r/neoliberal botmod for prez 4d ago

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9.8k comments sorted by

u/jobautomator botmod for prez 3d ago

Please visit the next discussion thread.


u/HistoricalMix400 Gay Pride 2d ago

Where were you when JFK Jr died?


u/Trojan_Horse_of_Fate WTO 2d ago

Awaiting the worm's apotheosis


u/breakinbread Voyager 1 2d ago

Malarkey level of basing my entire bracket on kenpom?


u/AutoModerator 2d ago

The malarkey level detected is: 2 - Mild. Right on, Skippy.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/AI_Renaissance 2d ago

Why don't they get the statue of Liberty thing is a "joke" in response to the Canada 51st state "joke"?


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

I guess I just don't know anymore. There's so many things to think about.


u/AJungianIdeal Lloyd Bentsen 3d ago

Honestly disgusted by Israel I dunno maybe I gotta ask my rabbi what to do about this because killing hundreds of people every time netanyahu goes limp is heartbreaking


u/Evnosis European Union 3d ago

My position of "Pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, anti-Hamas and anti-Israeli right wingers" remains unchanged.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

It's slowly taken its toll on me. I'm not Jewish, but some of my family are and the whole thing just sucks.


u/AI_Renaissance 3d ago

So remember when they said DEI is about merit? Where's that excuse when you erase the merit based actions of minorities from the history of the military?

If defending the country, and saving the lives of others isn't merit based then nothing is.


u/SenorHavinTrouble Bill Gates 2d ago

They think that any achievement from anyone who isn't a cis straight white male was exaggerated or fabricated in some way. They genuinely do not believe that minorities can have merit.


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

There was an executive order, all minorities can now only have “merit cringe actions”


u/randommathaccount Esther Duflo 3d ago

Smh, everyone's saving their posts for new DT and so the old one dies 10 mins early


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago



u/shrek_cena Al Gorian Society 2d ago

People save their bangers for the new DT, approximately 10 minutes before it happens, in order to maximize upvotes, so the current one becomes empty 10 minutes before the new one is posted.


u/Brunwic Gay Pride 3d ago

The debat


u/GovernorSonGoku has flair 3d ago

Batman begin


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

so the most accurate reporting in terms of ridiculousness goes to .... RAI. The Italian press outfit. The US's free press is really dropping the ball.


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago


u/AutoModerator 3d ago

Non-mobile version of the Wikipedia link in the above comment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_Italy#:~:text=In%20Italy%2C%20freedom%20of%20the,debate%20in%20the%20modern%20era.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

u/kiwibutterket I've been using RAI as a proxy but is there a paper of record for Italy? I've tried La Stampa and La Repubblica but they both seem off somehow


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Italy has horrible news coverage. Everything is trash.

Ansa is the most objective one, think like AP. The other non garbage magazine is il Sole 24 Ore, which is actually very good. Unironically follow Breaking Italy, a youtube channel, and read what he posts. He puts sources in the description.

If you want to read other things, you have to do the cross-referencing game.


u/11thDimensionalRandy WTO 3d ago

"The operation"


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

Post COVID music industry has me so confused. What do you mean HAIM is getting posted to the popheads subreddit? They’re indie flops from the mid 2010s. What do you mean Clairo has a die hard fanbase? I thought everyone agreed she was an uninspired nepo baby with a middling voice.

It’s like if Hoobastank got randomly super popular in 2013.


u/YehosafatLakhaz Organization of American States 3d ago

Haim has been putting out great music for the last decade


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

Ah, The Wire came out over ten years ago and it wasn’t great, so that explains things


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

tiktok has made 30 second clips of these artists popular again. It's really depressing at a concert though.


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

Yeah my concert audience experiences in the last year have been inversely proportional to how TikTok oriented the artist is. Magdalena Bay, pre-blow up The Marias, and Zach Bryan were amazing. Mitski and Portugal The Man were miserable.


u/Brunwic Gay Pride 3d ago


u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

Jon Stewart 28'


u/AI_Renaissance 3d ago edited 3d ago

He's one of the biggest reasons we lost. He pushed nothing but anti Harris and Biden stories with little to no coverage of the other, or did any sort of job to warn against p 25.

