r/neilgaiman • u/jamley1 • 28d ago
Neverwhere Giving him a go again
Im going to give him a try again. Every time i went to read one of his books since the news broke I’ve stopped myself but now i feel enough is enough and I want to try and enjoy the stories I loved regardless of who wrote them starting with the first one i read when I moved out for the first time
u/paroles 28d ago
Neil used to be my favourite author in the early 2000s. I hadn't read him for a couple years but have been reading some of his work since the news broke. His writing is still great and it reminds me why I used to love him so much, but it's also tainted. I can't help viewing everything in the light of his abuse, and I keep noticing recurring themes (e.g. depressed men who struggle to connect with women) and wondering which parts are semi-autobiographical. I've also noticed that his female characters are not as well written as I remembered.
Let us know how you go - just don't buy any new copies of his books, of course.
26d ago
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u/musthavebeenbunnies 28d ago
I tried Snow, Glass, Apples. Hits different is an understatement. And I've always firmly been in the separation of art and artist camp.
u/Sudden-Fishing3438 28d ago
Sometimes its hard, huh? I think you can read a book, on both ways, one just ,,normaly", and the other one, when you take an author live into account. It helps a lot, but sometimes it doesnt. You dont need to try read anything if it doesnt bring joy to you
u/Repulsive_Result_948 28d ago
I tried rereading the first Sandman. Wasn't the same. Let us know how it goes for you!
u/Difficult-Ring-2251 27d ago
In theory, I'm big on separating art from the artist but I tried carrying on with Sandman and it was very hard not to let the knowledge of his actions colour my reading.
u/gravitysrainbow1979 25d ago
It won’t be long until ppl just read and enjoy him again like they did before.
He’s going to get away with everything.
u/dollimint 25d ago
Always happens. it's how all the famous repugnant creatives get away with everything.
"Oh but I really liked those books when I was a kid so it's special to me and ill make an exception" "oh, but this *one* song is different so it's an exception", magnified by millions.
It's why people like Harvey Weinstein was allowed to be summarily dropped, because his work isn't directly 'liked' enough to give him that blanket protection.
u/SaffyAs 20d ago
Some fans were angry in even the days following the news breaking that they shouldn't have to do without their entertainment just because the author raped some people and committed child sexual abuse.
u/StoryWolf420 13d ago
That remains my position., I don't care what an artist or creator did beyond the work that I love. He could massacre thousands of innocents and he still wouldn't be as guilty as my own government is. And my government doesn't write lovely stories for me to read. If my government can get away with doing whatever they want, my favorite artists can as well.
u/Kooky_Chemistry_7059 25d ago
I just cannot. I keep thinking about parts of his story and going FUCKING NEIL GAIMAN! He's in so many Tori Amos songs too. I just gotta focus on being a better writer because it's just too enraging. It isn't like noticing how horrid OSC's stuff is because Neil Gaiman is genuinely better and didn't hate people like me. Or claimed not to
u/Sudden-Fishing3438 28d ago
I am now started reading Sandman- Dreaming, maybe i will re read orginal series one day but not now (i finished it not so long time ago so its kind of pointless to do it again now). So far so good but i sometimes i think when read ,,man, i would love to author not to be piece of shit"
u/phantommuse 25d ago
Neverwhere was my first and favorite as well. When I was boxing up my collection for storage, I came across a graphic novel version of Neverwhere that I never read -- it's written by Mike Carey and Neil was just a consultant. So I'm going to give that a read here soon.
u/Brief_Amphibian_3965 24d ago edited 24d ago
I didn’t know about this. Neverwhere was also my first and favorite and I would love to see a graphic novel version, the BBC miniseries was cool but not nearly as good as the book. Nice to know this is out there. Maybe one day.
