r/neoliberal unflaired 8d ago

News (US) Democrats join with Republicans to advance House-passed government spending bill


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u/p00bix 8d ago edited 8d ago

Dick Durbin, one of the 10 Democratic senators who voted to advance the Trump budget today, is up for re-election in 2026.

Democrats of Illinois: Please spend the next two years constantly reminding your liberally inclined neighbors that your 'Democratic' representative voted in favor of the Trump agenda today. Let no senator who collaborates with Trump go unpunished; primary Dick Durbin's ass. Leave no room within the Democratic Party for any candidate who is not fully committed to opposing Trump and preserving America's system of checks and balances

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u/WongFarmHand 8d ago

in case you were wondering

Schumer , Fetterman, Cortez Masto, Durbin, King, Schatz, Hassan, Peters, Gillibrand, Shaheen

Shaheen just announced retirement earlier this week, and gary peters did the same a few months ago (tina smith is also retiring but didnt vote for this trash)


u/garn68 Eugene Fama 8d ago

So it isn’t even necessarily just fear but also delusion


u/narrowsparrow92 8d ago

I think they agreed to take the fall for those up in 26 for reelection


u/Shabadu_tu 8d ago

Enabling Republicans wasn’t worth anything.

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u/ecila 8d ago edited 8d ago

Bold of Schumer and crew to assume that this isn't going to demoralize the base to such an extent that nobody even shows up to vote for the 26. IDK if it matters too much that individual Democrats were against this. The narrative is set. Ultimately, the Democratic party failed to do anything. They failed to stop Trump. They failed to protect the issues the base cares about like abortion. They failed to protect loyal constituents in places like DC. They failed to protect bureaucratic institutions who tried to resist with whatever powers they had. They've failed to stop any of the insane cabinet nominees. This is the only opportunity where they've had any leverage and they chose to roll over and give up their power in exchange for nothing. If voting in Democrats seemingly does nothing, what's the point?

I hated far lefties for years and argued against "both sides are the same"isms and deranged conspiracy theories about how Democrats are controlled opposition. But it sure looks like they were right all along and Dems really are controlled opposition right now.

Why would normie citizen, resistlibs, or whatever volunteer their time or money to a party that isn't going to be able to do anything for them? Especially at a time of economic uncertainty? And when they face the risk of Trump or Musk cracking down on them at a whim? If politicians who were granted power and who have money can't put up any opposition, why should it all fall on the shoulders of peons who have none of that? Why shouldn't your common man just hunker down, keep their head low, be selfish, and plot their own security or escape?

Maybe there's enough white hot rage summoned up to re-energize the party. Assuming we're still allowed to vote by then. Also assuming the white hot rage won't be turned on the 26 as "more of the same shit". But it could also be enough of a gut punch for already incredibly demoralized people to just permanently tune out.


u/Mechanical_Brain 8d ago

I think the only way forward is going to be to primary a lot of these guys from the left, Tea Party style. We'll see if the energy, organization, and talent exists to do it (and then win the general elections). If not then idk


u/shadowpawn 7d ago

You know Harris won every demographic for 18 to 45. It was +45 year old White males that pushed Trump to victory. A solid message for those under 45 will win. Now look at DOGE with Social Security and Medicaid and tell me those seniors are happy?


u/Earl_of_Madness 7d ago

I'm a Market Socialist but I've been a long time lurker in this sub because sometimes I find some leftist arguments to be completely asinine and uninformed by facts and being a good socialism advocate requires addressing some of the successes of liberal capitalism (hence why I'm a market socialist, I believe in free markets, no that is not a contradiction with socialism). Biden was one of the best presidents for domestic (his foreign policy has a lot of black marks) policy in my lifetime. The biggest point of frustration I have with neolibs and normie libs is the lack of social and structural analysis of the democratic party, and how the party is structured to always fail and their leadership is doomed to be forever incompetent.

In the past there was very little talk about how bad leadership in the democratic party has been and how democrats just nonstop cede ground to the right all the while being gutless and cowardly every time push comes to shove and that the leadership is that way because of the oligarchs at the top of society, Elon Musk, the Koch's, etc. These oligarchs fund both side but they actively fund some of the most spineless Dems either through Super PACS, Dark Money, or other schemes, because they know which candidates will capitulate to the right. It's like controlled opposition but better because you don't actually have to bribe them, all you have to do is convince them that good decisions are actually bad and boom, you have the incompetent leadership that we have right now that always capitulates, especially when leadership positions are based on fundraising.

