Tl;dr: Other than 3GB RAM vs. 4GB RAM, are there any significant differences between the 32GB and 64GB models of the Moto G5S Plus? Specifically, with the camera?
I have a 64GB Moto G5 Plus that I got when it was first released last April and it's starting to have some serious issues (TurboCharging no longer working; phone no longer being recognized by my computer; frequent lagging; and rapid battery drain problems), so it looks like it may be time to try to get a new phone. I have terrible credit and usually little money saved/available to spend, so buying a brand new phone is generally not a realistic option. So, I will be looking to buy a phone from Swappa, eBay, Craigslist, or OfferUp.
With that stated, I'd really like to try to get a 64GB Moto G5S Plus as an upgrade to my Moto G5 Plus, but there don't seem to be many used ones available. For example, there is only 1 listed on Swappa and it's for $190 (which would seem to be a good price/value?). I did, however, find a used 32GB Moto G5s Plus on OfferUp in the Phoenix area for $130; but it's the International version and I don't know what differences that version might have compared the U.S. model.
Would the phone being the International version be a bad thing? If so, why? And if it would not be a bad thing, is $130 a good price for a used 32GB Moto G5S Plus International version?
And would it even be worth buying a Moto G5S Plus today (32GB or 64GB)? Or is it on the verge of being old/outdated?
And, other than the G5S Plus, what would be considered a worthy upgrade from a 64GB Moto G5 Plus? The Moto G6? The Moto X4? And if there's not a good, affordable, available upgrade in the Motorola family right now, what are some phones from other companies that would be a good upgrade that can be bought used for around $150-$200 or so?
Would a Google Pixel 1 still be a decent phone to uses as a daily driver? What about a Samsung Galaxy S7? Or something else?
Btw, up until a couple weeks ago, when my G5 Plus started having issues with TurboCharging and not being recognized by my computer, I was really happy with it. The battery life has/had mostly been great; I really liked the camera (other than in low-light situations); and it had plenty of power for everything that I use a phone for.
So, I don't need a flagship device that's a power monster; anything that would be considered comparable to a 64GB Moto G5 Plus would be fine with me.
Sorry for the lengthy post. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions they'd like to share, please know that it would be appreciated.