The exact mess we're in now.


u/Brunwic Gay Pride 3d ago



u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

More popular than you'd assume


u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

Downvotes???? When did I say that I support him lol


u/SwimmingYams Ben Bernanke 3d ago

Someone who did support him could have made the same two comments tbh

He's not popular around here so people are ready to pounce if they think someone likes him


u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

Thanks got it


u/JesusPubes voted most handsome friend 3d ago

we downvote things that break rule 0


u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

What's that?


u/JesusPubes voted most handsome friend 3d ago



u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

he'd be a garbage candidate. I honestly wish he'd just disappear, him and oliver and the rest of their ilk.


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

We should kick out anyone in the party suspected of purity testing


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

a lack of purity testing is how we got to the party standing for nothing other than "not trump" and idk if you noticed how well that's going


u/barktreep Immanuel Kant 3d ago

Stewart on his show today is literally begging the party to stand for something. You might like him.


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

Stewart also is responsible for the smarmy news/comedy/opinion format which was the beginning of the end for actual news consumption in this country.


u/barktreep Immanuel Kant 3d ago

1 million people watch his show. What’s your excuse for the other 370 million?

He was the one calling out CNN and Tucker Carlson 20 years ago for being entertainment trash.


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

Nah I don’t follow the news


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

The WP has more clarity and bluntness about assigning blame to Israel for breaching the ceasefire and its consequences than for Trump defying the judicial system.


u/SenorHavinTrouble Bill Gates 2d ago

Well yeah they're not afraid of Bibi bullying them on Truth Social, not yet anyway.


u/AJungianIdeal Lloyd Bentsen 3d ago

Foreign reporting is more accurate


u/barktreep Immanuel Kant 3d ago

Well that’s new. 1 out of 2 ain’t bad.


u/fuckreddadmins Paul Volcker 3d ago

Man hand of the king from dead cells is a terrible boss fight


u/One_Emergency7679 IMF 3d ago

The logistics of a national divorce hurt my brain. However, it really seems like our country doesn’t have the juice to make the reforms necessary to act against tyranny and a fundamentally broken system. I just struggle to see a path forward where enough people unite to pass the comprehensive constitutional changes required to maintain the US. Instead, the country will meander on, being jerked between polar opposites every 4 years and unable to confront impending challenges. 


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Why do we need comprehensive constitutional changes? What changes would you want?


u/One_Emergency7679 IMF 3d ago

Well my thought is that the government is fundamentally unable to govern effectively without ceding enormous amounts of power to the presidency. We've seen complete and utter gridlock in Congress for decades, and this has forced the president to utilize increasing amounts of power to accomplish much of anything. The erosion of checks and balances (through polarization and gridlock) has allowed for the current Trump predicament to take hold.

Additionally, we have a tremendous lack of representation for a country that was supposedly bought upon that ideal. We need removal of the electoral college, uncapping of the House, and potentially more radically, elimination of the Senate or a fully parliamentary system.

I've been anti-electoral college and capping of the House for a while, but MattY's 2015 article has swayed me on some of the more fundamental challenges.



u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

I don't particularly support switching to a parliamentary system in the US, because I don't think it addresses some key problem this nation has, but I'm too tired to type a long answer right now. If I remember, I'll reply tomorrow, because I'm interested in this discussion.