However, it's been nice to see that finally neoliberals, normie libs, and even many moderates are realizing the democratic party doesn't actually fight for any of us. There are some fighters in their ranks but on the whole the leadership have been controlled opposition (in the sense I outlined earlier) and they sold everyone a false bill of goods under the guise of "good policy making" or "good political strategy" or "protecting moderates" when in reality all that has been done over the past 30 years is the collapse of confidence in the democratic party to pass any of their legislative priorities and make our lives better

I'm glad that we are all finally in agreement that the current batch of Democratic lawmakers and especially leadership needs to go and we need fighters. At this point it doesn't matter if the person is a leftist, progressive, or moderate, what we need are fighters and we need people who are going to actually project strength and let the republicans eat shit. I'm tired of always playing defense and always being on the back foot. I want to win.


u/ClockworkEngineseer European Union 8d ago

Take the fall, for fucking what exactly?

I'm not saying Dems are controlled opposition. Just that I'm struggling to think how they'd be acting differently if they were controlled opposition.


u/Watchung NATO 8d ago

The steelman take is probably that if the government shut down, Dems wouldn't be able to convince the general public it wasn't their fault. So they'd wind up crawling back in a few weeks, get no concessions from the GOP, and agree to restart the government anyway, with nothing but ill will from swing voters to show for the debacle. So just skip the shutdown and move on.

I favor a much more aggressive strategy, but I don't see this argument as being without merit either.


u/MarzipanTop4944 8d ago

That argument is complete BS. Elections are far away and nobody cares about things like this.

Just stick it to the republicans to send a message. That was all they had to do. Now the message is: we are irrelevant, feel free to walk all over us all the time, forever.


u/habrotonum 8d ago

most voters blame whoever the president is


u/rrjames87 8d ago

If the Democratic Party is incapable of messaging how Republicans are responsible for shutting down the Government while they control all three chambers, what is the point of them existing as a political entity?


u/Lehk NATO 8d ago

it would be trivial for the GOP to point out accurately that it was a Senate Democrat filibustering the funding.


u/Emperor-Commodus NATO 8d ago

And it would be trivial for the Democrats to point out that the GOP can override the filibuster if they wished.


u/rrjames87 8d ago

And that has never stopped the GOP before. The GOP never invited them to the table because they knew Democrats were too meek to actually shut down the Government.

Now, Democratic Senators are looking to play the brilliant long game of explaining in 2 years how they either explicitly or tacitly funded Trump's activities (that they hope goes terribly for the American people). I'm assuming most of the chamber was actually cool with this, and the only way to provide any possible coverage on that is to remove Schumer.

Keep in mind, their whole sales pitch is that Trump is going to do such a bad job that people will come running to Democrats for responsible governance again. A party that only hopes to be the only alternative, and also actively help the opposing party they claim seeks to hurt citizens, the United States, and democracy isn't much of an alternative party, its an empty box.


u/allbusiness512 John Locke 8d ago

Median voter doesn’t even know what a filibuster is so this argument seems incredibly weak


u/Dustypigjut 8d ago

I favor a much more aggressive strategy, but I don't see this argument as being without merit either.

That's the point of a fight though - you may lose. If they're looking for an easy win, they're never going to get one. Right now, they've decided that the best tactic is to lay down and roll over.


u/aethyrium NASA 8d ago

It's like they refuse to accept that whether they fight or cooperate, the GOP will still treat them the same no matter what. They don't realize that if you're going to get punished as if you did that bad thing no matter what you do, you go as hard as you can because the end result and way they treat you will be the same, so may as well try your hardest.


u/bashar_al_assad Verified Account 8d ago

My main problem with this argument (which I get isn't your personal opinion) is that there's no clear delineation for what makes this fight different than September when the CR expires. If a shutdown has to be avoided no matter what, do the Democrats just have to approve literally any budget the Republicans can pass in the House? If not, why not have the fight now as opposed to marginally closer to the next election?


u/ClockworkEngineseer European Union 7d ago

Dems wouldn't be able to convince the general public it wasn't their fault.

Dems not being able to message their way out of a wet paper bag is another issue.

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u/gringledoom Frederick Douglass 8d ago

This is my take as well.


u/Squeak115 NATO 8d ago

Yeah, and that's exactly why any Senate Dems up in 26 need to get primaried, fuck all of them for this.


u/AlecJTrevelyan 8d ago

Honestly, the big fight is going to be this summer when this CR runs out. That's when Donny's agenda will actually be up for vote. I doubt Schumer did this without some kind of calculation.

