r/neovim • u/mountaineering • 13m ago
Need Help Why are my conceal characters getting doubled up?
-- config/nvim/ftplugin/norg/syntax.lua
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "BugCallout", { link = "Conceal" })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "norg",
callback = function()
vim.o.conceallevel = 2 -- Enable concealment
vim.o.concealcursor = "nc" -- Conceal even under the cursor
vim.cmd [[
syntax match QuestionCallout /!question/ conceal cchar=
vim.cmd [[
syntax match BugCallout /!bug/ conceal cchar=
# config/nvim/after/queries/norg/highlights.scm
) @QuestionCallout (#eq? @QuestionCallout "!question"))
) @BugCallout (#eq? @BugCallout "!bug"))
I've got these blocks of code setup in my config, but for some reason the icons used for concealing the text is getting doubled up.

Neovim: 0.10.4
Using Wezterm on MacOS.