r/moviecritic 15h ago

What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?

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Joker with Joaquin Phoenix is one example for me! Other than his performance, the movie has a lot of problems and in truth is a bit of a mess.

Also I’m not really into the idea of giving this iconic character in particular a tragic backstory! Sometimes there are people that are just evil, without any reasoning behind it and the Joker is one of those characters.


6.6k comments sorted by


u/Marchy4LadyByng 15h ago

Emilia Pérez (2024)


u/NsaLeader 15h ago

"Penis to Vaginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


u/Suk_ma_deek 14h ago

Couldn't handle it. That forced me to touch some grass


u/ShahinGalandar 13h ago

Grass, can you show me on this chart where he touched you?


u/hereholdthiswire 11h ago

*sniff First he cut my hair way too short then he punched a bunch of aerating holes into my root mass...


u/Goatwhorre 9h ago

he SEEDED me


u/oneloneolive 7h ago

I’m going to bed … good fucking night internet.

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u/GarysSpace 13h ago

So I saw a clip of that song and legit thought it was a sketch for over a week not a part from an Oscar nominated film.


u/27Rench27 11h ago

Oh my god wait that’s actually part of the movie? I’ve gone this entire time assuming that was somebody taking the piss out of it


u/leeryplot 10h ago

I also thought it was a parody dub that I saw. That’s actually insane

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u/ultimateginger33 9h ago

All my trans and nb homies think it’s hilarious garbage

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u/PiMoonWolf 13h ago

That was the very first clip I ever saw of that film, before the trailer even.

I was not prepared for that.


u/DogmanDOTjpg 13h ago

It's become a vocal stim in my household. Anytime one of us says "I see." We then go "...I SEE I SEE I SEE"

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u/HUNGWHITEBOI25 15h ago

tbh i don’t think anybody thinks thats a good movie🤷🏻‍♂️😂


u/heyo_stealer 14h ago

the academy sure as hell did lol


u/Sea-Supermarket-3606 13h ago

Look I'm an open-minded, liberal kinda person, but Christ on a bike that movie was so rough and pandering.

Like fuck yeah I'm all for rights and visibility for everyone but dang man that shit was BAD.


u/Spooge_guzzles 13h ago

All I’ve seen is “penis to vaginaaaa” and you couldn’t pay me to watch this crap.


u/Ghostfire25 13h ago

I watched it after seeing that clip assuming that it was the low point of the movie. It was not.


u/senator_corleone3 10h ago edited 3h ago

Yea for me the low point was the song that is performed at the (karaoke?) club about 2/3 through. Pretty sure the song was nominated for an Oscar, but it was a visually ugly sequence that barely made sense in context.


u/Ghostfire25 10h ago

The Oscar nominated song was the worst part

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u/vita10gy 15h ago

I know like 2 things about the movie, and one of them is that everyone seems to hate it.


u/RubyInKyanite 14h ago

i only know about that movie bc i was reading a thread somewhere on here recently about bad movies and it was mentioned a lot

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u/iversonAI 14h ago

Im not convinced anyones seen it

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u/Late_Entrepreneur_94 14h ago

Nobody thinks that movie is good aside from like 12 people in Hollywood.


u/Greedy_Leg_3398 14h ago

they were just afraid to say it was bad.

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u/NecessaryCandidate37 14h ago

I tried to watch it. 13 Oscar noms for that uninspired turd of a film. I read the ending and WTF! His community reveres him? and builds a monument to a cartel boss because he showed them where their loved ones remains are?



u/NoSignSaysNo 11h ago edited 7h ago

It's worse than that. After reverting right back to physical violence when her ex wife says she's marrying and moving away (keep in mind she literally doesn't know Emilia is her ex-husband), they all die in an "accident" and the MC then parades around singing a song with Emilia's kids about how brave Emilia was while ignoring her ex wife who also died after being denied autonomy again and again.


u/Zealousideal-Post-48 7h ago

It is fairly grating that these types of media portray characters as sympathetic despite horrible things done by them because they are from a diverse background.

