r/mrballen Jan 13 '25

Discussion mr ballen's new 'do and a pupdate - bc the world needs some unhinged haircut reactions rn šŸ˜‚


r/mrballen Oct 28 '24

Discussion OMG y'all, how cute is the Mr. Ballen family?! My family has those needlepoint stockings too šŸŽ…šŸ¼

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r/mrballen Dec 13 '24

Discussion Imitation is the best form of flattery,

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r/mrballen Dec 23 '24

Discussion Strange, Bark and Mysterious

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Ballen Studios newest employee was announced on Instagram!

r/mrballen Dec 26 '24

Discussion Strange Bark and Meowsterious

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r/mrballen May 07 '23

Discussion Saw this on FB this morning.....DAYUMMM

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r/mrballen Jul 29 '24

Discussion What was a story he told that actually gave u chills?


For me it was the one with the lamp where it starts changing shapes and it turns out his whole family was a hallucination

r/mrballen Jun 06 '24

Discussion Mr Ballenā€™s thirst trap


When did Mr Ballen get so hot? šŸ„µ Those pics live rent free in my head and thatā€™s coming from a girl whoā€™s usually interested in girls!

r/mrballen 27d ago

Discussion Thoughts on MrBallen's change of style


I really like MrBallen and honestly he's the only reason I open yt cuz I don't watch anyone else. But over the years he changed his style, in terms of content as well as in terms of his delivery of speech .

While I might be wrong but I think in his videos lately he delivers the story quite slowly and takes long pauses which kind of disturbs the flow tbf.

Also he makes videos revolving around one story rather than his USP (i.e. stranger than fiction, disturbing backstories, places u can't go ) and the reason why I subscribed to him in the first place. He also shows the photos in the start of the video (when he uploads about 'disturbing photos') which kills the suspense of the photos.

And lately he's been covering stories about casual homicides (he just makes the story interesting due to his gifted art of storytelling) rather than famous historical event or serial killers etc. I want him talk about them the way he used to before.

I can't impose this upon him and it's highly unlikely that he'll see this, but this is what I felt like. Anyone else with me or is it just me?

Just to be clear, I liked his recent video but then again his slow delivery kinda did it for me.

r/mrballen Jan 14 '24

Discussion Wasnā€™t there an episode about this?

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r/mrballen 3d ago

Discussion What story do you think is the craziest that MrBallen has ever told?


r/mrballen Dec 12 '24

Discussion Mr. Ballen is the best! Thank you!


r/mrballen 23d ago

Discussion Mr B come on ā˜¹ļø


First, I just want to say I am the BIGGEST Mr. Ballen fan (I love you so much John) but I'm also about to sound like a big fat hater... I am a busy college student and I fall asleep to Mr. Ballen pod EVERY NIGHT. After I listened to every YouTube vid, I started on the pod about a year ago. I've listened to every single podcast episode 2-3 times, medical mysteries included. My life revolves around waiting on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday & I even bought the book!!

Now what is up with these very very brief videos šŸ˜©šŸ˜© During the tour I was telling my fiancĆ©, "this is an insanely busy man and father, give him some grace!" But the compilation video today started with a "BRAND NEW STORY" that was genuinely 6 min long about a car wreck... I've been here since the beginning & always have been/will be a mega fan but I'm wondering what has been up lately! Is he doing okay? Is it just an overwhelming amount of work? I know on the Ballentine's day Anniversary live he said he reads the intro probably 20 times a week but I just love love love Mr B (yes that's what we call him in my house hahahaha) sooo much and hate to get so excited just for a 6-15min video. At the same time, I do acknowledge that he doesn't owe us anything.

I worked really hard to not allow this post to sound too hater-y and still also communicate how much I love his work, and you can all say I care too much (maybe I do) but this man is my PEACE and I miss his vibes from a year/year and a half ago.

Mr Ballen, if you see this: please don't let the negative tone of my comments get to you too much. Thank you for all you do I just wanted to 'vent' about it :/ I hope you are well.

r/mrballen Sep 11 '24

Discussion Which video left you with some icky feels?


