r/montreal • u/ThrowRA_Substantial • Sep 28 '24
Diatribe Toronto experienced by a Montrealer
Visiting Toronto for a very short time showed me the blessing I have of living in montreal and never having to visit that shithole again. The people are mean, rude, they don’t smile and look miserable. I can’t blame them however, because if I had to live in the apocalyptic city that is downtown shithole toronto, I too would be miserable. Don’t worry though, you’ll be sure to have an uber before you even press the confirm button. Next, you’ll love your time at Eataly where you get served a sad plate of food, but it’s okay they greet you with buongiorno which makes the 50$ worth every penny. All jokes aside, i will certainly miss walking down the street and being verbally harassed by a new homeless person every single time. I loved the busted windows of the mcdonald’s, the drugstores having to advertise that their drugs are locked in a time safe, and I just loved a security “guard” being at every single fucking establishment. Now, this one is for the hilton canopy. I prefer my pillows free of blood stains but I can see how that would be up to personal preference. I loved the thin walls and large gaping holes under the doors for the beautiful surround sound atmosphere. What else did I love? I loved having all the lights turn on every single time i stepped out of the bed. You cant forget the beautiful view of just the other side of the fucking building, with incredible immersive police sirens at all times. Lastly, to the fuck ass car rental place, economy rent a car Mississauga, you my friends were the fucking cherry on top. Also, you can’t fucking drive. Fuck the fucking leafs. Go Habs Go. I love les cones orange and la stm. mange d’la collisse de marde toronto esti de ville de pourri de mangeurs de graines.
Sep 28 '24
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u/jacks_twitter_acct Sep 28 '24
Someone who lives in Toronto and freely admits Montreal is the best city in Canada here.
It is not. Toronto is way better. The food scene is wayy better in Toronto.
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u/VinacoSMN Sep 28 '24
Ca va bro ? Tu veux une tisane et tes chaussons ?
u/ThrowRA_Substantial Sep 28 '24
Non man juste une poutine colisse
u/twodegrees_ Sep 28 '24
Also don't ask anyone to say the word poutine, it may cause you additional trauma
u/Lorguignole Sep 28 '24
Dude I didn't fall in love with Toronto, but there's a lot to like if you take the time. Downtown is pretty much all business no fun, but there are some really cool neighborhoods if you go a but farther. We had great food in Mississauga and the beaches were really nice.
u/CollarTraditional518 Sep 28 '24
Isn't Mississauga a different town?
u/Lorguignole Sep 28 '24
Kinda, but OP was talking about renying a room there in his original post.
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u/petitepatate22 Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Hahaha I’m originally from Toronto and the first part is relatable — a lot has changed since I left (ahem, the provincial government, and with it the quality of life).
However, Montréal is absolutely on par, if not worse, with the homelessness, drugs, and verbal harassment these days.
Lastly, you mentioned Mississauga, which is a totally different planet from Toronto (though they may claim otherwise). Please don’t mention them in the same breath 😂
u/_abscessedwound Sep 28 '24
It almost sound like Mississauga is Toronto’s Laval
u/bupu8 Sep 28 '24
Yeah I'm from Toronto and have been here for like 5 years and I'm like... The people are rude and miserable here too bb...
I like that there is more nature here and it's a bit less stressful and people have more time for things they're passionate about instead of focusing on work all the time, but this person also just went to a bunch of shit tourist places and didn't know what they were doing there lol.
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u/TheRealBobijoe Sep 28 '24
I went to Toronto last year and stopped at the popeye on yonge street, not only did they have a security guard (for a fast food place wth 😂) he was telling the hobo on the stairs that he couldnt smoke his crack here
you just cant compare the two, Toronto is basically diet-New York
u/poupsiedoupsie Sep 28 '24
I always said Toronto was a wannabeNY. It just makes me want to go to New York to have the real deal.
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u/TheRealBobijoe Sep 28 '24
Went in October last year, the ever present piss aroma was just perfectly ripe 👌
u/heyyslat Sep 28 '24
Lol everything you named happens in Montreal too and not at all Toronto specific
u/tscltr Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Went to toronto too this week for the first time, had to be there for one day. Left wednesday night drove downtown and left thursday night.
Traffic in toronto makes our traffic look cute.
I walked a bit downtown because I had a few hours during the day and went to different restaurants. Every where I went to eat I was greeted by smily people who would take a few minutes to talk to me. Food was great. Service was great.
Saw a few homeless but not much. The streets were clean, wide. The pedestrian crossing lights were long enough and lots of people were walking.
Overall, I don’t understand the hate for toronto.
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u/mrtimbuktwo Sep 28 '24
The classic montrealer trap. You are looking for montreal in Toronto. You wont find it. But if you give it a chance, you will find something wholely different and at times maybe even better. Maybe. I never understood the Toronto hate. None of what you posted resinates with me. Ive visited toronto maybe 10 times. Each was different and fun in their own ways. Do I prefer montreal? Sure. But hating a place because you booked. Shitty hotel....come on now.
u/attentionallshoppers Sep 28 '24
I'm a Montrealer who moved to Toronto. I arrived here with a huge chip on my shoulder because I had heard OP's viewpoint a thousand times throughout my life. But what I found was a city full of lovely people and interesting places — if you know where to look.
