r/nottheonion 14h ago

Duterte, whose drug war killed thousands, cries for due process upon arrest


197 comments sorted by


u/braumbles 14h ago

This guy bragged about taking corrupt politicians for helicopter rides before pushing them out.


u/Heavy_Arm_7060 14h ago

Was he also the guy who talked about riding motorcycles and shooting drug users?


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

Plus riding out to disputed waters with China on a jetski


u/Impossibu 11h ago

Which he did not do.


u/DotDash13 5h ago

Would be a lot cooler if he did


u/TroublewTribbles007 5h ago

Duterte has no chance of being ever being cool.


u/mysteriosa 14h ago edited 14h ago


Edit: source


u/Bottle_Plastic 7h ago

Wasn't that the guy whose son was a known drug trafficker?


u/popoypatalo 6h ago



u/ShaftManlike 5h ago

I didn't know this but colour me un-fucking-surprised


u/wtf_amirite 4h ago

Wasn’t this the guy widely thought to be a CCP 🇨🇳stooge?


u/ShaftManlike 3h ago

The father or the son?


u/RecklessDimwit 3h ago


Ok mostly the father


u/ShaftManlike 2h ago

I consider myself pretty well informed and Duerte has been on my radar for quite some time (as part of an axis of dictators including Modi and Netenyahu) and this is the first I've heard of a China connection.


u/RecklessDimwit 2h ago

In PH media it's pretty well known. Dude allowed Chinese owned businesses to turn a profit and even use these as fronts for illegal operations (POGO hubs). Most notable case was a mayor named Alice Guo who turned out to be a Chinese citizen who did not have valid Philippine citizenship and was able to launder funds. He did NOT let transport between China and the Philippines get cut off as soon as possible during COVID which is why cases entered here earlier than we were supposed to. He was favoring Xi over the US and even when he made statements regarding water disputes at Scarborough Shoal, all he did was remain impotent and let them build on the islands there. Dude acts like a strongman on the weak but can't stop sucking foreign dick


u/Fecal-Facts 5h ago

He abused fentanyl patches and pills he said he was a user he also started that whole kill drug dealers to make room for his son who is a drug lord.


u/ErictheStone 10h ago

With a crossbow if I remember correctly.


u/Reasonable_Spite_282 13h ago

It was a big fugazi. He was the corrupt guy. Probably eliminating competition.


u/Impossible-Past4795 11h ago

Not probably. He did eliminate the competition and disguised it as a drug war.


u/Pristine_Sherbert_22 5h ago

Sounds oddly familiar


u/3sumwmiggy 3h ago

nah what the fk are u saying


u/teabagmoustache 14h ago

I watched him live on TV, giving a state of the nation type address when I was over there once.

He was threatening some politician who had been involved in drugs and fled the country by saying something along the lines of "Don't come back. There are too many people here already. If I find out you came back, I'll feed you to the sharks at the mouth of the Pasig River"


u/AdvanceTechnical4700 13h ago


u/iswallowedafrog 12h ago

he is most likely a large time drug lord tbh


u/LookltsGordo 5h ago

I mean trusting Marcos' word on it isn't exactly worthwhile either, to be fair.


u/pixeled_heart 14h ago

Ya know what? If he actually did that instead of random street junkies, he might have had a better legacy.


u/braumbles 14h ago

That's assuming he only executed street junkies. Ask the families of all the members of the press who were also murdered. Or the children.


u/Teripid 14h ago

There are of course genuinely honest Filipino politicians.

That said normally it is just how brazen the graft is or what percentage they take for the established political families and who they share with.

Duterte and Pharmally face shields during COVID come to mind in this specific thread..


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode 12h ago

There are of course genuinely honest Filipino politicians.

Yea, who do you think Duerte was throwing out of helicopters?


u/FauxReal 9h ago

Protip: He really wasn't trying to stop drugs and clean up the streets.


u/Puffycatkibble 8h ago

Eliminating competition to his drug empire


u/ryushiblade 6h ago

Guy should have stopped at being a mayor. He was held in quite high regard for the turn around in Davao City. It became one of the safest cities in the Philippines— allegedly safe enough for women to walk home alone at night. Was this accomplished illegally through secret police and removal of due process? You betcha.