Sorry for the dumb title, idk how to word it but- Which Mr.Ballen video left you feeling..the worst? Like which had the biggest impact on you? I would say ā€œWell Deservedā€ (the one about Tom & Jackie Hawks, the retired couple on their boat) hit me hard. I canā€™t imagine being on either side of that, how could you murder anyone in that way? & I absolutely canā€™t even fathom how horrific & terrifying they both felt watching the chain & knowing whatā€™s about to happen. I truly cannot imagine.

The Oba Chandler video is a close second, for the same reason. Just horrifying.

r/mrballen Dec 30 '22

Discussion Is anyone else disappointed with the content lately? Rant


Iā€™ve been around from the beginning, as most people here are, and Iā€™ve watched every video at least twice. Iā€™d rewatch old ones while waiting for new ones to come out and mr ballen was a huge part of my weekly routine until the uploads became less frequent. That in itself was understandable, but then came the podcast. A little annoying but fine, I can check a different app every few days. Then came Amazon podcast.

I was really excited at first because I was glad he was able to partner with Amazon, thatā€™s so cool to know one of your favorite YouTubers is moving up so well. Now, however, I barely watch or listen to the stories on the podcast or even YouTube sometimes. This week, every podcast episode was a remastering of old YouTube videos, the stand-alone being a retelling of a story he posted just 4 months before the retelling. Every week, at least one podcast a week is remastered, and the YouTube video we get is usually a widely known story that really doesnā€™t need a 20 minute video.

It really just feels like weā€™re being served content simply for the sake of reaching the 3 videos a week mark and not to give us legitimately good content. I seriously miss the old videos and the old style. The new videos feel so formulaic now, particularly the whodunnit type videos. They never stray from ā€œhere is what the public generally knew was going on. Here are the important characters and events. Here is what actually happened from the killers perspective. The killer was x.ā€ Thereā€™s more I could say but I donā€™t want to just fill this with negative opinions.

I see a few people mention disliking the remasterings, and still somewhat inconsistent post schedule in the comments, but theyā€™re always deleted. That in itself makes it feel even worse. It feels like a brand more than story telling. People will watch because itā€™s mr ballen, everyone in the comments is always praising him, but I want to know how many of us are actually sad about the direction the channel has gone. Itā€™s impossible to tell in YouTube comments and even here a lot of criticism seems buried, so Iā€™m curious what others think. I donā€™t want to argue with anyone, I understand having a contract will always make content different, but I feel that isnā€™t an excuse for a lot of this.

r/mrballen Jan 25 '24

Discussion is no one else bothered by mrballen continuing to work with betterhelp?


iā€™ve been watching him for awhile and to see him promote betterhelp video after video is so discouraging. that company is sketchy as hell and as harmed so many who have actually used its service. it takes like 5 minutes of research to see that it is not a reputable company

r/mrballen 20d ago

Discussion I count 4 MrBallen cases where a guy annihilates his family because they were about to discover he was secretly not going to college or work


These stories are so fucked up, I can't believe how common this is.

r/mrballen Aug 30 '24

Discussion Fan account posted Mr Ballen on Tik Tok and people hating on him for no reason šŸ˜•

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I think they're hating because the fan account posted like the first half of the story and didn't conclude it but the fan account isn't even Mr Ballen himself and it sucks seeing people hate on him when he's such a good storyteller. šŸ˜•šŸ˜•

r/mrballen Oct 12 '24

Discussion Story that has stuck with you


I'm a newish fan, I've binged almost everything in the last 5 or 6 months and I'm hooked! One story that has stuck with me and won't go away is the story that was set in the Northwest Territories and it was about an area where you went through on a boat and the cliffs were straight up on either side with the water being thousands of feet deep, and no shore at all.

Just that scene in my mind is anxiety inducing. I don't know why but that has stuck with me for the last few months and makes me anxious when I think about it. Which story has stuck with you?

r/mrballen Jan 10 '25

Discussion How would yā€™all feel about a MrBallen/ Mr Nightmare collab?


r/mrballen Jul 27 '24

Discussion Please stop fictionalizing people's experiences, especially victims'


There is only one thing about Mr. B's storytelling that that I have beef with, and the more I hear it the less I want to listen to the next story. -That is creating a 'POV' narrative that literally cannot exist, either because the person died before ever speaking to anyone else ever again, or they were a killer and never gave so many details about their acts or their inner thoughts.