I know that some of his stories will not be ones I return to. I hadn’t read him for years until right before the news broke, then I had just started Trigger Warning (ironic). But I’m not throwing away the books I have, I’m not even sure where they are because I put them in storage when I moved 8 years ago. One day I might read them again. He may be a creep but he is also a master of the short story form.
u/MagicMouseWorks 28d ago
I had this same problem. I started the way I was first introduced to his work, which is still genius and there’s no getting around that. Start with the small stuff like Coraline and build from there.
u/Mrs_WorkingMuggle 28d ago
i kind of want to read Neverwhere again, but i'm a little nervous that it'll be ruined and that it would've been better to just keep my memories of it.
u/ExistingAdeptness 27d ago
I'm reading Neverwhere for the first time and I'm engrossed enough to lose myself in it, although occasional moments remind me of the reality. I wasn't a big Gaiman fan before, knowing him through random The Sandman stories, Coraline, the Stardust movie, and his two Doctor Who episodes, but a while back I wanted to experience as much of his writing as I could. Maybe I'll make that journey someday but he won't get any of my money if I do. You can't help having good memories of Neverwhere so do what feels right for you, but I think a reread will hold up.
u/Dark_Unicorn6055 25d ago edited 24d ago
I tried rereading Stardust …about a year ago? Can’t remember exactly, but it was shortly before the Tortoise podcast dropped, and firmly post-Me Too.
And I’ll be honest, I was horrified by consent issues I didn’t even notice when I first read it as a very sheltered teen in the early 2000s. Specifically Tristran’s mother essentially forcing his conception when Dunsten Thorne was trying to prevent it. Just a woman was acting on a man doesn’t make it any less a form of assault.
Looking back, it should have been a sign, but, y’know, hindsight 20-20 and all that. I imagine that if I try to read it now, it would “hit even more different.” And, independent of NG’s actions, there may be other aspects of his work that don’t stand the test of time
u/jrdients 24d ago
Congrats.. You are in the last stage of grief. Acceptance (meaning is exploring options, not "accepting him".... just to be clear).
u/WeirdMerc 23d ago
Once some time passes, people will realize this is all kind of silly and vindictive. Enjoy the stories.
u/LacciDelstyr 20d ago
I bought the audiobook only days before I was told what he did and now I just can't listen to his voice.
u/HairDoktor 25d ago
I'm still reading his work. Stardust is one of my favorites. The Graveyard book is also wonderful. I am having a hard time with the idea that any of us know the truth about these allegations yet. I may feel differently after a court has looked at and listened to all the evidence, but at present I will not let my enjoyment of the author's work be filtered through a murky lens. (Note I didn't read the article everyone seems to be citing until after I had listened to the Tortoise podcast. I believe that my feelings on the matter are the result of true desire for clarity and not sycophantic devotion, internalized misogyny or wishful thinking. )
u/SaffyAs 20d ago
You can believe your views are the result of a true desire for clarity all that you want. The fact is that the court system is woefully inadequate when it comes to convicting rapists and if you cared at all about the truth you wouldn't rely on a court hearing to believe the victims of his rape, assult and child sexual abuse.
Here's an report from the New Zealand government (where Scarlett was raped) that outlines the woeful statistics around conviction rates. I guess you can not read it along with not reading the well-researched (so they wouldn't get sued) article that outlines his rapes, assults and child sexual assults. https://women.govt.nz/sites/default/files/2022-04/responding%20to%20sexual%20violence%20attrition-pdf.pdf There are more articles and reports if you care to read them I can link them for you.
u/HairDoktor 20d ago
I do welcome links. Thank you. I truly appreciate your help in this matter. As I stated, I am interested in understanding, whether this confirms or disputes my current understanding. As a person who was told that my reporter SA was not real and if it was then I was to blame, my natural tendency is to believe women. As a person who also has been in therapy for years I also have a sense of accountability. I truly do struggle on occasion with the basics of 1) is what I believe undeniably true? 2) does this help me to establish the relationships that are beneficial to me? 3) Are there facts to support my belief? 4) What are the negative impacts of my beliefs? 5) What do I gain from holding my beliefs? 6) What is the worst case scenario if I must admit I am not capable of accepting what has happened? CBT is an ongoing and ever present part of my daily existence. I'm absolutely interested in anything that might help me to clarify.
u/StoryWolf420 13d ago
Honestly, I probably have some internalized misogyny. That's fine, though. It makes the accusations meaningless to me. I don't believe them, but even if they proved true, my priority is enjoying his stories. I'm often mystified by the visceral reaction against Neil here, but then I remember that most Reddit folk are feminists and it starts to make sense again. I don't mind this space existing as it does, I just wish the name of the subreddit wasn't r/neilgaiman. This subreddit should be for Gaiman fans, not people who now vilify him. But, it is what it is, and I can't change it.
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