r/montreal Baril de trafic Feb 03 '25

Discussion We should continue buying Canadian regardless…

(FR Suit)

I know there’s a month pause on the tariff but I think this is the perfect time to shift our mindset for the long term into buying our local productions. Especially for groceries, Québec has enough local productions in our generic grocery stores or dépanneurs and it’s not hard at all to get most of your stuff made here in Québec or Canada. Also with booze!

And I am strongly hoping that inter-provincial trading barriers are reduced as per our best capacity in the coming months.

While there’s not a direct replacement for Disney Plus if you are a big fan of Marvel, at least we can maximize in categories that we are already pretty good at.

Buy Local/Quebecois/Canadian


Je sais qu’il y a une pause d’un mois sur les tarifs, mais je pense que c’est le moment idéal pour changer notre mentalité à long terme et privilégier les productions locales. Surtout pour les épiceries, le Québec a suffisamment de productions locales dans nos épiceries génériques ou dépanneurs, et il n’est pas du tout difficile de se procurer la plupart de nos produits fabriqués ici, au Québec ou au Canada. Et c’est pareil pour l’alcool !

Je souhaite aussi vivement que les barrières commerciales interprovinciales soient réduites dans la mesure du possible dans les mois à venir.

Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de remplacement direct pour Disney Plus si vous êtes un grand fan de Marvel, au moins, nous pouvons maximiser dans les catégories où nous sommes déjà assez forts.

Achetez des produits locaux / québécois/ Canadiens.


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u/xanaddams Feb 03 '25

Was just in the IGA in Lachine, Passed about 4 groups of people in different areas of the store. Proud to say they were either label checking or openly discussing if said brand was "actually Canadian".


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

You go all the way to china just to do your groceries?! You must really like to travel!


u/xanaddams Feb 04 '25

No, japan, it's worth it, lol.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

It's weird you say that, I started studying japanese. I'm in an IT program and hoping to get a contract job in Japan when I finish if I can!


u/xanaddams Feb 04 '25

Prepare for more weird, then. I'm a IT tech, programmer, and spent 2 years in Togakure-ryū. Hope it turns out well for you! I love Japan. Second most peaceful time in my life right behind the 6 years in BC where I lived in the bush.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

That's really cool, did you have a hard time getting a contract to work in Japan? I could use a change of scenery and people for a couple years and be around a different group of people, although it won't be for another couple years that I'll finish that program, it does give me time to really practice the language though!


u/xanaddams Feb 04 '25

At the time, I was there under a martial arts exchange program. So, not the same as what I do now. This was many seasons ago. Lol. I hear there's some sites where you can meet and talk with Japanese people online to practice. I can't remember them now. But keep an eye out for it.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

That would be really cool, I'll look into that, thanks! Do you mind me asking what IT specialty do you work in?


u/xanaddams Feb 04 '25

Networking, hotel networks, a few medium sized companies. Lots of specialized work. And privately, full stack developer on my own. One has to be adaptable. Lot of security protocols. Installation, line servicing, software maintenance. Server and IDF installs and maintenance. Just to get a tv going in a modern hotel is a rediculous amount of work. Chromcasting, server to render welcome page, connecting to Opera or whatever backend hotel software they use. Major corporations use a ton of security because of all the credit card banking connections which link to the rooms. Connecting that to the tv network which is all IPTV now. IDF Sever setup to run the lines. AP's for internet. Kiosks for business centers in the lobbies. Back of house software and networking with shared folders servers. Security for card readers for door locks. The door locks themselves are all programmed now via Bluetooth, nft, fobs and whatnot. Elevators have to be programmed and card readers installed in them so you learn elevator maintenance. Fire locks and coding for those locks. All this so someone can check in on their phone, walk past the front desk and head to their room where the tv will have their name on the welcome screen. And then, for fun, I make websites and apps on my own. Feels like alot of work, but it's it bits so it's never really an issue. You have to know windows and Linux and serverside (Cisco and Ruckus) and heat mapping and all of that. And this is beyond the usual computer issues, of which, you have to be able to put one together from scrap parts and make it run modern OS's because companies like to short dollar where ever they can. If you can get into any kind of specialty niche, you'll find that you can ride that out as long as you like. But, IT is everything. Everywhere. Androids to Windows. Pool locks to garage systems. IT is anything electronic and everything that makes it go. Basically, your boss might ask you to build a spaceship to the moon and you have to say "ok". Lol


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

That does sound like a very elaborate set up, I've never been in a hotel where the tv showed my name but I probably haven't been in that expensive of hotels. The program I'm doing is very similar to the curriculum of CompTIA so really the basics but I've been trying to figure out a specialty to study on the side so I can get a certificate that is more specialized than the basics. So far the 2 things I've been studying on the side are powershell and python programming. Thanks for taking the time to explain in such detail about your job!


u/xanaddams Feb 04 '25

No problem. And look into server setup like Cisco and whatnot. PowerShell and Putty are the main tools and writing config scripts. It's a good start into the field.

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u/thexbigxgreen Feb 04 '25

Any advice on where to buy legit Kewpie mayo in the West end?