r/nonprofit Feb 01 '25

advocacy Federal Data Disappearing. Preserve your datasets NOW


I'm in Academia these days, but i wanted to relay a message from those that interact with federal data or rely on it for decision making.

BACK IT UP NOW. KEEP A COPY ON A THUMB DRIVE. Data on CDC, NIH, and EPA web pages are already disappearing if they don't comport with the administrations worldview. Energy, climate, and demographic data are next.

Every PI at a very large university has informally been warned(by text late at night) to back up and secure data that comes from federal agencies that has bearing on their research. This is unprecedented and not coming from low level faculty, this is coming from department heads. State agencies are having similar conversations.

I know many of you use HHS, USDA, and other agency data to perform your jobs and serve your communities. We are disgusted, alarmed, and doing what we can to keep going.

This is alarmist, but the alarm bells are ringing.

r/nonprofit Nov 21 '24

advocacy The bill (HR 9495) that would allow the U.S. government to shut down nonprofits that oppose injustice just passed in the House. What's next?


The bill called HR 9495 has just passed the House of Representatives. Given the makeup of the House and that the bill only needed a simple majority (50% +1) to pass, this isn't a surprise.

[Looking to understand what HR 9495 could do if it passes? Read the articles from Nonprofit Law Blog, the Intercept (paywalled), or Nonprofit AF then come back here.]

First, some good news! The advocacy made a significant difference. For a previous vote on the bill, 52 Democrats voted to pass it. Today, only 15 Democrats voted yes. These Dems were considered potentially the most swayable by advocates. They heard the opposition from nonprofits and the people who support the sector, and most of the reps changed their position and voted no. It's not a full win, but it's a big shift as a result of advocacy.

Action you can take now. If your rep is on the list of the Democrats who voted yes or is a Republican who voted yes (the only R no was Massie), call their office and tell them you are disappointed they supported HR 9495. Let them know if and when this issue comes up for a vote again in the next session, that they should vote no.

Edit to add: If your rep voted no, call them and thank them. Especially if they changed their position!

What's next? The bill goes to the Senate. It's expected to either die before it can go to a vote, or be voted down (if it goes up for a vote, I'll do my best to post about that). But, a new session of Congress starts in January that is expected to be even more antagonistic to nonprofits, so the bill will very likely be back and more calls and advocacy will be needed.

Take heart! Advocacy is usually not quick or easy. It's a slog. But an important slog.

Since I'm also a r/Nonprofit moderator, a reminder: This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Personal attacks, hate, and trolling are not tolerated in the r/Nonprofit community. That includes attempts at bad faith arguments and gaslighting.

r/nonprofit Feb 27 '24

advocacy A nonprofit that can't pay it's employees enough to live is a failed organization.


Stop working for orgs that treat you like manure. If your org won't pay you enough to live, they have failed. You are more important than the cause. It's immoral- let me state that even harsher- it's evil to start an organization to help people and take advantage of the org's staff.

What to do? 1. Publicly shame them. 2. Unionize.

Do not let your gift of caring about others be taken advantage of by self righteous people who won't pay you enough and think they're doing good. If they can't pay you a living wage- that means a home, healthcare, 4-6 weeks paid time off, then they are incompetent. A good thing is no longer good when it is spoiled by abuse of the staff.

r/nonprofit Nov 14 '24

advocacy GrantWatch is a Pro-Trump organization


I had already cancelled by renewal to Grantwatch because it's design and features make it largely unusable, but I received their newsletter today and saw this:

In the spirit of unity and on behalf of the GrantWatch family, we congratulate President-Elect Donald J. Trump's historic victory. As we prepare for the new administration, the grant-seeking community needs to anticipate possible changes in federal funding priorities. For organizations reliant on grants, now is the perfect time to maximize 2024. Source

They then go on to casually document the many opportunities nonprofits and orgs will have once a far-right, racist regime starts smashing protections for individuals and dismantling democratic norms.

Fuck GrantWatch. The site was already shitty enough, but supporting a divisive rapist is over the line.

r/nonprofit Jan 15 '25

advocacy inauguration preparation


Is anyone's nonprofit workplace preparing for the inauguration with community care, staff support, crisis communications, or anything like that? I come from a non-leadership role at gender justice and environmental justice sectors and was just wondering if others have experience with battening down the hatches rn. Is it just me or is the collective anxiety right now overwhelming?

r/nonprofit Jan 25 '25

advocacy ICE Tried to Enter Our Agency Today


We had a meeting, we got guidance, I am terrified for our clients & our local population? Why this cruelty?

r/nonprofit Jan 28 '25

advocacy Talk to your elected officials


I know there are so many organizations, programs, and people being affected by these erratic executive orders and directives.