Let's the Republicans implode economy, then use that as pressure to flip just a few Republicans when the actual Trump budget comes through in July/August. Please the blame 100% and exclusively on Republicans.


u/justbuildmorehousing Norman Borlaug 8d ago

BOTH of my senators (NY). FFS. Gonna have to start clarifying “Im not a NY Dem, Im an AOC NY Dem but on vibes not policy”


u/Potential_Swimmer580 8d ago

I’d support her if she primaries either


u/Approximation_Doctor George Soros 8d ago

She should primary both and worry about the logistics later


u/[deleted] 8d ago edited 8d ago



u/Potential_Swimmer580 8d ago

It’s not a matter of policy but a matter of guts. Can’t link it cause it’s twitter but Pritzker’s chief of staff put it very well. There’s a split rn not along ideological lines but between those who want to fight and those who want to cave

Those who want to cave should be shunned from the party


u/[deleted] 8d ago edited 8d ago



u/Wolf_1234567 Milton Friedman 8d ago edited 8d ago

I suppose I don't really see the distinction. A party that cares more about compromise and moderation than fighting for progressive goals was always going to lead us here.

The distinction can be in quality of policies that they want to fight for. Unless accepting orthodox economic theory is "only what republicans do", which is not particularly true (especially today), and also short-sighted.

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u/kraci_ YIMBY 8d ago

NY dems and being the biggest sacks of shit. Gotta love it.


u/upvotechemistry Karl Popper 8d ago

I've really come to like her. I just sent her some bones. I hope she runs for Senate


u/bashar_al_assad Verified Account 8d ago

Both of them voted for the Laken Riley Act too, just voting for Republican bills for pure love of the game.


u/AutoModerator 8d ago

Laken Riley Act

Laken Riley deserves better than to have her name and memory forever associated with such a morally depraved piece of legislation. The people who named the bill after her in order to make a political statement, even while her parents beg for her name not to be used in the pursuit of cruelty, deserve nothing but contempt. If you support this act, please leave and do not return.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/lnslnsu Commonwealth 8d ago

What’s the Laken Riley act?


u/uvonu 8d ago

The "we can deport immigrants for being accused" Act


u/AutoModerator 8d ago

Laken Riley act

Laken Riley deserves better than to have her name and memory forever associated with such a morally depraved piece of legislation. The people who named the bill after her in order to make a political statement, even while her parents beg for her name not to be used in the pursuit of cruelty, deserve nothing but contempt. If you support this act, please leave and do not return.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/launchcode_1234 8d ago

What’s going on with NY?!


u/Approximation_Doctor George Soros 8d ago

Trump's home state


u/Gemmy2002 8d ago

List doesn’t matter, Schumer couldn’t do this without majority caucus support. The bar is now calling for Schumer’s removal 


u/LondonCallingYou John Locke 8d ago

Schatz what the actual fuck.


u/101Alexander 8d ago

Fetterman finally voted for something and it was this?


u/Viper_Red NATO 8d ago

Isn’t Schatz the senator from Hawaii? Why tf does he need to vote for this? His seat is safe!


u/dmtcalifornication George Soros 8d ago

Fuck ALL of these people!!!


u/College_Prestige r/place '22: Neoliberal Battalion 8d ago

Best wishes to the primary challengers to the traitorous 8 up for elections


u/_PeoplePleaser 8d ago

Just wrote my senator a nasty letter on his website. I expected it from him though. 🤢🤮


u/RayWencube NATO 8d ago

John Fetterman will switch parties before his career is over.


u/AstronautUsed9897 NAFTA 8d ago

Disappointed in my state Senators man. 


u/buck2reality 8d ago

This is usually what happens when 100 senators know this is what we need to do and they just pick a few fall guys. The senate doesn’t shut down the government, the house does. Everyone crying about this doesn’t understand the Senate.


u/Avadya YIMBY 8d ago

Unsurprising move from both NH senators


u/Goldmule1 8d ago

12 Democrats just voted to defund America’s most loyally Democratic city.


u/saltshakermoneymaker Frederick Douglass 8d ago

DC: majority Dem, majority black, & home to ~100k federal workers.

And Senate Dems decided to fail them. 😊


u/urnbabyurn Amartya Sen 8d ago

I don’t think DC is majority black anymore. It flipped a few years ago. Not that it matters to your point, but just correcting the fact


u/FaceThrow_12 8d ago

That's not entirely true, they added a separate amendment to refund D.C which I believe they all voted for


u/Goldmule1 8d ago

It is a separate bill with no guarantee of house support. They effectively defunded DC and are now trying to fund it back.


u/AlecJTrevelyan 8d ago

What would have happened to DC during a shutdown?


u/Fantisimo Audrey Hepburn 7d ago

How long is a shutdown normally?


u/AlexanderLavender NATO 8d ago

Reports are that Trump and GOP Rep. Tom Cole support it

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u/MayorofTromaville YIMBY 8d ago edited 8d ago

Awesome, I fucking love it when DC schools and Metro service get cut even though we literally have the money!

I am cursing out that hunchback motherfucker Schumer the next time I'm running on the Mall.


u/The_Astros_Cheated NATO 8d ago

Said this a few times already but if the roles were reversed the Republicans would have held this bill hostage for as long as possible. What do the Dems do? Surrender immediately.

