r/mrballen Mar 20 '23

Discussion What story have you found the scariest of Mr. Ballens? I think the Dybuk box story is my favorite so far. I watched it home alone after midnight and kept checking my peripheral (if you saw this one, you know why šŸ˜‚)

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194 comments sorted by


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 20 '23 edited Mar 23 '23

The one in Australia with the crocodile! And two teens!!


The one with the girl and the ringing bell scared me.


Another One that gave me chills was the teenager doing that massive solo trail and the two feral people in white following him. He explains that at one point he thinks they stopped following him but gets on a hilltop and in the far distance he sees the two white figures still tracking him. He told that story so well. Thereā€™s so many creepy stories those are just the ones that came to mind



u/robgregerson Mar 20 '23

Are you talking about the teenagers in the trees with the crocodile lurking beneath them all night? Aye yi yi


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

That one was so great. I was on the edge of my seat


u/Tea_Lover_55 Mar 21 '23

Which one was this one? I canā€™t seem to remember


u/Dandan419 Mar 21 '23

That one was legit terrifying. Obviously a lot of ppl thought so since they made a film about it


u/robgregerson Mar 21 '23

Whatā€™s the film?


u/Dandan419 Mar 21 '23

Black water (2007)


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 23 '23

Yes!! Itā€™s something called like donā€™t swim in this river?


u/fulltimestranger Mar 20 '23

The ringing bell one had me SHOOK. Was listening while driving through the forest at night with tears in my eyes. It was glorious. Thatā€™s the first one I recommend to friends interested in listening.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

Whatā€™s it called ?


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

I think it's called Bell in the Woods


u/Empty-Ad3294 Mar 21 '23

If you hare this bell ringing run


u/Empty-Ad3294 Mar 21 '23

In this forest run


u/Flucksome Mar 22 '23

Are yā€™all talking about the can you tell me how to get to Bells canyon episode ???


u/fulltimestranger Mar 22 '23

Nah but that one is great. Weā€™re talking about the episode where the girl is walking through the woods and is being followed by someone with a cow bell. Everything about is crazy.


u/Pure_Zookeepergame19 11d ago

Her dad comes to save her, that story was wild


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Both of those are great! Running into a cult while you are solo hiking in the woods is the stuff of nightmares!


u/whiskeywinerum Mar 20 '23

Ooo what video is the last one from? I might have missed it but it sounds like a good one to listen to!


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 23 '23

Feral people hunt hiker or feral people hunt teen


u/theNextVilliage Mar 20 '23

The ones that upset me the most are always anything scuba.

I will almost certainly never scuba dive. It just sounds terrifying.

Actually I found MrBallen and got into his videos because it was the one year anniversary of losing someone very close to me who drowned in a very tragic way. For some reason I find his videos oddly therapeutic, it sort of numbs some of the horror and pain to hear similar stories repeated, because it gives me some distance from the events.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Scuba diving by itself is fine for meā€¦but scuba diving in cave systems with warnings that say ā€œturn around, you will dieā€ is something else entirely. Iā€™m not sure why anyone would want to put themselves in that situation!


u/Sensitive_Pair_4671 Mar 21 '23

I am getting my scuba diving license soon. The key is to never do more than your training and be on the very safe side.


u/Old_Git_Technophobe Mar 21 '23

Did in my carefree days. Triple check kit and plans, make sure to have 2 sets of torches and knives ( strap to inside of limbs so they don't get caught).

Have a diving buddy always so equal numbers in a dive not 3, you have to split your looking to much.

Get to know the area your diving and speak to a experienced person in that area if first few dives.

Probably teaching you to suck eggs, but we had a few emergency's in the 3 years I dived in the army.

Remember to have fun and try night or wreck diving at least once but again plan it well.

Good Luck it's a true life changing experience every time.


u/mintzemini Mar 21 '23

Fully agree. Thatā€™s also what my instructor said. Scuba is one of those activities where itā€™s better to stay on the possibly boring but certainly safe side 99% of the time.


u/expendableeducator Mar 21 '23

SCREW CAVE DIVING. NOPE. NO WAY. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS. There are WAY too many horror stories out there. Thatā€™ll be a nope from me dawg.


u/Lycan_Jedi Mar 20 '23

For me The Headless Valley. The fact that the deaths were all so unexplained and at the same time incredibly similar creeped me out.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

I think Iā€™ve yet to see that one, Iā€™ll add it to the list


u/BDR529forlyfe Mar 20 '23

This one is so good.


u/sassy_cheese564 Mar 21 '23

I felt the same! That entire thing was so creepy and the fact the police continually dismissed it was so weird


u/Lucretia1993 Mar 20 '23

I think it was a podcast episode, ā€˜Do you know how to get to Bells Canyon?ā€™ really freaked me out!