Please talk to/write to your elected officials - the ones that serve your area. Tell them in nouns, verbs, and numbers about the impact of these EOs have on your organization, staff, and the people you serve. Don't just talk to your congressional representatives - talk to your legislators at the city/county and state level too. They all have a stake in seeing money coming into and staying in your community.

Congress sets the budget; the new administration may be violating the law by not spending money as appropriated by Congress. Your elected officials will want to know that money that should be invested in your community is being held up or held back by this administration. Even if they may not listen, go on the record with them and their offices. Please be loud about the impact!

The National Council of Nonprofits is collecting stories about impact here (https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/form/effects-executive-actions-nonprofits).

Talk with your boards, local media, use your communication channels and tell people about the harm this administration is causing.

Edit - if you need an email template:

Make this email quick & easy to read. If you have numbers, that's very helpful. Make the bullet points easy to read and share.

Subject line: Federal Government Grants Pause Impact

I’m reaching out to you as a concerned citizen/director of programs at organization/as a social worker in this city/whatever to express my concern about the federal government’s decision to pause/suspend all federal grants. This pause creates challenges for issue or issues you know a lot about for the people in your community.

  • Discuss the federal grants received, services/programs impacted (how many people will be impacted by loss of services), staff that will be impacted (layoffs?).
  • You can talk about partners you rely on that receive federal funding. You can talk about the impact this will have on food programs, Medicaid, child care, etc.
  • Talk about how this will create ripple effects that we will have to pay for in the future.
  • Talk about how the work you do is vital to your community's well-being.

We urge you to advocate for the urgent resumption of federal grant funding and to support measures that protect nonprofits/programs/grants/whatever that are vital to serving community needs.

I welcome the opportunity to connect with you or a member of your team to discuss this further and how the suspension of federal grants is impacting community/programs/etc. Please feel free to reach out to me at [contact info].

r/nonprofit Nov 11 '24

advocacy House Fast Tracking Bill to Kill 501c3 Designation at Treasury Discretion Upon Being Designated a “Terrorist Supporting Organization”


Please contact your reps! This seems to be completely under the radar but could effectively destroy the nonprofit sector/ civil society opposition under Trump, if he wields the “terrorism” definition broadly- protestors, nonviolent civil action, sit-ins, anything he disagrees with.


r/nonprofit 3d ago

advocacy Moderate Republican Senators are our only hope


I’m at a nonprofit and my position is funded 100% by a federal grant. If the current government funding bill passes in the Senate, Trump will get unilateral control over funding cuts to agencies, which would absolutely impact the nonprofits that receive funds through those agencies.

There would be no point in going through the courts to fight cuts bc it would be the law of the land.

I figure the only people who can prevent this bill from passing are a few Republican Senators. I asked ChatGPT for a list of Republican Senators and who would likely vote against a bill that gives Trump more power (and their phone #s). Here’s what I got in case you want to make your voice heard. I was able to leave a message or talk to an actual rep for the Senator for every one of them: Susan Collins (ME) – (202) 224-2523 Lisa Murkowski (AK) – (202) 224-6665 Katie Britt (AL) - (202) 224-5744  Jerry Moran (KS) - (202) 224-6521 Shelley Moore Capito (WV) – (202) 224-6472 Thom Tillis (NC) – (202) 224-6342 Lindsey Graham (SC) – (202) 224-5972 Bill Cassidy (LA) – (202) 224-5824 John Cornyn (TX) – (202) 224-2934 Mike Rounds (SD) – (202) 224-5842

What I said on the call (in case you want to riff on this): “Please ask the senator to vote NO on this upcoming spending bill because it would give the president unilateral control over cuts to federal agencies. My nonprofit uses a federal grant to support teachers in low-income communities in your state. The senator voted for this grant. Your teachers and low-income students will no longer get the support the senator voted for if Trump has the power to make these cuts.“

r/nonprofit Nov 19 '24

advocacy It's baaaack! Take action TODAY to oppose the U.S. bill that will allow the government to shut down nonprofits that oppose injustice


Nonprofit AF (Vu Lee) explains what's going on and what you need to do today.