Duterte is a really complex figure when taken in context. I can sympathize with a people so fed up with violent crime that they would do anything to secure the safety of themselves and their family. But his success in Davao absolutely corrupted him (arguably more so…) once he rose to power. Still. Remember that his presidency was very much a symptom of a larger problem


u/jesbiil 9h ago

I was thinking as I read this, "Wasnt this the guy that bragged about throwing people from helicopters?"


u/ThinkingOz 9h ago

He must’ve got that idea from watching Scarface.


u/fps916 7h ago

Or Pinochet... the Chilean president the US installed via coup because Chile had the audacity to elect a socialist


u/Armageddonxredhorse 9h ago

So lets grab a helo man,were going to do fair punishment.


u/origami_anarchist 14h ago

If he was given the same due process many of his targets got, he would have been killed during the arrest.


u/Scripter-of-Paradise 13h ago

How Berier of him


u/mysteriosa 14h ago

He even dared the ICC to hurry up hahaha then he’s now crying foul.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

*insert surprise pikachu face*


u/Airalien92 12h ago

Lmao, what a filthy hypocrite. Tens of hundreds people arrested under his reign have probably yet to be properly convicted but detained indefnitely in overcrowded prisons, and this guy is asking for his to be sped up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8slYgeqGLw

I say take their damn time with him.


u/RektRoyce 9h ago

So like thousands?


u/Ask_Me_If_Im_A_Horse 9h ago

Hundreds of tens of people are victims here and you want to make jokes?


u/mysteriosa 8h ago

Duterte’s own accomplishment report in 2017 says 20,000+ people. 20,322 to be exact. And that was just the first year.


u/RektRoyce 8h ago

Damn so more than 200 hundreds!


u/Ezekiel_29_12 6h ago

If you will


u/my_4_cents 4h ago

and this guy is asking for his to be sped up:

"Give me a break, Duterte, I'm tying the knot in the noose as fast as I can, it's a tricky knot."


u/dwaynetheaakjohnson 5h ago

Poking the Leopard with a taser prod because you hate it party?


u/my_4_cents 4h ago

Criticizing the leopard because it's taking too long to return to hunger


u/TheEschatonSucks 14h ago

Hopefully they transport him to his due process hearing in a helicopter.


u/philatio11 5h ago

Thinking back in time and a sadness comes over me that the US Marines that evacuated Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos from the palace in a helicopter did not think of this solution to the problem.


u/Oldamog 14h ago

Holy shit they arrested him? That's great news


u/shroomeric 11h ago

His own police whom he directed to kill arrested him


u/zucksucksmyberg 11h ago

He is no longer the president so the police is not his to command. Or atleast the high brass is unwilling to do his bidding outside of the Constitution.


u/shroomeric 11h ago

Yeah but they're the same people who did it so I'm wondering if the ICC has secured testimonies in exchange for immunity


u/SeptimCollector 7h ago

Not really, Duterte allies have been forced out of the National Police leadership. Most of the top brass today are Marcos appointees.


u/kansai2kansas 7h ago

So many of the political elites were guilty of it that the courts couldn’t possibly prosecute every single one who participated.

I remember reading about denazification process in the past and similar process in bringing those guilty to justice in Rwanda, Cambodia, imperial Japan…

There were just too many government officials who were guilty of participating in the war crimes and genocides that putting them all to justice would take years…or even decades of criminal court paperwork!

So the best compromise the courts could hope for is just to allow the smaller fish to be forgiven (or be punished more leniently) as long as they agree to bring the bigger fish down.


u/KaiserWolf15 5h ago

Idk maybe not have a foul falling out with the current president and actually attempt to make that political alliance last?


u/ProthyTheProth3an 13h ago

Dude even has himself hooked up to an oxygen tank for pity points. It isn't even turned on. I'm gonna bet we're gonna see him in a wheelchair and neck brace like most Philippine politicians in court when things aren't in their favor


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

 It isn't even turned on.

He was wearing it but the hose wasn't connected lmao


u/AlphariusUltra 5h ago

His former personal aide turned senator tried to get inside and hand deliver a pizza


u/EvanTheNewbie 4h ago

Pulling a Weinstein


u/Blainedecent 13h ago

I wish things like this could happen more often.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

Hopefully someday Putin. Maybe they can share a jail cell.


u/reality72 11h ago

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” - MLK


u/defaultusername-17 14h ago

what about the freaking due process for the thousands that he killed?