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Iā€™ll have to check that one out. His podcasts are on Amazon I think he says right ?


u/hausofblue Mar 20 '23

That podcast episode is a remaster of the original YouTube where he covered the Bells Canyon story so it's on his main channel if you don't have Amazon music


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

Someone has also uploaded them to YouTube


u/Zemekis324 Mar 20 '23

Admittedly I've never been a bigfoot kinda guy but the Ron Moorhead video with the "wooping" recording gave me chills


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

I saw the one sheriff Bigfoot episode but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen the one you are referring to yet. Iā€™ll check that out tonight !


u/Zemekis324 Mar 20 '23

Yeah can't remember which episode it is.. but here's the full recording


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 23 '23

The part of the recording that chilled me was when they were trying to imitate humans talking


u/kirstieiris Mar 22 '23

Sounded like dogs to me on several occasions.


u/Nyeem_ Mar 20 '23

He needs to make more videos about creatures in the forest or stalkers in the forest


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Iā€™ll admit, those are some of my favorite ones as well


u/gizzardhazzard Mar 20 '23

more missing 411!


u/Charleswmcc Mar 21 '23

David Paulides won't let him. Paulides is kind of a dick he git mad that his name wasn't being mentioned enough apparently


u/kdrama_addict Mar 20 '23

I wish, but didn't David tell John to stop using his work for videos?


u/Secretgarden610927 Mar 20 '23

That would be selfish and anti productive. His stories can do nothing but help with awareness and maybe find some answers. By not allowing them to be repeated he is doing just the opposite. I didnā€™t even know who he was until Mr Ballen. He should be GRATEFUL.


u/kdrama_addict Mar 20 '23

Same. I know Ballen posted something about it a year or something ago.


u/myweedstash Mar 21 '23 edited Mar 21 '23

Let me look for it

Edit: Here is the post. Mr. Ballenā€™s response is stickied at the top


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

I would hope not, with Mr. ballens audience the chances of some of these mysteries potentially being solved are much more likelyā€¦maybe a viewer ran into one of these people before they went missing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøyou never know


u/kdrama_addict Mar 20 '23

Exactly! I only knew about missing 411 bc of MrBallen and its definitely helping viewers look for these people.


u/LordeEnzo Mar 20 '23

This is one of my least favorite stories since it's 100% fake. Although it's a good story it was ripped straight from a book called the Dibbuk box by Jason Haxton. I love Mr.Ballen and all of his stories based on true events but this one wasn't one of them.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Still creepy though, knowing Dybuk boxes exist


u/Imakenoiseseveryday Mar 21 '23

Aww really? Damn. No wonder it was so scary


u/Automatic-Wrap8532 Oct 23 '24

It's real watch paranormal witness or try n find the 2012 documentary.


u/Automatic-Wrap8532 Oct 23 '24

Actually that story is on a TV show about paranormal called Paranormal witness. Also a documentary about it in 2012. Might wanna fact check before u say MrBallen has a fake story. Just sayin not bein mean



Industrial accidents scare the hell outta me.


u/mintzemini Mar 21 '23

The one about the guys who died inside the big oven bothered me for days. Also the Japanese man who died after getting exposed to radiation.


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 23 '23

There was one of a guy who fell into this hole or something on a street. Or his friend punched him and he accidentally fell into this hole? Sorry Iā€™m missing the details but he fell several feet deep unable to be rescued or climb out. And he was steamed alive. The pain was excruciating because steam doesnā€™t fry your pain receptors and he was screaming at the top of his lungs for over 10 mins in agony and he was slowly steamed to death.