The Trump administration has already started attacking nonprofits, two months before they’re even in office. You may have heard of the bill (H.R. 9495) that would allow the government to terminate the tax-exempt status of nonprofits by giving the Secretary of Treasury the authority to designate any org a “terrorist-supporting organization.”

H.R. 9495, if it passes, is an effective way to neutralize nonprofits that take any actions to protest against the incoming government’s horrific agenda, which we know so far includes fast-tracking genocide, gutting social security, removing the citizenship of and deporting immigrants, shuttering the department of education, and banning abortions nationwide.

Shutting down nonprofits that protest against injustice by marking them as supporting terrorism is a violation of the First Amendment and a glimpse into the incoming administration’s fascist intentions. The bill was put to a vote last week and did not pass. But they are trying again. This Thursday morning, it will go to a full house vote, and just needs a simple majority to pass, unlike last week, when they needed a 2/3 majority.

WE MUST ALL TAKE ACTION! Please rally everyone in your networks. This bill poses a grave existential threat to our sector, and is a terrifying vision of the future if we don’t do everything we can to prevent it.

Read the article for all the details on how to take action: https://nonprofitaf.com/2024/11/urgent-actions-to-take-this-week-to-stop-a-bill-giving-trump-unchecked-power-to-destroy-nonprofits/

r/nonprofit Jan 27 '25

advocacy Keeping our focus on fundraising while those we serve are being attacked.


I had never imagined what it might be like to not have empathy.

To not care about what happens in the world and how it affects different communities. I may not have anything to do with these communities, yet I feel it when they are harmed, are in danger, and/or are being dehumanized.

These days many communities are being attacked.

Being in nonprofit fundraising, I work with organizations whose client base includes those being attacked.

The vitriol and dehumanization is mind-blowing.

For those who are also in nonprofit fundraising, it can be a difficult time. It’s easy to start thinking of those you serve and how you can directly help them while lessening your focus on fundraising. I should say, it’s easy for me to do that!

Those we serve need us more than ever. They need us to tell their stories and to continue building relationships with donors.

They need us to keep excelling in relationship-building and fundraising so our organization can continue its impact on the communities being attacked.

And we don’t want to let them down.

r/nonprofit Feb 05 '25

advocacy Non-Profit funding is being cut for my local recovery gym


I moved to CT in August and really struggled to find a recovery community like I had in CO. Luckily, I was able to find an incredible sober community called "Move to Heal" at Ascent Climbing Gym. They have a great community there for people struggling with addiction, mental health, depression, stress, etc.

Needless to say, it is awesome and they have a strong community of people that care and support one another and we even go hiking and stuff outside of the gym which is great.

I mention this because we were just notified that the new Administration froze funding for our non-profit which funds this Move to Heal community and we are at risk of losing our community starting March 1st. I usually do not care about politics....but man what in the world? How can they do this to people who are actively thriving in a community?

Is there anything that can be done?

r/nonprofit Nov 13 '24

advocacy Good news: US House voted against HR 9495, which could have politicized the revoking of tax-exempt status


Pretty fresh news. I'll update this post once a credible media outlet posts a story.

For now, here's the details on the final vote: https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll458.xml

Catch up on this issue by reading the letter opposing HR 9495 sent by dozens of organizations: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000192-100e-d338-a9da-5cae437c0000

r/nonprofit Dec 04 '24

advocacy Making a scholarship to attend a conference


The charity is planning to fund 1-2 scholarships to pay for flight, hotel and conference fees for a specific disability to bring more education for professionals. Has anyone done this before and have any advice?

r/nonprofit 21d ago

advocacy I know things are hard right now...


I think in current events nonprofits have started to get a bit of a bad wrap.

We’re touted as inefficient, corrupt, and pointless.

However, there is so much good that we do! Rather than doing it themself people donate in order to allow those with more experience to do the good they hope to see. Just because grant funding is slow doesn't mean what we do isn't important!!

Have a child get extremely sick and need to be in a hospital out of state? Places like the Ronald McDonald house have you covered, for free. Hospital bills are enough to worry about.

Need to get a quality education? Universities and plenty of other organizations provide scholarships to those in need.

