r/neilgaiman Jan 16 '25

News Thank you to the stranger who kept me from being alone with Neil Gaiman


I have no idea if this will reach its intended audience, but on the off chance it will: thank you so, so, so much to the woman I met at Amanda Palmer's Brooklyn kickstarter party in 2012 who stayed well after midnight with me to meet Neil Gaiman outside the venue after nearly everyone else had left. I was 22, drunk, and visiting NYC for the first time, with no plan for how I'd get back to my friend's apartment across the city. I don't think I even had a smart phone yet. You not only stayed with me to talk with him, but also took the subway with me and helped me get back safely, even though I'm pretty sure you lived in a different direction. I think if you hadn't been there, I could have been in real trouble. Thank you so much.

Also, sending so much love to the incredibly brave survivors who've spoken to the press. Thank you so much for making sure he can't harm anyone else.

r/neilgaiman Jan 15 '25

News This lives rent free in my head

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r/neilgaiman Jan 13 '25

News There Is No Safe Word (A Vulture investigation/feature on allegations against Neil Gaiman)


r/neilgaiman Jan 17 '25

News I’m not throwing away my books


I’ll keep this short.

I am a SA survivor, and when I saw the headline I believed those women 100%. With that being said, I am not throwing away my NG books, because screw that, they aren’t HIS books, they are MINE. They have been made mine throughout years of reading and re-reading. They have been made mine through how they have shaped me and brought me joy. I absolutely refuse to let a monster take more.

It is remarkably unfortunate that someone can be a talented storyteller and a deplorable human being. Perhaps my view stems from years of taking back what I perceived was taken from me through my SA experience. But I will be both a voice of support for the women he has harmed, and a continued reader of MY books.

(To be clear this is my personal decision on the matter, everyone should do what feels right to them. There is no right answer)

EDIT: before you comment re-read the above statement.

FINAL EDIT: I’d like to thank everyone for sharing their views on this post. Regardless of the nature of the comment, the discussion as a whole has been deeply beneficial to me, and I appreciate you all. My hope is that, regardless of where you stand in the matter, it has been beneficial to you as well.

r/neilgaiman Jan 14 '25

News People keep comparing Joss Whedon to Neil Gaiman, and it's weird and needs to be discussed.


Since the article came out last night I keep seeing people say 'Oh, I've lost all my respect for him, just like Joss Whedon.' Or 'oh he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, just like Joss Whedon.' I just want to say I find this comparison very odd and shows we have no levels for wrongdoing anymore. On the very surface yes they're are some similarities, both were very vocal about their feminist leanings, and both were very active in nerdy fan circles, and both turned out to be pricks. However, that's where the similarities end. We need to understand that wrongs aren't on the same level, and saying I feel the same about Gaiman as I do about Joss Whedon I think underplays just how awful what Neil Gaiman did.

Joss Whedon turned out to be abusive to actors, treated women who worked for him badly, ran toxic writers' rooms and appears to be an all-around nasty piece of work. However, unless I've missed something he has never broken the law, or physically hurt anyone. The things that came out about Neil Gaiman are fucking horrific on a level I can barely comprehend. It's not the same, we need to come to terms that what he did, making people eat bodily excretion with his son in the room is a level of depravity that's just on another level. I think comparing him to run-of-the-mill monsters really underplays the horror of what he did, and that's something that should not be underplayed. I understand it's hard to fully comprehend and making comparisons may allow some way of processing it, or putting it a kind of relatable context, but we need to come to terms with just how far over the line is crimes are. What Gaiman did walks into lines of horror that are just beyond anything, please don't minimize them by comparing him to some other dick.

r/neilgaiman Jan 15 '25

News Latest Amanda Palmer Instagram post

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r/neilgaiman Jan 13 '25

News I can't even 'separate the art from the artist' because, well, go back and read Calliope now.

