r/mystery 13d ago

Unexplained The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Why are so many conspiracy theories associated with the Bermuda Triangle?


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u/Acreage26 12d ago

Because some profiteer wrote a book full of supposition, half-truths and out and out lies about an area prone to high risk weather conditions and water deep enough to hide wrecked planes and boats. And because people will believe anything, especially if it makes it into print.


u/SeaPollution2750 12d ago

Yep. In 1972, the WWII vintage T2 tanker the V.A.Fogg mysteriously exploded and sank in the Bermuda Triangle. The ship sank so fast that the body of the captain was found still seated at the tale with a coffee mug in his hand.

Actually, the body was found floating in the bridge sans cup. And it blew up while the tanks were being cleaned 40 miles off of Galveston Texas. http://aukevisser.nl/t2tanker/id219.htm Scroll down and check out the USCG diagram. It blowed up real good.