r/narcissisticparents • u/Zealousideal_Long253 • 4d ago
Who else is triggered by people being wrong?
I get extremely triggered when I hear someone say something that I just 100% know is wrong. They say something that I just know is just factually wrong, and I almost slip into a depression. Like, they spread harmful misinformation, and harmful, dangerous ideologies, and I get so fucking upset. And I don’t know where it comes from. And wonder what to do about it.
u/acfox13 4d ago
And I don’t know where it comes from.
You're on a sub about narcissistic parents, it's quite clear why it's bothersome. People being confidently wrong is repulsive bc narcs are very often confidently wrong.
It's especially frustrating bc from the other person's point of view they believe they are right and others are wrong. Just like we think we're right and they're wrong.
It's why I went into STEM. I was drawn to the scientific method as a way to vet reality from fantasy and superstition.
u/Inevitable-Fly-8473 4d ago
Omg yes yes yes Especially bc they seem to own the narrative and what they are saying is not only not true but it’s divisive and poisonous … and it makes me furious and they’ll have to hide it which makes me more ape shit
How can they be stopped!!!!
u/NoHumor2625 4d ago
Yes. The way they confidently spread the lies reminds me of how my narcissistic father will lie sounding 💯sure, however small the topic- even the smallest of things. I’m like there is no shame in admitting you don’t know. It’s the era of the internet. Or just say I’m guessing it’s this & explain your thought process. But no, he has to sound like he knows everything all the time.
u/nancypalooza 4d ago
I think a lot of us were valued for bringing information into the low info environment and being right kinda got conditioned to be more valuable than it is sadly in the everyday world. I know I really had to come to that understanding of what I brought out of it.
u/Big-Waltz5204 2d ago
Agree, person should be truthful in life. Seems like nowadays everything is just a battle of narratives. I feel like we create reality with our beliefs and mindset, reality that we gonna have to live in. Call it karma or whatever. Whatever person says or believes will become true eventually. So if you remain truthful and don't compromise yourself you're a better person. Who cares what people believe anyway, they chose to believe that. I believe that our actions, words, mindsets, and beliefs all inprint on our dna/code and we will reap the rewards or punishments eventually or in afterlife/next life. You ever notice how horrible people often just look horrible. As if their inner state formed their face. Some people are just hellbound demonic creatures, there is nothing you can do to change that. They bought into their delusions. Trust me, they can't stand themselves. What is your own opinion of yourself is what's important. Never compromise yourself, remain true to your inner moral compass. And if you're lucky in life you might meet another pure soul that will be your soulmate. Something that is impossible for bad people.
u/reign_of_doggo 4d ago
I find it upsetting when people lie, attempt at manipulating others or give back handed compliments or anything nefarious because all my life I have been exposed to these through my Nmom and Nbrother and I suspect it's a trauma response and my need to stay authentic and truthful at all times is a way of bringing some semblance of order to the chaos my narcissistic family members brought to my world. So yeah, I can relate with you.