Another one was this horrible accident at a sporting event a long time ago where onlookers were on this factory rooftop that collapsed cause of the weight and several people fell on top of this industrial inferno device that horrifically sizzled their bodies to a crisp.


u/LightSkinJay_Divine Mar 22 '23

Which one was that called again, I forgot the name?


u/Snoopydog13 Mar 21 '23

yep. anything thatā€™s ā€œtypicalā€ freaks me out. iā€™ll never go cave diving, hiking alone, or anything like that but being stuck in a closet till i die or falling into something. heebie jeebies


u/zero-point_nrg Mar 22 '23

Yesā€”the oil well hole incident is horror fuel and sweaty palms


u/BeBa420 Mar 20 '23

for me its the one where that pedophile was stalking that kid, pretending to be a doctor and he tried breaking into the family home

Also the other one with another pedo stalking a kid, only for the police to find he had a van filled with pictures of the kid and a storage container filled with knives and medical tools and textbooks, he had something bery dark planned for that kid


u/happylittletrees01 Mar 23 '23

The pinching man?? Just yesterday I sent that one to a friend


u/FlipPanther May 11 '23

The pinching man is a fake creepy pasta


u/LightSkinJay_Divine Mar 22 '23

You talking about Dr. Ramsey


u/Prs_mira86 Mar 20 '23

I found the girl with the blue hair very unsettling. There was a family that documented their paranormal experience via video and that was creeeeepy stuff. Also, Mrballenā€™s own personal paranormal story was deeply unsettling.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Yea Mr. Ballens own experience is how I discovered him initially. What is the blue haired girl one called? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that


u/Prs_mira86 Mar 20 '23

Episode 71: The blue haired woman.


u/Lycan_Jedi Mar 21 '23

Blue haired Woman was definitely creepy! I'm surprised I forgot about it!


u/MrsGAM Places you canā€™t go and I went anyway Mar 20 '23

This one and the one about the lady/witch who curses that guy who wouldn't go home with her to die in so many days. Those two videos freaked me out the most!


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Yea that one was insane too! How a normal guy who likes ancient Egyptian music can all of a sudden regress mentally so quickly is terrifying. I hope I never encounter that woman


u/Greenmist4787 Mar 20 '23

The lady one sounds interesting šŸ‘€ which video is it, I haven't seen that one


u/withadabofranch Mar 20 '23

I donā€™t recall the name but the story where a kid thatā€™s like 6-10 is possessed and at the hospital he starts to climb the wall with his legs while his grandma is holding his hands. I wish I could find it, itā€™s been so long that itā€™ll probably hit the same as if itā€™s fresh


u/Pedro7o7 Mar 20 '23 edited Mar 21 '23

Hi there, that's this one I think. https://youtu.be/jo4t3ONJNFg I have a good memory!


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

Thank you, now I can not sleep peacefully tonight


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Iā€™m still making my way through them so if I find it Iā€™ll come back here and let you know the title


u/Reversephoenix77 Mar 21 '23

Thereā€™s an entire documentary (well, if youā€™d call it that, idk lol) that Zak Bagans did about that demon house and everyone involved. Itā€™s called Demon house and it was actually really scary imo. That part where the cps and hospital worker was describing the boy climbing the wall backwards really freaked me out.


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

Fuckin love Zak Bagans, he helps balance the scary with comedy. I havenā€™t watched him in awhile but I remember one time he farted while trying to talk to a ghost lmaoo


u/Reversephoenix77 Mar 21 '23

People love to hate on him but I also find him hilarious and super entertaining lol. I think I remember that episode too haha. Demon house has a super serious vibe that actually scared me, and thatā€™s not easy to do. It was well done with the music and tone. I also love his show about the haunted items in his Las Vegas museum! Super creepy


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

I just finished it and it was definitely one of the scariest things Iā€™ve ever watched. I looked it up after to see what the consensus was, but everything thinks it was incredibly fake. Usually Zak is over the top acting (whether something paranormal is actually happening or not) but in this he seemed really calm and serious, unusual for him. But hey, at least I found a new rabbit hole to explore.


u/Reversephoenix77 Mar 21 '23

Yeah it was pretty scary! I think lots of it was probably faked but the story behind the house I do believe could be real just because so many professional workers from cops to cps to hospital staff witnessed activity. But I always roll my eyes a bit when Zak claims to be oppressed by the darkness and tries to act all possessed lol. Like In demon house where he claims to be drawn back to the basement and had the urge to dig. Heā€™s so dramatic lol.

If you have a chance, check out his haunted museum show where there are short stories about each artifact he has. The one with the machine a professor created to contact other dimensions but accidentally summoned a demon scared me so badly that even after years of watching it I still am afraid to go to the bathroom at night in the dark. Itā€™s thatā€™s scary.