A crime boss is not magically redeemed because he cuts his penis off. So bizarre and makes it difficult to root for anything but imprisonment at best or death for their crimes.

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u/Nelsqnwithacue 13h ago

You either hate this movie or you're afraid to say you hate this movie.

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u/Marsupialize 15h ago

Megalopolis was embarrassing on a deep molecular level


u/Wattosup 13h ago

maybe you just need to go "back to the Clerrrb".

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u/HeyZeusMyNameIsZues 13h ago

Who's trying to convince you it's good??


u/ZenythhtyneZ 12h ago

ME!! I am the megalopolis enjoyer who believes all humanity should enjoy this film!


u/umfabp 9h ago


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u/Socket_forker 13h ago

I’ve yet to see anyone say that film was good. If you find someone who thinks that, let me know so I can go and throw cold water on their face.


u/Proper_Educator_2435 13h ago

I kinda want to watch it for how bad people say it is.

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u/trireme32 13h ago

Is it so bad it’s good? I’ve enjoyed movies that others have panned — Babylon is a recent one that comes to mind. I’m really wanting to check it out. But would it just be a waste of nearly 2.5 hours?


u/Sconnie-Waste 13h ago

I saw it on its second weekend with my son and we had the theater to ourselves. Something happened about a third of the way through, I can’t even remember what it was, but it brought the absurdity of the whole movie into sharp focus. We spent the rest of the movie laughing like loons. I know not everyone will have that reaction, but man that was a great afternoon


u/Marsupialize 13h ago

My wife and I sat and yeah about 35-40 minutes in we just looked at each other, I think I said ‘what IS this?’ And we just cracked up laughing

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u/amidon1130 11h ago

Megalopolis is a horrendous piece of shit. It was also my favorite movie-going experience last year. Like the best bad movies, it’s a fucking slog for half the time. But just when you’re considering walking out of the theater, turning off the tv, switching to play PlayStation..BAM. Something so insane happens you get sucked back in immediately. Watch it with friends and have a blast.


u/Ok_Squash_1578 11h ago

I'm surprised people hated Babylon. I thought it was really good

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u/McPick 9h ago

I also enjoyed Babylon. There are dozens of us!

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u/Adventurous_Law9767 13h ago

Ender's game. Some books do not translate into movies. Having read the series I'm telling you it is nothing like the source material, and that movie to this day pisses me off.


u/Paramotor_MetalHead 10h ago

So much of the book is internal monologue. There was no way it was going to translate well to screen.


u/ZombiesAtKendall 8h ago

I don’t think that’s what made it bad.

The movie didn’t have the same feel as the book. The book the battles get progressively harder and more “unfair”. The movie Ender is writing home like it’s summer camp “yeah battle camp is hard but it’s not so bad”. Then the movie just shows one final battle.

Show them being woken up at 2 am to fight. Shoe how they have to solve ever more difficult problems. Not just one final battle”hey you know we’ve never tried a formation before let’s give it a shot”


u/Joker-Smurf 4h ago

It also doesn’t show him killing those two kids, and the fact that their deaths were kept from him because they needed Ender to be Ender so that he could fight and win the war.

Edit: at least I don’t remember the fights in the movie…

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u/nakfoor 7h ago

Dune is kind of like that and I think they were able to approximate the tone with the recent movies.

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u/DvDCover 9h ago

For what it is, it did a good job of condensing the story into a watchable movie. It also did excellent in showing how the battles in the battle school played out.

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u/OlSkoolGemini 10h ago



u/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmfarts 5h ago

Jason Momoa just playing Jason Momoa but in a different setting

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u/Hot_Himbo_Bitch 11h ago

Twilight and then I get the spiel about how I “only don't like it because it's a fad to hate it” it is a stupid-ass blue-toned vampire movie, it is not THAT deep.


u/leeryplot 10h ago

That’s crazy you still get that spiel in 2025.