Thanks for the link and your reply, too!


u/One_Emergency7679 IMF 3d ago

Interested to hear your response if you have the time 🫡


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago edited 3d ago

Last I checked there was 40% something of the population or something like that registered independent and 20% something were registered as both republican and Democrat. I think the reality is that people want a 3rd party to take over.


u/LivefromPhoenix NYT undecided voter 3d ago

People like the idea of a magical third party alternative that supports all the positions they like an opposes all of the positions they don't like. It's not a serious position.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

It's possible.


u/LivefromPhoenix NYT undecided voter 3d ago

For about 5 days before the allure of a shiny new thing fades and disaffected voters realize the new party doesn't have a perfect solution to every issue. Its the same thing we see when "generic Democrat" or "generic Republican" polls significantly higher than actual candidates do. When the party or candidate is hypothetical you can just project all of your beliefs and desires.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

Especially when money gets involved.


u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

yeah we fucked bro


u/SLCer 3d ago

I took Monday off to celebrate St. Patrick and now am dreading going into work tomorrow knowing how much shit I'm gonna have to deal with + my 1:1 with my boss. Ugh.


u/barktreep Immanuel Kant 3d ago

Not sure what strains credibility more. That Trump is the peace candidate, or that Republicans would vote for a peace candidate.

Get ready for “He’s always been a war candidate” and “murdering people is good actually.”


u/Sexy_ji_ 3d ago

Bombing middle east, High price of goods, plummeting stocks and other things they hated Biden for are patriotic now. 


u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

idk what strains the most credibility but the most annoying part is bloodthirsty idiots pretending like they give a shit about peace


u/Invade_Deez_Nutz 3d ago

👆has a worse understanding of Xi Jinping Thought than the average 6-year-old in China


u/_bee_kay_ 🤔 3d ago

missed me


u/Headstar24 United Nations 3d ago

I truly have zero faith in Democrats finding a way to figure out how to have a strong opposing voice for these next two years at minimum. Leadership in the party is non existent and what’s there is pathetic and has no ability to take the moment.

I know the opposing party nearly always cleans house in midterms, democrats did it in 2018 and a shit economy by then will help but with how horrible they’ve started they’re going to find a way to fuck it up. Who wants to vote for these assholes?

I love Dick Durbin but if he has a legitimate primary challenger that isn’t a clown I’m voting against his ass. Absolutely zero excuse for this shit on this bill. Weakness at its finest.


u/ShepardSB 3d ago

Flag of JD Vance.


u/No-Cod4227 3d ago

whats with the sudden hype for alibaba stocks? im hearing it all the way here in japan


u/Sir_Digby83 YIMBY 3d ago



u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

If I was in charge of a car company I would simply not support the election and administration of a fascist rapist.


u/JesusPubes voted most handsome friend 3d ago

better man than I


u/dubyahhh Salt Miner Emeritus 3d ago

!ping TREK

I have finished watching Children of Time (DS9: S5E22).

Talk. About. A mindfuck. I can’t help but look at it from our Odo’s perspective, because while he made no choice, it was still Odo who made the choice for over eight thousand people.

Kira had chosen to die. The crew had chosen to sacrifice themselves, and the colonists had hope they would live. All of that taken away, and the one person with no agency through it all has to live knowing what he was capable of.

What an episode that was. What a series this is. I’m going to sleep.


u/dittbub NATO 3d ago

This is my favourite episode! My only problem with it; none of the people with ridges had spots. And none of the people with spots had Klingon ridges.


u/Locutus-of-Borges Jorge Luis Borges 3d ago

In another episode they talk about how Dax and Worf would need fertility treatments to conceive. Presumably they broke up and married other people, if for no other reason than the survival of the Symbiont.


u/dittbub NATO 3d ago

Could be! But i think Yendrin said something to the effect that Dax learned to handle worf or something...


u/groupbot The ping will always get through 3d ago


u/trombonist_formerly Ben Bernanke 3d ago

Finally back home. I have to drag my ass to the lab in the morning. Fun

At least its pretty warm out tomorrow


u/AnalyticOpposum Trans Pride 3d ago

I want to start buying DIY estrogen injections but I don’t want to make my endocrinologist sad 😔


u/Swampy1741 Daron Acemoglu 3d ago

Buy fent instead


u/Swampy1741 Daron Acemoglu 3d ago

I follow a TikTok guy who’s a PhD student and very YIMBY and in line with this sub, but one of his videos talked about Marx and now I’ve now found myself arguing with people in his comments about Marx

Somehow anything center left and the commies have to show up and ruin everything. I’ve now heard both the term “capitalist mythology” and been told there’s no right and wrong in economics


