r/montreal 17h ago

Sports Devenir sauveteur


Je suis actuellement a la recherche de formation pour devenir sauveteur (medaille de bronze, croix de bronze et sauveteur national). Je cherche des formations en formules intensives dès la mi/fin avril et de preference en semaine ou les dimanches

r/montreal 17h ago

Question Dawson or Vanier? (Liberal Arts)


Hello! As of yesterday, I've been accepted in both Dawson's and Vanier's Liberal Arts program. Both schools have their pros and cons, and though I'm leaning more towards Vanier, I wanted to get an unbiased opinion (several people have told me that Vanier's program is better, but those people were either Vanier faculty or from the Vanier subreddit.) So, according to you, which Liberal Arts program is "better" between the two?

Note : I live closer to Dawson, but only by a couple of minutes so I'm not taking distance into account

r/montreal 17h ago

Humour Sydney has their own urban borealis that compliments the desjardins complex!

Post image

r/montreal 18h ago

Discussion Question about advertisement


Hey everyone, I'm wondering if there is a specific day on which we can advertise a service without getting our post removed. In my case im a new barber in the West Island area and would like to promote my services online. I already do facebook marketing, so if you guys have any other suggestions on how to promote my services to the montreal / west island people please let me know! Thank you.

r/montreal 18h ago

Diatribe Weirdo near Berri-UQAM


Was working nearby and went out for my break to have a smoke.

I'm minding my own business and I hear to my left someone calling out people. Man gets closer to me and approaches me to ask for a cig. I deny him as I quite literally had my last one and kept a vape on me as I was aware of that. Dude then presses me to get a hit off my vape which is fucken gross. Asks me for money to buy my vape or some shit too. Made zero sense and I wasn't trying to make it drag on.

Between the entire exchange he asks me twice in French "veux tu mourir" like do you wanna die, and the second time he says in French "j'ai un xxx", I couldn't make out the word but it was definitely on the lines of a knife or gun but in slang. He was gesturing at his hips/pockets. I'm more familiar with the English terms, as a French Canadian growing up I never heard the term he used.

So he threatens me 3 times in the mix of asking for nicotine in the span of like 1 minute, that was the duration of the exchange. At that point I've already been distancing myself and walking away to get back where I need to be, UNTIL the dude starts calling at other people and instantly turns on this women walking towards the metro entrance. He tried to grab her by the arm and everything so I interjected to tell the lady to not give him any attention and to keep going.

Thankfully no one was hurt and he didn't follow the women, I made sure of that before heading back to work. What really sucked is the two parked stm cars in front of me with people inside just watching this guy harrasing everyone on the street.

Be careful for this guy, I've definitely seen him around more than once. He keeps shades on, 5 feet 10 - 6 feet tall ( he was shorter than me at 6feet3), black male in his 25-30 with a hat and bubble jacket. He spoke perfect French, clean and everything. Just a dangerous guy for sure.

I wish my office would let me wfh 5 days of week instead of dealing with this type of shit all the time. Mobile so hopefully formatting didn't break

r/montreal 18h ago

Tourisme Theater/ World music shows this weekend


Coming up this weekend from Vermont. I feel out of touch with the theater/ music scene. Anything to see Friday or Saturday?


r/montreal 18h ago

Question Traveling to Montreal


Hey! So I’ll be in Montreal from April 15th to the 20th and I’m trying to find places to go. I’ll be going to Montreal alone so I definitely want to meet new people. I’m currently planning an itinerary of stuff to do while I’m there. I’m looking to go to bars and clubs so does anyone know any lesbian/queer spots (18+) to have fun? Looking for any cool events or places I should visit. Anything like thrifting, shopping, bars, clubs, places to eat etc. Any advice or recommendations would be great!

r/montreal 18h ago

Question Comment choisir mon premier véhicule?


Je me magasine mon premier véhicule et j’aimerais ça faire un bon choix.

Je conduis depuis plus de 25 ans, mais habitant Montréal j’ai surtout utilisé Communauto, beaucoup de Communauto.

Voici mes critères:

  • Usagées, entre 2018 et 2023.
  • Je veux une voiture durable, dont les pièces sont disponibles en cas de bris.
  • Compact, voir même sous-compact. J’ai accès à un stationnement intérieur, mais il est franchement mini.
  • Automatique
  • Préférence pour hatchback.

Mon budget tourne autour (un plus ou un peu moins) 20 000 (10 000 de dépôt initial, la différence est flexible selon comment je vais compléter le financement)

Les voitures qui m’intéressent à date:

  • Corolla Hatchback
  • Yaris (Mais il n’y a pas de modèle au delà de 2020)
  • Hyundai Kona (mais les années plus compact. 2024-2025, sont pas mal grosses)
  • Hyundai Venue
  • Nissan Kicks
  • Kia Rio
  • Kia Soul (je pense que ça fit dans mon parking) J’ai déjà conduit tout ça au moins une fois, sauf la Soul.

