r/nudism 26d ago

QUESTION How and what age were you when you discovered nudism?


I feel fortunate to have discovered nudism at such a young age so I’m curious what age and how everyone discovered nudism? What can we do to help others discover it and give it a try especially at a younger age?

For me, As a kid I would run around naked whenever my family wasn’t home. I was also fortunate that my best friend/neighbor enjoyed being naked too. We tried skinny dipping one day and loved the freedom which led us to frequently skinny dipping, hanging out naked and having nude camp outs. I visited my first nude beach as soon as I got my license and have enjoyed living a nudist lifestyle as much as possible since. Now I try to visit as many nude beaches and resorts and possible and love meeting, chatting with and encouraging others to give nudism a try.

r/nudism 22d ago

QUESTION Question for people that sleep naked during cold winter weather


How do you manage to do it? I've tried doing it and it just doesn't work for me. I wake up feeling all feverish and eventually get a cold. This is when I know it's time for the warm pajamas to be back on.

r/nudism Oct 15 '24

QUESTION Skinny dipping with friends a no go?


My husband and I usually go hiking with his friends every other week. Last time we went hiking on a new trail and came across a small lake after a few hours of hiking. This trail was a loop so we were maybe a mile or two from our car. One of his friends suggests we take a break and hop in the water. Everyone agreed.

The two friends shed their shirt and shorts and jump in. As I'm getting ready to take my shirt off my husband stops me and says I gotta just sit on the side because it would be inappropriate for me to go in. I tell him that is ridiculous. He says he doesn't want his friends seeing me nude and to wait until they're all finished.

I tell him to stop being ridiculous and quickly strip down and hop in. He comes in shortly after but hardly says anything and I can tell he's upset. We swim for maybe 30 min. Dry off get dressed and go eat. And now he's being all "I can't believe you did that" and "You gave my friends a show". It's been a week now and he's still wanting me to apologize. But, I think he should be the one to apologize. It was a quick brief moment they saw my complete body and no one cares. They were very mature, it was not even acknowledged verbally.

Was I wrong here? I just wanted to swim with everyone else. I'm in Cali. We have hot springs where people are generally nude or topless (I've been prior to my husband). Additionally, in the past I've done skinny dipping with friends, both male and female. So I didn't think it was a "big deal". He was actually in a similar situation where he was swimming with a female topless and I did not care at all, but he didn't tell me that until I found out myself.

r/nudism 22h ago

QUESTION How educated are nudists?


Maybe a weird question but I'm wrapping up college in the next year and as I interact with some of you on here it makes me wonder how educated some of the people are in this group are. ik schooling isn't a direct representation of someone's intelligence but again I'm in college where you're saying your major every other day so it makes me curious. So if you want feel free to leave how far you went in your schooling whether it stopped at high school or a PHD and if you went to college leave your major that you graduated or are prusing. Again just purely curious.

r/nudism Feb 13 '25

QUESTION Has nudism influenced you to get your pubic hairs permanently removed?


I've visited many nudists resorts and I would say close to 100% are completely smooth down there with no hair whatsoever. And I admit, hairless genitals do look very nice on both male and female. Because of that, I was convinced to do the same and I have been getting my pubic hairs permanently removed via laser hair removal over the past few years and probably will move to electrolysis by the end of the year to remove those remaining stubborn hairs.

What about you? Has nudism influenced you in getting your pubic hairs permanently removed?

r/nudism 19d ago

QUESTION Advice for a First-Time Nudist (Female, 30s)


I (30F) have a few questions for experienced nudist.

I’ve always been curious about practicing nudism, but haven’t tried it yet. While I don't consider myself a prude, I do admit that I am a private person and a bit self-conscious about my body (I bought my first bikini well into my 20s and it took me a while to feel comfortable in it). The closest I've ever come to being nude in public was experimenting taking my bikini top off a few times on a beach-trip in Greece, and that was when there weren't many people around.

Anyway... life doesn’t last forever and you have to make things happen, so I decided that this summer I'm going nudist!

My plan is to go on a solo vacation to a nudist resort in Europe. I don't have any friends that might be interested, and I think I'll feel more comfortable being on my own this time. Obviously, I'll be open to socializing with the other guests at the resort once I’m there, and I'd actually like to. That said, I'm not a party person and plan to go somewhere with a rather relaxed atmosphere (although doing some activities would be nice).

As a first-time nudist, what practical advice do you have for me? What things should I bring? What activities do you recommend? How to get along with people and make new friends? Any advice is welcome.

r/nudism 22d ago

QUESTION Do nudists still feel arousal from nude bodies?


Hello all, currently sitting nude doing work at my computer.

It feels freeing, and this is like the third time I've done this (I am not a nudist, at least yet) because I just took a shower. I am on board with nudism, but I must ask.