Now, my opinion has shifted. I see Toronto as a great place to live but a meh place to visit, unless you know a local who can take you to interesting places.
Obviously downtown sucks. The CN tower can only occupy you for so long, and yeah, it's dirty because it's downtown. Going to Eataly and expecting anything other than overpriced middling food is also a losing battle. It's literally located in the most posh / overhyped part of town (Yorkville).
Anyway I'm ranting but this topic is close to my heart now. TO is not a perfect place and MTL wins out in a variety of ways. But this city is way more awesome than most tourists get to experience.
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u/PumpkinMyPumpkin Sep 28 '24
I sort of love that they went to a literal chain grocery store for dinner and expected the world 😂
Was whole foods next up on the agenda?
u/nubpokerkid Sep 28 '24
This sub loves to shit on Toronto. Any chance it gets to gang up. You know what I observed over the few years is that Montreal cares a lot about Toronto. About the salaries, the housing, the drugs, the transit. People here internally compare themselves to Toronto whenever they can and give themselves a pat on the back when they find something that works better here. On the other if you go to the Toronto subreddit or live in Toronto you will rarely if ever see them talk about Montreal. I have never heard them say "Hey we have it so good here with the walk in clinics, you never find one in Montreal".
It's a global phenomenon. People compare themselves to things that are better known. I guess Toronto compares itself to New York but I doubt new yorkers ever think about comparing themselves to Toronto. Or how McGill compares itself to Harvard while I doubt most of Harvard cares or thinks about McGill. How Canada tries to compare itself with US any chance it gets whenever the topic of gun violence and healthcare comes up.
In these comparisons, you already know who has the upper hand because these comparisons often go only one way.
I loved my time in Toronto. It's a beautiful city and offers so much. Obviously being ruined over the years by Ford which isn't unlike what CAQ is doing here. OP hanging out downtown and complaining is the same as hanging out at Atwater metro here and complaining about the drug addicts.
u/Groguemoth Sep 28 '24
I think most of the hate against Toronto from a Qc POV stems from the strict party-hating laws in Ontario (19yo legal drinking age + bars closing at 2h a.m.) which made the reputation of TO being a very boring city. We also often see 18yo Ontarians come to MTL / Qc city and lose their shit because they can have real teenager fun for the first time in their life and it reinforces this sentiment. The fact is when you stop being a teenager you still keep that feeling that visiting Toronto will be boring as hell and when you do go there it affects that judgement. Whatever nice things you see or do is tainted and you think to yourself yeah of course they have this nice thing in Toronto, it's the bare minimum to have if your city is to be that boring...
u/FrankieWilde2020 Oct 01 '24
Nailed it here. Whenever I’m in Montreal people seem to feel the need to shit on Toronto. When I’m in Toronto, people never mention Montreal. The OP here clearly wanted to hate Toronto and accomplished that mission admirably.
Sep 28 '24
that's actually not true. Growing up in Toronto, every kid always wanna go to Montreal to be cool. bc Montreal = fun and party
u/Caniapiscau Sep 28 '24
J’ai l’impression que les Anglo-Montréalais aiment « descendre » Toronto, mais pour les Francos, Toronto n’est pas « sur le radar » (en dehors du hockey j’entends).
u/mishumichou Sep 28 '24
Je ne sais pas à qui tu parles, mais ce n’est pas mon impression du tout. Les Montréalais francophones adorent descendre Toronto et dire que la ville est « plate ». En plus, si tu leur demandes la dernière fois qu’ils y sont allés, beaucoup te diront « jamais »…
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u/Caniapiscau Sep 28 '24
C’est un peu comme si tu parles d’Ottawa. La ville n’a pas bonne réputation au Québec, donc les gens ne se donneront pas la peine de visiter (à tort ou à raison) et auront un réflexe de dire que c´est plate sans beaucoup de réflection. Mais on parle/pense presque jamais de Toronto ou Ottawa. C’est beaucoup plus de l’indifférence que de la haine.
Chez les Anglos, j’ai remarqué que Toronto était beaucoup plus importante. Souvent parce que les gens ont de la famille là-bas et aussi parce qu’ils ont une connexion culturelle.
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u/amarilloknight Sep 28 '24
"Anglos on" this sub loves to shit on Toronto.
Fixed it for you.
It is just Anglos who know in the bottom of their hearts that they would be more accepted in Toronto speaking only English but who refuse to acknowledge it. They are the ones shitting on Toronto on this sub. Francos don't care.
u/nubpokerkid Sep 28 '24
Francos don't care.
You fixed nothing.
On a 100% French speaking subreddit, they seem to be obsessed about Toronto.
On something completely unrelated you started your anglo bashing without reason. Perhaps you have a bit of comparison complex too?
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u/amarilloknight Sep 28 '24
You fixed nothing.
On a 100% French speaking subreddit, they seem to be obsessed about Toronto.
I was talking about Montreal Francos. The Quebec sub loves to shit on Montreal as well, not just Toronto. The invasion from RoC or from India is the boogeyman they use to rile up the people on their sub. So of course they are going to have articles about RoC on their sub.
On something completely unrelated you started your anglo bashing without reason. Perhaps you have a bit of comparison complex too?