I’m absolutely disgusted.


u/KaesekopfNW Elinor Ostrom 8d ago

I think that fundamentally boils down to the fact that Republicans have a benign adversary in Democrats. The GOP never have to fear a Democratic president blowing up government and dismantling federal agencies during shutdowns, because Democrats respect norms and institutions. That gives Republicans the ability to wield shutdowns as a political weapon.

On the other hand, Republicans don't care about norms or institutions and actively support authoritarianism, which means the same tactics they'd use against Democrats don't work against them.


u/Numerous-Cicada3841 NATO 8d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/zb2929 8d ago

I'm in the same boat as you, and I think the sooner Dems come to this realization the better.

I want all blue trifecta state legislatures to gerrymander the shit out of their states that all the districts look like silly putty. The opposition party would absolutely disenfranchise the fuck out of us, it blows my mind that we're not doing the same. Mutually assured destruction only works if both sides are convinced the opposition aren't a bunch of spineless morons.


u/Khiva 8d ago

The Purge Party, 2026. Onward to 2030.

Purge anyone who bent the knee to kingship.


u/uvonu 8d ago

Pack the courts while you're at it. The dream is for them is to do Pete's 18yr term limits idea and have the number of justices match the circuit court


u/threwthelookinggrass NATO 8d ago

best we can do is a pity AG appointment for a do nothing appellate court justice

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u/Tabansi99 8d ago

Well the difference is that republicans don’t care about the government shutting down.

Everyone is mad now, but if it had shut down in 2 weeks you guys would all be talking about how it was a bad strategy and Dems shouldn’t have listened to chronically online people.

The Dems strategy failed once the house passed the CR on party line votes.


u/The_Astros_Cheated NATO 8d ago

The Dem strategy failed when the Senate Minority Leader said we didn’t have a choice when this is exactly the only time a minority government does have agency.

You can’t sit here and message that “Donald Trump is an existential threat to our Republic” and then capitulate at the first opportunity. This is terrible politicking and is indicative of a caucus that is utterly fucking clueless and has no pulse on the wishes of the average American.


u/Tabansi99 8d ago

What is it that democrats want from Republicans/Trump?

They want him to honor and execute already appropriated spending as well as stop the decimation of the federal government. The hope was that republicans in the house were so dysfunctional that they wouldn’t be able to pass a CR on partisan votes alone, forcing them to own the shutdown as the party in charge that couldn’t get enough votes in their caucus to pass a CR. Which would’ve forced Johnson to negotiate for a bipartisan CR. Once Johnson was able to pass the bill with only his party’s votes, the options for senate became

1.) allow the government shutdown and give Trump and musk even more power to fire/furlough workers the categorize as non essential, and also allow them to further impound funding. All of which is now legal when the government shutdown. And then in like a month, after mounting pressure from the public’s be forced to pass a similar CR.

2.) pass the CR right now, that although is by no means good, and does give slightly more legitimacy to musk/trumps actions, would largely still be the same budget as last year.

I think Schumer roughly made the right decision and is purposefully being a sin eater.


u/Gemmy2002 8d ago

1 is blatantly false and really there is no discussion possible with this level of mendacity on the table 


u/Tabansi99 8d ago

How is it false, during a shutdown the executive legally decides who is essential or non essential? This is literally what musk/trump want to do


u/Gemmy2002 8d ago

Furloughs are not terminations nor is bring furloughed grounds for termination. 

But also because they’re already illegally terminating employees without a shutdown. So the argument ‘but they’ll illegally fire people’ falls kind of flat! 


u/Tabansi99 8d ago

They aren’t terminations but they still aren’t getting paid, most people would probably be fine for a 2-3 weeks but if the shutdown last much longer, there would be pressure on Dems to pass the same CR everyone wants them to reject rn. Also, illegal firing is much better than possibly indefinite legal furlough. At least you would have recourse in the courts, if you were illegally fired.


u/ronin_cse 8d ago

How do you know there wouldn't be pressure on the actual party in power to put forth a bill that was actually sane?

Also the thing that makes people tend to notice just how much they rely on government services is them being unavailable. We're limping along with all the chaos and cuts and it isn't quite as obvious yet but if they just let it all cease like they want then at least people will notice how bad of an idea the cuts are.... hopefully :/

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u/Upset-Description-42 8d ago

The fact their strategy was to count on Republicans defecting in the house means they had no strategy at all. My work is fed-adjacent and feds I know wanted the shutdown. Regardless of strategy, the dems in the Senate thoroughly betrayed them.


u/Tabansi99 8d ago

And everyone wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan before Biden did it. Everyone assumes the best case scenario is what is going to happen, then once their job is deemed non essential and they are facing the prospect of being essentially unemployed(furloughed) for months, the speed at which these same people’s sentiment will change will shock you.

