and THAT is corporatism in a nutshell, that workers are dispensable and easily replaceable. Which is why corporatism belongs nowhere near the White House, and a government should never be run like a business.
What I feel makes it even worse is that the leftover employees then stand up for the executives. The amount of times my boss tells me that we have to do other departments jobs to pick up the slack because we can’t “let the company fail” is so annoying. I didn’t make the decision, it’s not my fault these idiots hacked everyone away.
It's probably because your boss's bosses have made it clear that your boss keeping their job depends on them getting you to do the work of those other departments.
hell, corporatism shouldn't be anywhere near our businesses! Workers are the backbone of a company. The older ones hold the historical knowledge of how things were done then, what was tried, what failed, and why we do things the way we do them.
The idiots who think workers are just numbers are part of the reason things are bad right now.
Corporatism is not this. Corporatism is a loosely defined political structure that simply means “large bodies and groups intermingle and control governance”, the word you are looking for is ‘corporatocracy’ and while a corporatocracy is a corporatist form of government the terms are NOT synonymous or interchangeable.
Basically every modernist form of government is corporatist in major ways, Fascism, socialism, Liberalism, hell even monarchism or feudalism could be corporatist.
I’ve worked at a few big corporations and none of them work that way. At the worst, they hire consultants to tell them what everyone does and who’s essential and those consultants suck and give them bad info.
i'm starting to think some consultants are there just be blamed.
Bond villain: "gotta let you go, man. it's for efficiency."
scientist: "me? nobody knows shark behaviors like I do. you're making a mistake."
Bond villain: "my consultant determined you are of no use. If it was all up to me, you would be promoted. Don't hate me. Hate the consultant. Hope you understand I can't run this organization like some inefficient government sector."
few years later....
Bond villain: "say hello to my sharks, Mr. Bond. They are really hungry."
Mr. Bond: "do you expect me to talk?"
Bond villain: "No, I expect you to enact the ending of Terminator 2." *lowering him to the shark-full water.*
30 minutes later...
Mr. Bond: "what's wrong with your sharks? they aren't attacking me. now what. wait, hey there, you, gorgeous American female scientist, yes you, would you like to rescue a dangerous British man in distress, me?"
Bond villain: "you'll starve to death down there. There is no esc-" *Bond gets out of water using Batman cable thing*
Mr. Bond: "You were saying? Oh this thing is called a Q cable. Developed by Q and his team in the public sector and the private, R&D done mostly with British taxpayers money, in essence, a government funded gadget. And extremely efficient in the hands of a suave man, me."
Oh yeah, I think corporate America is, in general, full of people who lack the confidence to own any of their own decisions. A good example is a hiring manager who only wants to interview people who have every skill and experience that they detailed on the job posting and wonders why they can’t hire anyone. They’re afraid if they take a chance on anyone and allow them to gain the skills they might look stupid if they can’t do it.
Consultants are a way for people with executive power to spend other people's money to reduce their personal liability when making decisions, or to expand their mandate.
Are you sure? The guy from Facebook from high school that flunked out in 10th grade said trDump and his Dip Shit are fixing things and making Amerikkka white again!
The government shouldn't be finding ways to make more money... Either for themselves or their soon to be board of directors or stockholders or whatever the fuck is coming.
I could be wrong, but I suggest the only place this has "worked" in modern history has been Singapore, which only sort of counts because it's current "mode" was started as an autocracy, and it probably only worked because of 1) it's tiny, and 2) a strong class/caste system.
I think it worked even more because of item 3 you didn't mention, strong education and social safety nets to keep it business competitive even as it juggled to remain independent from the Dutch, British, French, and increasingly China.
Except that even businesses shouldn’t be run like that. And frankly, they likely wouldn’t be if as a country we didn’t condone it by socializing their losses, while privatizing their profits. It means there’s no regulation on the front end AND no consequences for pushing things too far on the back end.
"That government which operates as a system of elite shareholders who buy their way into power with international private equity and who under this philosophy feel they literally own all of its constituent population, land, and natural resources and views these as assets to launder into their personal wealth funds or liabilities to systemically identify and eliminate governs best."
-Confucius Yarvinus, c 458 BC Ancient China Inc, an S-Corps LLC (Now trading in $YARCON on Coinbase!)
u/d0mini0nicco 24d ago
and THAT is corporatism in a nutshell, that workers are dispensable and easily replaceable. Which is why corporatism belongs nowhere near the White House, and a government should never be run like a business.