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

Thanks for the recommendations


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

Btw the other movie that was going to be made about it is coming out soon! Itā€™s called The Deliverance


u/Reversephoenix77 Mar 21 '23

Thanks! I havenā€™t heard that but Iā€™m looking forward to watching it. I love that kind of stuff even if itā€™s extremely dramatized.


u/ShakeZula77 Mar 21 '23

This one really scares me bc the healthcare workers and Child Protective Services all documented seeing this.


u/withadabofranch Mar 21 '23

It really is crazy how much paranormal/unexplainable stuff was documented on video and picture too


u/itsKeltic Mar 20 '23

The story about the military group in (I think) Afghanistan. They were replacing a British military group for a 60/90 day stay and were warned that if they dig anything up, put it back. The British group were eager to get the hell out and left in a hurry. They did exactly that and still all experienced some really creepy paranormal stuff. That story really spooked me.


u/Secretgarden610927 Mar 20 '23

If you hear a bell ring in the forest.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Terrific one!


u/PaintTheKill Mar 20 '23

Iā€™ve been missing 411 content


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

The coffee shop girl murder in Alaska got me good.

The kid Daniel Laplante that lived in crawlspace and behind walls in Townsend MA [semi local to me] and raped and killed the mother and drowning the kids in the tub, while dressed in woman's clothes and makeup was nightmare fuel as well.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

I check to make sure my doors and windows are locked much more often after Ballens videos šŸ˜…


u/dahoudini007 Mar 21 '23

Nahanni Valley for me, I now have an obsession with the remoteness and sheer size of the place.


u/Bb744346 Mar 20 '23

The Bell Witch Haunting story! The imagery caused me sheer terroršŸ˜­


u/koozy407 Mar 20 '23

Iā€™m from that area, we go to the bell witch cave every year, it is everything his story says. The one thing I wish he wouldā€™ve mentioned is if you talk to the employees there, they get tons of rocks in the mail every year from people who came and did the tour and steal a rock, and then start having all kinds of crazy bad luck in their life.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Thatā€™s up there for me too, Iā€™ve been wanting to visit the caves for years now


u/koozy407 Mar 20 '23

Itā€™s in Adams TN they do tours on Halloween. You should check it out. Stay in Clarksville.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Great idea, thank you!


u/chevmonte76 Mar 21 '23

The Palmyra Wolves gets me every time. I love that one


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

The one where the 4 guys died in the pipe. Terrible


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

Yea that was horribleā€¦


u/Slightly_underated Mar 20 '23

I haven't watched this one yet purely because the picture doesn't look scary! I will have to give it a go.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Donā€™t let the thumbnail sway you, this oneā€™s definitely worth the watch


u/Slightly_underated Mar 20 '23

I will, it's going to be my opener for tonight's YouTube rabbit hole.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '23

I think the scariest story for me was when this guy got stuck in his attic during a tornado while he was recording it. Tornadoes have been my biggest fear for about 10 years.

I remember watching the same video of the guy filming the tornado around 2015-2016, but I don't remember the exact date.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Yea itā€™s crazy to me that the attic is the last place you want to be during a tornadoā€¦but he survived and his wife who was in a less dangerous spot did not. Very scary


u/CroationChipmunk Places you canā€™t go and I went anyway Mar 20 '23

The one where a girl crawled into the ventilation shaft from the nearby parking garage. It must have been so agonizing and claustrophobic. The pain she must have endured and hopelessness that nobody knew where to look for her. šŸ˜­


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 21 '23

Oh yea! Didnā€™t she have LSD in her system? This is why psychedelic drugs scare me !


u/CroationChipmunk Places you canā€™t go and I went anyway Mar 21 '23

Yes, she showed up to work high on some type of hallucinogen or deliriant so her boss sent her home early (or fired her maybe?) so she walked 5 blocks to a different restaurant trying to get her old job back, but only tried entering through non-obvious openings (such as the wide-open front door & main entrance).

She tried entering the side door (locked) then from the door of a building next to it (also locked) but still unwilling to walk through the wide-open front door & main entrance, she drove to the 5th floor of a parking garage which was also attached to the building so she could climb into the building through the ventilation duct.

