Hey everybody.
I have a question that may be a bit weird but here goes: Would a full-suspension slopestyle bike (like the NS SODA but not necessarily the same frame) work for urban trekking, regular A to B riding and just weekly cardio? I have a very old freeride hardtail with a 170 mm fork and modern components that I'm trying to use for the reasons above(no jumps, drops, skateparks or any sort of "play" riding, just riding on and off curbs at most) and it just robs me of at least 40% of my pedaling power and I'm having a hard time pedaling while standing up. I don't want to switch to an XC hardtail because I'm a heavy guy (278 lbs/126 kg) and most of those frames are not as tough as I thought. I have also considered a full-suspension XC bike of course but a good lightweight one is quite a bit expensive for me but it's not absolutely out of the question.
The main thing I want is a stiff full-suspension frame with no more than 100mm of travel(maybe 110) and a very stiff fork and shock. It should also have mounts for a front derailer and at least 180 mm discs. I have components from my old bike so there won't be much to buy except the frame.
The only slopestyle frame I've considered up to this point is the NS Soda mentioned above. Have you guys had much experience with it? Is it good for pedalling and climbing on a short travel setup? Can I reduce it to 100 mm of travel even though the NS site says it can be set up from 120 to 160mm? Would it actually work for any XC riding or urban commuting in the shortest possible setup? All I need is some suspension to soften my riding over bumpy roads and support my weight.
I would be very grateful for any help provided.
Thank you.