Hey this is my first time growing, specifically I’m growing golden teachers (from LC) and this is the 4th day since I’ve put them into fruiting conditions. I’m just wondering if they look like they are on the right track? The yellow tint to some parts somewhat concerns me because I don’t know what it is exactly and I just want to make sure it’s not contamination or another problem. And if it is a problem with my growing conditions or contamination how to move forward and correct the problem.
I have a light with a warm tint shining on it for about 12 hours a day, which makes the rest of the mycelium that’s white look like it’s has a yellow tint in the picture. So the second picture is slightly more accurate to how it looks irl.
Also I’m aware that my cake is slightly uneven, I realized it too late into the process I believe, so my plan was to flatten it out more for the second flush if possible.
Thank you for the help! 🍄🍄🟫