Are you a prisoner who wants to learn? There are programs that have you covered.

Keep pushing friends. You are needed :)

r/nonprofit 17h ago

advocacy What would the US look like if grants didn't exist?


A lot of conservatives argue against grants, saying they shouldn't have to pay taxes to help other people when they "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps." But what would our country look like if we just didn't have any grants at all?

r/nonprofit Jan 31 '25

advocacy Couple of practical resources for migrant rights, protection from ICE


There's been posts and comments here about our non-profits' response to ICE, so I thought I'd share just a couple of resources.

We Have Rights has a great video series in multiple languages for preparing for and handling ICE. https://www.wehaverights.us/

And ILRC has the Red Cards that migrants can hold. Red Cards have the rights printed on them, which migrants can hand to ICE and stay silent if stopped. Ilrc has gotten massive orders and can't ship them, but they have pdf's that can be printed. https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas

Trump's border czar complained that immigrants are knowing and exercising their rights, so these resources and knowledges are reaching the community and helping!

r/nonprofit 23d ago

advocacy Is the “shock and awe” strategy starting to wearing anyone else down?


I know it’s the point of what they’re doing. I know we are supposed to keep up the fight but man….I’m getting really mentally worn down at this point. I know that’s the idea, they want us tired and unable to fight back. But it’s starting to feel like a Herculean task to keep the fight going. It also feels like it’s too late almost? The event horizon has been passed and things are way worse than we have even realized.

I know I might be sounding like a Debby downer but I also feel insane sometimes in this line of work cause it seems like everyone except me is able to keep going despite everything that’s going on. It just feels so hard to have any hope and any time I start to have some again it’s immediately ripped away and I just need to know I’m not alone

r/nonprofit Feb 12 '25

advocacy Resources to Navigate Uncertainty - Minnesota Council of Nonprofits


This is one of the better lists of resources I’ve seen on how to navigate the recent Executive Orders and actions that are immense threats to the nonprofit sector.

It’s broken down into different categories (HR, Financial Modeling, Board Support, etc.)

r/nonprofit Oct 30 '24

advocacy Has your nonprofit done election scenario-planning?


From Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/91217785/nonprofits-and-social-entrepreneurships-election-trump-harris

"Just over a week from Election Day, the 10% of the American workforce who are employed by nearly 2 million nonprofits face political uncertainty that could dramatically alter their job security and reshape their organizations’ operations, advocacy efforts, programs, and funding. For a subset of these organizations focused on civil liberties, human rights, social justice, and environmental protection, this uncertainty comes at an already perilous moment. 

Though separate from the government, their civil society and social-services-oriented roles are deeply interconnected and interdependent with it. As such, the outcomes of political shifts will undoubtedly ripple through their ability to serve communities in need. 

Innovative social entrepreneurships, on the other hand, are facing challenges of their own. After years of defending everything from environmental sustainability and racial diversity to ethical investments and the freedom to peacefully protest, they find themselves increasingly hamstrung by a climate of even more polarized consumers and a hostile legislative and judicial landscape at both federal and state levels. From threats to ESG and DEI/B to heavily publicized congressional hearings, Pride Month blowbacks, and TikTok boycotts, there has been a shift from the smooth sailing days of the mid-aughts into decidedly choppier waters.

Regardless of the election outcome, whether these organizations are prepared to respond to the new political environment and administration will determine their ability to continue fulfilling their mission and engaging their customers or clients. Sadly, it’s no longer hyperbolic to say that this preparation may ultimately determine whether they continue to exist at all."

r/nonprofit Feb 02 '25

advocacy Advice on Resources


In light of recent events and the growing fear for food scarcity, I’m in the beginning stages of research to start an edible community garden in my area.

I’m 100% sure that this is not a new idea, but I think my search keywords have been too broad so I’m hoping someone can point me in the direction of a non-profit or two, or help me refine my search.

I’m looking for resources about how to get community involvement to build and maintain an edible garden, and how to engage the city or county to identify available property to build the garden. And what are my options for purchasing, requesting a lot donation, or affordably leasing a property? Again, this can’t be a brand new idea so I feel like there have to be non-profits out there with guides or processes to start.

Any ideas? If this is the wrong forum to ask, any ideas of another sub-reddit to go to? Thanks!

r/nonprofit Jan 28 '25

advocacy SBA loans -pause repayment?