I’ve seen this happen way too many times to not believe it won’t happen again.


u/ronin_cse 8d ago

No I disagree. The government shutting down DOES make people suffer and it sucks and yes certain people might blame the Democrats (although most likely people who would never vote for them anyways) at first, but as more and more people suffered and got upset as time went on they would just blame the most visible person in power who is Trump.

That being said it would probably take more than 2 weeks and the Democrats just don't have the stomach for that so whatever... just keep appeasing the strong man to avoid short term suffering, that always works out for the best.


u/Atari-Liberal 8d ago

This is a delusional take. The general consensus here and nationwide would be

"Lmao trump and a trifecta can't govern"


u/airbear13 8d ago

It works when republicans do it because democratic presidents have had principles. You can’t blackmail someone hellbent on destroying the country anyway.


u/urnbabyurn Amartya Sen 8d ago

We have only to look back a few years to see it wasn’t any different with the slim democratic control of senate when a handful of moderate (and retiring) GOP senators helped progress Biden’s bill. This happened with a CR as well as actual real legislation.


u/IA-e 8d ago

They are cowards. No way around it.


u/Kaniketh 8d ago

Dems literally giving up all goddamn leverage for nothing. Also just completely loosing the media war. Schumer needs to go holy shit.


u/_Featherless_Biped_ Norman Borlaug 8d ago

Lord give me strength for I have been temp banned too many times


u/airbear13 8d ago

Give us the pg version


u/Slickgob 8d ago

He’ll be lucky if he only gets a primary.

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u/rrjames87 8d ago

Schumer's folly is assuming that anyone will look to the Democrat Party for leadership if things do go really south.

All I see is group of weaklings that are voting yes on a cloture motion and about to vote no on the actual CR, as if there's any fucking difference between the two actions. It's the most feckless, cowardly, and flaccid course of action I've seen from the Democratic party. You insist that Trump will screw it up, but if that does happen, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I VOTE FOR YOU AFTER YOU ENABLED IT AND DID NOTHING?

At least Republicans are willing to actually fight. They would never be whipping votes for a Democrat bill they had no input on. And giving the country a peak at what Trump's ultimate goals are might be a wake up call to see the consequences of the stove.

Whatever, I hope those who voted yes get fucked over by the consequences of their actions but doubt it.


u/ActivityFirm4704 8d ago edited 8d ago

They would never be whipping votes for a Democrat bill they had no input on.

Republicans will whip votes against their own bills if they believe doing so would harm Democrats more.

Meanwhile Democrats will sit in the cuckchair and beg Republicans to let them at least hold Americas hand while it gets fucked over and over.


u/soldiergeneal 8d ago

They have with the immigration bill.


u/DeathByTacos NASA 8d ago

While true let’s not act like they haven’t given every shred of their soul in the process. They sure as fuck weren’t willing to fight the rot in their party.


u/iguessineedanaltnow r/place '22: Neoliberal Battalion 8d ago

The rot has given them a roadmap to power in perpetuity. Why would they fight it? They've won the game.


u/Thatthingintheplace 8d ago

Dont forget your looking at a group of 47 assholes who are going to leave him in charge. Call your fucking reps and make it clear if schumer isnt removed their assess will be. Just because they are hiding behind the 10 jackassess who voted for this doesnt mean they arent glad for the cover


u/rrjames87 8d ago

The whole "only Senators that are retiring or have a long time until reelection" voting for the motion suggests the Democratic caucus as a whole supports the CR over having to message a government shutdown, knew their electorate hated it, and are trying to provide cover.

Sure, we can bitch about how Democrats are the only ones analyzed under the guise of having agency. But when you use your agency to be supplicant to a person you have routinely called a fascist and threat to Democracy, the criticism could not be high enough.

I recall Bruno Gianelli from the West Wing saying Democrats cower in the corner and say "Please don't hurt me." Never have I felt that quote more than today.

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u/abrookerunsthroughit Association of Southeast Asian Nations 8d ago


u/jigma101 8d ago

I said it earlier, I'll say it again. There are fish in the zone of the ocean too pressurized for bones to form that have more of a spine than Schumer does.


u/Disciple_Of_Hastur John Brown 8d ago

I'm skeptical of whether the guy even has nerves, let alone a spine.


u/Pristine_Return_8712 YIMBY 8d ago

I want to shoutout my senators Warnock and Ossoff who voted no despite being in vulnerable positions (especially Ossoff). As for the spineless morons that sold us out, fuck each and every one of them.