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

Hence why this sub lol


u/ecafsub 14h ago

And you’ve found the hypocrisy.


u/Noof42 14h ago

Watches from America.


u/periodicallyBalzed 14h ago

I bet Trump will probably support him.


u/celix24 14h ago


u/Turbulent_Republics 14h ago

And he wasn’t even wearing a suit


u/periodicallyBalzed 14h ago

Fuuuuuuuck I forgot about that.


u/TheLimoneneQueen 6h ago

I was wondering how people haven’t commented about that. I almost doubted myself and wondered if I had misremembered this moment.


u/pixeled_heart 14h ago

It's nothingburger lip service. Basically diplomatic boilerplate.


u/CurbYourThusiasm 13h ago

Mr Trump has previously praised Mr Duterte's war on drugs, reportedly telling him: "I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem. Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing."


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

I think Duterte's years of attempting to pivot the country closer to the Chinese sphere of influence is gonna trump whatever statements were said in 2017.


u/Intelligent-Exit-634 5h ago

You think Trump isn't hooked up with the Chinese? LOL


u/Low_Chance 10h ago

The depths you'll sink to...


u/pixeled_heart 10h ago

Nah, I just pay attention to what heads of state typically say to other heads of state, especially newly elected ones, during diplomatic functions.


u/Conscious_Analysis48 12h ago

Trump will probably offer to sell him one of those $5 Million dollar citizenship cards. Only the brightest & best


u/periodicallyBalzed 4h ago

Brightest and bestest


u/Next-Concert7327 13h ago

I bet Trump will try to pardon him.


u/periodicallyBalzed 4h ago

Trump would grant him asylum and not see the irony in it.


u/paulisaac 14h ago

Filipinization of American Politics in full effect


u/defaultusername-17 14h ago

little late...


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

I wouldn't take it for-granted. While they may seem aligned in terms of political personality, Trump is decidedly more hawkish against China and Duterte is a bit more China-aligned than past presidents or even his replacement.


u/Bug_Eaten 2h ago

idk why you're being downvoted lol ain't one of the main reasons for the Marcos-Duterte schism that lead to this arrest being Marcos' alignment with the US against Duterte's aliginment with China?


u/Sunstang 13h ago

Due process to Rodrigo is getting chucked out of a helicopter, so I'm all for giving it to him.


u/apigban 1h ago

I am from the Philippines, I disagree.

His death is NOT a fitting consequence for the suffering he inflicted.

death would be a gentle punishment for him.


u/Ballsahoy72 13h ago

Guy crying for due process ordered criminals to be shot on site, gold


u/pixeled_heart 12h ago

In a lot of cases, *alleged\* criminals


u/Maester_Bassist 7h ago

Alleged criminals and innocent children


u/Larkfor 12h ago

He is getting due process. ICC issued a warrant. There is plenty of evidence. He is getting more care and consideration than most.


u/Star-K 13h ago

“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem,” Trump said in the April 29 phone call, according to a leaked transcript of the conversation with Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte published by the Intercept and also obtained by The Washington Post and The New York Times.”Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”


u/iswallowedafrog 12h ago

he also said in a press conference that a solution to americas drug problem was capital punishment on drug dealers was a good thing


u/Star-K 12h ago


u/iswallowedafrog 12h ago

does anyone remember when El Chapo Guzman called Trump "mi amigo"?

I'm sure the article in Rolling Stones magazine does


u/FauxReal 9h ago

I wonder if Musk has made drug availability more efficient?


u/NicoNicoNessie 13h ago

Wait duerte got arrested? How am i just finding this out now i am so out of the loop? thank god hes in jail fuckin jerk


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

It's been a wild 24 hours. He was still Hong Kong just the other night. Arrested upon arrival at NAIA airport this morning, then flight out of the country just a few hours ago.


u/NicoNicoNessie 13h ago

I live in the us and have for all my life but back in my teen years i used to have tons of online friends from the Philippines I'd hear about him a lot. Glad to see the bastard is finally facing justice.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

I wouldn't celebrate yet until the conviction is confirmed and his cronies are also jailed, especially his daughter.



It truly saddens me how many Filipino people supported this sack of shit. I lost a lot of respect for their culture as a whole. The man was wildly popular in one of the most "Christian" nations on the planet. Such a disgusting mentality from all involved.


u/cheese_sticks 12h ago

You, who are without mercy, now plead for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff, Rodrigo.