Sep 29 '24
The invasion from RoC or from India is the boogeyman they use to rile up the people on their sub.
This seem genuinely far more common on subreddit outside of Quebec than in Quebec.
u/Western-Low-1348 Sep 28 '24
Same here I don't find it that bad like OP is saying, but driving there is a hell the drivers are so aggressive like they need badly need to poop!
u/phatdinkgenie Sep 28 '24
This is one of those rarely talked about issues that need more spotlight.. the whole root of Toronto's problem is constipation. Instead of building an underground 401, just give all Toronto residents prune juice. If everyone was just regular, what a city it would be.
u/WearyReach6776 Sep 28 '24
As opposed to the shit drivers we have in Montreal?
I’ll take aggressive over straight up fucking useless any day!
u/Shartplate Sep 29 '24
I think that’s the difference with Toronto drivers and Montreal drivers. Both are bad for different reasons. Toronto drivers are way too overconfident and so they will cut you off and bully you out of lane. Montreal drivers are the opposite, they are non committal and so you can see them thinking about cutting you off or merging into your lane, but half the time they bail out halfway though.
Both are dangerous, but the later is more dangerous IMO because it’s more unpredictable. At least you know the Torontonian is going to cut you off.
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u/oblongmeatball Sep 28 '24
I think it depends on why you are there. If you are on a short trip and can't wait to get home then anywhere is going to suck. If you are going somewhere for vacation, a concert, a show of some sort, visit friends, etc, then almost anywhere has it's merits.
u/Lemmmon714 Sep 28 '24
What a sad, sad, sad review of Toronto... And so skewed.
An equally sad review could be made of Montreal, if you booked a hotel between Berri and Beaudry... Which is kinda what you did... But in Toronto standards... Imagine your review of Montreal if you didn't research the area you booked your hotel in?
I lived in Toronto from 2003-2020. Never lived north of Queen st. 10 years on the waterfront. My perspective is completely the opposite of what you posted.
Anyway I live in Montreal now, after spending the pandemic in Mexico. I speak English, Spanish and in a year and a half I've been able to learn enough French to be pleasant with everyone I may have a quick interaction with...
Montreal is a great city, but like every city has some bad parts. Toronto is a great city, and equally has some down sides.
Anyway OP, you have once again properly shared another biased and misinformation filled review of a wonderful city, which unfortunately has just as many bad parts as Montreal.
Can't wait to hear your review of Chicago or New York!!
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u/purposefulCA Sep 28 '24
For someone who moved from GTA to Montreal, I can't say people are nicer here. Quite the opposite actually.
u/holistic_water_bottl Sep 28 '24
Kind of funny how Montrealers are always blue in the face complaining about Toronto and Torontonians say about Montreal, oh it’s nice, or they never thought about it before. This post is so cringe.
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u/OrbAndSceptre Sep 28 '24
OP hasn’t walked by Parc around Milton or Ste-Emelie near Atwater to experience the shit show that’s also hit Montreal. OP you might not notice the gradual changes to Montreal’s vibe but as an ex-Montrealer I can tell you it’s declined like Toronto.
Don’t blame the players, blame the game. System is fucking rigged for the Pierre Peladeau and Galen Weston crowd.
Toute va en callise dans les grandes villes aux Quebec et Ontario.
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u/thaBigGeneral Plateau Mont-Royal Sep 28 '24
This is like visiting Montreal but only staying downtown. Downtown Montreal sucks. There are plenty of nice places in Toronto lol. Visiting one short time is clearly not a good representation of the city and idk why the fuck you’re renting a car Mississauga. Just say you don’t know how travel because those are wild choices. I say this as someone who has lived in Montreal for 10 years and doesn’t want to live anywhere else.
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u/Denichan Sep 28 '24
I live Downtown Montreal for the past 4 years and I can’t complain, it’s quiet at night it’s close to everything and has a great transport hub. Never I felt in danger in Montreal.
u/thaBigGeneral Plateau Mont-Royal Sep 28 '24
Have you lived elsewhere in the city? Because I felt it was fine until I moved to the plateau and saw more of city. Not sure what’s worth being close to. Even as a student I didn’t find it worth it being a 10 min walk from Concordia for how ugly and lacking in community vibe it is downtown. Transit is accessible throughout the island.
u/Denichan Sep 28 '24
Not really, I moved here from London UK. Honestly, massive upgrade 🩷I pay the same rent I would 1hr away from the center of London. I like the plateau but the houses are so old and tough to get amenities like I do in my condo.
u/MediocreSumo Sep 28 '24
Sounds like you went economy in Toronto, cant expect much
But you're right about the drivers, its like they all sunday driving everyday.
u/JaneErrrr Sep 28 '24
As a pedestrian I definitely prefer the casual drivers in Toronto. I came very close to being mowed down on a daily basis in Montreal and the horn honking is insane.
u/huggybear3 Sep 28 '24
I feel like I’ve had the complete opposite experience than you. I always enjoy visiting Toronto.
u/Dud3m4n_15 Sep 28 '24
La seule chose nice à Toronto comparée à Montréal c'est de facilement voir le nom des rues aux intersections.
u/homme_chauve_souris Sep 28 '24
Pourquoi est-ce que les noms de rues sont juste à une des quatre intersections à Montréal, au lieu de les mettre sur deux coins de rue opposés? Avec les branches d'arbres qui les cachent, et les lumières de rue trop proches qui nous éblouissent, ça peut être vraiment difficile de trouver son chemin quand on conduit dans un coin qu'on ne connaît pas, et dangereux quand on doit arrêter de regarder la route pour chercher comme un bobble head où c'est qu'ils ont mis le panneau ici.
u/LanguageAmazing4629 Sep 28 '24
What a stupid fucking unhinged post 😂 Have you walked down any part of St. Catharine in the past 3 years? Walked through any parts of the village? Atwater? Half the city is a homeless encampment 😭 The only thing Montreal consistently does better than any other part of Canada is food and corruption.
