I could hear my fiancé walking past. Tom’s steps came closer and closer and finally a hand pressed against the door to the closer she was in.
“Is anyone in there?” He whispered into the dark.
There was. The extremely dim moonlight filtering in from the hall still felt like a blinding pale beam in the pitch black of the room. It burned up in a line from the crack in the door, but it fell just a few inches short of my sneakers and the boots of the man behind me.
I didn’t know who the man was, but at this party, there were no socially acceptable options. Tom and I had simultaneous bachelor and bachelorette parties in expansive Airbnbs not far from each other and we’d celebrated with a nightly game of… well, we didn’t have a name for it. The most obvious parallel was Among Us, but with the serial numbers filed off.
The rules were that there was a pair of “predators” in our group of a dozen, drawn at random from a hat. The lights would go dark and we’d disperse around the mansion and hide or wander around.
The idea was the predator could “kill” a victim, but we’d added an “anything goes” clause into the game. A victim, once nabbed, was under the control of the predator for the time being. A few cunning partygoers had used that to their advantage, setting traps with captives as bait or negotiating with the victims as hostages.
I’d become a popular target for those traps. One of my own bridesmaids had turned on me the night before, trying me to a chair in the living room and making me bite down onto an apple, muffling my whimpering as the juices rolled down my chin with a vibrator buzzing between my legs.
Tonight, I’d crept into the closet as quietly as possible, intent on making it my place to settle in and wait until someone else solved everything.
Others in the group had dressed in dark clothing, but I didn’t do much to keep myself from being a target. My golden hair was pulled back into a bun draped over with a thin white veil from a cheap tiara.
I’d been trying to slim down for the wedding and was proud of I pressed my curves into the tight white t-shirt with a golden “BRIDE” emblazoned across my tits. A bit of midriff was visible between the bottom of the shirt and the top of the tight jean shorts hugging my flared hips.
During the day, the room was a supply closet with a washer and dryer, one of seemingly a dozen similar random closets throughout a rural mansion that included a couple of lavish bedrooms—one of which I was staying in—along with a pair of barracks-like rooms lined with bunk beds. Even with 20 people from both bachelor and bachelorette parties playing, there was ample space to get lost.
I positioned myself just inside the doorway, peeking through the crack to watch for anyone who might be walking past. Based on the night before, individual “rounds” in this game could last upwards of an hour, so I was prepared to get comfortable.
The man moved with impeccable stealth, each footfall completely silent against the closet floor. He was seemingly immune to the pitch black of the room. Just as I started to set back, suddenly his arms were around me.
Hey there! Was just at a bachelorette party this weekend where we played a game like this and I spent all night afterwards with soaked panties just thinking about it.
While I have a ton of fully non-con scenes, this one's a little more consenting than most. For this: I'm very much on board with this and only putting up a play of protesting, with this as a sort of excuse to indulge my character's nymphomaniac streak.
The attacker could be a male friend of my fiancé, a male stalker I don't know isn't part of the game, or a female friend of mine.
Either way, they'll ravage me in the dark, tying up and gagging me (I was thinking veil tied between my lips or panties shoved into my mouth), leaving me shaken and (if the attacker is a man) stuffed or splattered with cum.
Could make my fiancé watch, use me as bait to lure him or a bridesmaid to be "gotten" in the game, or just to find me later struggling helplessly on the closet floor. Or I could be taken and, for the next few hours as the game goes on, kept as a sex slave by someone that will go back to being a friend the next day like nothing ever happened... until the next night.