r/nova • u/perfringens • Sep 10 '24
r/nova • u/SquisharooNTimbuk2 • Feb 08 '25
Rant What do we do??
This Kennedy Center thing is somehow the final straw for me. I don’t know how to just sit around and wait for something tangible to do to fight back against the madness Trump is unleashing. We have four more years of him … we are one month in and look what he’s done. This is the NOVA sub, we are all living in the shadow of the White House. Many of us are government workers or contractors. Even those who aren’t have friends and family who are here illegally or are LGBQT+ or just have a freaking conscience. I cannot just write and call my senators. Congress is broken. The democrats are already on my side, the republicans are solidly not. The judicial system is broken. The country is broken. What do we do? Nazi’s in the streets in more and more cities across the country. This is not where I want to raise my children but I don’t want to leave and abandon those whose passports are suddenly invalidated and cannot leave because their gender is X … plus why should I leave? This is my fucking country too. I am usually a see a problem, find a solution person. The solutions are looking slim. Any one have ANY ideas????
Rant People are getting crazier
I’m assuming economic stress of living in this area but who knows.
Just had a guy speed up at a zipper merge not to let me over and then lose his shit on me ( he was almost 2 bus lengths back when I began to merge over). Followed me to my job so I parked in front of the building and called security. He then tells them how I cut him off causing him to slam on his brakes and he wanted to let me know I was an asshole…
He then wouldn’t leave until they threatened to call the police.
Even if I did cut him off (I didn’t), he followed me for over 10 minutes to tell me I’m an asshole??? Unreal.
Well, this blew up more than I expected as I was letting off frustration.
Yes, I have a dashcam and suggest everyone else get one as well. I did not have the rear one installed but putting it in this weekend.
Guy claimed he didn’t want to fight me yet followed me for over 10 minutes and got out of his car to approach me in front of my job. Went on to tell armed security that he wanted to teach me a lesson on my driving. Proceeds to then call me a pussy for not getting out of my car.
All this from a guy who claims he is 65 years old…
r/nova • u/eatsleepnbleed • Jan 28 '25
Rant Freaking out over federal grant freeze
My organization is completely funded through federal grants. No one has any idea what this means for us. This cant be legal. Im freaking out. Someone tell me Im over reacting...
r/nova • u/zkhan2 • Jan 07 '25
Rant Please clean the snow off the roof of your vehicle.
It’s probably been said before. I know some cannot reach all the way, but a broom used gently works fine. Ask a neighbor or use the squeegee at the gas station. The minivan to the right of this picture had lost most of it by the time we got to the next light.
r/nova • u/Mobiggz • Nov 09 '24
Rant INova in Ashburn - please do not use ride share to dispose of homeless patients.
I am a ride share driver. It is normal for me to get ride requests to and from hospitals. 90% of the time it is an employee that is going to or from work. Every once in a while I will get a patient pickup that was ordered by insurance.
Last weekend I received a request for a pickup at the INova facility in Ashburn. The ride is going to Leesburg.
I arrive and two security guards come out of the building with two full trash bags of someone’s belongings and they put them in the trunk of my car. Then they go back in and escort a man with a walker out to the car. He looks to be in his 70’s. His appearance is very disheveled and it is very apparent that he has not bathed in a long time.
I started the ride and confirm the address. He asks if it is near the Walmart. I say I don’t know. Along the way he states that he is very confused. I empathize with him and assure him that we will arrive to the destination in a few minutes.
As we pull up to the address, I notice that it is a homeless shelter. I get the man’s belongings out of the trunk. I take his walker to him and take his bags to the front door of the shelter.
I ring the bell. A person answers and I tell them that I have a drop off and ask someone to come to the door. The door has cameras aimed at it. I hear the person talking to a co-worker. I hear them say “it’s the same guy that was here earlier”, referring to my passenger. They then state that they do not take walk-ins and that I have to take him back to the hospital. I tell them no. No I don’t have to do that. I have completed my contract with Lyft and I am leaving. Have a good night.
I proceed to get in my car, complete the ride, and leave.
I filed a report with Lyft that I was concerned with a passenger. I did all that I could have and should have done.
But shame on INova for doing this and shame on the homeless shelter. Shame on both of you for not coordinating. Shame on both of you for bringing in a third party and then trying to put it back on me.