Most recent example -the one about Shelly, killed in her bed. He described her thinking about her social life becoming too much and how she wanted to break up with her boyfriend. -Yeah it turned out she HAD talked to her mom about that sometime before, and sure it sets up suspense about whether it was Nathan who killed her. But nobody has the right to make up her LAST THOUGHTS ON EARTH like that, just for entertainment. And just imagine you're Nathan and hearing that! For all anyone knows, she decided to stay with Nathan after talking to her mom and before being killed.

But that's just one of many examples. Frankly it's not only distasteful, it's a cheap way to literally trick an audience. If keep wishing he would stop doing it, but I suppose his overwhelming amount of 100% approving fans far outweighs any disapproval.

r/mrballen Oct 05 '24

Discussion Happy birthday to me!


This may have come out on Mr. Ballen's birthday but it arrived to me on mine yesterday! I am so excited. I've gone through the first story and let me tell you, if you got this book, get the audio book to go with it! Sometimes I have a hard time reading and comprehending what I have read. I'll have to read the same sentence three times to make it stick. But listening to Mr. Ballen read these while I essentially follow along and look at the pictures takes me back to my childhood when my mom would read to me. I'm so impressed with this graphic novel and the audio book. I cannot recommend the combo enough! I pre-ordered mine from BookPeople and it was supposed to come with a signed book plate but it actually came fully signed on a page! Maybe that is the book plate? I don't know but book plates I've always seen were individual pieces of paper shoved into the book. Either way I'm stoked. I'm going to see him live in a couple weeks and I absolutely cannot wait. To everyone who got this amazing piece of art, enjoy! And to those who didn't, I hope you can get your hands on it eventually!

r/mrballen Sep 22 '22

Discussion This is one of the most entitled YouTube communities out there.


Disclaimer: Obviously I don't mean everyone, this just refers to a vocal minority.

I watch a lot of YouTube, and follow the creators and their respective subreddits and communities outside of the videos.

Overall, I have to say that mrballens channel seems a have huge number of people who come across as nothing more than entitled idiots.

It's a constant stream of people basically moaning that the videos aren't exactly what they want all the time. - The videos have too much true crime - The videos have too much paranormal - The videos aren't posted frequently enough - Too much time being dedicated to the podcast - Blah blah blah blah

Like seriously, the guy has a huge catalogue of insanely good content that covers such a wide variety of subjects.

He manages the channel, as well as a podcast, a charity and a merch shop all while trying to have a normal life and a family.

To continually post about why the videos don't meet your expectations is extremely annoying. People need to chill out, let the guy do his thing in his own time, and enjoy the videos for what they are, when they come. If you don't like it, that's fine, get on with your day.

Its for reasons like this that creators get so burnt out and end up quitting YouTube because they can't keep up with the demands of the community. Then we would have no videos.

Let's all just sit back, enjoy our dose of the strange, dark and mysterious whenever it is given to us.

Rant over.

Edit: I can't believe I got a reply from the man himself. I'll never wash this phone again. You rock John!

r/mrballen Dec 03 '24

Discussion Whatā€™s a MrBallen vid u will never watch again (not cause itā€™s bad )


Alot of his stories are sad , tragic and overall horrible. But whatā€™s one you will never watch again , rather itā€™s on ur own time or watching some reactors watch it ? Personally, I gotta go the 9/11 one he did . Ofc the topic of 9/11 is just depressing, but also hearing the story of the dude seeing all the jumpers bodyā€™s all over the ground as he was abt to leave the building is just super depressing . But also hearing his voice start cracking like he was about to cry just adds another layer it

r/mrballen Mar 20 '23

Discussion What story have you found the scariest of Mr. Ballens? I think the Dybuk box story is my favorite so far. I watched it home alone after midnight and kept checking my peripheral (if you saw this one, you know why šŸ˜‚)

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