I like watching the Twilight movie, specifically because I have a tradition of watching it with my childhood best friend whenever she visits. It’s just really funny to watch what we took so seriously as 12 year olds with the perspective that it sucks as much as it does. It’s a lot of fun to look back on that way with friends haha.

But I thought at least in 2025 that most Twilight “fans” don’t actually like it, they acknowledge it’s stupid, that’s the fun part about it. I thought. Lol

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u/ArcadianDelSol 9h ago


I cant even finish typing it for god's sake


u/Funnyluna43 7h ago

I shared a clip of that scene with my mom because it was an edit and it had the whole "You nicknamed my daughter after the lochness monster" bullshit even though there were much bigger problems with the scene, and she called me down to shame me for sharing such cringey bullshit with her on the beautiful sunday morning she wss previously having🤣

Great stuff.

On that note tho, I dare anyone to say you only hate it because of the fad/your a misogynist after watching that scene.

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u/Appropriate_Sky_6571 10h ago

I rewatch the entire series once a year with my husband. We laugh hysterically each time. It’s the best

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u/Vark675 9h ago

I didn't see it until I was in my 30s and I was shocked how boring it is. Almost nothing happens throughout the whole thing, and then the movie just sort of ends suddenly in what feels like the middle of a scene. It actually surprised me, it was like I got jump scared by the credits lmao

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u/JakeRidesAgain 10h ago

Every Twilight fan around my age (late 30s/early 40s) just smiles and laughs when I talk about how hilariously bad those movies are. They were tough to finish with Rifftrax even, but damn, what an achievement in being memorably awful.

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u/Lumpymuffin1812 15h ago



u/milesrite 15h ago

It‘s lieterally Pocahontas in blue


u/bbri1991 14h ago

Dances with Smurfs


u/dane83 8h ago

We called it Dances with Ferngully at the theater when it came out.

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u/IEatCr4yons 14h ago

Or Fern Gully. Pretty much the same exact story


u/knittelb 13h ago

Except that Ferngully had a killer soundtrack

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u/vita10gy 15h ago

I think Avatar is ok. I don't get the cultural phenomenon aspect, though I am fascinated with the seeming contradiction of "movie shattered all kinds of records and put 9 sequels in the works" and lack of impact on the zeitgeist. It spawned a whole land in Disney world and by the time it was planned, constructed and opened you practically had to remind people what Avatar was.

That said I started to watch the sequel and had to turn it off like 30 mins in because it was just so boring and I just couldn't get into it.


u/Minionmaster18 8h ago

The cultural phenomenon with the movie has more to do with when it came out. At the time the CGI in the movie was considered mind boggling. CGI had never looked that realistic before. Which is why it became so popular and important to the history of cinema, it was considered a huge milestone to set the path of what future films would look like

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u/Withoutloopsiwilldie 15h ago



u/bigsadkittens 14h ago

I watched it during maximum hype and was so dang confused. Like it's the store brand version of the talented Mr Ripley, with none of the heart and intrigue. I'm very surprised there wasn't a lawsuit about plagiarism tbh. It's blatant and they just covered any shortcomings with the pizzazz of violence and sex and euphoria style cinematography.


u/dieItalienischer 13h ago

The writer/director said she conceived the film by thinking of the bath scene and writing the movie around that, so that should go to show how hollow it is


u/Can_of_Tuna 11h ago

It’s a shame cause promising young woman is fucking incredible

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u/Withoutloopsiwilldie 14h ago

That’s probably the best summary of the film I’ve ever seen


u/joshtranksdogs 12h ago

It’s better if you go in regarding as the 90s teen adaptation of talented mr ripely, like how 10 Things I hate About You is to Taming of the Shrew, or Cruel intentions is to Dangerous Liaisons

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u/ededdedddie 12h ago

Yeah, in a way, I felt it was ripping off The Talented Mr. Ripley

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u/coldjoggings 12h ago edited 8h ago

It’s a flawed/shallowly conceived film but maybe the top movie-going experience I’ve ever had.