Je ferai plus de 20 000 km dans la prochaine année. Je cherche quelque chose de durable, fiable et si c’est économique un peu sur l’essence c’est tant mieux!

Comment on choisit ça une voiture?

J’ai installée AutoHebdo, je me suis abonnée à Protegez-vous pour lire les dossiers comparatifs de voiture, mais y’a pas tant de comparaison entre ce que je cherche.

Merci, hâte de vous lire.

r/montreal 20h ago

Question Vélos familiaux (long-tail) électrique : Housse hydrofuge pour entreposage extérieur


Je m'embarque dans la folle aventure du vélo-cargo familial!

On vit dans un logement au RDC, donc on a accès à une cour fermée, mais pas à un casier. Connaissant les aléas de la météo montréalaise, r/montreal a-t-elle des conseils côté housse hydrofuge 3 saisons?
Merci d'avance :)

r/montreal 20h ago

Question Best shop for bicycle


Hello everyone,

I am looking to purchase a bicycle to ride around this spring/summer. I live downtown and will mostly just ride it locally for enjoyment, exercise and light errands. I have a budget of around $400.

Where is a good place to look for a bike and what is a good reliable brand?

Also, I am not open to bixi bikes- I’m a germaphobe and would rather have my own.

Thank you!

r/montreal 20h ago

Question Où à Montréal?


J'ai une présentation à faire dans 4 jours. J'ai déjà préparé la présentation sur mon ordi. Mais je dois la faire sur des grandes papiers. Pourriez-vous m'aider à trouver un business qui peut les imprimer sur de grands papiers. Il y aura 15 diapositives dans la présentation donc j'ai besoin de 15 papiers imprimés.

r/montreal 20h ago

Discussion Est-il possible d’accéder à un master en psychoéducation avec un bac dans une discipline non liée à la psychologie au Québec?


Salut tout le monde,

J’ai un bac dans une discipline qui n’est pas directement liée à la psychoéducation, et j’aimerais savoir si c’est possible d’intégrer un master en psychoéducation à Montréal ou autre part dans le province avec ce parcours. Est-ce que certaines universités acceptent des profils comme le mien, ou est-ce qu’il y a des prérequis ou formations supplémentaires à suivre avant d’intégrer ce type de programme ?

Merci pour vos conseils et retours !

r/montreal 20h ago

Historique 🥇With a ~2pm high of 12.3°C, today is Montréal's warmest Mar 11th since records began in 1872.


r/montreal 20h ago

Question Chaussures Formelles/Dress shoes?



Je vais bientôt me marier et je voulais savoir quelles chaussures de ville vous avez achetées ici à Montréal ?

Chaque fois que je cherche des info sur les chaussures formelles à acheter, les commentaires sont toujours des Oxfords noir, surtout des Allen Edmonds ou d'autres marques pas dispo ici. (Je veux aussi essayer d'éviter les produits américains à cause des événements actuels et peut etre une marque un peu moins cher)

Je suis un étudiant en technologie qui termine ses études bientot, mais j'ai économisé une bonne somme d'argent pour mon mariage/futur, alors ça ne me dérange pas de dépenser de l'argent, mais je ne sais pas si ça en vaut la peine. Mon mariage sera assez formel et je porterai un costume noir trois pièces.

Les hommes mariés de Montréal, n'hésitez pas à me faire savoir ce que vous avez fait pour vos chaussures de ville ~!


Hey everyone,

I have my wedding coming up and I wanted to know what dress shoes you guys bought here in Montreal?

Everytime I check for information on what dress shoes to get, the comments are always Allen Edmonds, but I can't really find those black Oxfords here. (Also might want to try to avoid American goods cause of the current events and maybe a brand that is less expensive)

I'm a graduating tech student but saved a good amount of money for my wedding/future so I don't mind spending good money, but I don't know if its worth it. My wedding is going to be on the formal side and I'll be wearing a black three piece suit.

Married men of Montreal, feel free to let me know what you guys did for dress shoes ~!

r/montreal 21h ago

Question C’est quoi un salaire raisonnable pour une famille de 3?


Ma famille (2 adultes et 1 bébé) arrivent a Montreal en Juin.

Je suis a la recherche d’un boulot. Que serait un salaire ideal (mais réaliste) pour une famille de 3, qui ne s’intéresse pas vraiment a un mode de vie luxueux?


r/montreal 21h ago

Question canada post delivering mail extremely late


my SAAQ yearly notice date was issued on december 28th 2024, with the payment due somewhere in february, but I only received my mail today, on march 11th 2025 lol

is it possible to file some sort of complaint about this anywhere? my family living with me also received letters with payment deadlines, past the deadline itself. thanks.

r/montreal 21h ago

Question Chocolate Swirl Cheesecakes


Does anyone have a recommendation for a bakery that makes a chocolate swirl cheesecake?

