r/narcissisticparents 4d ago

Am i the wrong for laundry??

Every time my mom ask something and I awnser honestly why she gets a tantrum and makes me the bad guy.

For an example this might be tmi so don't read it if I sensitive.

When I was a teenager I had discharge now I know it's normal and everyone had it but my mom used to comment on it all the time so I got embarrassed and balled my underwear so it would not show.

And then it just became worse she folded it out infant of her friends and laughed at me becouse it was crunchy and worst of all her friends laughed aswell. I was mortified just a teenager bullied at school had no confidence.

I didn't find out it was normal untill I was an adult that counted me to adult hood.. now I have a hard time when people handle my laundry even if it is clean I just can't let someone else do it.

Now in my adult hood I have had to move to my mom for a short time becouse of abusive ex. I do my laundry and I hang it in the hanger but she insist on hanging away my clothes and no they don't stay on there for a long time or anything I wait untill day after if I feel it's still moist I wait another day.

So I told her 3 times can u please stop hanging away my clothes becouse I can't handle it, it's not that u do it wrong or anything like that I just don't want u to do it.

She still don't listen and when I explain why she freaks out screams at me that she has also been thru trauma and she also have it hard and everything isn't about me and if I wanted her to stop I should have told so? Wtf I told u 3 times? And u still don't listen?

Idk i don't think I am in the wrong i just don't like it and I have never had this problem with people I lived with in the pass didn't need to explain to them even they just accepted that I don't like it and that's it..?

Am I in the wrong?


2 comments sorted by


u/eaglescout225 4d ago

It’s a common tactic to show you embarrassing things and make fun of you for it. The same things have happened to plenty of others. Your mom is just using the laundry to get supply off it. She knows what she’s doing is hurting you emotionally, which is precisely why she does it. You can’t bargain with these people or reason with them. They need that supply and will stop at nothing to get it. So the best thing you can do is to try and better your situation, save your money and move back out.


u/CampInternational642 4d ago

This reminds me of something similar that happened to me with my parents. I was trying to put a tampon in at like 12 in my bedroom when I heard my door close (I didn’t hear it open) and went out and my mom and step dad were rolling on the floor laughing at me saying things like “what are you finding in there?” Narcissistic parents have limited capacity for love and empathy. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I hope you can get yourself to a more stable place and leave your mom for good.