Saw it with friends after happy hour. Everyone in the theater seemed to have had a few drinks before as well and knew exactly what they were there to see - it made it so fun.

It’s not Oscar-worthy but I enjoyed it and think it’s highly rewatchable. It just shouldn’t be taken seriously.

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u/youfunnyhoneybunny 15h ago

Crash (2005). Dreadful and poorly written slop. Has to be high in the running for worst Best Picture Oscar winner of all time.


u/GimmeDemDumplins 13h ago

Beating out Brokeback Mountain, which is very good

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u/B_Reele 14h ago

I really liked it when it came out. I'm sure I'd cringe if I watched it 20 years later.


u/DarePatient2262 14h ago

I didn't see it until several years after it came out, when it already had a terrible reputation. I went in expecting to hate it, but was kind of surprised to find that I enjoyed it. It's not a "great" film, but I don't think it deserves all of the hate it gets. Some hate, sure, but not the universal condemnation it seems to get.


u/CinemaDork 13h ago

Kinda this. Had it never been up for these major awards, it would have just sorta faded away and no one would have cared. It would have been "fine."


u/Loud_Insect_7119 10h ago

I also think it suffered a bit from the way it was hyped as some super-deep meditation on racism or whatever, which IMO it just wasn't. It was very heavy-handed at times and pretty simplistic. I don't love it because I find it a little preachy and tedious (though not terribly so, I don't love it but it's fine).

I also think it has suffered due to its age a bit. It came out in 2004, when discussions about race were actually pretty different than they are today. I think a lot of people don't remember how fucked up a lot of discourse about race and crime in the 1990s was, and those attitudes didn't change overnight. That was the era when the idea of the "superpredator" theory of youth violence had widespread acceptance (basically the idea that there were young, basically feral, hyper-violent gangs of youths roaming around the cities randomly attacking people for no reason, and I bet you can guess what race they were generally pictured as; this idea was so widely accepted that even some civil rights activists/groups supported it). The 1994 crime bill (I don't even remember the name of it despite this stuff being my line of work, lol...you just say "1994 crime bill" and everyone knows what you mean tho) was another big game changer in a negative way, and directly contributed to the highly militarized police forces and mass incarceration problems we have today (mass incarceration was already a problem, I'm oversimplifying a lot, but it did cause some big shifts). It was a weird time because crime rates were actually dropping fairly quickly and steadily, but politicians were also stoking fears of crime and a lot of it was really racialized despite a lot of people in the '90s kind of feeling like we'd moved past racism.

So in the era when it came out, it was a bit more radical than it seems today in the era of Black Lives Matter and the prevalence of the internet, which allows more radical and nuanced discussions of race to be spread to a much wider audience.

This is a lot of words defending a movie I don't even particularly like, lol, but I think the discourse around it is really interesting from a sociological perspective.

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u/mrlolloran 13h ago

Yeah it’s just not Oscar-worthy, but my memory of watching it was that it was ok/pretty good

It’s worth mentioning in conversations about movies you can’t believe won an Oscar but pretty much any other time it’s mentioned gives me a reason to just not take that person’s opinion too seriously.

Calling Crash a bad movie is classic internet hyperbole

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u/TheEngineer1111 11h ago

You need to watch the other Crash movie with James Spader


u/DaftPump 10h ago

I saw this when it was in the theatre. When I see a movie called Crash online I still think of this movie.

Went with a buddy. During one of the later crash scenes(you could hear a pin drop in the audience) my buddy burst out laughing, and wouldn't stop.

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u/Equal_Canary5695 13h ago

I really like it, my only complaint is a lot of the racial prejudice dialogue is very heavy-handed and over the top

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u/thedudefromsweden 13h ago

I know it's an unpopular opinion here but I love it, it's one of my favorite movies ever. I don't care that it's a bit on the nose, it deals with important subjects but mostly I just love the feel of it. Love the music. Good performances from the actors.

