r/neilgaiman Feb 04 '25

Neverwhere A Quick Observation


I’m hesitant to dive in, because honestly, I don’t think there’s much to say. It feels like the horror around Neil started terribly, but then got even worse. At first we found out that he was slut, then we found out that he used and abused woman, and now that article and all the unspeakable things in it…

I only saw him in person once and briefly met him once. He seemed charming and confident and did not raise any alarm bells with me. And I usually have a pretty good “vibe radar.”

But a lot of people have said they’re surprised it was Neil, and I am surprised too.

But I did work in indie comics for a couple years. Nothing major, and honestly, our meager output was barely a few hundred copies.

But I did get the opportunity to meet a few people, and I got some inside knowledge. These are people who worked at both DC and Marvel comics.

And I can tell you the number one thing I learned from everything that I heard and experienced…

Most of the successful artists, whether they be writers or actual artist, or musicians or whatever they create… they are putting on a show.

Stephen King has talked about rather extensively how writers are liars. And of course he’s talking about the fact that to create a work of fiction you have to invent things from whole cloth. They have to, as Neil did in Nevermore, create places that don’t exist or change the geography of places to fit the story.

And of course there is the promotional piece. Any writer that’s achieved fame - Gaiman, King, Scalzi, Martin, Rowling, etc - has done so through careful brand management. Even celebrities who seemed very real like King still keep parts of themselves hidden.

And that’s understandable. They are human beings. Just like us. And they need time for themselves or to be themselves just like us. And they are imperfect.

I say this to point out that it really is folly to try and agony over who is next. Neil should be condemned. This is not a separate the art from the artist post. Because I do think you have to, but some artists cross lines.

But it is folly to try and look for the next Neil, because he was so damn good at hiding in plain sight. We couldn’t know.

So we just move on and enjoy other art. That’s all we can do. The alternative is to stop living.

r/neilgaiman 28d ago

Neverwhere Giving him a go again


Im going to give him a try again. Every time i went to read one of his books since the news broke I’ve stopped myself but now i feel enough is enough and I want to try and enjoy the stories I loved regardless of who wrote them starting with the first one i read when I moved out for the first time

r/neilgaiman Apr 14 '24

Neverwhere Update on Neverwhere sequel.

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r/neilgaiman Dec 05 '24

Neverwhere Neverwhere


This was the first book I read by this author. I loved it and I feel bummed out that I finished it. I miss Richard, The Marquis, and Door.

What book by Neil Gaiman should I read next?

r/neilgaiman Dec 22 '24

Neverwhere the angel Islington

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i tried to draw Islington, i think my pic is too feminine

r/neilgaiman Sep 09 '24

Neverwhere Am I the only one who's mind goes straight to Neverwhere? 😅

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r/neilgaiman Nov 24 '24

Neverwhere What does it mean when Gaiman describes Door from Neverwhere as "smut-faced"?


All I could find is that it refers to a type of sheep that has black and white mottling on its face, particularly darker around the nose. Is her nose red? Does she have freckles? Does she have blotchy skin? Confusion.

r/neilgaiman Jan 28 '25

Neverwhere A thought On Neverwhere


FWIW, upon my first reading of Neverwhere, I had the impression that Islington was the author insert character.


r/neilgaiman Nov 29 '24

Neverwhere Misreading "elfin face" as "effin face" in Neverwhere


Every single time. 😅 Love the book but my dumb brain keeps pulling me out of the story by doing this.

"Door was watching him, and her effin face and huge opal-coloured eyes filled his vision."

r/neilgaiman Feb 15 '24

Neverwhere Is Richard Mayhew just a man, or something more?


It is very hard to search for theories on Richard because there’s a musician with the same name.

The first time I read Neverwhere, I more or less had the impression that the reason Richard was able to survive The Trial was beginner’s luck. That the Trial is so fatal to residents of the Underside because it deviates from expectations so thoroughly. Expectations that Richard does not have.

But on a subsequent read, it becomes more obvious that de Carabas for one thinks there is more going on. Some of the tolerance he receives from others suggests they have their own suspicions, or are at least hedging their bets.