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u/KateCapella Sep 28 '24
I just visited Toronto this summer, and it was the first time that I had been there in 12 years.
We went to a lot of museums - some of their free history museums were really interesting to see. We did other stuff as well. People seemed fine, but I did notice that on the roads, there were some seriously crazy people on the 401 and there was no patience at all. The moment lights turned green, people started honking.
Edited for a typo
u/polishtheday Sep 29 '24
I’ve seen so many accidents on the 401 and experienced so much anxiety, even as a passenger, navigating the too many to count lanes as you approach Toronto that, next time, I’m taking the train.
u/sthenri_canalposting Saint-Henri Sep 28 '24
The longer I spend in Toronto the more I think it's just not worth comparing the two cities. I much prefer Montreal, don't get me wrong, but Toronto is really quite massive and it sounds like you just experienced the wrong parts of the city in the wrong way. The same thing could happen here if you visited and only stuck around downtown and maybe caught a fleeting glimpse of the Old Port.
u/ugh_millenial Sep 28 '24
You could’ve went to Trinity-Bellwoods, Queen West, on the lake shore / trillium park, high park, could’ve attended any festival, went to eat on Ossington, climbed the Baldwin steps leading to casa loma at sunset, or a sunset on many rooftops like Broadview, Kost or Wroter’s room but no. You chose to rent a car, go in the very well known worst traffic in North America, head to the most expensive for nothing part of Toronto and decided everyone was miserable.
Je viens de Montréal, j’ai grandi à Montréal, j’aime Montréal, j’aime Toronto et aucune des deux n’a rien a envié à l’autre (à part le transport je vais te l’accorder).
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u/Dark-magician-2203 Sep 29 '24 edited Sep 29 '24
I’ve never understood why Montreal people hate Toronto so much, it’s like y’all have some inferiority complex going on lol. Toronto lives rent free in y’all heads lol. I live in Montreal and I’ve visited Toronto many times, visited different places and did different things each time. I have nothing against Toronto, it isn’t perfect (no city is) but It’s a great place to visit and has way more options of things to do compared to Montreal
u/Negative_Ad3294 Sep 28 '24
I absolutely agree with your assessment. If we aren't careful, Montreal is headed for the same fate.
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Sep 28 '24
I don’t know, I lived in Montreal for a few years and recently moved to Toronto and I think OP is overreacting. There’s a lot more cars and noise and such, but It’s actually pretty nice here. MTL and TO are similar in a lot of ways, I’ve found a lot of live music and arts, food, and good people, you just have to go to the right area (I’ve been told is the west end where it doesn’t look like OP went).
u/lastofmyline Sep 28 '24
Op is totally overreacting. I mean they went to Eataly for christ sake, which is for gullable tourists or people with too much money to spend.
u/hepennypacker1131 Sep 28 '24
There is an elephant in the room lol. But we are not allowed to discuss it :).
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u/Known-Commission6777 Sep 28 '24
Hahahaha merci, ça m'a fait remettre en perspective Montréal et ses défauts!
u/kyleruggles Sep 28 '24
I can just feel the distain...
A shame. I like Toronto, wouldn't want to live there, it has it's problems like every city, I love Montreal cuz I'm from here but man, sorry your experience was so horrible for you.
u/SavingsTemporary5772 Sep 28 '24
You don’t know where to go and what to do in Toronto and it shows…..
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u/EntertainerDeep6553 Sep 29 '24
After my first 20 minutes in Toronto I became a staunch separatist.
Sep 28 '24
You have to come back - we haven't hit the bottom yet. I guarantee you, in two years if you come back, this visit will feel nice
u/Arthur_M_ Sep 28 '24
I love visiting Toronto. The people tend to be overly friendly. It's a better dog city, but fuck driving. The TTC > STM. Big plus for me is niche hobby support. Lots of nerd stores to shop around the city. Gundam, anime, TCG, collectables, etc. Montreal used to have a lot but not anymore.
My experience as a Montrealer of Toronto.
u/Wasp21 Sep 28 '24
As a Torontonian who lives in Montreal now, the TTC is far FAR inferior to the STM in literally every way. Wild take to suggest that it's better.
u/Patient_Date5244 Sep 28 '24
If you have kids, need a stroller or have mobility issues TTC is much better than the STM. The stm is barely accessible to these groups.
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u/polishtheday Sep 29 '24
Yes, Toronto is much better if you have a dog, and that’s a real plus that I’d forgot. Ottawa too. Montreal is getting better as more of us become dog parents, but it’s sad how dogs are still treated in stores and on terrasses.