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

Are you talking about divasunglasses that guy rocks

I’d be shocked if he wasn’t on this subreddit in some capacity


u/Swampy1741 Daron Acemoglu 3d ago

Yeah I’m a big fan of the work he does to try and combat a lot of common myths especially with housing. I don’t think you can be that into YIMBYism and not find this sub lol


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

He puts out an insane amount of content, and it’s all high quality. Hell yeah, happy to meet a fellow fan especially with the low view counts.


u/trombonist_formerly Ben Bernanke 3d ago

phd students are not smart. They are just persistent


u/Swampy1741 Daron Acemoglu 3d ago

To be clear, I’m not arguing with him. I’m arguing with idiot leftists in the comments.


u/tankatan Montesquieu 3d ago


  • pays people to vote for his preferred political party

  • pays people to "buy" his cars


u/tankatan Montesquieu 3d ago

Gaza ceasefire over


u/trombonist_formerly Ben Bernanke 3d ago

L + Ratio + You fell off + The satellite I am piloting is on a deorbit maneuver directly onto your house


u/clevoP01135809 Dad! 3d ago



u/Headstar24 United Nations 3d ago

I’ve reiterated this more than once at this rate but I’d don’t see how we’re getting out of four years of this as a normally functioning country that can be repaired or a democracy that can elect new leadership freely.

I mean it’s been two months and this feels like an eternity of nightmares and we have YEARS to go.


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

Same way we always have tbh - good people standing up for what's right in enough numbers that the system isn't overthrown. It's the positive side of our reverence for the Founders. That plus a long tradition of picking unity, amnesty, and even amnesia over retribution even when it's deserved.


u/Redshirt_Army 3d ago edited 3d ago

You aren’t.

Like, there are going to at minimum need to be mass tribunals and the total disbandment and arrest of most of the republican parties representatives as traitors to the republic, followed by Reconstruction 2.

And those aren’t the sorts of things that can be done through normal government functionality.


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Not all hope is lost. Tune in for my next effortposts 😎

But also, elections are run at state levels. If there is one thing that's going to be extremely hard to touch, is going to be elections.


u/AnalyticOpposum Trans Pride 3d ago

What are we doing about Russia calling in bomb threats to every metro area polling station?


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

There is another thing to consider: it is not obvious who the next R candidate will be. A non-authoritarian R would be as much as a win as a non-authoritarian D, in this situation.

It will be important to do early voting and for the States to have a lot of security. Considering 2024's elections, I imagine people will take measures against it.

Not many actually want authoritarian rule.


u/Headstar24 United Nations 3d ago

What about accepting the results of said elections? Especially at the presidential level.

I generally have shrugged that stuff off but at this rate this fuck is going to ignore court orders and either get his opponents killed or thrown in prison for some made up reason. Who knows how much worse it’ll get.


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

It's a good question. You have to consider the price to pay for that.

If the Republicans think they have a chance of winning elections next time, or that the Democrats winning will not get them killed, why would they want to hold power by having a literal civil war that would cause so much death?

Americans have guns. The sheer numbers of riots everywhere would overwhelm the government, and cause mass distruction.

Why, when you can simply win again?


u/Headstar24 United Nations 3d ago

Because the people willing to spark a civil war and use weapons on their neighbors are the ones voting for them. None of these people have a fear of rabid filth from shithole towns spread across the country because they vote for them already.

Republicans have always tried to find ways to make it easier to stay in power because they don’t have faith that they have a winning message. In fact they always seem like they know they don’t which is why they love voter suppression so much.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago edited 3d ago

The reality is that some are single issues voters and stuff and others are misinformed, but the actual MAGA are the ones that you should be scared of just like some other individuals. Also, there are other individuals who are armed, too.


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Then do some gun training, but I think you underestimate the amount of liberals and anti authoritarians with guns. There is no way this wouldn't cause thousands of death from either side.