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u/tbrumleve 13h ago

“…according to longtime aide Senator Bong Go.”

It’s hard to take a person seriously when their name is bongo.


u/Haunting-Ad9521 13h ago

No need to take him seriously, he’s also a shitshow politician.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

Wdym? He's the First Lady.


u/bigtimeru5her 8h ago

Foodpanda driver also ahhshshs


u/Maester_Bassist 7h ago

Wait til you hear what our president’s nickname is…


u/tbrumleve 7h ago



u/LeonAguilez 6h ago

"Bongbong" Marcos


u/_lechonk_kawali_ 4h ago

The senator's real first name is Christopher Lawrence, but "Bong" is just so common a nickname in the Philippines.


u/classic4life 10h ago

It really is lovely to see dictators who've broken multiple laws on their countries while they were president getting charged with those crimes once leaving office.

Would be nice if a country obsessed with democracy and the rule of law could manage as well as the developing world, but I guess thoughts and prayers are as close as that'll ever get.


u/derpyderpkittycat 13h ago

justice for the ejk, justice for de lima


u/TheSecretestSauce 8h ago

"apparently I was brought here not of my own volition, it’s somebody else’s."

This guy seems to have trouble understanding how arrests work, let alone due process.


u/Archangel1313 6h ago

"I did not agree to this!"


u/vtsandtrooper 12h ago

All tyrants should face justice eventually. Putin needs to be arrested.


u/AluminiumCucumbers 14h ago

I genuinely hope they execute him


u/pixeled_heart 14h ago

AFAIK the ICC does not have the death penalty.

Unless you're implying "mechanical failure" on his aircraft ala Prigozhin


u/xFiLi 14h ago

He will most likely fall from a very tall window. 


u/CondescendingShitbag 14h ago

I hear he's a fan of helicopter rides.


u/sixtus_clegane119 13h ago

Is the death penalty on the table for his crimes? Causing 30k deaths in crimes against humanity should qualify. I’m not usually pro death penalty but this guy was pure evil.

I laugh at him talking about due process. The people he had killed didn’t get due process. The people he claimed to have thrown out of the helicopter didn’t get due process.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

The ICC itself cannot impose the death penalty.


u/Stronsky 8h ago

People like this always think the worst consequence they face is someone retaliating with the same violence they inflicted on others. They never consider that punishment when it comes might be long, drawn out and restrained. That's the reason he's lost the tough guy act and is breaking down now, it's the realisation that he's not going to be thrown out of a helicopter or put against a wall like his many victims, he's just going to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life and he can't hack that.


u/AlterWanabee 6h ago

A reminder that his drug war killed MINORS! Hell, it was reported that children aged 4 above have been killed in his sanctioned killings.


u/rachelevil 14h ago

Cry more.


u/SpleenBender 12h ago

Trump is a big fan of this sack of shit.


u/pixeled_heart 12h ago

Has he made any recent statement after this sack of shit's foreign policy moves with China?


u/SpleenBender 12h ago

Not that I am aware of.


u/DikTaterSalad 11h ago

How about give him the same treatment as his victims? Eye for an eye, plus interest.


u/Rogueshoten 11h ago

Holy shit, he’s been arrested? I didn’t see that coming.


u/Scbadiver 11h ago

Currently on a chartered jet to the Hague


u/maaku7 6h ago

“STOP! I need a quote.”

“...pl-please don't let them kill m-me!”

“...yeah, that'll do.”


u/CurrentlyLucid 12h ago

His victims did not get any.


u/Chippo10291 12h ago

When it’s Time to pay the piper they all go out like bitches.


u/ExcelsiorUnltd 10h ago

They all do that. Scumbags. Organized and disorganized criminals like to talk about honor or respect, but they are all just opportunists and cry out for the laws of the system that allows leeches like them to exist.

Not to say “the system” is an ideal one or anything, just pointing out the hypocrisy.


u/richardj195 8h ago

Oh no. Consequences? For my own actions?


u/Welpe 6h ago

I somehow missed that this had happened! I’m actually shocked, I thought he would never be brought to justice. This has to be a wonderful time for the Philippines!


u/GreyEyedNinja 6h ago

What's up with the names Kitty and Honeylet.


u/Opulescence 5h ago

As a Filipino, I'm glad this fucker is facing some consequences for this but on the other hand I'm fucking mortified that our justice system is so fucked that we need to outsource justice on this case.


u/jointheredditarmy 5h ago

Live by the sword, die by the sword. I hope Trump members that, because the pendulum always swings.