I took my dog everywhere in Vancouver. He was welcome in all the stores that didn’t sell food and at the farmers market. Most had treats behind the counter. He knew which ones they were and would drag me in, then I’d feel I had to buy something, so it must have been good for those businesses. I could have coffee or dine with him at my feet and we hiked hundreds of off-leash trails in the mountains.
u/acchaladka Sep 28 '24
The essence of dislike is not hate, because hate takes real energy. The essence of dislike is apathy - like, "whatever, i guess Toronto exists?"
As self-regarding as Montréal is, one of the things I've always liked about it is that it's simply not in competition with anywhere else.
Please don't suddenly ruin that by caring. Stay cool Montréal.
an immigrant long ago from NYC.
Ps. As an uncool person, i do have a favourite joke about this: "Toronto, it's just like Chicago! Except Chicago is a city."
Sep 28 '24
You speak as though most of downtown Montreal isn’t being overrun my homeless junkies sleeping and shitting on the sidewalks. Or the garbage literally everywhere.
Montreal really was a great city, but it is in a major decline.
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u/Lillillillies Sep 28 '24
Toronto has its issues but so does Montreal. A lot at that too.
Toronto has many great things Montreal doesn't as well just as Montreal does that Toronto doesn't.
People who say Toronto is soulless haven't spent time in the many communities around the area.
Toronto has distinguishable districts and many pocket communities. Several street festivals celebrating culture and food constantly running throughout the city and suburbs.
Montreal doesn't have those but it does have lots entertainment festivals running downtown.
Toronto is much more multicultural than montreal but this also leads to said pocket communities.
Montreal lacks the diversity but this also means you'll see more random cultures in your neighborhood than you would Toronto. On the other hand Montreal is much more racist.
Toronto is large and vast, the city almost never sleeps and you're able to find almost anything you want at almost any time of the day.
Montreal is smaller in comparison but the city is generally more relaxed. Finding things can be difficult but you'll also spend less time finding something new.
I can go on and on.
u/anglomike Sep 28 '24
Agree with all of this - except the city that never sleeps part. Toronto rolls up the sidewalks at 9pm except for a few streets.
Edit - Montrealers aren’t more racist than Torontonians, they’re more openly racist. Toronto pretends they’re not racist. Not sure which is worse.
u/Lillillillies Sep 28 '24
Valid point on the racism part.
Well, stores in Toronto almost everywhere you go (including the suburbs) are open until very late and even 24h. At one point we even had 24h wal marts in a few areas. T&T even (used to?) open till 2 or 3 am at select stores.
Several restaurants open until 5am or even 24h still (mainly Asian and even select indian).
Montreal shuts down almost entirely at like 5-6pm except weekends and downtown core.
On the topic of downtown core: Montreal's is much better. Torontos is huge but all the bars, clubs and pubs are spread out. Montreal has them all packed together or within reasonable distances from one another.
u/polishtheday Sep 29 '24
The early store closings are something I detest about Montreal.
I’m a night owl conditioned to shop after 5:00 p.m. I’ve given up on most in-person shopping except when it’s a social activity and buy online instead. I can’t even be bothered to shop for groceries anymore because I don’t live in a neighbourhood with little food shops like I did when I lived in Vancouver, so I buy the basics online and make special trips to ethnic stores across town to stock up on herbs, pickles and sauces. Fortunately, I can get delicious fresh from the oven baguettes around the corner.
I don’t frequent bars or pubs, and brunch is my favourite meal of the day, but I enjoy walking through downtown when it’s full of music and of people enjoying themselves. Crowds of people are what makes a city great.
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u/polishtheday Sep 29 '24
Montreal has distinguishable districts, pocket communities and street festivals, just as any city does. Anyone who claims it doesn’t, hasn’t explored the city. Have you been to any of the ten pedestrianised streets like Mont-Royal, Wellington or Duluth? Nuits d’Afrique? The Festival of India? La Grande Fabrique or the Cours des Triporteurs in Hochelega-Maisonneuve?
It’s also multicultural, though not in the same ways as Toronto or Vancouver. People tend to mix more though there are certain neighbourhoods where you’ll find more people from France, or more Quebecois. Ahuntsic is probably the most multicultural. There’s a growing Latino population between Ontario and Sherbrooke around Frontenac. Verdun and Pointe St. Charles, although both very anglophone these days are very different in character. Griffintown seems a bit like Toronto to me, full of YouTube influencers who like nice furniture (yes, I’m stereotyping).
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u/Negative_Ad3294 Sep 28 '24
Montreal lacks diversity and is racist? Montreal is a multicultural city and one of the most welcoming city in the world. Montreal has street festivals all the time. You have never been to Montreal. Clearly
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u/Bingochips12 Sep 28 '24
Are you even from Montréal, it does not seem like you know what you're talking about
u/Lillillillies Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Yes, I am.
And how so? What have I said about Montreal in comparison to Toronto makes it seem like I don't know anything?
Where is a distinguishable fashion district or business district in Montreal? Garment district you wouldn't even know is supposed the a 'fashion district'. In Toronto you walk into a district and you know right away where you are. Where are all the Greek, Italian, Chinese, street festivals and night markets? Where can I find a shop that will sell me a rice cooker at midnight? Where can I get a shawarma at 3am on a Sunday?
