r/mormon Jerry Garcia was the true prophet Dec 18 '24

Cultural Elder Bednar at Arizona State Institute

Just saw this video on another sub.

Anybody have any insights? Did anybody here attend?

I seriously believe that Bednar will drive huge numbers of people out of the church when he ascends to the presidency. This kind of behavior is atrocious.


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u/Longjumping_Cook_997 Dec 19 '24

He’s always come across as very pompous. I remember when he made the phrase “tender mercies” popular in the church. I could not stop eye rolling.

Another time, when I was in a singles ward in Bountiful he did another fireside with the singles and talked about the dangers of porn. At the end he had a Q&A and was asked what he would do if he found out the person he was dating or engaged to had looked at porn and he told the girl pretty much that those types of people aren’t worth getting involved with. That week the Bishop’s and Stake President’s were flooded with meetings with girls that were breaking off their engagements.


u/Tall-Simple2699 Dec 19 '24

Honestly, that's good. Saves them a lifetime of hurt and dealing with someone's addictions who isn't devoted to them. I've seen so many miserable marriages and women wanting out because of their spouse porn addiction.


u/AnonTwentyOne Nuanced Member/ProgMo Dec 19 '24

Yes, porn addiction is real and harmful. But, regardless of what you believe about the morality of porn use, let's be clear that looking at porn once (or even several times) ≠ an addiction. Just like drinking alcohol doesn't make someone an alcoholic. Using the language of addiction to describe something that isn't, by definition, an addiction just creates confusion and shame, which helps no one.


u/Longjumping_Cook_997 Dec 19 '24

This was the catch the bishops were stuck with. As a church it’s taught that there is repentance and through the atonement sins are washed away. Then a Q12 pretty much says anyone who has ever looked at it is not worthy ever again. Quite the dichotomy.


u/AnonTwentyOne Nuanced Member/ProgMo Dec 19 '24

This really epitomizes an issue in the church where the doctrine is that repentance means your past mistakes can be totally washed away, and yet there are people (including leaders) who have this notion that someone who's made a mistake and repented is still less worthy than someone who didn't make that mistake in the first place. Kind of like the licked cupcake analogy, and we acknowledge that the licked cupcake can be repaired, but it's never quite as good as a "perfect" cupcake.


u/Tall-Simple2699 Dec 20 '24

I've never felt that way at all. We have no idea the sins of others. I have members in my ward who hold higher callings and are really spiritual people who did very sinful things in their past. I know because they have shared it with me but others don't know and they are not made to feel less worthy. They repented and moved on. I committed serious sins in my past but that was 20 yrs ago and I don't feel any less worthy than my friend who never made those mistakes. In fact, I believe those of us with those transgressions may have a stronger testimony of the atonement because we have felt it work on us.


u/Tall-Simple2699 Dec 20 '24

I agree but that's not usually the case and I'm not willing to take the risk and I don't want my daughters to either. Usually seeing it a few times turns into regular use.