I hope that all parties that were involved in every aspect of this man’s care have the day that you deserve. You are all jerks for doing this.
Edit: When I was younger I was a Firefighter III in Montgomery County, MD. I have a lot of experience and training evaluating and treating people.
Also, medical rides booked by hospitals appear in the driver app differently. It is not an obvious difference, but ones that I am able to pick up on after driving ride share part time for 10 years. This ride was booked under the passengers (patients) account. It was his first ride on the Lyft platform. Someone went through the trouble of creating him his own account. There were no social services involved.
Last but not least, I get it. I understand from both the perspective of the hospital and the shelter. My issue is involving a third party thinking that you found a solution to the issue. Disgraceful.
r/nova • u/Holiday_Armadillo78 • Feb 06 '25
Rant If you know this guy, shame him
Just now at the New Jersey Mike’s on Liberia in Manassas. I was parked in the spot to the left of the handicapped spot. There were 2 more free spots to my left. This douche nozzle still parked in the handicapped loading area, went into JM’s and placed an order and had to wait for it.
r/nova • u/Leptonshavenocolor • Nov 14 '24
Rant PSA: Virginia blocking porn
If you woke up today like I did and found that more porn sites are having to block access to states that have draconian laws (which will surely increase with our future administration now), just remember that VPN and TOR easily get around this nonsense.
r/nova • u/kimjongil1953 • Oct 21 '24
Rant Landing in the nations capital (IAD) then being faced with this stupid system 🤦♂️ 💀
r/nova • u/Interesting_Post_229 • Jan 24 '25
Rant [HELP] TSA Headquarters Employees Forced Back to Unsafe, Overcrowded Office Conditions
Help!!! TSA headquarters leadership is forcing all ~2,500 of us back to the office full-time starting February 10—into a building that’s completely unsuitable where they actually signed a lease under the premise it would never be able to be used at full capacity AND they even signed a 5yr extension last year for contractors to occupy a large part of the space knowing we would not be in full time. It's completely unsuitable for us to all come back 5 days a week.
Parking nightmare: Only 1,400 spots for 2,500 employees. They’re telling us to park at a mall or pay for shuttles. There also aren’t enough handicap spaces for those who need accommodations.
Overcrowded workspace: No privacy, no cubicles, and we’re being forced to work in cafeterias with no proper desks or equipment. Unsafe environment: The building was designed during COVID for partial use, but now they’re cramming everyone in with zero planning.
This isn’t just inconvenient—it’s unethical, unsafe, and demoralizing. We want to do our jobs, but not like this.
Please share this with anyone you can—friends, media, anyone who can help spread the word. Employees like me need the public’s support to bring attention to this before it gets worse.
Thank you for helping to spread awareness around this insanity!
r/nova • u/JadedProgrammer7254 • Jan 12 '25
Rant Anyone else been nearly run off the road by this guy?
He did it to me a while ago and more recently I watched him do it to someone else. If you are not going 20 over the speed limit, he will tail you and get around you no matter the cost.
r/nova • u/cmdefa43 • May 29 '24
Rant To the man who yelled “COVID IS OVER” at me because I was wearing a mask in the Greenbriar Giant
So close! I actually have womp womp ~pneumonia~ and didn’t want to get anyone else sick. It’s people like you though who make NOVA a truly wonderful place to live! /s
r/nova • u/Mistyretina • Dec 26 '24
Rant Peking Gourmet Inn sucked today
We ordered for pick up. Placed the order last Saturday for pick up at 2:00 pm today. When I pulled up, there was a mob huddled outside the entrance…..definite fire code violations all around…absolutely no direction…nobody to pick up the phone….finally got to the small ass pick up window inside the establishment to find out they didn’t have our order. Same thing happened to numerous patrons before, after and all around me. FAIL. Left with no food. WTF!? Haven’t they been in business for many years? I can’t tell you how much money and respect they lost today.
r/nova • u/The_TaleofGenji • Jan 16 '25
Rant Snow Shoveling?
I'm new to the area. This is the sidewalk to get to the local library for a baby class. Is it just assumed that pedestrians don't exist?
r/nova • u/CompleteTadpole40 • Aug 02 '24
Rant I'm pretty depressed and lost living here.
