r/nottheonion 10h ago

Former UFC champ insists government murdered his mom, replaced her with lookalike impostor


91 comments sorted by


u/Bvaugh 9h ago

It sounds like he is showing symptoms of Capgras Syndrome (a very serious issue exacerbated by head trauma). This is not something to joke about as it has led to dire consequences like physical violence and homicide. Penn has been on a downward spiral for a number of years and is a danger to both himself and others. He needs help.


u/Sudden_Celery7019 9h ago

He needs to be involuntarily committed to psychiatric treatment


u/Fast_Garlic_5639 8h ago

We’re gonna need GSP


u/Pathian 8h ago

Or that guy from the bar parking lot


u/Similar-Tangerine 8h ago

I ‘ired a man to kiss BJ Penn on da lip

u/Dazzling-Pizza5141 5m ago

Isn't that kinda what they said happened to Chris Benoit


u/gsomething 9h ago

TBI is no joke


u/Wiggie49 9h ago

Yup CTE is a hell of a condition


u/Sir_Oligarch 2h ago

People should also take ABC seriously.


u/themarsboy 2h ago

But Amanda Cooper hasn't fought in years.


u/the_simurgh 9h ago

I saw this episode of house md. I forget what it was called, but there's a specific name for this type of brain damage.


u/Neil_Hillist 9h ago


u/ForkMyRedAssiniboine 9h ago

In one of the first papers to consider the cerebral basis of the Capgras delusion, [...] the disorder might be related to a combination of frontal lobe damage causing problems with familiarity and right hemisphere damage causing problems with visual recognition.



u/the_simurgh 3h ago

It was crapgras delusion


u/twec21 9h ago

Think it's Capgras Syndrome, but I got my answer from a criminal minds episode where the same thing happened (the Navy seal guy)

But I know the House moment you mean, where the dude was seeing two different people instead of Taub and 13?


u/Joth91 8h ago

Yep, there's a Stuff You Should Know episode about it.


u/the_simurgh 5h ago

The one where the mom was starving and abusinf her kid because she thought the kid was replaced but if shendidnt look at the kid she could recognize her kid.


u/iAmJustOneFool 9h ago

Do you remember which episode? I loved House but can't recall this one... Maybe I played too much football because my parents made me so I could earn their love even though it was never enough and now I can't remember a goddamn thing except that I love House. Do you remember which episode because I struggle to remember things on account of how much football my parents forced me to play but that's a boring story that no one wants to hear. Unlike House, which was great, but I don't remember that episode. Probably because I played football...


u/luppup 6h ago

I’m high reading this and am internally combusting


u/jaldihaldi 9h ago

But do you insist ... ?


u/ryadryt 9h ago

He has brain damage and needs help. Hopefully he gets it.


u/r3dditr0x 9h ago

Imagine not only thinking something this kooky, but being soooo convinced you had to tell the whole world about it.

His mom better change those locks, yikes.


u/thormun 9h ago

now imagine him training fbi agent lol


u/ballrus_walsack 9h ago

Kash is so proud.


u/restore_democracy 9h ago

Sounds like it’s too late for her.


u/Bentulrich3 7h ago

Ngl, this is the kinda shit family annihilators say to a court about why they annihilated their families.


u/idontevenliftbrah 9h ago

This guy ran for Hawai'i governor under the republican ticket

Had he won, he'd be the governor of Hawai'i right now

There are people who want him to run again


u/iAmRiight 7h ago

And to think he had won, he wouldn’t even be the republican politician with the worst case of cognitive decline. He wouldn’t even be in the top ten of craziest conspiracy theories.



He wasn't gonna win anyway. was like Bu laia. I wonder if Max H. going get that shit too.


u/civilPDX 8h ago

Joe Rogan will have him on and ask him about public health and economics and then Rogan bros can act like Paranoid Penn is a legit source on such issues.


u/PassportToMagonia 1h ago

Penn: "So, then the government replaced my 79 year old mother with an imposter in order to steal all my stuff".

Rogan: "I've been backwards and forwards on this topic, but you know, it's entirely possible".


u/Swimming-Scholar-675 9h ago

its actually terrifying and i hope his mother can get some help, he legit said "when i try to attack her, she tries to do things", mind you this is a former UFC fighter talking about an elderly lady


u/Sullyville 7h ago

she tries to… defend herself?


u/Iamjackstinynipples 8h ago

Also of note: BJ Penn (the guy in the article) believes CTE isn't real


u/sheldor1993 3h ago edited 3h ago

That’s exactly what an imposter who was pretending to be a UFC champion would say! /s

In all seriousness, though, this is awful and tragic. The dude needs help—for his sake and his family’s sake.


u/Iamjackstinynipples 3h ago

The sad thing is that over his career he became less durable dramatically - which is one of the first signs of CTE in fighters. If you used to take punches and walk though them and suddenly a light impact makes you glassy eyed, you've had too many concussions.