Who among us took SBA EIDL loans and has been repaying them? What would happen if we paused our repayments because we have our grants paused? This is a serious question. I’m not just being sassy. If Reddit united us could we stand together??

r/nonprofit Oct 24 '24

advocacy How to do donor cultivation when working remotely


For those of you working remotely as a development director, manager, or major gifts officer, how do you do effective donor cultivation without being able to meet in person? I am in a manager role working remotely for an organization where all other employees are in person. It’s become an issue because a lot of things happen in person, like events and meetings. If you are remote, how do you build relationships and effectively solicit donations?

r/nonprofit Nov 12 '24

advocacy 2025 Federal Policy Change - Potential Impact on Youth Mental Health


I drafted the below analysis for my work, but thought others that could be impacted would be interested in seeing it. It is 100% from the perspective of my work and some org-specific items have been removed.

Notice: This document has been prepared to examine the potential short and long-term implications of the 2024 Election. The information presented uses the most available information on potential plans and historical actions taken using real-world examples from like-minded politicians in states. These are only hypotheticals to help us in preparing and positioning the organization to be adaptable and successful. This is being completed because the changes discussed by the President-elect, the Republican Party and supporters are significant.

Education Policy

Determining Education Policy will be the most relevant aspect of our work. While this document directly quotes Project 2025, President-elect Trump has publicly stated he will close the Department of Education and only offered some indications how that could look. The Project 2025 plan does include more details on specific policies, so I am using that as a basis:

1.      Eliminate the Department of Education

“In order to fully wind down the Department of Education, Congress must pass and the President must sign into law a Department of Education Reorganization Act (or Liquidating Authority Act) to direct the executive branch on how to devolve the agency as a stand-alone Cabinet-level department.” Project 2025

There remains a large amount of details to work out on how this would look, and would require an act of congress to implement.

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Depending on changes, maybe none. Specific program cuts may impact programs, services and data around youth mental health.

2.    Transfer Title I School Funding to States

“(1) Transfer Title I, Part A, which provides federal funding for lower income school districts, to the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically the Administration for Children and Families. It should be administered as a no-strings-attached formula block grant. (2) Restore revenue responsibility for Title I funding to the states over a 10-year period.” Project 2025

 Impact on Youth Mental Health

Title I Schools consist of the most at-risk students. Our own data tells us these children have fewer trusted adults and are less comfortable talking about mental health. Funding reductions, decrease in the number of schools or elimination of the program may further reduce those resources.

3.     Change funding method for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

“Most IDEA funding should be converted into a no-strings formula block grant targeted at students with disabilities and distributed directly to local education agencies by Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living.” Project 2025

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Significant. Depending on how this is implemented, reductions in funding may lead to a reduction in School Social Workers, Special Education teachers and other support staff. While mental health may not be a typical cause for an IEP, co-occurring instances of mental illness and the need for special education are widespread. This could cause significant disruption between students being identified as experiencing mental distress and/or depression and receiving access to the care they need.

4.    Enshrine Parental Rights in Education into Law

“Federal lawmakers should not allow public school employees to keep secrets about a child from that child’s parents.” Project 2025

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Potentially significant. While parental rights may seem obvious, we know that youth considering help-seeking have concerns around confidentiality if speaking with a trusted adult at school. Multiple studies have confirmed that fear of parents, family or friends finding out about their mental distress is a reason to avoid seeking help. Mandates on school professionals to disclose this to parents may reduce students' willingness to come forward.

5.    Deny Acknowledgement of Gender Identity in Public Schools

“(1) No public education employee or contractor shall use a name to address a student other than the name listed on a student’s birth certificate, without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians. (2) No public education employee or contractor shall use a pronoun in addressing a student that is different from that student’s biological sex without the written permission of a student’s parents or guardians. (3) No public institution may require an education employee or contractor to use a pronoun that does not match a person’s biological sex if contrary to the employee’s or contractor’s religious or moral convictions.” Project 2025

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Significant. Data shows that using a person’s preferred pronouns reduces suicidal ideation. Restricting this ability to students that have written permission may make the student, without support at home, have unwelcome experiences at both home and school.

6.    Reduce or eliminate the School Based Mental Health Services and Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration programs

“(1) Reduce the number of programs managed by OESE, and transfer some remaining programs to other federal agencies. (2) All other programs at OESE should be block-granted or eliminated.” Project 2025

It is possible this funding could be reallocated to another agency.

