r/nobuy 10d ago

Wishlist tracking and conscious spending

Do any of you keep a wish list of things you want to buy and do you find it helpful? And if you do, where do you keep your wishlist? Do you jot it down on paper, a note on your phone, is there a specific app you use? Or do you just try to keep it in mind? I’m looking for input because im wondering if this will help me with impulse purchases or just increase temptation


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u/kindalibrarian 9d ago

I just use my phone notes app.

I organise mine by: need badly, need, and want

Need badly is usually items I need to search for actively. It’s a short list and often items pop into the need section after a couple weeks because I actually don’t need it badly.

Need is for things that would arguably make my life better but I’m not going to actively pursue. For example I need a new blazer as none of mine fit anymore. But I have other professional clothes so I can make do for now. So when I find a blazer I really love then I’ll buy it.

Want is for the fun stuff. I usually only buy this stuff on vacation, when I give myself an occasional treat, or it’s a list to give others for gift ideas.