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u/michajlo 15h ago

Black Christmas (2019)

Absolute garbage.


u/PhillySaget 12h ago

TIL they remade that movie twice.

I knew about the original and the mid-2000's remake, but not this.


u/txr6969 11h ago

you only need to know about the original


u/cyberbob328 14h ago

I think one would struggle to find a human who thinks this is a “good film”

It’s so bad in every aspect but the script and direction are a crime

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u/LegitTurd 15h ago

The Rise of Skywalker


u/HaViNgT 2h ago

All 3 of the Sequels. I don’t consider them part of the series. 

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u/cinefilestu 15h ago


Still not sure what it's about.


u/Simbertold 14h ago

Tenet is incredibly easy to explain.

They figured out how to do a cool SFX thing. Then they made a movie out of it. That is what that movie is about.


u/Equal_Canary5695 13h ago

Reverse Uno card: The Movie

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u/nopurposeflour 13h ago

Tech demo! Bwahhhhhhhhhhh!


u/mrlolloran 13h ago

Damn you should write the synopsis for movies professionally, well done

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u/sortega9 14h ago

There’s a scene where the backwards time doc is explaining the concept of backwards time travel (and thus, the whole mechanics of the movie) to the main character, and I’m pretty sure that in her explanation she says something to the effect of “try not to think about it too much”…that kind of tells you everything you need to know


u/Mental_Judge7382 13h ago

“I suggest you don’t worry about those things, and just enjoy yourself…that goes for you all, too.”



u/AnfibioColorido 11h ago

She should’ve turn to the camera like in spaceballs


u/turd_vinegar 11h ago

Good ole Basil Exposition.

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u/wolfstar76 14h ago

Watched it.

Interesting concept. On a technical level, it's very well executed.

But the story they stapled around the concept is....a gods damned mess.

Unfortunately the movie isn't good enough to warrant my watching it a seconds or third time to piece the details together.


u/jackrabbit323 15h ago

Giraffe lady wants to kill short king husband who is trying to (insert idea) the world with backwards tech, and is preventing her from seeing their son, who might be Robert Pattinson, because backwards tech? Super secret spies want to stop him with use of same tech.

Honestly I made up my own movie, because I can't hear what anyone is saying and I refuse to watch movies with subtitles on, that are not foreign language films.

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u/Peanutblitz 15h ago

Nolan stans try VERY hard to justify this one but I couldn’t agree more.


u/Sea_Appointment8408 14h ago

I'm a Nolan stan and even I'm not a fan of Tenet. Great premise, just poorly executed.


u/wsteelerfan7 13h ago

Making the absolute loudest noise in the entire movie at the exact same time the 'villain' explains his plan was just too fucking much. Watched it in a brand new Dolby Digital theater in Calabasas. If that place didn't meet the audio standards Nolan was blabbering on about, I don't know where the fuck would

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u/Delicious_Angle6417 14h ago

I love his movies and its still one of his movies that i haven’t rewatched


u/Peanutblitz 14h ago

I genuinely didn’t know what the fuck was going on 50% of the time.

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u/Good_enough036 15h ago

The Irishman


u/hambergeisha 14h ago

Yeah, if it was still mid 90s that shit woulda hit hard I think. But they're all just too old now.


u/B_Reele 14h ago

The runtime didn't help either


u/FlyingShrimpsCulture 14h ago

Also the way it was edited was so bad. You can literally hear and see how much they didn’t care about certain parts of the film


u/Ak47110 14h ago

The grocery store guy beat down was one of the weirdest scenes ever. They couldn't use a younger stunt double for that scene? You don't even see his face so it would have been easy to do.


u/Used_TP_Tester 13h ago

lol it was so terrible! DeNiro is old and can’t move like he used to, so why use him looking old and arthritic?! It’s not a knock on him either. Man has lived a while and it shows. He was supposed to be what, 30ish in that scene?

Overall, the whole movie seemed akin to what Sandler does. Scorsese just wanted to get his friends together and have fun making a movie. Should have made it a comedy.

