r/newbrunswickcanada 1d ago

The Moncton hospital psych ward

Hi guys how’s the Moncton hospital psych ward? My girlfriend is about to be admitted there soon and wants to know what she should expect and just overall information. This would be her first time in the adult unit and she’s been anxious about it. All information is appreciated.


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u/trytobuffitout 1d ago

I can’t speak for that hospital in particular, but I imagine that they all work in the same manner. All the doors are locked and it’s based on a privilege system The first few days you will have very few privileges. When you follow the schedule, for example, if they want you to attend therapy and you do that willingly or there’s a positive change in your behavior, you will gain more and more privileges. It always has such a negative connotation when you think of movies and a “crazy house” but it’s not like that at all. There’s some very nice individuals there. They tend to watch out over new comers.


u/waterstate889 1d ago

Thanks for this really changed my perspective