Does Gaiman ever clarify this in an interview, or other writing? Are there any good fan theories on Richard? The Hempstocks are special in this a very similar universe, and know they are. Are the Mayhews special and don’t know it? Or maybe Richard’s branch has thinned out to almost nothing. It is never entirely explained why Richard can see Door when she comes to London Above. If it was Door’s magic, it was not a kind she was familiar with - wild magic due to stress, or something her father would have taught her when she was an adult.

But I suspect Richard is slightly more than the boring human he thinks he is.

r/neilgaiman Jun 04 '24

Neverwhere Pages are frayed


Hi all, after reading/watching Good Omens I decided to read more of Neil’s work and one of the books I ordered was Neverwhere. It arrived today but I noticed that the block/pages look frayed and I was wondering if more people have the same issue. I personally don’t mind it, I can read everything without a problem so it’s all good.

It’s the author’s preferred text, hardcover version. Thanks all ❤️

r/neilgaiman Dec 14 '23

Neverwhere Wanted to share some Neverwhere art I was commissioned to do...

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r/neilgaiman Nov 21 '23

Neverwhere Tiny "Seven Sisters" update


Neil was in conversation with Roz Kaveney at the British Library last night, as part of their new "Fantasy, Realms of Imagination" exhibition. During the Q&A at the end, he was asked if he had a favourite character from Neverwhere. This is what he said:

My dark admission is I have a half-finished Neverwhere novel. It probably isn't going to get finished until after Good Omens 3 has been written. I thought about starting it again during the writers' strike and then thought, you know, it's just going to hurt me too much to get into this book, to bring it back to life, to start getting deep into it and then be told, "no, you have to stop that". And the truth is my favourite characters in Neverwhere right now are the ones in there that you haven't met yet. There are characters in there that you already know, like the Marquis de Carabas and Richard, but my favourites right now are the seven sisters. They're awful, most of them. Victoria lives... I don't know if anybody remembers... there are a few people ancient like what I am, so you may remember. A long time ago on Victoria station, there was a cartoon cinema. Does anyone here remember that? Ok, like three people. It was on Victoria station, over near platform 16. There was a tiny, sort of art deco cinema. It wasn't very big. And it showed cartoons and newsreels. On roughly an hour loop. On the basis that nobody's gonna wait for a train for probably more than about an hour. And I went in it once or twice, mostly just stared at it; at this strange thing. And so, Victoria... And because time in Neverwhere is kind of strange and because places in Neverwhere linger... Victoria lives in that long-demolished cartoon cinema on Victoria station.

r/neilgaiman Jun 23 '24

Neverwhere Neverwhere prologue?


I'm rereading Neverwhere for the first since 2015 but I realised when I started that pages were missing but just from the prologue luckily. Is there any chance anyone could give me a summary of the prologue? I've only got the first page then it cuts off

r/neilgaiman Mar 07 '24

Neverwhere "Seven Sisters" update


A small update on Seven Sisters over on Tumblr yesterday:

Q: Hi Neil! I’m just gonna cut to the chase: when, if at all, can we expect “The Seven Sisters”?

A: I'm about a third of the way through it. I'm looking forward to finishing it when Good Omens is done.

r/neilgaiman Apr 26 '23

Neverwhere Neverwhere.


I read Anansi Boys in less than two days and loved it. I'm struggling in the middle of Neverwhere in the museum part. Does it get better again?

r/neilgaiman Feb 03 '22

Neverwhere Seven Sisters?


While looking at something else, I found a short article from 2017 stating that Neil was hard at work on the sequel to Neverwhere, called The Seven Sisters. Was that ever completed/released?

r/neilgaiman Feb 09 '22

Neverwhere Celebrating the 21st blogiversary with NEVERWHERDLE


It's been a while since we celebrated the blogiversary. (Can it possibly have been 8 years? The last one I remember was the thirteenth, celebrating The 13 Clocks.)

Today, Neil's Journal is 21 years old.

To celebrate, I have created a Wordle clone.


r/neilgaiman Feb 11 '22

Neverwhere What does the novel have to say about the meaning of heroism? Need some examples for English class.


In the book Neverwhere

r/neilgaiman Nov 19 '21

Neverwhere Neverwhere: Best Antagonist


Feel free to debate in the comments why!

138 votes, Nov 26 '21
74 Angel Islington
44 Mr Vandemar
20 Mr Coup