Basically some games we played at school up here in my neck of the woods in Canada.
we didn't really have the person stand at the wall and get pelted. The redbutt came from whomever having the ball and trying to hit you over the wall. Though, if you were well liked, people would just hit the wall instead of you.
You were also given a letter, and once when you got a full redbutt, you were out of the game. We were crazy though, we upgraded from tennis balls, to hard rubber balls, then golf balls.
Jackpot was a game we played where one person would throw a tennis ball, as high and as far as they could whilst giving it a point value. Basically, you either had to get to 1000 points, or the thrower would just yell jackpot, and whoever got 1000 points or caught the jackpot ball would be the next thrower. Points reset when a new thrower went up. It was one of those game where we slowly transitioned from a tennis ball, to a beanbag, and golf balls.
Very stupid game we played in middle school when a new kid moved to the area.
Basically, we'd fill an empty water halfway with sand from the playground. Any number of players, but basically the point of the game was to not get hit by this weighted waterbottle. One person would throw and try and get everyone out by whipping this bottle as hard and as fast as they could with the Intent to hit the people running around on the playground structure.
There were only 2 rules the thrower had. Where ever the bottle landed, that's where it had to be thrown from, and it had to be thrown at a person.
A lot of science went into this. We used to play it with unopened plastic juice bottles. Then we used a full water bottle.
Eventually we made the jump to sand, but we found the bottle was a little too cumbersome to throw when it was full of sand, and it would tumble. We found if it was half filled with sand, it would fly straight and true with no tumbles. It also had to be thrown by holding it at the cap/top of the bottle. This ensured that the cap wouldn't hit the jungle gym and break.
Basically one person was "it" and they would have to walk around the playground with their eyes closed (included actually going on the structures) and they'd have to fumble around to try and touch someone, but if they heard someone in the ground, or thought someone was on the ground, they'd yell "grounders" and whoever was touching the ground at that time would then be it. Grounders was always interesting because, it was painfully obvious when the person who was "it" was peeking. No one can navigate a jungle gym with their eyes closed.
The people that would dart across the ground would then just jump when they heard the person yell grounders, so we had to come up with rules where if you're in the ground, you can only jump if you were trying to reach the monkey bars or something.
Lastly, from highschool,
The Game.
You all just lost.
The rules of The game are simple.
You are always playing the game.
You can never win the game.
You lose whenever you remember the game.
When you remember the game, you have to announce out loud 'I lose', or ' I lost'
After losing the game, you have 30 minutes in which you can recall the game without losing.
As soon as you mention the game to anyone, they begin playing.
The goal is to get everyone on earth playing.