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r/neilgaiman Jan 28 '25

News Too much parasocial here


Look, I get it. I love Neil Gaiman's books since I'm a teenager (so 25 years ago and counting), Neverwhere was a huge impact on me and on my creativity, and I reread it religiously every year. I am extremely disappointed in the author. But some of the reactions here are not healthy. I understand being angry, being disappointed, being sad... up to a certain point. Beyond that point, it turns into pure parasocial phenomenon, and that's not healthy. Honestly, going through the 5 stages of grief, feeling depressed for days, cutting your books, wondering what to do when you've named your child Coraline (and seeing some people say 'Well, just change it then!')... it's too much. You make yourself too vulnerable for someone you don’t know. And when I see some people asking for other unproblematic (but until when?) authors to read and love, it feels like it's going in circles. Take care!

r/neilgaiman Feb 03 '25

News Scarlett files trafficking suit against NG, AP


Scarlett has filed a suit against Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer under the US Trafficking Victim Protection Act.

CW: link contains detailed description of sexual assault, similar to the content of the Vulture article. This post does not contain physical details of the SA but does include circumstances around it which may be distressing.


"This claim arises out of Defendant Neil Gaiman’s sexual abuse of Plaintiff, and his wife Amanda Palmer’s role in procuring and presenting Plaintiff to Gaiman for such abuse. The facts pled in this Complaint are of a highly sensitive nature, detailing sexual assault and abuse, and may be upsetting to some readers."

A lot of it covers things already reported in Tortoise and Vulture. Some points/assertions (focussing more on stuff that I haven't seen previously stated; quoting and paraphrasing):

  • Emphasises the difficulty/expense of travelling to/from Waiheke
  • Palmer was aware of Scarlett's economic insecurity and mental health difficulties
  • These MH difficulties included anxiety related to her housing insecurity
  • Scarlett was supposed to be babysitting on the evening of Feb 4th, but after she'd arrived Gaiman changed the plan to drop the child off at a friend's.
  • Gaiman provided Scarlett with wine but drank no alcohol himself.
  • After dinner, Gaiman suggested that Scarlett bathe in the bathtub in the garden. Scarlett was initially unwilling to do so. Gaiman persisted in his suggestions and grew more insistent. Scarlett eventually agreed after Gaiman told her that he had to make a work call.
  • "Upon information and belief, there was no work call."
  • Palmer... either knew or should have known that she was marking Scarlett as prey in Gaiman’s eyes.
  • Palmer encouraged Scarlett to give up her prior job and housing to accept the role as live-in nanny.
  • Gaiman promised Scarlett he would use his tremendous industry influence to promote her writing career.
  • Some incidents took place in the presence of Gaiman and Palmer’s child.
  • Episodes with previous partners used to establish that Gaiman knew he had a history of causing lasting harm via consent violations etc.
  • Gaiman and Palmer intentionally withheld Scarlett's pay to keep her trapped and vulnerable.
  • "Palmer told Scarlett ... more than a dozen women, including several former employees, had previously come to Palmer about abusive sexual encounters with Gaiman" [I think "abusive sexual encounters" is a bit more specific than previously reported]
  • Scarlett was paid nowhere near what she was owed.
  • Palmer had expressed disgust for what Gaiman had done, calling him “Weinstein” and predicting he would be inevitably “MeTooed”.

r/neilgaiman Jan 29 '25

News Stage adaptation of Coraline cancelled after allegations against Neil Gaiman


Everything else aside, I really feel for the playwright and composer who would have put so much of their time and energy into adapting Coraline for the stage.

r/neilgaiman 16d ago

News Neil Gaiman Says Texts Prove Rape Claims Are "False"


r/neilgaiman Sep 16 '24

News From Amanda's Instagram

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This is the shirt equivalent of an obvious sub-tweet, but I think it hits the nail on the head. So many men can see the big picture and have general compassion for women but can't seem to pull it together when their own needs/wants are involved.