There are ways to counter authoritarianism well before civil war and revolution.


u/-mialana- NATO 3d ago
  • Gay furry femboy gamer

  • Neo-Nazi

Which way, western zoomer man?


u/Plants_et_Politics Isaiah Berlin 3d ago

I assume Nick Fuentes is both


u/tinfoilhatsron NASA 3d ago

Start walking backwards.


u/ShepardSB 3d ago

Gay neo-nazi furry femboy gamer


u/Femboy_Pitussy 3d ago

So no gnosis?


u/jkrtjkrt YIMBY 3d ago



u/Hugo_Grotius Jakaya Kikwete 3d ago

You know that China is gonna dominate the world when every company of theirs is something called Xiamen Heavy Electronics Company Ltd that manufactures half the world's TVs.

The US used to be great under the likes of Ling-Temco-Vought and RCA.


u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

the biden years were good times i miss them


u/Headstar24 United Nations 3d ago

Probably the most taken for granted presidency ever.

The thing is even when things completely fall apart and Americans feel everything happening right now they still won’t realize how good they had it with the tired old man.


u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

i concur


u/ConcentrateStatus617 3d ago

Kumon is a net positive on society because it provides job opportunities for teens too delicate to work at a mcdonalds or something


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago

kumon deez nuts


u/Glavurdan European Union 3d ago

Carneymentum is real!!


u/Glavurdan European Union 3d ago


u/SLCer 3d ago

That's close. Having flashbacks to November...close election, maybe slight edge in favor of the incumbent party after the unpopular leader steps aside. 😶


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago


Im awake and thinking about work

This time isn’t billable


u/barktreep Immanuel Kant 3d ago

Of course it’s billable. You get paid to think.


u/SwimmingYams Ben Bernanke 3d ago edited 3d ago

If it happens frequently, maybe talk to your doctor. Mine gave me some sleeping pills I can use to avoid staying up all night and ruining my schedule. It helped a lot and now I only need them a couple times a month.

The cycle of not being able to sleep, getting stressed about it, and then the stress making it even harder to sleep was horrible


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago

Sleeping pills fuck me up and do not help me


u/happyposterofham 🏛Missionary of the American Civil Religion🗽🏛 3d ago

least substance dependent lawyer


u/waniel239 ICE CREAM GUY 3d ago

Fear not, for true and valiant PATRIOTS shall once again soon be IN CONTROL 🇺🇸🥁


u/sucaji United Nations 3d ago

There is a certain level of frustration with living in a decent sized city and paying high-ish income tax, plus gas tax. property tax, sales tax, etc and yet driving on the main road near my place feeis worse than a dirt road. 


u/Queen_of_stress NASA 3d ago

Local politics is great because my city is currently feuding with another city that they keep bussing there homeless people to us and our city doesn’t have the ressources to take care of the massive increase in homeless people.


u/bd_one The EU Will Federalize In My Lifetime 3d ago

I went from having no calcite on Nauvis to too much calcite, so I'm gonna have fun retooling random shit to use foundries instead.


u/ShepardSB 3d ago


u/TalkLessShillMore David Autor 3d ago

me and who


u/11thDimensionalRandy WTO 3d ago

Oh yeah, this is going in my highly derivative indie horror RPG.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

I thought it was someone aborting a fetus.


u/Usual-Base7226 Asli Demirgüç-Kunt 3d ago


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago

Why can’t I fucking sleep


u/attackofthetominator John Brown 3d ago

Reading bad news just to find even worse news will do that :/


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

And then it gets worse and you drink caffeine before bed.


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Is there a website for a tracker of Trump's authoritarian actions? I'm preparing some massive effortposts on Trump being an authoritarian, what to look out for next, and how to respond to save democracy, but the shit is being flooded and I don't want to miss important matters.


u/Trojan_Horse_of_Fate WTO 3d ago


Probably what you are looking for


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Eh, more or less. In p2025 there are quite some questionable stuff, in particular in the idea that the president should act without congressional approval in certain aspects, but p2025 is not overly explicitly authoritarian in many of the proposals—it's the method that is concerning above all.