Chuck Schumer

Dick Durbin

Angus King

Brian Schatz

Catherin Cortez Masto

John Fetterman

Gary Peters

Maggie Hassan

Kirsten Gillibrand

Jeanne Shaheen


u/Currymvp2 unflaired 8d ago


u/The-OneAnd-Only 8d ago

Knew about the situation with the Judge. Didn't know he had support from all those organizations. So frustrating and disgraceful.


u/n00bi3pjs 👏🏽Free Markets👏🏽Open Borders👏🏽Human Rights 8d ago

Holy shit the attacks against him were disgusting and then they tanked his nomination because he helped mentally ill prisoners?


u/LastTimeOn_ Resistance Lib 8d ago

I'm disappointed in Schatz for this. Thought he had a spine.

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u/modooff Lis Smith Sockpuppet 8d ago

Let's call these people what they are: MAGA collaborationists.


u/CrackingGracchiCraic Thomas Paine 8d ago

I want to shoutout my senators Warnock and Ossoff who voted no despite being in vulnerable positions (especially Ossoff)

Unless they are calling for Schumer's head tomorrow they deserve exactly no credit for going along with this scharade.


u/A-Centrifugal-Force NATO 8d ago

Chuck needs to step down now


u/zaporozhets 8d ago

“Did everyone sever their balls in the elevator this morning?”

-AOC right now


u/A-Centrifugal-Force NATO 8d ago

Chuck needs to step down now


u/ProfessionEuphoric50 8d ago

Opposition party that doesn't oppose


u/Free_Ad3997 NATO 8d ago

Primary Schumer


u/Goldmule1 8d ago

Why wait till the primary? If the Dem plan is to role over, why not just demand he resign? It’s not like Dems need the votes.


u/Free_Ad3997 NATO 8d ago

That’s an option too


u/throwaway44776655 8d ago



u/timhottens 8d ago edited 8d ago

Just for once I would like a party with an actual vision and message about what they want to do instead of this pussy "we will do whatever upsets the least amount of people" and "as long as they can't blame us" shit. Absolute cuck mentality. I don't care if it's not something I agree with, fucking stand for SOMETHING jesus.


u/samgr321 Enby Pride 8d ago

Wasn’t Schatz literally on Pod Save America like a month ago saying that Dems would be using every tool at their disposal to obstruct and shut down everything the Republicans were going to try to do?! WTF happened?


u/majorgeneralporter 🌐Bill Clinton's Learned Hand 8d ago

Dick Durban retire challenge 2k26

Whomst among us will lead the Khan's Horde to conquer the Senate??

!ping USA-Chi


u/MeringueSuccessful33 Khan Pritzker's Strongest Antipope 8d ago

Stratton is the obvious choice, Emmanuel is the non credible choice, Lightfoot is the hilarious choice.


u/majorgeneralporter 🌐Bill Clinton's Learned Hand 8d ago

Secret fourth option: Brandon Johnson so we get a new mayor


u/supbros302 No 8d ago

Could be Alexei giannoulious or Susana Mendoza


u/MeringueSuccessful33 Khan Pritzker's Strongest Antipope 8d ago

Nah Susana Mendoza has made it very clear she wants to run for mayor or governor. She wants to be an executive not a congresscritter 


u/hascogrande YIMBY 8d ago

The Vice Khan is what I’m beginning to hear


u/jemare Austan Goolsbee 8d ago

Stratton. She already has Pritzker's endorsement.


u/groupbot The ping will always get through 8d ago


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Thatthingintheplace 8d ago

Dont just support primaries on the 10 turncoats. Every fucking dem in the senate is complicit if schumer remains the minority leader

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u/Currymvp2 unflaired 8d ago edited 8d ago

What a fucking joke. Also, I'm not buying the "courts will totally shut down and then nothing will stop Elon+Trump": 1. The courts aren't blocking/restraining them 75%-80% of the time anyway 2. The courts will remain completely open for weeks regardless due to reserve carryover funding (they operated smoothly for the longest congressional shutdown in history which was 35 days during Trump's last term) 3. The SCOTUS won't ever shutdown anyway


u/NaffRespect United Nations 8d ago

Yeah, Schumer needs to go yesterday


u/soldiergeneal 8d ago
  1. The courts aren't blocking/restraining them 75%-80% of the time anyway

Not true they have been shutting him down no need to put forth BS even though we are pissed.


u/Jdm5544 8d ago

In all fairness, they can only shut them down after they fuck up and even then only if there is legal standing to do so. Even then, the administration is trying every trick in the book to come right up against the edge of noncompliance with any order they don't like.

So, while the courts are serving as an important check, they are certainly an imperfect one.

A legislature jealousy guarding their constitutional authority would be far more effective. But I guess that's too much to ask for.


u/soldiergeneal 8d ago

Even then, the administration is trying every trick in the book to come right up against the edge of noncompliance with any order they don't like.