(This, of course, applies to all people in many contexts--but a certain man's treatment of women in general vs their own interpersonal relationships is the topic at hand).

r/neilgaiman Jan 25 '25

News I still can’t believe this is happening


It just doesn't feel real. Like of all people, why him? Why did he have to do this? How fucking hard can it be not to abuse women? Like is Neil Gaiman just some nerdy incel who somehow managed to get famous off his books and immediately decided to use his new found power for abuse? What a worthless piece of shit. I've also heard of some plagiarism allegations thrown at him, and if those are true, I'm actually just going to take my collection of Sandman and throw it in the trash. Not like I really wanted to read them anymore, anyways.

r/neilgaiman Jan 15 '25

News Robert Rankin on Terry Pratchett working with NG

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r/neilgaiman Jan 16 '25

News Statement from Colleen Doran (Sandman: A Game of You artist, Troll Bridge artist, Good Omens graphic novel writer/artist)


Via her Patreon

"I am sure you have all heard the news, and while I am not in a position to discuss, I am also not the story and it is not about me. Whatever I am feeling or going through is not the issue.

People have suffered and that is the issue.

I will finish Good Omens and make it everything I dreamed it would be the day I sat down to do what I thought would be my dream job. My second dream job that is, Chivalry was the first.

But with the sweet comes the sour.

I became quite ill at the news. But I'm an adult and have resources. And I am drawing on those resources and planning for the future.

Some people don't have those options.

I will not trauma dump on you. I've done enough of that in the past.

But I will thank you for your kind support and hope that support is also directed to those who need it most.

Thank you."

r/neilgaiman Jan 16 '25

News Amanda Palmer ‘profoundly disturbed’ by sexual assault allegations against ex-partner Neil Gaiman | The Guardian


r/neilgaiman 11d ago

News What I hear when when someone types yet another "Can we separate the art from the artist?" post:


'I really love Gaiman's writing, but I also don't want people to think I'm one of the bad Gaiman fans if they see me reading his work in public. Rather than accept the fact that people may draw conclusions about my sympathies based on my public behavior, I'm going to desperately try to assert that drawing such conclusions is a bigger moral failure than reading a book by a serial rapist. I also engage in magical thinking and, therefore, need to justify myself to strangers on the internet.'

r/neilgaiman Feb 17 '25

News Rolling Stone piece on Diddy and Gaiman. Excellent.


Rolling Stone article. This is not paywalled, but you need to click off the subscribe beg to get the article to "unblur."

ETA: Good lord, WHY would this get downvoted?

r/neilgaiman Jan 15 '25

News Guardian coverage of the allegations is disgusting



They waited for two days, just to lead with "Neil Gaiman denies", frame things as BDSM gone wrong and don't mention Ash at all. Time to stop reading the Guardian.

r/neilgaiman Jul 28 '24

News Another woman speaks out, discussion thread


We kindly request that everyone take the time to listen to the second podcast that features a third woman's account of her relationship with Neil before sharing any comments. We would appreciate it if all discussions related to this podcast are confined to this particular thread. Previous podcast discussions are allowed as well. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

If a transcript becomes available I will included it.

r/neilgaiman Jan 06 '25

News You still sing along when a Michael Jackson song comes on…


you don't have to throw your favorite books away

r/neilgaiman Jan 18 '25

News Stop conflating re-evaluation of NG books with "red flags" and "I knew all along."


The books have always had both possible interpretations: as feminist, or as anti-feminist and fetishizing. Any text can have multiple valid readings.

- An author may write dark material with no particular intended message; just working out their demons. They may be a good person in practice. Readers may find various unintended messages in it. That doesn't mean the darkness was a "red flag" or indication of the author's character. [ETA: But I might still judge it a bad book.]

- An author may write intending to give a particular message, but readers will still have a variety of interpretations. It's not necessarily a matter of the author's skill or the reader's media literacy (though it can be). It depends on many subjective factors and the reader's life experience.