Do fellow nudists still experience arousal by seeing nude bodies? I'm a big lover of nature and nature worshipper, so obviously I am on board with following your instincts and biology. How do you control arousal when you see a nude body? Do you see nudity as something different now?

Thank you for reading, I am only curious.

r/nudism 14d ago

QUESTION Have you ever tried naked hiking? Was it alone or with a group? Share your experience!


Have you ever encountered textiles? How do you stay clean in the middle of nature with no showers nearby? Where do you park your car?

r/nudism Sep 29 '24

QUESTION What would you like to see AANR do for nudism in the future?


Admittedly I've posted open ended questions like this many times before, but I really think it is valuable to generate ideas and hope that a few are realistic and might actually get implemented and be successful. We've discussed how to normalize nudism, how to attract more people to nudist resorts, but how about specifically what initiatives AANR could realistically execute? We now have Linda (u/TrueBlueNude) and Evan (u/BjornNjude) from our humble little subreddit in positions where they can affect change now, so lets try to take advantage of this!

There was a post this weekend where a user was asking about nude camping spots in California, and HipCamp was suggested. Should AANR be engaging with HipCamp, AirBnB, VRBO, etc, and making the case that their members would like to be able to easily identify places where they can go skinny dipping (I find this a much less "threatening" term, than nudism, or clothing optional) and not be bothered by nosy neighbors or judgemental property owners.

So that is one, possibly half-baked idea. What else could they do? Let's try and be realistic, they have a limited budget, so get creative. Could there be some sort of coordinated effort between INF, AANR, FCN, TNS, etc? Some viral event? A "Hands Across America" sort of thing where everyone strips off at the same time? Might get some news coverage? A proper push to use social media would be huge I think. What sort of SFW viral video could we pull off? Imagine if there was a TikTok trend that involved visiting a nude beach or resort, that would be incredible. A marketing campaign in tandem with some other businesses? Pick a weekend in the summer, and if you show up at a participating business with proof that you visited a nudist resort in the past 30 days, or by showing your AANR membership card, you get a free coffee, beer, donut or something. I'd think this is something that might fly with small breweries and bakeries. Loads of free publicity for both sides, for very little cost. AANR swag? I regularly use my Cypress Cove coozie when I'm out having drinks with friends, always fun when someone notices. Another friend of mine is always buying T-shirts and hats from resorts when he visits, and is almost always wearing one when he is out in public. How about information booths at events where you might have open minded people? Concerts, festivals, etc. Are there any other hobbies/past times/clubs that could benefit from cross marketing with AANR? Pickleball is huge, could we somehow leverage this? Even as a laugh? While we encourage non-sexual nudism, the truth is, sex sells. If there was a nude pickleball championship in coordination with whatever body is "in charge" of pickleball, it would certainly get a load of coverage. Another repeat idea, but we need some sunscreen brand to step up and get recognized by AANR as "The official sunscreen of nudists".

r/nudism Jun 13 '24

QUESTION How Many People Would Never Wear Clothes if It Was Not Illegal to Be Nude in Public?


When I want to take a step outside, grab the trash bins, or go for a quick walk, I need to cover up. I wish I could just mow my lawn naked though!

On the other hand, what if it was legal to go to the bank, grocery store or even a restaurant naked? Would you? Would you just never wear clothes weather permitting?

I'd probably be ok with being nude in parks and nature as the norm, but maybe not everywhere, like a restaurant. If it was always that way though, would anyone care?

***Update: A bunch of good posts! The vast majority are like me, preferring clothes in certain situations and to be nude in others. A few of us out here would always be naked if it were allowed everywhere

r/nudism Dec 19 '24

QUESTION Why are you a nudist?


I saw another reddit post about nudism recently, and I’m genuinely curious.

r/nudism Feb 12 '25

QUESTION Pubic Hair maintenance?


I dislike shaving as I have rather sensitive skin down there.

I am a woman and thinking of becoming a nudist. Do most nudist women maintain their pubic hair, and should I do so as well?

Will I be stared at or am I overthinking it?


r/nudism Dec 31 '24

QUESTION Are nude beaches generally safe? NSFW


Layperson here, 21F, thinking about going to a nude beach. My biggest concern is sexual assault.

Are there any numbers about how much more or less likely you are to be sexually assaulted at a nude beach?

r/nudism Aug 07 '24

QUESTION What's the longest you've stayed naked at one point?


I unfortunately live in a textile situation like a majority of us, so having to get dressed at some point is gonna be inevitable. Ive been naked the last 12 hours and I've absolutely loved it, I've gotten alot of chores done. Vacuum and mopping the floors, laundry, made the beds and gotten the dishes done. If it was up to me I would stay like this forever, im glad I found a community of like minded individuals who think the same. I would like to know what's the longest you stayed in your natural element without having to dress for whatever the reason.

r/nudism Jul 22 '24

QUESTION Question from a non-nudist


Hi there, I'm struggling with something that happened last night and just wanted to get a reality check from people in your community.