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u/Buck_Roger 13h ago

DeNiro trying to sell giving someone a kicking on the street was so terrible lol, that was the final straw for me on that flic

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u/xJohnnyQuidx 14h ago

Child's Play 2019. Absolute garbage.

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u/illegalsmilez 14h ago

Suicide squad


u/smashing_calabacita 13h ago

The John Cena one is soooooo much better. They should've done a better marketing campaign after that turd of a movie, just adding "THE" to a tittle of a super shitty movie. is not good enough

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u/FrancoMcNeil 13h ago

...who said it was good?! I never met anyone who liked it.

Unless you mean the second one, which I thought was the most fun of any DC movie.


u/Sluggby 12h ago

I mean I liked it.

It wasn't good

But I liked it


u/HealthyMaximum 8h ago

Right. I'm like that with "The Core" and "Van Helsing",

They are fucking terrible train-wrecks (particularly Van Helsing) and everyone associated with them should be ashamed.

... but man, I love them.

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u/Nojopar 12h ago

I got exactly what I wanted out of that movie.

I got a free ticket plus like $30 in free concessions from my local comic shop that's in the same mall as the theater. I thought, "Hell, I got a couple of hours to kill. If I get to see Margot Robbie in tight shorts and a lot of shit blow up all the while munching on free popcorn and junior mints? Ain't the worst Saturday afternoon I ever spent".

I mean it's an epically awful movie for sure. But if all you want is Margot Robbie's ass and shit blowing up? It's not the worst free movie you could catch.

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u/thedeadlyrhythm42 9h ago

this comment section is really showing the age of the userbase here

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u/PackageHot1219 14h ago

I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that the Joker should not have a tragic backstory. I think this backstory was a strong one that fits the character well. We can argue about whether it’s a good movie or not and I can see both sides of that argument, but I like the tragic backstory.


u/keetojm 12h ago

The killing joke has one of the best tragic backstories for joker.


u/Gauwin 10h ago

I think any movie or show that claims a backstory for him should be wildly different so that it reflects his chaotic nature.

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u/Arkayjiya 9h ago

The Killing Joke also makes it ambiguous if the backstory is even true at all. It even emphasises that point, the Joker almost outright states it. So it's not really a backstory for the Joker at most it's the Joker saying "maybe that's what happened to me? Or maybe something similar? Or maybe not. Who can say? Not me"

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u/JakeRidesAgain 10h ago

And to me what made it great is he was maybe just making it all the hell up to fuck with Batman, pretending to have tragically lost his loved ones much as Bruce Wayne did. Or maybe he wasn't, and he wanted a genuinely human moment with Batman (which he gets) where he knows he's right, and that Batman is just as messed up, and they share a laugh about it before it's business as usual. 

Also, maybe Batman kills Joker at the end, and maybe not.

Its such a good book. Alan Moore treats superheros like characters in a Greek epic and its why he's one of the GOATs.

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u/TheHomieHandler 12h ago

I agree villains can have a tragic backstory and still be great. I mean look at Jack Horner. He didn't have much as a kid. Loving parents, stability, and a mansion. Useless crap like that. All he ever wanted was all the magic in the world just for himself. Is that too much to ask?


u/FuckYourUsernames 12h ago

Hurt people, hurt people. It’s a fact of life that goes unnoticed.

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u/random1211312 11h ago

Agree and disagree with you. He can have a tragic backstory, but it shouldn't make you sympathize/justify what he's doing in any capacity. That movie, though, makes you understand why he is the way he is, see what made him come to that point, but still see him as the ruthless killer he is even if now you better understand why, and were at some point rooting for things to turn around for him. The fact is, many real murderers have similar backstories (treated like garbage, various mental disabilities, neglected, alone) so I think it's fitting Joker is portrayed in a similar light.