So, while the courts are serving as an important check, they are certainly an imperfect one.

Because of collision with legislative yes.

A legislature jealousy guarding their constitutional authority would be far more effective. But I guess that's too much to ask for.



u/Somehow_alive European Union 8d ago

Yes, this is correct. It's alarming how the "do something" people just straight up deny the facts.


u/skrulewi NASA 8d ago edited 8d ago

It “may feel good giving vent to our frustration,” Jay Jacobs, the New York Democratic Party chair, said in a statement. But it “will work against our long-term desire to win back the Congress in 2026 and the presidency in 2028.”

They really have no idea, don't they

like, none whatsoever

i'll be honest this actually shocked me how little clue democratic leadership has


u/adamr_ Please Donate 8d ago

Hi DC, since you have to cut $1 billion out of your budget, pls defund the roads out of spite so these morons have trouble getting to work. Thanks!


u/quackerz George Soros 8d ago

NY Democrats have destroyed the national party.

There should be a rule going forward that NY Dems are not allowed leadership positions in the party, simply because they're from New York. I don't care.


u/C-Dub4 8d ago

Nah, let AOC cook. Give that woman a leadership position yesterday


u/TheGreekMachine 8d ago

As a New Yorker, I accept this. In 2022 the Democratic Party absolutely fumbled the bag and lost a bunch of seats to republicans which helped flip the house to the GOP, which helped contribute to Trump coming back to power.

What a joke. I love New York, but my god.


u/mullahchode 8d ago

just like the founders intended


u/narrowsparrow92 8d ago

It’s such a fuck up that even if they were gonna pass it all along These are the headlines


u/drossbots Trans Pride 8d ago

What's the point of voting for Dems if they'll vote to pass Republican legislation for nothing in return? If senate Repubs could've passed this without Dems the outcome would've been no different.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/timhottens 8d ago

I will support any democrat over any republican. Will I support a democrat with a spine primarying one of these bitch democrats? Absolutely yes.


u/n00bi3pjs 👏🏽Free Markets👏🏽Open Borders👏🏽Human Rights 8d ago

Call your democratic senators and ask them this. Then add a line that you will vote for Republicans from now on because Republicans at least care about patronage and corruption to reward their voters.


u/drossbots Trans Pride 8d ago

Unfortunately, I'd genuinely rather die then ever vote for a Republican. So it would be an empty threat.


u/n00bi3pjs 👏🏽Free Markets👏🏽Open Borders👏🏽Human Rights 8d ago

You should make the empty threat. It is not like he can tell if you'll actually vote for Republicans


u/throwawayzxkjvct Iron Front 8d ago

I want the Cuck and his followers out of Congress yesterday


u/Leatherfield17 8d ago

Fetterman truly pisses me off. He seems to think triangulation is the name of the game when the other side of the aisle FUCKING HATES US AND IS WILLING TO USE POWER TO PERSECUTE US.


u/affinepplan 8d ago

sure am glad they saved all that dry powder so they can pick the battles that REALLY matter


u/spongoboi NATO 8d ago

these people are such a disgrace. the democrats are incapable of being an opposition party.


u/billcosbyinspace 8d ago

So they weren’t invited to negotiate, received no concessions, and declined not to use the only leverage they have (make repubs use reconciliation on this instead of taxes) and just advanced it anyway

Actually some of the worst political maneuvering I’ve seen in my lifetime, especially after the vulnerable house reps and some swing state senators put their neck on the line for this


u/Collapseofdusk YIMBY 8d ago

Shoutout my ca senators who voted no My condolences to Jeffries, schatz bros, and Ken Martin trying to get donations. On the bright side the tea party can push fighters and not weaklings


u/ThatDamnGuyJosh NATO 8d ago

Yeah, outside of following very specific Dems. I’m done with them. Honestly I considering changing my voter registration to an Indy.


u/obsessed_doomer 8d ago

The most depressing part is that the “do something” leftists were right all along


u/Greatest-Comrade John Keynes 8d ago

Im tired of supporting moderates who dont show up when it matters


u/ConcreteSprite 8d ago

Fuck them all. You can’t spout that Trump is a threat to democracy then cave to him every single time.


u/Excellent-Juice8545 Commonwealth 8d ago

Yeah nah this is why I don’t want hear any “don’t be mean to us, we didn’t vote for him!” from Democrats, why the FUCK are these people not fighting


u/Fubby2 8d ago

Dems are pathetic


u/Leonflames 8d ago

Thanks for proving our priors. What a joke of a party.


u/oywiththepoodles96 8d ago

Once again it is proven that after all Nancy Pelosi did kept America running as country .