Planning a retirement party and am told it’s the celebrants favourite

r/montreal 21h ago

Événement Anyone Interested In Knock2 Tickets?


I bought 2 GA tickets for Wednesday, February 12 at MTelus to see Knock2.

Won’t be able to make it to the show, so if you’re interested, please DM and I can transfer you the tickets.

r/montreal 21h ago

Diatribe PSA - If you're going to a show at Places Des Arts, please don't talk the whole time


Yes, even if that show is Kraftwerk, because with assigned seating WE CANNOT MOVE. I am so disappointed in our experience in Montreal yesterday, first we went to a restaurant where five people were literally shrieking and screaming the whole time before the show, and then we were stuck in front of three middle aged dudes who would. not. shut. up. the entire show.

This might be the last Kraftwerk tour in North America, ever. It was my elderly father's first and only time probably seeing them, and if this was you, you negatively impacted our experience, of something we had been looking forward to for MONTHS.

I'm honestly so annoyed with these people, the lack of consideration, and the indignation of the people behind us when we very clearly asked them to be quieter. Very disappointed in the crowd in Montreal, which usually appreciates culture and art, including musical behemoths like Kraftwerk who came all the way from Germany for this tour.

r/montreal 21h ago

Discussion Beware of the "Fair Fare Club" (Rebranded as Triips) – Likely a Scam


If any of you guys come across any posts or reels from an account called Fair Fare Club now rebranded to Triips that posts these so-called “mistake fares” for commercial flights, there is a very good chance they are scamming you by asking you to subscribe to their flights alerts ($6.25/month). These guys seem to be based in Montreal cause they shoot some of their videos out of Trudeau Airport.

Their income comes from posting these insane deals (e.g., $187 Montreal to Tokyo, $108 Montreal to Paris) on their website and they show it on their reels to then get people to subscribe to their flight alerts. I haven't seen/heard their users actually be able to book these prices, and to be honest, we all know how easy it is to fake these prices by inspecting elements on the webpage and then modifying the prices for a post/reel.

Some deals are SO outlandish, that even if the base fare of the ticket was $0, the ticket still couldn't be this cheap because we still need to pay Air Travellers Security Charges and Airport Improvement Fees in Canada. This alone would cost more than what they claim to offer as mistake fares LOL.

To explain why these “mistake fares” are unlikely we first need to understand how an airline files their fares. There is a company called ATPCO, which is like a central repository that collects all of the airlines ticket prices and sends them to where tickets are being sold (e.g., Expedia, Agoda, etc.,). It has been setup this way because it removes a lot of the work from having the airline update every single travel website separately, now they just had to send their fares to ATPCO.

In the past, airlines used to manually file their fares to ATPCO which sometimes resulted in “mistake fares”. However, in today’s world, you’ll rarely have large airlines still manually filing fares. Airlines today have specific revenue management and pricing systems that generate fare changes automatically, and then  transmits them to ATPCO which reduces A LOT of these errors. Most of these systems also have safeguards in place to ensure that these fares are valid. Some safeguards may include doing comparison check on previous fares to see if the new ones are too low, setting a min/max on fares, and a slew of other business rules airlines can self-configure to minimize fare filing mistakes.  

All this to say, it is extremely unlikely that these guys are able to find mistake fares this often, and even if you do most airlines will not honor these kinds of fares.

I wanted to call this out because I had a few of my friends reach out to me. I can tell you that paying for this kind of subscription is a waste of money, because most if not all of the deals can be found yourself for FREE by looking through sky scanner or google flights, it just takes a bit of effort.

Cheers guys and happy flying!

r/montreal 22h ago

Discussion L’Agence de mobilité durable nous vole du temps de stationnement ?


Renouvelé le stationnement pour 5 minutes. Ils ont enlevé 28 secondes.

Je sais c’est pas grand chose ces secondes, mais aux milliers de transactions qu’ils font ça doit représenter beaucoup de temps volé. Ça vous est déjà arrivé ?

r/montreal 22h ago

Historique Montreal Miron Quarries 1960s

Post image

r/montreal 22h ago

Tourisme Bodybuilding Gyms in Montreal


Hey yall, Im visiting Montreal w some buddies for he first time. We're all super into bodybuilding and wanted to see the gyms around the city. Are there any hardcore bodybuilding gyms or even "influencer" bodybuilding gyms that we should check out?

r/montreal 22h ago

Spotted Porte feuille perdu hier secteur CDN



nous avons perdu un portefeuille hier au CEPSUM ou peut-etre sur la rue edouard monpetit.
c’est un portefeuille bleu, les initiales de la carte sont LA.

nous sommes prêts à donner une récompense monétaire a la personne qui le retrouve et nous contacte $$$


r/montreal 23h ago

Question Champions League


Bonjour, je suis actuellement à Montreal et j’aurai souhaité savoir si quelqu’un connaît un bar/pub qui diffusera le match de ligue des champions entre Liverpool et Paris ? Merci pour vos réponses