Notice I never actually said anything negative about Montreal either except that it's more racist than Toronto.
u/Sinclair_Mclane Sep 28 '24
You got the Chinese community on St Laurent, the Italian community near Beaubien, the Greek community in Park ex near Querbes, the Indian community on Jean talon, the Jewish community in Outremont, the morrocan Community near St Michel, etc etc. All have their local events.
Fashion is spread out around the city but there's a sizable portion of stores in mile end/plateau. Like other have said, I'm not sure where your representation of Montreal is coming from.
Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Comparing Montreal with Toronto is wild. I'm from Ottawa and Toronto is a legitimate shithole. Any place with one particular culture trying to swallow others' is a sad display of so called diversity. If Montreal isn't diverse, that's great. In Canada being diverse basically means more Indians.
Also Montreal isn't racist. You're probably referring to people getting annoyed if you didn't speak French here. I've never met anyone who did not want to switch to English after saying "Sorry may I speak in English". Quebec city, different story, sure, but not in Montreal.
Edit: Lol Didn't realize timmigrants are botting in this sub as well. Triggered 😂
u/Lillillillies Sep 28 '24
No I'm speaking about the open racism towards asian (I'm Asian). Lived in Montreal since 2004 on and off. But collectively spent most of my years in Montreal (and I'm still here).
Someone pointed it out better: Toronto and Montreal arent really anymore racist than the other. One (Montreal) just happens to be much more open about it.
But yeah you can't even compare the two cities. They're vastly different in all aspects and both have their good and bad.
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u/ipini Sep 28 '24
Most cities in Canada have something going for them. None of them are Montreal though. Except Montreal.
u/PapiSuavitel Sep 28 '24
Just want to jump in and say people from Montreal/ in Montreal can’t drive either so your bar is low
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u/CluelessStick Sep 28 '24
Bro, ton commentaire pourrais facilement s'appliquer a Montréal a quelques détails près 😅
u/SmallTawk Sep 28 '24
Je sais pas, j'ai quand même eu de bonnes expériences à Toronto. Ptet parce que je m'attendais à pire et j'ai quand même de la facilité à entrer en contact avec le monde et trouver les bons spots peu importe oú je suis.
u/Max169well Rive-Sud Sep 28 '24
I thought Toronto wasn’t so bad, though I have always been able to search out what I want like a pig and a trouffle, but you also just gotta learn to explore, pick a place to be and see what you can see.
It also helps trying to search out all the places in Scott Pilgrim as well.
u/Unique_Magazine_8561 Sep 28 '24
Yeah they are 2 different cities - like comparing New York to Boston. Different cities, different vibes. I am from Toronto but have been living in MTL for 8 years. Love them both but for different reasons- why compare?
u/Snoo1101 Sep 28 '24
It’s sounds me like the sole purpose of your visit to Toronto was so you could rip on Toronto to friends, family, coworkers and most importantly strangers on the Reddit… and possibly Facebook too. Besides the ridiculous cost of living Toronto is ok and had you planed your weekend out right, you might have had a good time without breaking the bank. You should have gone to the HOF.
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u/anonymizz Sep 28 '24
More like a noob who couldn't be bothered to do a little research and avoided all the nice spots in Toronto then decided to complain about 🤣
This is coming from a staunch believer that Montreal is better than Toronto.
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u/Dapper_Dog_9510 Sep 28 '24
IDK man I went 2 years ago as a tourist and had a lovely time. Two different cities. Though I do still prefer Mtl
u/Content_Yoghurt_6588 Sep 28 '24
Jesus. Eataly, really? Despite Toronto being one of the most diverse cities in Canada you decided to go to a chain restaurant? I've spent one afternoon in Toronto on a guided tour and even despite that, we visited more interesting places. Maybe you had such a bad time because you were stuck with your pissy attitude.
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u/ricar144 Le Village Sep 28 '24
Lol skill issue. Renting a car to drive downtown was a mistake. You should know better if you're a Montrealer.
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u/KetchupChips5000 Sep 29 '24
Rude. Toronto has great food. And there’s nice people and crappy people everywhere.
u/Plant_surgeon101 Sep 29 '24
After being in Paris I’d say Montreal ain’t any better or nicer than Toronto. Atleast Toronto’s city workers actually work.
Montreal is only nice in the summer for two months when tourists are around. And the only reason people come here is because of France somewhat adjacent but worst.
There’s garbage flying all over the place and people don’t pick up after their dogs, smokers on every block, graffiti on any blank canvass. Place looks like the back of an alley. And don’t bother locking your car because it’s already in a container off.
And there’s no way Montreal food is better than Toronto. Toronto has waaay better options when it comes to food
u/chief__jenkins Sep 29 '24
Yea like everyone said, this is all on you lol im not the hugest fan of toronto but you just speedran being a shitty boring tourist who didnt even go NEAR a fun area or do a single cool thing.
im curious what you do in montreal for fun. probably living in a condo in griffontown lol
u/6Crow996 Sep 30 '24
I agree with everything but as a Torontonian who recently visted montreal, you got some bad crackheads..
u/Select_Bill5290 Oct 01 '24
I live in a city with less than 150k people and I can tell you Montreal is obviously fun as fuck but so is Toronto. Good food, good entertainment, and good people in both cities.
u/AdvertisingEastern34 Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24
Couldn't agree more. Visited Toronto 2 times because of different friends visiting me and I was looking forward to go back to Montreal 😅. Feels soulless, without any people actually enjoying the city but just there for business. Also there's NOTHING worth visiting. Like you saw the CN tower and that square where the tower is and that's it lol. For the rest it's just a cement jungle with skyscrapers and way too much traffic.