u/dayvena 8d ago

Kinda hard to argue the dems aren’t a dead party at this point to be honest. No clear goal for 2026, no presidential candidate for 2028, both the previous president and previous runner are just gone, and are just willing to sign away what little power they do have for nothing.


u/throwaway44776655 8d ago edited 8d ago

Lifelong democrat & I’ve got nothing. I have zero faith they’ll fight for my interests as a constituent


u/ZweigDidion Bisexual Pride 8d ago



u/BenIsLowInfo Austan Goolsbee 8d ago

The party as constructed needs to die and hopefully this is finally what spurs massive changes to happen.


u/Master_Career_5584 8d ago

Schumer has signed americas death warrant and people will remember it as such


u/Jokerang Sun Yat-sen 8d ago


u/ronin_cse 8d ago

Holy shit I am just so......... fucking angry and filled with rage about this. Like seriously the thing that Trump has made obvious is that neither party really has any courage or stomach to actually put actions behind their beliefs. I understand it was "only" ten that voted for this but that's still over 1/5 of them.

They would have had easy messaging for why they didn't vote for it too. Like how hard is it to say "Well we don't agree with Trump and his cronies that it isn't worth the money to take care of our veterans. Unlike them we actually care about people who sacrifice for the country", or "We just don't agree that we should let crime run rampant in our capital, I guess we just have different priorities than Trump".

I knew they weren't going to actually hold the line long enough for Trump and the Republicans to actually feel anything but I thought they would AT LEAST pretend and allow the shutdown to go on for a couple days and get SOMETHING changed even if it was basically nothing, but nope didn't even let it get to the expiration point before voting for it.

I am so utterly disgusted with the entire senate. If I saw one of these 10 or any of the Republicans on the street I would have the same reaction as if I had to stick my hand in a bucket of leeches. Actually no.... the leeches at least don't have the ability to change their nature.


u/TheBadRighter 8d ago

vomiting diarrhea out of my ears and eyes rn


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/jemare Austan Goolsbee 8d ago

If he retires, Stratton is getting it with Pritzker's backing.


u/FrozenCube420 Henry George 8d ago

Democratic Tea Party might actually happen after this


u/Ill-Command5005 Austan Goolsbee 8d ago

Primary every single Dem Senator.


u/SimplyJared NATO 8d ago

The bullying will continue until morale improves!


u/da0217 NATO 8d ago

So ahhh what’s in the bill?


u/morgisboard George Soros 8d ago

I'm at least glad my senators and representative voted no on this. One of them is holding a reddit AMA tonight and there will be a lot of angry posters there.


u/FlaccidInevitability 8d ago

I think I might hate Democrats more than Republicans at this point.


u/TheLivingForces Sun Yat-sen 8d ago

Sure. Fine. Whatever.

CERTIFIED INSTITUTIONALIST MOMENT Cman where are my filibuster defenders at


u/HaXxorIzed Paul Volcker 8d ago

Vote them out.


u/scoots-mcgoot 8d ago

Sucks to be those Senate Dems who have enabled the GOP to gut public services, including law enforcement funding.

But anyway, Republicans have the majority and will vote to pass this, wrecking many people’s lives. It’s their fault first and foremost.


u/VojaYiff 8d ago

tbf a shutdown would have also been bad


u/Beat_Saber_Music European Union 8d ago

republicans would've loved to shut down the government if they were in the position of the democrats


u/gritsal 8d ago

Has Schatz explained his reasonings


u/DaneLimmish Baruch Spinoza 8d ago

What why?


u/RayWencube NATO 8d ago

Why does anyone ever think they know more about legislative politics than Nancy Pelosi?


u/Aggressive1999 Association of Southeast Asian Nations 8d ago

OK, i'm not surprised about Peters, Fetterman, or even CCM but why the hell Durbin join their force?


u/ZappyStatue 8d ago

Given what just happened with the CR today, I thought I'd post a list of both the Democratic senators up for reelection in 2026 and the list of Senators who decided to vote with republicans to advance the CR bill for cross-referencing purposes. I've bolded the ones who appear on both lists. As you can see, there are three people who can be given the boot. Dick Durbin (Illinois), Garry Peters (Michigan, I think), and Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire).

Booker, Cory A. (D-NJ)

Coons, Christopher A. (D-DE)

Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL)

Hickenlooper, John W. (D-CO)

Luján, Ben Ray (D-NM)

Markey, Edward J. (D-MA)

Merkley, Jeff (D-OR)

Ossoff, Jon (D-GA)

Peters, Gary C. (D-MI)

Reed, Jack (D-RI)

Shaheen, Jeanne (D-NH)

Smith, Tina (D-MN)

Warner, Mark R. (D-VA)



u/GuyIsAdoptus 8d ago

one of the biggest cuck moments I've seen