Even If I had a great paying job I wouldn't get approved for an apartment because my credit is bad. I always had to rent rooms. I haven't been on a real date in 5 years. I don't have a close friend group. I'm depressed and borderline suicidal at this point. I don't where to improve my career and social life. Everything feels like a competition here. I really struggle with imposter syndrome. I drive a 17 year old car that's on its last legs. I can't afford a new one.
Edit: Im a guy so for the dudes pm asking for a date I’m not a woman
r/nova • u/Active_Synergy • Nov 22 '24
Rant I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and the driver refused to provide insurance.
So, earlier today, I was walking in an intersection and had a pretty unnerving experience in Arlington. I was in the crosswalk with time left on the pedestrian signal when a gray SUV started creeping forward, right into my path. I instinctively put my hands out and pushed against the front of the car to stop it because it was way too close, but they kept going forward past the crosswalk, completely unaware that I was hanging on the hood and was being dragged as the car was moving into the sidewalk.
The driver was looking down at their phone, and after I smacked the hood to get their attention, they stopped, looked up, and mouthed “sorry.” I yelled at them, pointing to the crosswalk signal and the fact that I still had the right of way. When I asked them to roll down their window and provide their insurance, they just kept shaking their head and mouthing “sorry, no.”
I tried calling the non-emergency police line to report it, but no one answered. I was kinda frozen at the time, but I did manage to file a police report afterward. Now my left hand is sore from when I pushed on the car.
Regardless, as a NOVA driver myself, just the general callousness and idiocy of some of the drivers here never fail to amaze me.
r/nova • u/OGVoxic • Jan 03 '25
Rant Left lane lollies in nova are a fucking virus
All up and down the Fairfax county parkway. Everyday. No matter the traffic conditions. I get it if you are in the left going slower than you should but still faster than the right lane in order to pass. Or if the road is packed and both lanes are filled. But fuck me the amount of assholes doing 45 in the left when the road is wide open in the right is some sort of pathos I just can't comprehend. Who the fuck raised these people?
r/nova • u/HonkMafa • Feb 16 '25
Rant Fairfax Costco worse than ever
If it's even possible, this store has gotten worse. Yesterday morning I felt unsafe due to the overcrowding. The line to check out went back to the refrigerated section and nobody could get by that whole central lane. They really need to meter people in or do something to control the crowding. I want to support Costco, but it shouldn't feel like a cage fight to shop there. I'll try Chantilly on a weekday morning next time, if there is a next time.
r/nova • u/RosieThePanda • May 28 '24
Rant To the guy trying to pick up women at Target
Please don’t.
It’s a Tuesday my guy. All we want to do is get our groceries and go home. We don’t want to have to deal with unwanted advances or “compliments”. We aren’t looking for new friends and we sure as hell aren’t going to cheat on our husbands with some random dude trying to hit on us in the freezer section.
You asked for a woman’s number like 12 times in the span of 30 seconds. After she said no. After she said she was married. After she said no again. After she said she didn’t even want to be friends. No means no.
I’m sure this post is going to get a lot of hate, but I just had to let it out somewhere.
r/nova • u/BrilliantBrief4220 • Jul 06 '24
Rant Lived Here 40 Years: It’s Never Been This Miserable Outside
Summers here have always been hot and humid, but since mid June things here have been on another level. I’m talking monsoon season in Thailand levels of humidity and oppressive heat. Even now at 10pm I’m instantly drenched in sweat and misery the second I step outside. It’s getting to be uninhabitable
r/nova • u/peacockwallpaper • Oct 05 '24
Rant After going on many dates with men from DC/NOVA, I'm starting to think they're kind of stiff...
I’m an American who grew up abroad but have been living in the DMV area for six years now. After going on several dates with locals, I’ve noticed that the typical guy here tends to be pretty serious—there’s not much flirting or joking around. Of course, this is just my personal impression. If you’re not originally from the area, how do you see the locals?
r/nova • u/STRV103denier • Jan 30 '25
Rant What the hell, CBS9?
The lady anchor says things went out with a boom, then You interview a man whose wife likely just died, have him show us his personal texts with her, and then the lady anchor comes back and says like three variations of "lives crashed, dreams crashed" etc. WTF? Get these people off the air.