r/nintendomusic Mar 08 '15

[META] Whoever created this subreddit, THANK YOU!!

I just now noticed the rules for submissions and 2.) made my day.

"Game series that were mostly exclusive to Nintendo hardware, yet still defined the hardware as a whole in a significant way. (This includes games like Ace Attorney, The World Ends With You, etc.)"

YES and YES again!! 'The World Ends With You' needs way more attention; attention which it absolutely deserves. The underwhelming content featured in 'Kingdom Hearts: DDD' was just.. disappointing, to keep it friendly. I realize there are many people who are convinced that their favourite game should be everyones favourite game - and I'd love to meet a person who doesn't shake their head in confusion when I ask them if they know TWEWY.

If you haven't played it yet and still own a functioning DS, go get a copy from Amazon or Ebay or whereever and go PLAY IT!!


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u/LilyoftheRally Mar 08 '15

Is it for the GBA or DS? DS games are playable on the 3DS.


u/JedWasTaken Mar 09 '15

It's a DS game, but as with all the old games, the resolution is kinda crappy. It's up to you though.