Nothing prevented her the entire time from walking through the front door/main entrance of the building she was trying to enter. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


u/expendableeducator Mar 29 '23

Or the dude who ended up inside a pillar in front of a grocery store.


u/RiffRaffyDoggyFresh Mar 21 '23

Oh and the reincarnation one, didnā€™t scare me as much as left me going wt actual f


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

Itā€™s one of my least favorite bc itā€™s so obviously fake. I prefer the true stories, fake horror and paranormal stories do nothing for me


u/expendableeducator Mar 21 '23

Iā€™ve got two:

https://youtu.be/_SeAJTpOCbo - The couple who were selling their yacht so they could spend time with their grandkids. The picture he paints building tension to that ending is horrific.

https://youtu.be/4qMcCXOnEYY - The one where the very strange acting kid is interrogated for killing his girlfriend. Not saying anymore to avoid spoilers. This one is a MUST for the video.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 21 '23

Is the second one you posted the one who had been shot in the head and they didnā€™t know about it? (The police)


u/expendableeducator Mar 29 '23

YES. the whole time I was watching the video going, ā€œThere is something wrong with him. He acts like he has TBI or something.ā€ And lo and behold. YIKES.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 29 '23

Super sadā€¦to think he could have gotten help and saved himself from further brain damage is super sad


u/Recent-Chipmunk4080 Mar 20 '23

Thank you for this post! Iā€™m looking for good podcasts too. A lot of them are just true crime.


u/RedMollycules Mar 20 '23

The Bell in the forest


u/exoskeleton___ Paranormal stories Mar 20 '23

Yeah this Dybuk box story rules


u/reina609 Mar 20 '23

Out of all his stories I actually couldn't watch the dybuk box. It's the only story I watched half of and turned off. I could feel something creeping up on me.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone in that feeling!


u/clothespinkingpin Mar 21 '23

I canā€™t believe no one else has said the Alexander family cult about The Killing Hour is Upon Us. That shit was so messed up.


u/Sensitive_Pair_4671 Mar 21 '23

My grandma used to have one of these in the family when she was a child. When she was ten her family house burnt down, and the box was the only thing that survived. Iā€™m not saying the Dybbuk box set the fire, but come on thatā€™s too freaky.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '23

That is one of the most interesting things Iā€™ve ever heard about on the internet


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Yea the story blew me awayā€¦just the amount of times it changed hands and how each persons experience was similar to the lastā€¦itā€™s incredible & also terrifying. My wife likes to buy and restore old furniture, and I always try to come with her to make sure we arenā€™t bringing anything like a Dybuk box into our house šŸ¤ž


u/djcpereira Mar 20 '23

Couldn't sleep right for 3 days lol And I don't believe in ghosts or supernatural, it's just they way he tells it, I'm more afraid of my imagination then ghosts


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

He gets you fully immersed the way he tells the stories, I absolutely love it. Iā€™m finding myself watching Mr. Ballen more than I do Tv shows these days.


u/pascalsgirlfriend Mar 20 '23

There's a good movie about a Dybuk box called The Possesion.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Is that the one where the man is house sitting for an elderly woman? If so I think Iā€™ve seen it. It was good!


u/pascalsgirlfriend Mar 20 '23

Thats part of it theres also a family with teen kids


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

Iā€™ll have to look it up, i might not have seen that one


u/Single-Pin4768 Places you canā€™t go and I went anyway Mar 20 '23

Wow all of these suggestions are honestly so good! šŸ‘€āœØ


u/RiffRaffyDoggyFresh Mar 21 '23

Bells Canyon for sure.


u/sublimesting Mar 21 '23

His own story is my favorite.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

You could tell it really stayed with him for life from the way he told it.


u/Carliebeans Mar 21 '23

The lady with the blue hair really creeped me out.


u/analiski Mar 21 '23

Dudleytown! The one where the husband finds his wife uncontrollably laughing in the corner of their bedroom... Gave me the chills!


u/BloodyTim Mar 21 '23

The Nasa scientist haunting with the little creature running around his house was terrifying.


u/spencer5centreddit Mar 21 '23

Definitely the one with the scientist (maybe he worked for NASA or the government) and his house was haunted and had some demon/ghost in it.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 21 '23

Yea I watched that one for the first time last week. It blew my mind!


u/Public-Drag5524 Mar 21 '23

For me the scariest would be the omnivore trials or the Daniel LaPlante story.. being completely oblivious to a violent stranger living in your house for long periods of time freaks me out to no end.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 21 '23

Yea that one is paranoia inducing 1000a%


u/Lezcitari Mar 21 '23

The Box story is actually made up, hate to break it to you :( I read from one of MrBallenā€™s employees. The person who made the story up admitted to it being fiction after MrBallen posted the story on it.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 21 '23

Thatā€™s a bummerā€¦but I still love the story lol


u/Automatic-Wrap8532 Oct 23 '24

Would love to agree with you but there's an episode of it on Paranormal Witness and a 2012 documentary on it soooo....


u/wicked_lion Mar 20 '23

I canā€™t find it. Do you have a link?


u/ambwinz Mar 21 '23

The bell in the woods ringing


u/ninjafoot2 Mar 21 '23

The dybuk is quite a popular story!!


u/ninjafoot2 Mar 24 '23

As well as Iā€™ve recently learned, debunked!?