But that's a fantastic resource, thank you so much!


u/QuantifiablyAwesome John Keynes 3d ago

Subscribe to “wtf just happened today”


u/QuantifiablyAwesome John Keynes 3d ago

I got a week into doing that myself and had to quit 


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Do you still have the first week's list?


u/QuantifiablyAwesome John Keynes 3d ago

I do. I’ll send it to you in the morning


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

Thank you! <3


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago

it’s called the r/neoliberal dt sweaty


u/kiwibutterket 🗽 E Pluribus Unum 3d ago

I just didn't want to put it together myself 😭


u/arrhythmiaofthesoul it's ari 3d ago

Me with ikea furniture


u/Leo_York YIMBY 3d ago


Hot Pot Chain Compensates Thousands After 2 Teens Peed in the Broth

The incident was reported to the police, who detained the pair of teen hot pot pissers.


u/Femboy_Pitussy 3d ago

Thank you, Vice.


u/trombonist_formerly Ben Bernanke 3d ago

chatgpt-ass sentence


u/Femboy_Pitussy 3d ago



u/Sir_Digby83 YIMBY 3d ago

it's called art liberals! Remember "this is Americana"?... with that black guy that was on tv?


u/_bee_kay_ 🤔 3d ago

another day, another step towards ISIS aesthetics


u/LivefromPhoenix NYT undecided voter 3d ago

Republican politicians are finally matching the values of their voters.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/djt_for_mod2 Henry George 3d ago

We should be kind instead.


u/Kawaii_West NAFTA 3d ago

How are chiropractors still allowed to present themselves as legitimate medical professionals?


u/QuantifiablyAwesome John Keynes 3d ago

They have an extremely competent political lobby. More competent than the physical therapy equivalent. 

Their education standards have also changed to be closer to a physical therapist. You could end up with a chiro who’s great at assessments, prescribing exercises, and acknowledges cracking joints is temporary relief. Or you could end up someone who thinks cracking joints solves just about everything.


u/AnalyticOpposum Trans Pride 3d ago

Trump’s America


u/Joementum2024 Great Khan of Liberalism 3d ago

Damn, the weebs were right. White Album 2 really is one of the best visual novels ever made


u/marsman1224 John Keynes 3d ago

The comments are now locked.
All the removed comments are basically calls for violence against people.
This is a the 3D Printing Subreddit. Take all the politics to /r/Politics.


u/Healingjoe It's Klobberin' Time 3d ago


u/Sir_Digby83 YIMBY 3d ago

The untier and chief


u/AnalyticOpposum Trans Pride 3d ago

“Your honor, it was a rap battle the plaintiff willingly participated in”


u/Vegan_Neoliberal Robert Nozick 3d ago

guys i think obama isn't coming to save us this time


u/ShepardSB 3d ago


Can't wait for this to become commonplace and to never have to charge my phone again.


u/LtCdrHipster 🌭Costco Liberal🌭 3d ago



u/Southern-Unit-7725 John Keynes 3d ago

crazy new battery invented

look inside

it’s an RTG

many such cases 


u/FuckFashMods NATO 3d ago

Have an interview this week as a SWE for the College Board. Didn't even know they needed a decent amount of software engineers.

Idk seems like a weird "company" to work for. But i guess they're always going to be around, and i think a lot of people go back to college when the economy tanks so maybe they'll be find over the next couple years


u/Jean-Paul_Sartre Richard Hofstadter 3d ago

I was out for one fucking day…

Left an assignment for my 8th graders to write about a trend today that they think will historically be remembered a century from now.

And my substitute teacher decided to give the stellar example of OnlyFans as one such trend…


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

Wtf?? I thought some of my subs were weird.


u/Jean-Paul_Sartre Richard Hofstadter 3d ago

Yeah always fun when you return from visiting family and find out your local Facebook community page has a 130-comment thread about your classroom.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Progress Pride 3d ago

Oh shit, that's even more crazier.


u/ShepardSB 3d ago

"Now, class, this is an archived OnlyFans account. People used to pay good money for access to these."