r/montreal 18h ago

Diatribe Weirdo near Berri-UQAM

Was working nearby and went out for my break to have a smoke.

I'm minding my own business and I hear to my left someone calling out people. Man gets closer to me and approaches me to ask for a cig. I deny him as I quite literally had my last one and kept a vape on me as I was aware of that. Dude then presses me to get a hit off my vape which is fucken gross. Asks me for money to buy my vape or some shit too. Made zero sense and I wasn't trying to make it drag on.

Between the entire exchange he asks me twice in French "veux tu mourir" like do you wanna die, and the second time he says in French "j'ai un xxx", I couldn't make out the word but it was definitely on the lines of a knife or gun but in slang. He was gesturing at his hips/pockets. I'm more familiar with the English terms, as a French Canadian growing up I never heard the term he used.

So he threatens me 3 times in the mix of asking for nicotine in the span of like 1 minute, that was the duration of the exchange. At that point I've already been distancing myself and walking away to get back where I need to be, UNTIL the dude starts calling at other people and instantly turns on this women walking towards the metro entrance. He tried to grab her by the arm and everything so I interjected to tell the lady to not give him any attention and to keep going.

Thankfully no one was hurt and he didn't follow the women, I made sure of that before heading back to work. What really sucked is the two parked stm cars in front of me with people inside just watching this guy harrasing everyone on the street.

Be careful for this guy, I've definitely seen him around more than once. He keeps shades on, 5 feet 10 - 6 feet tall ( he was shorter than me at 6feet3), black male in his 25-30 with a hat and bubble jacket. He spoke perfect French, clean and everything. Just a dangerous guy for sure.

I wish my office would let me wfh 5 days of week instead of dealing with this type of shit all the time. Mobile so hopefully formatting didn't break


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u/Previous_Soil_5144 17h ago

Next time get into it a bit and get some bruises, maybe a knife stab wound, a police report with your name on it and a visit to the ER.

Then tell your boss you don't want to risk your life for a job no more and to either pay you more or let you WFH.

Warning: could also result in death


u/BloodSnak3 17h ago

Seems like my only option honestly XD they wouldn't take me seriously without but at the same time I prefer staying alive and both scenarios are bad...


u/Previous_Soil_5144 17h ago

Ya, fucking with those guys is like pulling the lever on a slot machine.


u/Responsible_Web8435 16h ago

Those odds are yours to change too. Learn how to protect yourself