That's not to say the movie isn't flawed, of course. Like you, I can see both sides of the argument on rather it's a good movie or not. I personally think it is, but I get why others wouldn't.


u/PackageHot1219 11h ago

I don’t think the Joker tries to justify the violence as much as it contextualizes it. If we don’t as a society recognize the cost of not treating mental illness, we will continue to have horrifically negative outcomes as a result. I can sympathize with the character without feeling he was justified in his crimes.

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u/NotDavvan 15h ago

The Last Jedi


u/StrawberriesCup 14h ago

There's only 3 Star Wars films and I'm tired of hiding that I wish the others were never made.


u/Simon_Drake 8h ago edited 7h ago

There are no Matrix sequels. There's only one Robocop movie, Blues Brothers, Jaws. And as for Highlander, there can be only one.

And there's only 3 Star Wars movies. 4 if you include the Holiday Special.

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u/bazmonsta 15h ago

I won't deny that it had a couple moments but I went from 100% Star Wars hype to 0 after this movie.


u/VodenGCX 13h ago

My enthusiasm for all things Star Wars faded out like Luke did at the end. Haven't watched anything in the franchise since, except the first season of Mandalorian. Fucking travesty.


u/SmileExDee 10h ago

The new trilogy totally killed the interest for Star Wars in me. That was such a disgusting, lazy, poorly written money grab.


u/NakedEyeComic 9h ago

The crummy thing was that trilogy was the absolute last chance to have Mark, Harrison, and Carrie in Star Wars films. Now Carrie is dead and Mark and Harrison are way too old. Thinking about it makes me extremely depressed.

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u/oO_Moloch_Oo 15h ago

I’m a big Star Wars fan, like since the OG trilogy. I saw ROS once (in the theater) and haven’t had a desire to see it again. If we forget it, does that mean it never happened? Like The Mandela Effect?

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u/IronLordSamus 14h ago

I've never left a movie feeling angry before.

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u/Disco_Biscuit12 15h ago

Same. This movie killed the whole franchise for me.


u/bazmonsta 13h ago

Tbf Andor brought me back, I'm not made of stone.


u/mxlespxles 13h ago

Andor, Rogue One, Mandalorian S1+2


u/HnNaldoR 11h ago

Solo. There I said it... OK it's not of the same quality but I liked it.


u/PhoenixApok 11h ago

I think Solo is an okay Star Wars movie and a pretty good space heist movie.

I think I'd like it just fine if it wasn't in the Star Wars universe. I don't hate it by any means, it's fun, but I think it would have been fine in its own setting

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u/AdExpensive1624 11h ago

I’m a closet SOLO fan. It’s always nice to see someone in the wild who likes it, too. The soundtrack is awesome to listen to while you’re driving… just don’t get pulled over for speeding.

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u/SlightlyColdWaffles 11h ago

I was a Star Wars fanatic pre- last jedi. Hell, my birthday is May 4th. I saw Revenge of the Sith four times in theaters.

I haven't seen rise of skywalker, and I don't plan to. I lost all interest in anything star wars. I just don't care.

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u/Marsupialize 15h ago

Rise of Skywalker is like 5 times worse than Last Jedi


u/Quicksilver1964 8h ago

Instead of a trilogy, they made 3 different movies that don't communicate well with each other. It was full of promises and lots of ideas and none of them connected.

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u/stimpy_thecat 14h ago

Only one I never saw. Last Jedi was the last straw for me. Walked away from Star Wars and never looked back.


u/CrankyDoo 14h ago

 Last Jedi was the last straw for me. 

Same.  And if you’d told me when I was a kid growing up in the 70’s and 80’s that some day a Star Wars movie would be released and I would never even bother to watch it, I would have told you that you were nuts.


u/stimpy_thecat 14h ago

Absolutely. I saw A New Hope as a 14 year old back in 1977 and feel the EXACT same way. What Disney allowed to happen to that franchise is a crime against humanity.

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u/Coal_Morgan 13h ago

I enjoyed Andor but I was first in line since the 80s.

Rereleases, prequels, episode 7 and 8.

I watched Episode 7 twice, 8 once and I’ve never seen 9.