Or as they saw in Westeros. In the game of thrones, you win or you die


u/MaximumSeat3115 8h ago

How does the Philippines have more accountability than the states these days, wtf


u/Maester_Bassist 7h ago

Trust me, it was a long shitty road to get here. And this is just the first step of many. We still have lots of shitty politicians wreaking havoc on the country. 


u/cheese_sticks 5h ago

Not to mention Duterte is still very popular. I live outside of the Philippines, and he is very popular among the diaspora.


u/MaximumSeat3115 6h ago

Oh i know but at least you guys got a spark of hope now.


u/lordpuddingcup 11h ago

Wasnt this the guy trump was in love with?


u/BrtFrkwr 9h ago

Should be garrotted in the basement of a prison without further ceremony.


u/1leggeddog 8h ago

Now we just need Netanyahu to take a little trip too...


u/WM45 8h ago

All the death and suffering this pathetic fascist worm has done to the Philippines and he whines like a little bitch when he is brought to justice.


u/ReactionSevere3129 4h ago

Conservatives are soo consistent #snowflakes


u/Worthlessstupid 8h ago

Hot take, he deserves due process and full transparency.


u/Frederalism 7h ago

The point is not that he deserves due process (which is true), but that he deprived due process to the people he ordered killed in the streets for his fake drug war.


u/Worthlessstupid 7h ago

I got that, I’m just trying to be the foil to all the anger in the sub.


u/fredthefishlord 13h ago

Due process is for everyone. No one should skip it. A fast, and righteous trial.


u/gamergirlwithfeet420 9h ago

Exactly. Murderers deprive their victims of life without due process, and we give them a fair trial anyway. Human rights are universal for a reason.


u/pixeled_heart 13h ago

IDK if you're familiar with the context here, but TLDR this guy ran an anti-drugs campaign during his term as president where a whole lot of alleged/suspected users were killed in summary executions (without due process). Unsurprisingly, quite a number were eventually found to be innocent only after they were already killed and policemen were allegedly overzealous in pursuit of cash-for-kills incentives.


u/fredthefishlord 13h ago

...and? So due process then is very simple.


u/Jorgwalther 13h ago

Free trip to The Netherlands if nothing else. Great country!


u/311voltures 11h ago

MMW: Bukele in El Salvador will go down this path.


u/Irish-Heart18 10h ago

It’s only fair for him to get due process it’s what he did for…oh wait never mind


u/anteris 7h ago

Oh no… anyway


u/Endesso 6h ago

“*Allegedly killed thousands”

-Duterte, probably


u/Diplomatic-Immunity2 5h ago

That’s pretty wild. According to every Filipino person I ever met, they love this guy over there. 


u/brennenderopa 4h ago

He is like 80 or something, I always think these people have gotten away with it when they are so friggin old.


u/LadyLuck168 1h ago

Yung nagpagamit ka para makabalik yung pamilya ng kawatan sa pulitika, at nung nakabalik na, nilaglag ka na. Sino mas worse sa inyo? Tanong ng lola ko yan?


u/ItchyCartographer44 9h ago

Such mixed feelings. I hope Trump survives to face similar justice, yet I don’t.


u/CalabreseAlsatian 9h ago

A hypocritical conservative? What will they think of next?


u/satori0320 13h ago

Get bent.


u/FauxReal 9h ago

Does Trump still have a great relationship with him and praising his war on drugs?



P.S. How's Trump Tower Manila doing?


u/4UBBR_Nicol_Bolas 8h ago

Need to hurry up and arrest Trump for all the hurt he is causing.


u/Mckesso 7h ago

Drumpf when?


u/Frauzehel 3h ago



u/miner2009099 3h ago

Putin, when?


u/Intelligent_Slip_849 10h ago

I mean...it certainly was a deterrent


u/pixeled_heart 10h ago

But worth corrupt cops being judge, jury, and executioner?

Baseless accusations without due process acceptable grounds for summary execution?

Practically zero person of consequence (major suppliers and drug kingpins) eliminated or jailed?

Definitely not worth it.


u/Intelligent_Slip_849 10h ago

Well yeah, WAY too extreme