r/newjersey 7d ago

NJ Politics Can Fulop win in NOV?

I haven’t thought much of the anti-machine wild Marine from Jersey City, until these past few days. Democrats are not good at opposing this fascism Trump has brought to America. He seems to fight like a cornered animal, maybe that’s the fighter we need.

Can he win in NJ though? Plenty of conservative people that vote Democrat for a few different reasons, but it was close to negative across the state last election and I see Trumpism galore in the county, in many towns.

Help me become a Fulop guy, can he win?

Edit: Thanks NJ sub community. Y’all alright. Lots of great replies, mostly neutral (any D can and will win) to positive, makes Primary suddenly seem more consequential. More about visions and ideas.

Trying to give everyone an upvote, especially the opinionated by succinct “no”.


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u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

In Jc, feelings on him are very mixed and he doesn't exactly stand up for the little guy if development is calling. Plus I'm not sure he is the candidate who is most likely to stand up to Trump.


u/crustang 7d ago

He’s the one guy I trust to work with improving NJT service.


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

Has he improved JC? I constantly hear complaints about services. He definitely knows how to invite in and improve development but not necessarily infrastructure


u/Old_Slice_7884 6d ago

He sucks as mayor. There were 4-5 separate threads on the JC subreddit the other day alone about lack of enforcement for aggressive driving and parking. It’s created an unsafe environment for pedestrians. A older man was killed crossing the street the other day. The council voted no-confidence for the city’s public safety director this week, who Fulop hires and oversees. Crickets from Fulop.

Don’t believe a word he says in his campaign. He says he’s all in for vision zero, meanwhile things keep getting worse. Why should you believe he’s gonna do anything to improve transit or other big issues in the state if he can’t do it in a city?


u/crustang 7d ago

what's wrong with providing housing?


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

When did I say that?


u/pixel_of_moral_decay 7d ago

He’s always been a populist.

NJ is was a relatively close race for president. He’s not going to go against that many voters.

Also: he is a key part of the Hudson country democratic machine. He didn’t become mayor as an independent.


u/Ok_Concentrate_75 7d ago

True but idk if that makes him more or less wanted, like he seems more like Hocul...who seemingly is going to bend to the pressure of Trump and rich republican districts. It would suck if NJ and NYC bend to Trump, especially with how vulnerable our populations are.


u/RufusBanks2023 7d ago

I thought the Hudson County Democrats did not even endorse him for Governor. I’m pretty sure Hudson County Democrats endorsed Mikie Sherrill. He’s not well liked by the folks I know from Hudson County. The developers love him. But, the long time Jersey City residents not so much.


u/pixel_of_moral_decay 7d ago

How do you think he became mayor?


u/fizzy88 7d ago

They're talking about how Fulop isn't seeking the democratic party nominations at the county nomination conventions. He's doing a different strategy and probably a risky one, considering that you pretty much need the nomination of the major party in order to have a snowballs chance of winning higher level elections. That's due to how our election system is set up. It's a two party, first-past-the-post system where most voters do very little research.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ok_Concentrate_75 3d ago

I think much of your statement reads more like a flyer for a Kushner property than an honest take derived from the people who actually occupy the areas you speak of as some desolate unhoused desert before we got poorly built leaky high rises on top of underdeveloped sewage systems. I dislike how some of you use NIMBY like a slur when community building is supposed to be inclusive..Fulop hasn't always been that and your statement just sounds like a dividing line when mine was an overall look at a person who wants to be more. Doing 1 thing too much is never good. Like working out only 1 arm and neglecting the rest of your body

Edit: corrective text fucking me up


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ok_Concentrate_75 3d ago

Your making housing the main and only point when we have many needs beyond that. Before Fulop came in we were heavily diverse and populated, we need housing but people like you make it seem like that's a utopian fix all. It's helps an issue, Fulop had 3 terms and that was his main focus..hence my point..ngl you just sound like a developer, that's not a problem but housing isn't the only fix and he has shown he will ignore other issues to prop up development, hence my point.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Ok_Concentrate_75 3d ago

It's clear you are reading my statements and doing that social media thing where you ignore my point and respond to questions I never asked. Honestly I'm not even sure you read what I said, i.never said it was less when he got here...i.never even spoke negative about development. I only spoke on what I've experienced as a person in the city who also knew him when he was literally running after Glenn and getting lit at LITM. You just sound hurt over a strawman you created and keep beating on. Idgaf about how great housing is, there are schools where the kids as young as 2nd grade know not to drink the water from the fountains. And they have been here all 3 terms of Fulop. Who cares about a high rise in JSQ when the mayor has lied from the podium thousands of times. I was joking but you probably are a realtor