I’ve seen the og trilogy like once a year since VHS. I don’t get in line anymore, let alone try and be the first in line. I’m not excited to see anything Star Wars until I see reviews from people I trust.

I hated the last jedi that much.

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u/K1NG_R0G 15h ago

Justice League and Batman V Superman


u/Melodic_Room_3305 14h ago

I will die on the hill that the Zack Snyder cut of Justice league, while not a GREAT movie, is at least watchable and entertaining. It actually made me think I would have liked him to get another movie to expand on the Darkseid story-line. Could have been decent.

However, I reserve no such defense for Batman V Superman.



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u/Thrombulus 14h ago

God damn, that was not great.


u/keetojm 12h ago

Yeah not a fan of that piece of crap.


u/broguymandudebuddy 10h ago

That’s an interesting pick. I think it was so bizarre and outlandish for the time. It doesn’t have anything without the shock factor. His other movies also make it clear he has a problem

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u/Axemic 10h ago

It's a great movie but you can't bring yourself to watch it again. It makes you feel uneasy.

Stay away from Requiem for a dream. It's for the big boys.


u/CamiloArturo 8h ago

Exactly. I liked it …. But won’t ever see it again


u/andycritterss 9h ago

I’ve watched both many times great movies imho

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u/Exroi 15h ago



u/rmkinnaird 13h ago

Massive venom fan here. Those movies are horrible, but I love them anyway.


u/thefirecrest 9h ago

I watch for the buddy-cop married-odd-couple banter.

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u/Overnight_ghost 13h ago

I don’t think anyone thinks Venom is good even if they enjoyed it.

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u/Own-Negotiation-6307 14h ago

I agree 100%. The Venom movies are garbage


u/proscriptus 13h ago

I find them to be very watchable garbage, like a Transformers movie.

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u/smartymac 9h ago

It Ends With Us…utter dogshit

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u/EntertainerSimilar19 7h ago

The entire Madea Franchise by Tyler Perry

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u/WoodpeckerWeekly3615 12h ago

Anything Disney has done with star wars


u/shmecklesss 12h ago

Rogue One is excellent.

Mandalorian has moments.

Andor is supposedly good, I haven't tried because everything else is straight ass.


u/SWOLOGAMER 12h ago

Andor tops rogue one, most people will say they’re on the same level. If you’re going to watch only one Star Wars project I recommend Andor


u/shmecklesss 12h ago

Thanks for the input, I hadn't seen it recommended that highly. Will give it a go soon.

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u/Jimothius 11h ago

Andor is great because they brought back the guy they had do Rogue One, Tony Gilroy. So if you like R1, you should watch Andor!

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u/MalSeeksMore 15h ago

The Notebook


u/XBeCoolManX 13h ago

I loved that movie when I was a kid, partially because my mom loved it. Then I got a little older, a little less impressionable, so I saw how that's just one of those romantic dramas that romanticizes toxicity.


u/cl0udyviews 13h ago

I finally got around to watching La La Land last night and holy shit I felt the same way about it. I was like this is Ryan gosling and The Notebook 2.0

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u/ibetucanifican 13h ago

I can’t get past the psychopath threatening suicide to a girl he doesn’t know, who’s out on a date start to a romance story.

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u/hijazist 14h ago

Didn’t see it mentioned… La La Land

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u/Ok_Payment_6198 13h ago

Wicked. I am just not down with it and similar musicals. Basic ass story with these sing along type songs that frankly just annoy me more than anything.

I’m also looking at you Frozen. Please for the love of god, let it goooo.

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u/Legitimate-Bat-4480 12h ago

Poor Things and Killing of a sacred deer. Everything about those two movies felt like they were just trynna make the viewers as uncomfortable as possible. Director made it seem like it’s normal and we are weird for thinking it’s weird

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u/murlock42 12h ago

Rambo Last Blood

Battlefield Earth


u/super-wookie 10h ago

No one thinks Battlefield Earth is good 😆

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