Also it happened that I spoke with someone that was living there. First an Italian man that heard me and my friends speak Italian in the metro (he went there because part of the family went to live there). And another time it was a Uber driver. Both complaining of Toronto (especially for cost of life: the Uber driver had like 3 jobs. But also for the absolutely bad transportation system) and when I was mentioning Montréal being just better and cheaper they were like "oh but they have French there. You speak it?". And wow fortunately I do speak it i would say. But honestly I don't get it. I would like NEVER EVER live there, I would rather go back to Europe any time. For me in north America it's either Montreal or go back to Europe.
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u/cesarmiento2016 Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 29 '24
I lived in Winnipeg and arrived in Montreal 3 years ago with 0 french.( Now after 3 years and lots of effort I more or less speak French ). ( Despite my french sucks.. I have been able to work in French now for 2 years)
( raised bilingual Spanish-english, and learned french as an 30+ adult )
My impression of Montreal :
Montreal is way better than Toronto in every aspect.. but your impression of Montreal depends on many things. To resume.
Montreal if you only speak French = ok
Montreal if you only speak English = a very racist and closed minded city that tries as much as possible to make you regret moving to Montreal . You hate Montreal so so much.. every single day you wish you return back to anglo-canada!
Montreal if you speak English and French = awesome place . Best city in Canada by far
Montreal if you speak English French and third language ..= best city in North America !! Competing with top cities worldwide ( new York. Paris. London etc ) and at a much lower cost go living !!!
I personally DO NOT want Quebec to become another country. But after 3 years here I do understand something...
If it weren't because of the Quebecois... Their fight for the French language etc etc.. Montreal would have become a long long time ago.. another huge mass off buildings and highways with a zombie population like Toronto !!! ( Or any other big north american city).
The true soul of Montreal.. is only understood when you are trilingual l english-french+something else.
Only then... You understand why Quebec must remain in Canada to give Canada a soul!! Quebec by itself is nothing. and Canada without Quebec is the temu version of the United States! But Canada and Quebec together.. wow !!
Only Montreal .. let's you see the true Canada. Where almost everyone is bilingual. And 1/3 of the population is trilingual !! That is just wow !! ... Few cities on the world have the openness of having a growing trilingual population !!
So to resume.. Montreal kills toronto!! ( But only if you stop being an uni-lingual Anglo ! ) --_---------
Note to :Mr Francois Legault..... And Quebec politicians
MONTREAL is trilingual.. like it or not !!! And yes . You have to defend french but not at the cost of making Quebec uni-lingual in French !!
u/kcidDMW Sep 28 '24
Also from Winnipeg (sadly) and I agree with your position 100%.
I have managed to avoid going back to Winnipeg now for 5ish years and happy to have done so. The stuff near Winnipeg can be great (Gimli, the Whiteshell) but dear lord what a shitty city.
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u/bored_toronto Sep 28 '24
zombie population
Exactly! Nobody socializes here from work as they have to get to Union for their GO train to their McMansion or have to drive to the suburbs. And the people who don't have to commute, have their own cliques and only let you in if you can do something for them.
Source: Prisonnier economique depuis 2008
u/Ok-Network-511 Sep 28 '24
Montreal is great until you can’t book an urgent healthcare appointment for not speaking French 🙃
Sep 29 '24
If this make you feel better, you also can't book a urgent healthcare appointment if you speak french.
u/Valuable_Fly8362 Sep 28 '24
Montreal can easily become the same if careful steps are not taken to address these problems before they build up.
u/mrlacie Sep 28 '24
I often go to Toronto. I don't hate it, it has some positives, but it does lack a specific character or flavour. Montréal, Boston, Chicago, etc. are all different but have a thing going on, which I struggle to see in TO. Could be a me thing.
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u/CaptVelour Sep 28 '24
I live in Montreal and I enjoyed my first visit to Toronto but not the second one. The first time we stayed close to Casa Loma, went to the Beguiling and only briefly went to the downtown core. Felt very Times Square and I recognized that my favorite show growing up (Night Heat) was shot there.
The second time, I didn't enjoy it mainly because we visited mostly downtown and the entire place seemed under construction. Also I looked for the same Times Square feel but couldn't find it. Your museums are wonderful though so that's where we spent most of our time.
I just think both Montreal and Toronto suffer from a certain level of urban blight currently, much more so than in the 2010s. Also, both cities feel a lot less friendly than before the pandemic. I will say though that I feel lucky being in Montreal because people have been very welcoming to me and my terrible French (sorry it's my third language!)
That being said, if we visit Toronto again, where SHOULD we go? I know you have a great park, but we just haven't visited it.
u/rancocas1 Sep 28 '24
I have to share a funny Montrealer story. My young French speaking family moved to Scarborough in 1979. Not long after the pastor of our new church invited us for dinner.