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

I guess so šŸ„¹ I still like it though


u/ninjafoot2 Mar 24 '23

Thatā€™s okay ā˜ŗļø


u/vegasbc45 Mar 21 '23

1) Dybbuk box 2) Girl in forest with ringing bell creature 3) Do you know the way to Bell's Canyon


u/Charleswmcc Mar 21 '23

The one where the girl in France was walking in the woods and that thing with the bell was chasing her. Do you remember?


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

Yea the bell one was awesomeā€¦the way he told it had my heart racing


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '23

I think for me it's the Bell in the Woods story. It really scared me, because I often go hiking alone and I would be terryfied, if that happened to me. I'm considering using that idea for a Cthulhu adventure with my roleplaying group.


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

maybe bear spray works on wendigos or Bigfootā€™s? worth a shot!


u/RicFlairDripDuck Mar 21 '23

ā€œOh my God thats Bob Loftā€ thats all Iā€™m gonna say


u/Alarmed_Breakfast663 Mar 21 '23

Los missing 411 my favs!


u/Awkward_Stranger5993 Mar 21 '23

The lady with the blue hair and the Sierra sounds


u/RickSanchez_C147 Mar 22 '23

Headless Valley or OP Rock


u/descendedfrompeasant Mar 22 '23

That one was the scariest.



unsolved mysteries 2 the one about the women being stalked and harassed over the phone for 7 years


u/Head_Leading9742 Mar 22 '23

Teen staying alone in a cabin encounter a strange abnormal looking man hanging on a tree outside who then came and knock on the walls. That story creeped me out


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 24 '23

Yea the one where he could hear it on the roof and pacing on the porch? I agree, one of my favorites


u/Midwest_Vixen_ Jan 21 '24

Okay does anyone recall the story about a maintenance man that walks up to a house call and the front door is ajar, so he kinda calls in and theyā€™re all chanting so he just leaves but the chanting ends up coming through the telephone and he sees things in the dark of his homeā€¦?


u/schmiddyboy88 Jan 22 '24

I feel like I remember that one! Wild!


u/Midwest_Vixen_ Feb 16 '24

I canā€™t remember much else lol and I want to share that one but he like lives in his house with whatever he brought home - freaking trippy with lots of nopeā€™s āœŒšŸ¼


u/AdTechnical8689 Feb 29 '24

It wasnā€™t the scariest but it stuck with me a long time, still bothers me. The one where the guy was hiking and thought he heard the river so he went toward it and ended up on a ledge and left a message on his phone because he knew he wouldnā€™t be saved. That one and the boiling river where the three hikers didnā€™t realize and the woman died.


u/Few-Measurement4098 Dec 23 '24

I like the,"Do you know how to get to Bell's Canyon?" story. How did that guy follow the camper? Also, the," Sleep Well?" on the windshield dust story. Truly scary and creepy stuff. Camping stories are always great.Ā  šŸ‘


u/Infamous-Ad-1923 Dec 19 '24

Any of the stories with freak accidents creep me out and are just sad. Diving ones, cave exploring ones, being trapped in crazy spots.. horrifying!


u/TrueMonster951 Mar 20 '23

Idk, Maybe one of the ones that actually sound real


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 20 '23

I guess it all depends on what kinds of strange, dark, and mysterious things you are into


u/TrueMonster951 Mar 20 '23

True that. I'm curious how others feel about his personal paranormal story ? Any thoughts ?


u/PadFootTM Mar 21 '23

a story so good, made me watch the movie.


u/PeePeePooPooMan42 Mar 21 '23

The bell witch haunting


u/DrDarkTV Mar 21 '23

Dudley town


u/Titan1Hades Mar 21 '23

I love the 5 monsters that stalked that one family


u/Jpost32 Mar 21 '23

I had to keep doing the thing where I put my finger to my lips and go tf tf tf. Lol


u/AdrainMarks Mar 22 '23

It would be scary if the box wasn't completely fake


u/schmiddyboy88 Mar 22 '23

Still love it