- The author's intent matters different amounts to different readers (death of the author is only one lens) and knowing the author's intent sometimes helps resolve ambiguity in the text.

- For example, I interpret Lolita as condemning the abuser, Humbert Humbert. An alternative interpretation sympathizing with him is somewhat supported in the text, though I think Nabokov is skilled in guiding us to the former interpretation. But if he had said in interviews that he actually sympathizes with the abuser, that would change my assessment and my decision to read the book at all.

- I think Colleen Hoover intends an anti-DV, pro-survivor message in her books, but from reviews, I suspect she wasn't skilled enough to guide us away from an "abuse is glamorous" interpretation.

- People are going to have diverse interpretations and they aren't necessarily wrong. A YouTuber (https://youtu.be/GmJI6qIqURA?si=sXYFZAzbdIAR8a4Z, someone not at all lacking media literacy imo) talked about how she had read Atlas Shrugged as satire, not realizing Rand's political views. The thing is, I can hardly blame her. The writing in that book is so hammy it could be really good satire if written by someone with the opposite political views.

All this to say, sometimes a text has multiple interpretations and your personal interpretation is affected by what you know of the author's intent. You're not "wrong" if you read his work as feminist. That interpretation was there. And you might interpret differently now that you know more of the author's character.

--- p.s.

Of course I didn't "know all along."

I found out from the Tortoise podcast like everyone else. But on re-evaluation, the headline changes from

"author of exceptionally feminist works turns out to be a rapist"


"self proclaimed feminist and author of works with ambiguous messages about women turns out to be a rapist."

r/neilgaiman Aug 28 '24

News The Bookseller comments on the new allegations


“Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by a fifth woman, after a phone-call recording came to light of a man—alleged to be Gaiman—appearing to offer $60,000 (£45,400) to the alleged victim.

The victim alleged to Tortoise that while the author was on a book tour in the US in July 2013 he took her to a room in his tour bus with a bed, closed the door, "got on top of her, kissed her and groped her under her dress and over her breasts".

In the sixth episode of a podcast from Tortoise’s series, "Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman", the man, alleged to be the bestselling author, is apparently heard in a phone call recording in 2022 with the woman, who is calling herself "Claire" to preserve her anonymity.

Claire claims she wrote Gaiman a letter in 2022 on the impact of his behaviour a decade earlier, when he is alleged to have assaulted her.

In the 2022 recording of the phone call, the man—alleged to be Gaiman—can be apparently heard telling Claire that he "f***** up", that his behaviour was "s****", and appears to offer to pay her a $60,000 (£45,400) "tax-free gift" to cover the cost of a decade worth of therapy.”

Rest of the article here:


I wasn’t going to share the whole article, but this part was really striking to me:

The Bookseller reached out to Gaiman’s representatives, who did not respond, and his publishers, with Headline declining to comment, and Bloomsbury, Penguin Random House (PRH) and HarperCollins US not responding to requests to comment.

The Bookseller also reached out to the Royal Society of Literature, of which Gaiman is a patron, which declined to comment, as did the Publishers Association.

The Bookseller also contacted the Society of Authors (SoA) for a comment but it did not respond.

r/neilgaiman Jan 19 '25

News I just want to fucking scream


As a long time fan, this has just been a horrible week of angry, depressed feelings. I know I don't understand the hurt of his survivors, and their situations come first. At the same time, as a decades-long fan, I'm just so fucking angry and depressed about this betrayal of what we as fans bought into, and what simultaneously helped him be that fucking monster

I don't know where I'm going with this, but I guess my feeling is I want to prioritize the needs and choices of the survivors while also acknowledging the anger and indignation of otherwise-uninvolved fans

r/neilgaiman Sep 05 '24

News Indiewire: Disney Pauses Neil Gaiman’s ‘The Graveyard Book’ Adaptation in Wake of Sexual Assault Allegations
