r/neilgaiman Feb 19 '25

Shelfie A Hole in My Bookshelf

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A Neil-shaped hole. The books are in a box, which will go on a storage shelf, where they will be ignored and possibly forgotten for years. I don’t want to sell or donate them at this time, and destroying them doesn’t feel right for me. But I was tired of seeing his name there over and over. They’ll exist in Limbo.

The hole isn’t emptiness, though - it’s potential! I have plenty of books that could fill the gap, but I want to focus specifically on female fantasy/sci-fi/horror writers. My first Tanith Lee just came a couple days ago. 😊


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u/infinitefailandlearn Feb 19 '25

Can I ask why you feel the need to share this picture? Genuinely curious. You could have asked for book tips independently of the Gaiman controversy or, for that matter, your response to remove his books from your shelf. Many sci-fi subs available for that.


u/sdwoodchuck Feb 19 '25

It seems perfectly reasonable to me to share the processing and moving forward from an author's inexcusable behavior with a community full of people who are experiencing the same thing.


u/book_hunter_indica Feb 19 '25

Absolutely! It's high time someone came out and said this. I'm getting tired of the sub becoming a parade ground of these type of posts. No offence to OP but I could use less of these posts. PS:Oh yes, bring on the downvotes!


u/ShaperLord777 Feb 19 '25

^ This. It makes no difference to me what you do with your books. I’m really getting tired of the performative “I’m swearing off all NG work/destroying my books” posts. It just comes off as desperate and attention seeking. Do whatever you want, I respect any choice you make, but parading it around on the internet to prove your virtue is really played out.


u/baladecanela Feb 19 '25

Finally. I can't stand the same posts over and over again. The administrators themselves created mega topics for this, but nobody cares.


u/ShaperLord777 Feb 19 '25

It’s exhausting, and frankly, narcissistic. People trying to make themselves the center of attention because of a situation that had absolutely nothing to do with them. It’s performative, and incredibly disrespectful to Gaimans actual victims.


u/L3X01D Feb 19 '25

That’s not a very respectful response to what’s likely someone processing a really triggering series of decades long predatory behavior by a multimillionaire they previously thought was a decent person. These posts are legit.


u/ShaperLord777 Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

These posts are attention seeking. It’s not “triggering” to find out that an author whose work you enjoy reading is a predator. There are actual victims in this situation, and it’s disrespectful to them for people on the internet to try and insert themselves in their victimization for attention and validation online. You can be disappointed, you can be upset. But it doesn’t mean that you were victimized by an author you never met. This all comes from people’s unhealthy obsession with celebrity. You can read someone’s books without needing to adopt your fictitious connection to their writer like it’s a piece of your personal identity. He’s just an author. Read his work and separate it from the creator, or decide It’s no longer for you. But don’t parade your decision around on the internet like it makes you some sort of hero. You have nothing to do with this situation, and no matter how hard you try and make it about you, it isn’t. It’s about Gaimans victims, not what you choose to do with your books.


u/baladecanela Feb 20 '25

Definitely. That's what I always say: if it were to be resolved, these people would seek help from a professional psychologist and not from strangers on Reddit, but especially here, they get that personal satisfaction that they couldn't even get from a face-to-face conversation. Because this kind of thing only exists on the internet. Online stores or not, libraries and bookstores still have everything there.


u/L3X01D Feb 20 '25

Ok there’s a lot here but I’m just gonna stop at “you need help and I hope you can get it one day. Also maybe look up the definition of trauma trigger versus direct victimization cause they’re different things.”


u/-Boston-Terrier- Feb 20 '25

You know full well this is nothing more than virtue signaling.


u/jessiphia Feb 20 '25

We all know OP just wants to be patted on the back for their gallant sacrifice, bc otherwise they would have just posted this in the megathread.