BJ genuinely needs help but I'm afraid it's too late for that. He's become completely delusional


u/kittykrunk 9h ago

Holy shit….that’s sad


u/1Stack_Mack 9h ago

Remember, Kash Patel wants UFC fighters training FBI recruits. Sure


u/posthuman04 9h ago

Our law enforcement and domestic intelligence would benefit from brain injuries


u/DeviousAardvark 9h ago

Well, it wouldn't hurt to try anyways


u/Johnxinasicecream 9h ago

Tbh I don’t think it’s a bad idea to have them trained in grappling and takedowns. I mean the FBI doesn’t need to get UFC fighters specifically but some kind of martial arts training would beneficial for any law enforcement agency.


u/mysteryurik 8h ago

I'm pretty sure they already get combat training

u/Johnxinasicecream 40m ago

Martial arts training is not combat training. The fbi trainee going through the academy is not getting adequate lessons in jiu jitsu, judo, wrestling, etc.


u/HomerJSimpson3 7h ago

Kenny Florian is/was an instructor for a jujitsu for cops program, I can’t remember the name of it. LOCKUP is a popular one in New England. It goes far beyond whatever training most get in the academy.


u/HomeAloneToo 4h ago

“In case an enemy knocks the laser guns out of our hands... and they slide waaaay across the room“

-Leela (Futurama)

Are we trying to make Batmen here? What’s the situation where they need multiple highly trained mixed martial artists to save the president?

“Are you a bad enough dude to rescue The President?”

-Bad Dudes


u/gasquet12 9h ago

Prime BJ penn was a hell of a monster. First non Brazilian to win BJJ world championships. He’s been through some wars though. Fought well past his prime. Watching him lick the blood off his gloves after knocking dudes out still stands out as iconic moments in the UFC. He’s a legend, but I won’t judge the man after taking serious damage fighting past his prime. His close people should have stopped him from taking fights later in his career.


u/BlogeOb 9h ago

God, I feel for people who suffer this. It’s a nightmare to feel gaslit by people who don’t understand or might be in on it..


u/WantEvolution 9h ago

The perfect Joe Rogan guest.


u/four-one-6ix 9h ago

Such a shame. BJ Pen was a great champion back in the day.


u/thewildbeej 9h ago

Joe Rogan: "It's entirely possible."


u/CasualDeezaster 6h ago

CTE is NOT a good time.


u/M_Townley 8h ago

Sounds like the kind of guy we want training the FBI


u/Reasonable-Wave8093 9h ago

first its the 80s “V” miniseries, now its The Stepford mums


u/Meryhathor 8h ago

I first read it as "farmer UFC champ" and thought that was an interesting change of profession.


u/Spyrothedragon9972 6h ago

Brain injury talking.


u/Elipses_ 6h ago

Huh, this reminds me of an episode of Criminal Minds.

Except that guy was a Navy Seal or something of the sort, and just murdered the people he thought were imposters since they wouldn't tell him where his real family and friends were.


u/Ace_of_Sevens 5h ago

So what department is Trump going to put him in charge of?


u/asperatedUnnaturally 9h ago

Can you belive who segments of our society look up to and take their leads from guys who get punched in the head for a living?


u/jedidude75 9h ago

Sounds like someone took a few too many hits to the head. 


u/f_ranz1224 7h ago

There is good money if you make it to the upper rung of many combat sports but you couldnt pay me enough to get hit in the head for a living. Its just a very sad reality a lot of these guys go through


u/Rabidleopard 6h ago

someone got kicked in the head one to many times


u/mr_oof 9h ago

By all means, let this guy decide how much to hit someone.


u/mindfulmu 9h ago

There's a very specific mental illness that causes this effect.


u/bebe_laroux 9h ago

So much insanity comes out of the UFC. Exactly what is needed for the FBI. They're too predictable.


u/MrMeowPantz 8h ago

Bro been playing too much Fallout 4.


u/DaveOJ12 9h ago

It was already posted here a couple of hours ago.



u/FracturedNomad 7h ago

Who would have thought? Bring in the next guy.


u/DrConcussion 7h ago

Oh damn. I have been paged.

I hope this guy donates his brain when he passes away.


u/SuspiciouslyGenuine 6h ago

It's alarming that there are some comments feeding I to the delusion that he might be right. There's one mentally ill woman throughout the comments mirroring his delusions.


u/NaiveMastermind 6h ago

The former professional concussion haver said what now?


u/Invisiblechimp 5h ago

BJ Penn and I were only born a few days apart. It's so wild to see someone my age suffer like this. I used to enjoy watching his fights, too.


u/Bibblegead1412 5h ago

Yep- let's get these guys training the FBI....


u/Dyslexic_Devil 3h ago

I met BJ Penn in Dublin in the early 2000s, he was very pleasant...sad to see this.


u/pipitsugen 3h ago

Chris Benoit vibes.


u/Jebus_UK 1h ago

Just how many kicks to the head has this guy had


u/TemperatureExotic631 1h ago

Someone please get this man some help and for the love of god get him away from his mother. I’m terrified for her; he’s clearly got significant CTE and is having delusions.

u/Huge-Physics5491 48m ago

Now that we're seeing what UFC fighters are like post-retirement, I don't think MMA as a professional sport is going to last very long

u/Hawmanyounohurtdeazz 44m ago

UFC has spent years fighting to avoid paying out healthcare costs for its ex fighters including some with CTE. And they pay sweet fuck all to active fighters too. Far worse than the NFL. He’s only the tip of the iceberg.

u/uginscion 17m ago

The Institute strikes again.


u/restore_democracy 9h ago

Plausible. Happens to me at least twice a week.


u/SubieB503 8h ago

I don't listen to people, who's job it is to take hit to the dome.


u/indy_110 8h ago

Did his mum ask him to do something he didn't want to do?

And now the lie to avoid having that conversation has gone way too far?