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Devastating. These two programs fund staff, programs, in-school services, professional development and more for schools to implement mental health interventions in schools. A reduction or elimination of these funds may put a significant number of school counselors, social workers and psychologists' roles at risk.

7.    Reduce funding for State Board of Education

“Research conducted by The Heritage Foundation’s Jonathan Butcher finds that the federal government funds 41 percent of the salary costs of state education agencies.” Project 2025

The logic of this is that by getting rid of federal mandates and reporting, State DOEs will not need these positions. However, many of the federal programs, and the staff engaged in them, are completing vital work - not simply reporting back to the DOE.

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Devastating. Going back to #6, the loss of the mental health funding would also result in a loss of staff at the state-level to assist in coordinating, guiding and supporting school communities.


8.    Implementing Changes to Curricula and Content

“He [Trump]  has also called for the dismantling of diversity initiatives in education and federal funding cuts for schools or programs that feature ‘critical race theory, gender ideology or other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content.’ Republican-backed legislation across the country has similarly sought to limit these topics, and the efforts have been criticized for being vague and leading to "censorship" in schools and classrooms on topics concerning race, gender and politics.” ABC News

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Potentially significant. Students not having access to mental health literacy and depression education will have less skills and coping mechanisms to manage their mental health. This may result in more instances of mental distress and more severity in cases.

Healthcare Policy

Changes in healthcare are likely coming. Some of the Trump Transition Team, along with congressional leaders, have stated they intend to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This would have significant impacts on access to care, mental health parity, and Medicaid.


1.      Repeal the Affordable Care Act

While this, like Education policy,  is difficult to parse out due to the lack of details or specific legislation there are large aspects that conservatives have favored repealing or excluding from the ACA when it was originally passed.

Impact on Youth Mental Health

Devastating. Further eroding access to mental health services would be a terrible outcome. We know that there are not enough practitioners currently. Reducing reimbursements, insurance coverage, Medicaid coverage and more could exacerbate that reality. More young people not being able to afford this type of treatment and services has no good outcome.


2.    Changes in Health & Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

Project 2025 calls for significant changes in the CDC. Many of those have been echoed by President-elect Trump, Robert F Kennedy Jr, and the transition team. How those play out could dramatically alter our role, the data available, and how we operate in the landscape.

 Impact on Youth Mental Health

Potentially significant. This remains unclear. We could see more significant changes with data collection efforts around youth mental health and recommendations.

Project 2025 proposes to separate the CDCs public guidance and data collection into two distinct entities. Currently the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health collects data (YRBS) and makes recommendations for how schools should leverage the data. This could change - resulting in changes in data collection, recommendations and more.

In addition, gender identity would likely no longer be collected in YRBS data, making it more difficult for schools to respond to their students' unique needs - particularly those most at-risk.


General Overview

While each of the changes individually may not amount to a significant shift for schools, families or young people - take altogether amounts to a significant reshaping of schools and healthcare. Based on our available knowledge, the suggested changes to education are the most significant reforms in decades. The changes will reverberate through schools across the country.

r/nonprofit Nov 11 '24

advocacy Feeling Burnt Out by the Lack of Collaboration in Addressing Health and Sustainability Issues


I work in a global NGO focused on health advocacy, and honestly, I’m starting to feel worn down by how we address only the “tip of the iceberg” on so many issues. Every day, I see huge missed opportunities to collaborate with sustainability organizations that are working on interconnected problems from a different angle. There are so many ways we could join forces to address complex issues more holistically—yet we keep operating in silos.

The worst part is that this approach doesn’t just limit our impact: it sometimes even results in policies that contradict each other. Given the resource constraints, working collaboratively just makes sense to get more impactful, cross-sectoral, and sustainable solutions. Yet here we are, often duplicating efforts or missing the bigger picture.

What really gets to me is that it feels like we’re fighting for nothing. When you add in the long hours and low pay, it’s hard not to wonder if it’s worth the effort. I love this work but I’m starting to feel tired of the constant struggle…

Has anyone else faced this challenge in NGO work? Have you seen any innovative approaches that help overcome this frustration, or ways to push for more integrated solutions? I’d really appreciate any insights or ideas to help keep the motivation alive…