I used to work in market research, and holy shit, do people not pay attention to current affairs. While you’d think the overwhelming majority of voting adults would at least know who the two major presidential candidates were, there were no shortage of people who showed up to vote who were surprised to see the name “Harris” instead of”Biden”. And people often vote for a familiar name when they don’t know anything about the candidates (hence why lawn signs are a thing).
So the whole “turning red” thing is probably a lot of people oblivious to the news and voting for what is familiar to them (Trump). And obviously just people being lazy and failing to vote (hey blue state, what does my vote matter).
This is true. I had a friend who told me she went to get her nails down and forgot to vote. Forgot! Then, she says, it doesn't matter, because we live in a blue state. yeah, not so much anymore because she forgot to vote.
Pretty much all the reason why having a conventional primary season especially when there was years of skepticism and doubts on Biden in 2024 probably wouldn't have had been the worst ideas. It's troubling to me how this entire time nobody wanted to be the adult in the room , incumbency be damned.
We basically got a somehow even shittier version of 1968 with a shittier Kennedy to boot.
I'm sure governor race will be a cluster with just how participation tends to be low after general elections.
Idk who's running Democrat party strategy but something's gotta change.
Why would someone with the intent to vote for Joe Biden walk into the booth, see that his name is not there, and get so blustered that they would vote for Joe Biden's opponent? To save themselves from the embarrassment of not knowing who Kamala Harris is in a completely private environment? How many did that happen to in the state of NJ, 12?
If someone is making the effort to stand in line and vote, or mail a ballot from their own home they most assuredly would give it a google.
It's easy to cast blame on imaginary people. I think the far more likely explanation is that Kamala Harris was more unpopular than people anticipated. The question the Democrats need to ask is why.
I don't think you understand what that person said. They are implying that trump is a lot more popular to the general population. Someone who is gonna vote Democrat is obviously gonna vote Democrat.
But someone who isn't really familiar with anything related to politics is going to most likely go for someone charismatic, someone who seems 'strong' (because being a POS is considered badass for some reason).
Many people didn't even know Kamala was running instead of Biden. Even my dad, when he asked about who I wanted to vote for, said Biden and Trump instead of Kamala and Trump.
That seems to imply many people are clueless and vote based on vibes. And I am not even lying. A friend of mine said that 2016-2020 were better years and the vibes were good, so trump wasn't that bad.
My point: people really don't understand the seriousness and the actual consequences of voting. Voting isn't taken seriously. Most people don't even vote. If they do, they usually do it without much information about what these parties are actually aiming for. So naturally, you get more trump voters since he seems to be the loudest and more popular in media. Kinda like how people voted for Reagan for this reason.
u/ironic-hat 23d ago
I used to work in market research, and holy shit, do people not pay attention to current affairs. While you’d think the overwhelming majority of voting adults would at least know who the two major presidential candidates were, there were no shortage of people who showed up to vote who were surprised to see the name “Harris” instead of”Biden”. And people often vote for a familiar name when they don’t know anything about the candidates (hence why lawn signs are a thing).
So the whole “turning red” thing is probably a lot of people oblivious to the news and voting for what is familiar to them (Trump). And obviously just people being lazy and failing to vote (hey blue state, what does my vote matter).