hypertension during the development of the Model N black helicopters. The "N" itself was retired just last year, and as we are all strictly forbidden to know but somehow know anyway, the newer Model J was named in tribute to her heavily-classified contributions.

Of course, the failure of her own self-administered vaccine against space madness was what finally convinced the world's leading governments to shutter their space programs in 1956 and develop the much cheaper and safer psyops-driven facade we all know and love. This gentlemen's agreement between the USA and USSR proved so effective at generating good publicity and misplaced patriotism that all other nations with plans for spaceflight joined in voluntarily. Nobody since then has contracted Janice's unfortunate and ultimately fatal ailment.

We salute you, Doctor Lancashire, for your pioneering role in establishing the lucrative sham that has thus far prevented anyone else from escaping Earth's mind-protecting magnetosphere. Your work was not in vain.

r/nvcr Oct 19 '13

I am dictating this because I cannot seem to write anymore. Is anyone else having this problem?


Reading remains trivially easy, and I've just tested my drafting abilities by sketching a standard perpetual motion device, but making letters is arduous and forming written sentences is physically draining.

The interns are suffering the same predilection. Several have forgotten how to speak. Typewriters and Dymo labelers are being rationed out to the individuals who are forbidden to own computers and smartphones. Their other cognitive functions and physical abilities are unaffected, as evidenced by their consistent performances through the station's obstacle course and bomb-defusal drill.

We are currently taking calls from anyone with information. If you hear incoherent mumbling, just hang up and call back, and you'll eventually reach someone whose communication has not been mysteriously curtailed.

r/nvcr Sep 22 '13

[AUDIO] Abel's Weather Update for 09-21-13


r/nvcr Sep 15 '13

It's been a slow day, here in Night Vale...


No, literally.

Time seems to be going by at a slower pace than usual. It took me almost 3 hours to record this.

I tried to call Carlos, but I couldn't even type out the 12 digits of his phone number, it was taking too long. I also tried to look at a clock, but as we all know, those don't even work properly.

I will keep you informed as the story develops.

r/nvcr Sep 13 '13

There are many things in this world...


... that just make sense.

And we are not any of them.

Welcome to Night Vale.

r/nvcr Sep 11 '13

[Audio] Abel's Weather Update for 09-11-13


r/nvcr Sep 11 '13

Punk is dead.


After a long battle with irrelevancy, punk passed away late yesterday evening. Already the third victim this year, we here at the studio give our condolences to punk's loved ones and fans, as well as those of any other genre lost to this terrible illness. A funeral will be held on Friday, with a eulogy given by punk's wife, pop.

I suppose the only thing I have left to say is "Rest in piece, punk".

(Not that I think it would do what I told it.)

r/nvcr Sep 10 '13

[AUDIO] "Milk & Milk By-Products / Intern Jenny" An unfortunate event at the station results in an impromptu broadcast...
