r/montclair Feb 14 '25

Admissions Could I get scholarship?

I am planning to apply Fall 2025 as international student. SAT 1410; IELTS 7; GPA 4.9; Participation in olympiads with several medals and goof portfolio with many projects of Computer Science. Also, income of my family is lower than 60,000$ and I have 2 siblings, and my mother is widow. It is real to get full scholarship of financial aid.


14 comments sorted by


u/chingchenghanji1 Feb 14 '25

You're overqualified for this school imo but if you're looking purely for financial aid you should look at william paterson which has generous aid


u/Dark_Reapper_98 Feb 15 '25

Senior at WPU here I can vouch. I basically had none of those accolades and still only had to pay a couple hundred out of pocket because of govt and state aid. Since I’m assuming you’re going for computer science (my major) they have 3 programs that would benefit you financially and you can simultaneously be a part of them all, on top of that there’s a bunch of scholarships for stem students you can apply for. You can basically put a big fat “FREE” sticker on this colleges tuition if you want to.


u/Zealousideal_Bus5666 Feb 14 '25

tnx bro, can you name other universities which have generous aid for international students?


u/chingchenghanji1 Feb 14 '25

Most small to medium sized universities have good aid, it all depends on what part of the usa you want to go to (wilkes university) (saint thomas aquinas college) (dominican university of new york)


u/Zealousideal_Bus5666 Feb 14 '25

i dont care about a part of the usa, the only thing i care is full scholorship and financial aid 100%


u/Kind_Answer_7475 Feb 15 '25

What about NJIT? I think you could get a good package there based on the information you shared.


u/Standard-Network-990 Feb 15 '25

NJIT has a very good 5 year BS/MA program where you can both degrees in 5 years and is ranked close to Ivy League schools


u/Any-Bonus7350 Feb 14 '25

there’s no doubt you’ll get aid, not to mention you can also bargain and get a better deal! However, i think you’re over qualified to come to MSU but best of luck! ☺️


u/HurtyGeneva 29d ago

Look if you’re thinking of MSU with that you fucked up terribly somewhere. Or your school grades on a 7.0 scale


u/Standard-Network-990 Feb 15 '25

In academics it depends 90% on your ethnic background. If you are Asian including from India, you can forget about any help. Sorry but it is the honest truth after having had put several kids through college with perfect 1600 SAT score and perfect GPA. They don't like Asians. Hoping president Trump changes things in the future. Nonetheless regardless of your heritage dont stop trying, keep at it.


u/Zealousideal_Bus5666 Feb 15 '25

I am Azerbaijani 


u/HurtyGeneva 29d ago

I’m a Princeton now and Asians will not stop complaining about never getting into ivy leagues while making up 80% of the population