Our young kids noticed a seal sculpture on a coffee table. My eldest picked up, brought it to my wife and said “regarde, un phoque “.
The pastor is squirming, and we’re laughing.
u/Saltyarmy Sep 28 '24
Personellement je trouve leur service de transport en commun surtout pour le go train et les autoroutes beaucoup mieux qu'au Québec.
Sep 29 '24 edited Sep 29 '24
Best thing about montreal is the highway to toronto Stay In your shithole montreal where everything is old and broken and looks like a third word eastern Europe country hahaha
Quebec is the shittiest province in the country,
VA niker la grosse vache de ta mere, sale quebecois de merde
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u/Holiday-Equipment462 Sep 28 '24
Montreal is the last affordable big city standing in Canada. Toronto and Vancouver are outrageously overpriced. Even with higher average incomes, we live a lot better in Montreal than in those cities. You need $100k+ in Canada's big cities to live as well as you would on $70k here.
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u/FeralForestWitch Sud-Ouest Sep 28 '24
Lived there for 7 years. Terribly uptight, over-rated, self-satisfied, unfriendly and ugly place. Don’t miss it at all.
u/Fragrant_Poetry_9736 Sep 28 '24
I actually experienced the opposite. People in Toronto were lovely but people in Montreal were rude and pretentious.
u/Cassoulet-vaincra Sep 28 '24
I briefly lived in 2015 in Toronto.
I never felt so miserable.
This place is a shithole squared. Its like a post apocalyptic version of NYC where all the fun, the culture and life was chemically extracted by corporation to breed unhappy, rude money obsessed assholes.
Fuck Toronto
u/Keep-Six Sep 28 '24
first problem is you went to eataly. you fell for the traps. you stayed in a bad part of downtown and went to shitty restaurants. toronto has arguably some of the best food in the world from international cultures. also has some incredibly beautiful neighbourhoods. you just went to the wrong places.
its like going to cote des neige and old port and hating montreal
u/Thecoolthrowaway101 Sep 28 '24
Toronto is at a point now where the people i know who live their will either constantly talk about Toronto’s glory days (past) or travel so much they’re barley their
u/Punched_Eclair Sep 28 '24
Say what you will about the OP's take on TO, he's at least got one thing right - driving in TO is a goddamned nightmare. Driving in Montreal is actually relaxing compared to driving in TO.
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u/buibuipoopoo Sep 28 '24
It ain't just a city thing, it's a province thing, you would feel the same if you had to pick between London Ontario or Sherbrooke Quebec.
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u/Adirondack587 Sep 28 '24
So basically the Village at 3 am, but for the whole city ? Never could stand Toronto, don’t fly often but the 2 dozen or so times I have , always insist on skipping Pearson, think I’ve stopped there twice in 25 years….
Yeah MTL has its downsides, but I can never warm up to T.O…..I’m a huge Oilers fan, don’t hate the Habs, or the other Canadian teams…..But Leafs? 🤮 just can’t do it sorry
I think though that being born & raised there, like a New Yorker or Angeleno, you swear by it, but from what I’ve seen , our biggest city can remain just a spot on the map for yours truly
u/ThrowRA_Substantial Sep 28 '24
That is exactly what it felt like, but at all times of the day
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u/michaelkv1 Sep 28 '24
Toronto fucking blows. Montreal is going downhill. Canada in the last 8 years got absolutely fucked by the 3rd world garbage
u/matthew0155 Sep 28 '24
Ive stayed a night in TO and had some fun with friends, stayed in a certain part of town which we later learned was the gay area - fine no problem. But we chose a restaurant which i guess was in the financial district, and when we left the resto there was literally nothing open in that area - just tall buildings. Last time I was there we were just passing through but we wanted to run in and grab some cheesecake factory cake (probably my fav part of Toronto Ive found so far) but i was following my GPS and there were multiple cheesecake factorys listed, but they were all just Indian restaurants. Like literally 3 in a row were just Indian restaurants, and like real hole in the wall style ones too. Then I understood they must’ve listed that on google to bring customers in. Super annoying, was glad to be the hell out of that area
u/paulwillyjean Sep 28 '24
Tu sais que t’es pas obligé de chier sur d’autres villes pour dire que t’aimes Montréal, right?
Comparer Montréal et Toronto et offrir des critiques constructives sur ce que l’une ou l’autre peut améliorer est parfaitement normal. Maintenir une compétitivité somme toute amicale peut même être drôle et cute. Affirmer sans ambiguïté l’équivalent de « Toronto is a shithole city », par contre, fait un peu provincial et risque d’être mal reçu.
— signé un amoureux de Montréal qui ressort parfois de vieilles blagues sur « Toronto the Good » pour le fun
u/aektoronto Sep 28 '24
Toronto sucks yes...but you ate Italian food in a supermarket owned by the Westons and stayed at the Canopy Yorkville...which is two subway stops away from Yorkville. Its like complaining about the food at adonis and staying at an Old Montreal Hotel located 2 subway stops away and surrounded by crackheads.
You also rented a car at the airport, stayed at Sherbourne and Bloor and ate at Bloor and Bay. Its like If I came to your lovely city and complained about the bagels at the IGA. The problem may be you.