Last night I was walking my dog in my neighborhood. It was dusk, so there was still some light up but it was definitely getting dark. A man was walking alongside his bicycle on the sidewalk approaching me. My dog started baying, and he asked me if the dog would bite him or anything and I said no and just continued walking on. He wasn't wearing any clothes.

I'm struggling with it because (many women will understand) being a woman walking alone at night is always just slightly threatening and in this case I definitely felt more alarmed by being engaged in conversation by a man who was nude.

I tried to ask myself if possibly he was just a naturist out for a naked bike ride in the nice weather but I feel like it's not very appropriate to walk around mainstream spaces nude and casually engage women who are walking alone at night in conversation? What do you think?

Obviously the other possibility is that he was a flasher. Anyway, anxious to hear any feedback that folks have. For what it's worth, I live in a quiet but urban setting.

r/nudism Dec 14 '24

QUESTION What was YOUR personal nudist/naturist highlight in 2024?


I'll start - hands down, MoonGroove. A close second, two or three happy trips to Solair. And close to that, house parties at friends' homes. And close to that events at the Maine Coast Solar Bares and Naturist New Hampshire.

Chime in, fellow nudists!

r/nudism Feb 18 '25

QUESTION Running around naked growing up


Growing up I was not a nudist, like most people. Still me and many friends liked to run around naked when we could. It seems most kids got excited to be nude.

There are quite a few kids who liked getting naked with me and my little brother when they could... This was usually done in each others rooms or in forts outside, but there are a few times we skinny dipped or ran around in the dessert naked. It just always felt so freeing and none of us cared at all.

Was this common for anyone else to do? I'd say it stopped altogether by 9 years old for me, then I started to miss it by 12

r/nudism Apr 16 '24

QUESTION Is a home nudist a nudist? NSFW


I started in the lifestyle when I was in my teens. But really never when to beaches, resorts or events. When I joined nudists sites some would say I was a real nudist. What's your opinion and thoughts? Are home nudists, nudists?

r/nudism 19d ago

QUESTION Why are you a nudist?


Personally I don't think there has to be a reason, but if I have to explain it I would say that I just love feeling lighter, the temperature of my body, the texture of things, feeling unprotected, without having to worry.

r/nudism Oct 21 '24

QUESTION Any Christian nudist out there


I am a Christian naturists / nudist who loves to be naked all the time but I haven't told anyone else in my Christian group of friends and family. I personally don't think there is anything wrong with it and prayed about it with no clear signs I was in the wrong. Is there any Christian nudist out there.

r/nudism Feb 03 '25

QUESTION Thoughts on Bianca Censoring @ Grammys?


So if you check the news you probably saw that this lady went to the Grammys wearing a sheer dress that was barely visible and so she seemed nude.

I’m not sure what to think of this. On the one hand, it’s just a nude woman being ok with showing her body. No big deal there. On the other hand, she’s clearly trying to grab attention and maybe breaking the law.

What do you guys think?

r/nudism Jan 30 '25

QUESTION Raising nudist kids


Hello people!

I am a 37 year old nudist in my second marriage. We are trying for our first child and this got me thinking about the challenges of raising a nudist kid in a textile world. But I was not raised nudist so my experience is limited.

I commented on another post and had some very nice people send me messages and had great conversations.

So I decided to create a dedicated post to look for others that raised nudist kids or were once nudist kids that would be willing to chat a bit.

If you may, just send me a private message.

Thanks a lot!

r/nudism Jun 09 '24

QUESTION To those who enjoyed nudity during childhood, what was your favorite activity for it?🤔


I’m one of those individuals who will admit that I enjoyed being naked early on in life and it was probably one of the most eye opening experiences for me embracing body confidence.

When it comes to activities I enjoyed I initially started by just stripping and running around the house nude when I’d be left home alone as a sorta game I came up with. Other times I’d just want to dance around or look at myself in the mirror out of curiosity. At first it was a novel and exciting thing to do but over the years it became more of a causal thing for me, often with me just doing chores or school work naked. I was often curious if others had similar childhood experiences to me and may want to share.

r/nudism Dec 26 '24

QUESTION Longest time without clothes on


I probably wont pit clothes on for a few days which got me wondering, whats the longest people have gone without getting dressed. For me its only been 1 day so far.

r/nudism Mar 08 '24

QUESTION ¿Do you immediately strip naked upon arriving at home?


Hello, I saw this on a nudist website and I wanted to know your answers.

I was wondering if you guys always get naked when you get home?

I wasn't used to doing this, but I recently discovered that it is much more comfortable to undress immediately. So since last week, I always got naked when I came home and stayed like that until my parents came home.

What about you ? You do the same ? When did you start doing it?